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      • People's Literature Publishing House

        People’s Literature Publishing House Co., Ltd., currently a member of China Publishing Group Corporation, is the first and the largest professional national publishing institution in China. Founded in 1951, PLPH has published a vast number of quality literary works, from all time classics to the latest titles, by domestic writers and translated from other languages. PLPH enjoys a great amount of exclusive publishing resources, a high reputation among readers and was awarded many times with national literary and publishing prizes. Along with regular editing and production departments, it has a sub brand, Daylight Publishing, specializing in children’s book and five magazines and journals. We publish over a thousand titles each year, sharing outstanding literary works in a global platform. All-time classics such as the complete works of Shakespeare, Balzac, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Hemingway, Sartre, and international bestsellers such as Harry Potter series are all introduced to Chinese readers by PLPH.

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      • Guangdong People's Publishing House Ltd.

        Guangdong People’s Publishing House (GPPH), founded in 1951, has the longest history among 20 publishing houses in Guangdong Province. We are a comprehensive publishing house, consisting of independent editorial departments on Social Science, History, Politics, Culture, Education and etc. We have published over 20,000 different kinds of books in the past 60 years with a rough estimation of over 800 million copies. More than 790 titles have won national and provincial awards.    From 1997 to 2004, GPPH has successively won the National Book Award, the Five-Ones Project Award and the China Book Award. Many best-selling titles have won favor of readers as well as good reputation in academic circles. GPPH has also been honored as “Good Publishing House” by the General Administration of Press (GAP) many times. In 2006, GPPH has been awarded as one of “the pioneering publishing houses in copyright trade” by the State Copyright Bureau.   As for copyright trading, we have already cooperated with publishers from many countries, buying and selling book copyrights with a wide range of genre. Our most popular titles includes: Concise History of Chinese Family, What is the China Dream, Brief Introduction of Chinese Classical Philosophy, etc.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        House-of-Night - Die Storys

        Alle 4 Storys in einem Band

        by Cast, P.C.; Cast, Kristin

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2013

        The House of Lords

        by Donald Shell

        The House of Lords has undergone significant change in recent years. The exclusion of the great majority of the hereditary peers in 1999 was intended as the first step in a two-stage reform process. But further reform has proved difficult to achieve and remains a matter of considerable controversy. Meanwhile, the present House has become more assertive, and is now widely recognised as making a substantial contribution to the overall work of parliament. This book, available in paperback for the first time, examines the role of the contemporary House. Who are the peers, and who among the total of over 700 are the active peers? How does the House work, and how effective is it in revising legislation and in scrutinising the work of government? Why has fundamental reform of the House been so long delayed, and what are the main arguments about reform today? These are among the questions discussed in this timely volume, which seeks to locate discussion about the House of Lords in the wider context of a clear understanding of the developing British constitution. This book will be of great value to students and academics in British politics, as well as to serious journalists and researchers. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Reform of the House of Lords

        by Philip Norton

        This book is the only one of its kind, providing a clear and exhaustive analysis of the different approaches to the future of Britain's second chamber. The House of Lords has long been the subject of proposals for reform - some successful, others not - and calls for the existing membership to be replaced by elected members have been a staple of political debate. The debate has been characterised by heat rather than light, proponents and opponents of change often talking past one another. This work gives shape to the debate, drawing out the role of the House of Lords, previous attempts at reform, and the different approaches to the future of the House. It develops the argument for each and analyses the current state of the debate about the future of the upper house in Britain's political system.

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        Political ideologies
        May 2017

        Neoliberal power and public management reforms

        by Professor Peter Triantafillou. Series edited by Mark Haugaard

        This book examines the links between major contemporary public sector reforms and neoliberal thinking. The key contribution of the book is to enhance our understanding of contemporary neoliberalism as it plays out in the public administration and to provide a critical analysis of generally overlooked aspects of administrative power. The book examines the quest for accountability, credibility and evidence in the public sector. It asks whether this quest may be understood in terms of neoliberal thinking and, if so, how? The book makes the argument that while current administrative reforms are informed by several distinct political rationalities, they evolve above all around a particular form of neoliberalism: constructivist neoliberalism. The book analyses the dangers of the kinds of administrative power seeking to invoke the self-steering capacities of society and administration itself.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        Cross-border intimacies

        Affect and emotions in marriage migration

        by Lara Momesso

        Since the early 1990s, economic exchanges between China and Taiwan have paved the way to migration across a previously closed border and to social and cultural interactions between the two populations. Despite these broader changes, the unresolved issue of Taiwan sovereignty has tainted not only the relations between the two governments but also the everyday life of those who move across the Taiwan Strait. In this politicised environment, intimate and affective practices linked to cross-border marriage and family formation are never just private. Instead, they are deeply entangled with the emotional and affective processes generated at the macro and meso level of political and social life and revolving around national interests. Tracing the intimate, emotional and affective practices linked to family creation, identity formation and integration with the local and national communities, this ethnographic study offers a subjective, dynamic, and complex picture of what it means to be a mainland spouse in Taiwan.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        The Irish tower house

        Society, economy and environment, c. 1300–1650

        by Victoria L. McAlister

        The Irish tower house examines the social role of castles in late-medieval and early modern Ireland. It uses a multidisciplinary methodology to uncover the lived experience of this historic culture, demonstrating the interconnectedness of society, economics and the environment. Of particular interest is the revelation of how concerned pre-modern people were with participation in the economy and the exploitation of the natural environment for economic gain. Material culture can shed light on how individuals shaped spaces around themselves, and tower houses, thanks to their pervasiveness in medieval and modern landscapes, represent a unique resource. Castles are the definitive building of the European Middle Ages, meaning that this book will be of great interest to scholars of both history and archaeology.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        The pastor in print

        Genre, audience, and religious change in early modern England

        by Amy G. Tan

        The pastor in print explores the phenomenon of early modern pastors who chose to become print authors, addressing ways authorship could enhance, limit or change clerical ministry and ways pastor-authors conceived of their work in parish and print. It identifies strategies through which pastor-authors established authorial identities, targeted different sorts of audiences and strategically selected genre and content as intentional parts of their clerical vocation. The first study to provide a book-length analysis of the phenomenon of early modern pastors writing for print, it uses a case study of prolific pastor-author Richard Bernard to offer a new lens through which to view religious change in this pivotal period. By bringing together questions of print, genre, religio-politics and theology, the book will interest scholars and postgraduate students in history, literature and theological studies, and its readability will appeal to undergraduates and non-specialists.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Die Verschwörung von Shanghai.


        by Xiao Bai, Lutz-W. Wolff

        Ein Attentat im Hafen und die bildhübsche Ehefrau an der Seite des Opfers verschwunden. Die Spur führt in die Französische Konzession: 1931 eine zu Reichtum gekommene Enklave Frankreichs mitten in Shanghai, bevölkert von Gangstern, korrupten Polizisten, Revolutionären und Spionen … Xiao Bai spinnt eine meisterhafte Intrige rund um ein verhängnisvolles Begehren, literarisch, spannend, atmosphärisch. An Deck des Ozeandampfers mit Kurs auf Shanghai schießt Hsueh heimlich ein Bild von ihr. Er ist Fotograf, sie wunderschön, nichts weiter. Doch als nach den Schüssen unten am Hafen ihr Gesicht in jeder Zeitung auftaucht und er ihr dann in den Gassen der Französischen Konzession wiederbegegnet, verfällt er ihr hoffnungslos. Um in ihrer Nähe zu sein, wird er Teil eines doppelbödigen Spiels, als Spitzel für die Polizei, Kämpfer für die Revolution und Waffenhändler. Nur Leidenschaft allein hat in der Französischen Konzession noch niemanden vor einer Kugel bewahrt, das weiß er ganz genau …

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Die Verschwörung von Shanghai


        by Xiao Bai, Lutz-W. Wolff

        Ein Attentat im Hafen und die bildhübsche Ehefrau an der Seite des Opfers verschwunden. Die Spur führt in die Französische Konzession: 1931 eine zu Reichtum gekommene Enklave Frankreichs mitten in Shanghai, bevölkert von Gangstern, korrupten Polizisten, Revolutionären und Spionen … Xiao Bai spinnt eine meisterhafte Intrige rund um ein verhängnisvolles Begehren, literarisch, spannend, atmosphärisch. An Deck des Ozeandampfers mit Kurs auf Shanghai schießt Hsueh heimlich ein Bild von ihr. Er ist Fotograf, sie wunderschön, nichts weiter. Doch als nach den Schüssen unten am Hafen ihr Gesicht in jeder Zeitung auftaucht und er ihr dann in den Gassen der Französischen Konzession wiederbegegnet, verfällt er ihr hoffnungslos. Um in ihrer Nähe zu sein, wird er Teil eines doppelbödigen Spiels, als Spitzel für die Polizei, Kämpfer für die Revolution und Waffenhändler. Nur Leidenschaft allein hat in der Französischen Konzession noch niemanden vor einer Kugel bewahrt, das weiß er ganz genau …

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The English manor c.1200–c.1500

        by Mark Bailey

        Provides a comprehensive introduction and essential guide to one of the most important institutions in medieval England and to its substantial archive. This is the first book to offer a detailed explanation of the form, structure and evolution of the manor and its records. Offers translations of, and commentaries upon, each category of document to illustrate their main features. Examples of each category of record are provided in translation, followed by shorter extracts selected to illustrate interesting, commonly occurring, or complex features. A valuable source of reference for undergraduates wishing to understand the sources which underpin the majority of research on the medieval economy and society.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Revolution in China and Russia

        Reorganizing empires into nation states

        by Luyang Zhou

        Most scholars believe that China's nationality policy, like that of other socialist states, imitated the Soviet nationality model, a system which has been termed an "affirmative action empire." This book offers two contributions to the literature which run counter to this convention. First, it argues that the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Soviet Union (USSR) were different; while the PRC was aimed to build an ideal-typical nation-state, the USSR was an open union of nation-states that was only temporarily confined to a physical territory. Second, while scholars who have noted this difference attribute it to contextual factors, such as ethnic structure, geopolitical status, and Russia's intervention into the Chinese Revolution, this book contends that context shaped the Sino-Soviet difference, yet it did not determine it. Rather, there was significant leeway between the implications of the contextual factors, and what the policy-designers ultimately established. This book probes who held agency, and how these individuals bridged this gap.

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        The Arts
        February 2019

        Contemporary Korean cinema

        Culture, identity and politics

        by Hyangjin Lee

        The first in-depth, comprehensive study of Korean cinema offering original insight into the relationships between ideology and the art of cinema from East Asian perspectives. Combines issues of contemporary Korean culture and cinematic representation of the society and people in both North and South Korea. Covers the introduction of motion pictures in 1903, Korean cinema during the Japanese colonial period (1910-45) and the development of North and South Korean cinema up to the 1990s. Introduces the works of Korea's major directors, and analyses the Korean film industry in terms of film production, distribution and reception. Based on this historical analysis, the study investigates ideological constructs in seventeen films, eight from North Korea and nine from South Korea.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2018

        Hartly House, Calcutta

        by Michael J. Franklin

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