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      • Steinkis Groupe

        Discover our JUNGLE list: comic series for kids, teens and YA. Jungle recently published best-selling comic series, adapted from teens novels such as The Enola Holmes Mysteries (now on Netflix) and The Diary of an 8-bit warrior (Cube Kid). Discover our STEINKIS list: graphic documentaries and graphic adaptation for adults. Steinkis essentially publishes non-fiction graphic books (memoirs, docu-fiction, investigations) and also published graphic adaptation of literary works.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Insel-Kalender für das Jahr 2020

        by Hermann Hesse, Volker Michels

        Ein literarischer Begleiter durch das Jahr: Der Insel-Kalender 2020 versammelt wie jedes Jahr Gedanken, Geschichten und Gedichte Hermann Hesses über das Leben und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Mit einem Kalendarium, das Raum bietet für eigene Notizen und neben Geburtstagen wichtiger Autorinnen und Autoren auch die Mondphasen verzeichnet. Im Anhang finden sich ein Übersichtskalender der Jahre 2020 und 2021, eine Tabelle der Schulferien sowie ein Adress- und ein Telefonverzeichnis. Lassen Sie sich von diesem wunderbaren Band durchs Jahr begleiten.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2020

        Stage rights!

        The Actresses’ Franchise League, activism and politics 1908–58

        by Naomi Paxton

        Stage rights! explores the work and legacy of the first feminist political theatre group of the twentieth century, the Actresses' Franchise League. Formed in 1908 to support the suffrage movement through theatre, the League and its membership opened up new roles for women on stage and off, challenged stereotypes of suffragists and actresses, created new work inspired by the movement and was an integral part of the performative propaganda of the campaign. Introducing new archival material to both suffrage and theatre histories, this book is the first to focus in detail on the Actresses' Franchise League, its membership and its work. The volume is formulated as a historiographically innovative critical biography of the organisation over the fifty years of its activities, and invites a total reassessment of the League within the accepted narratives of the development of political theatre in the UK.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Critical theory and human rights

        From compassion to coercion

        by David McGrogan

        This book describes how human rights have given rise to a vision of benevolent governance that, if fully realised, would be antithetical to individual freedom. It describes human rights' evolution into a grand but nebulous project, rooted in compassion, with the overarching aim of improving universal welfare by defining the conditions of human well-being and imposing obligations on the state and other actors to realise them. This gives rise to a form of managerialism, preoccupied with measuring and improving the 'human rights performance' of the state, businesses and so on. The ultimate result is the 'governmentalisation' of a pastoral form of global human rights governance, in which power is exercised for the general good, moulded by a complex regulatory sphere which shapes the field of action for the individual at every turn. This, unsurprisingly, does not appeal to rights-holders themselves.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Brexit and citizens’ rights

        History, policy and experience

        by Djordje Sredanovic, Bridget Byrne

        The book offers interdisciplinary analyses of the impact of Brexit on the rights of EU27 citizens in the UK, Britons in the UK and the EU, and third-country nationals. It combines a historical examination of citizenship and migration between the UK, Europe and the Commonwealth with the analysis of policies and of the experiences of the different groups impacted by Brexit. The book discusses Brexit within the larger history and dynamics of UK and EU citizenship and migration. The individual chapters look at how Brexit is transforming the citizenship rights of different groups, including issues of loss of citizenship and experiences of naturalisation. They further examine the fears of the groups impacted, and larger issues of belonging, marginalisation, political orientations and mobilisations that cross legal status, nationality, ethnicity, race and class.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2014

        Children's rights, Eastern enlargement and the EU human rights regime

        by Ingi Iusmen, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Simon Bulmer, Andrew Geddes, Peter Humphreys

        This book critically examines how and why Eastern enlargement has impacted on EU human rights policy. By drawing on the EU's intervention in human rights provision in Romania before 2007, it is demonstrated that the feedback effects of this intervention have led to the emergence of an EU child rights policy. Eastern enlargement has also raised the profile of Roma protection, international adoptions and mental health at the EU level. The impact of these developments has been further reinforced by the constitutional and legal provisions included in the Lisbon Treaty. It is argued that Eastern enlargement has led to the emergence of a more robust and well-defined EU human rights regime in terms of its scope and institutional clout. This book makes a substantial contribution to the scholarship on EU enlargement, Europeanisation and EU human rights policy by providing empirical evidence for the emergence and persistence of EU institutional and policy structures upholding human rights. ;

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2005

        The UN, human rights and post-conflict situations

        by Nigel White, Dirk Klaasen

        The United Nations is one of the largest providers of assistance in post-conflict situations in the world. This book considers the human rights standards applicable to the United Nations and applied by the United Nations in post-conflict situations, including East Timor, Kosovo and Afghanistan. It looks at legal principles, peace agreements, support of democracy, human rights protection, development and other forms of reconstruction with which the UN has become involved, including the grandly-named task of "state-building". It deals both with the obligation upon the UN to respect human rights in post-conflict situations, and the obligation upon the UN to ensure that human rights are respected by those in positions of power in post-conflict situations. Written by an internationally renowned list of contributors, this book will be of vital use to anyone studying conflict analysis, international relations, international law and the role of the United Nations on the world stage. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2010

        Negotiating sovereignty and human rights

        International society and the International Criminal Court

        by Sibylle Scheipers

        Negotiating sovereignty and human rights takes the transatlantic conflict over the International Criminal Court as a lens for an enquiry into the normative foundations of international society. The author shows how the way in which actors refer to core norms of the international society such as sovereignty and human rights affect the process and outcome of international negotiations. The book offers an innovative take on the long-standing debate over sovereignty and human rights in international relations. It goes beyond the simple and sometimes ideological duality of sovereignty versus human rights by showing that sovereignty and human rights are not competing principles in international relations, as is often argued, but complement each other. The way in which the two norms and their relationship are understood lies at the core of actors' broader visions of world order. The author shows how competing interpretations of sovereignty and human rights and the different visions of world order that they imply fed into the transatlantic debate over the ICC and transformed this debate into a conflict over the normative foundations of international society. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2009

        Tensions in the struggle for sexual minority rights in Europe

        Que(e)rying political practices

        by Nico Beger

        Tensions in the struggle for sexual minority rights in Europe, newly available in paperback, is the first queer and poststructuralist reading of political rights concepts in the specific European transnational context. In the last thirty years Europe has seen the rise of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movements fighting nationally and transnationally for participation rights in society. In addition academic theorists have increasingly paid attention to the epistemological and ontological roles gender and sexuality play in modern politics. However, in the political process of arguing for rights the centrality of those roles is mostly hidden from view in official institutional and movement discourses. This book investigates the conceptual themes of lesbian, gay and transgender rights and lobby politics in Europe and their open and hidden relations to binary and hierarchical orders of dominance. It contributes to an understanding of the conditions upon which politics of inclusion, participation, social justice and equality rest and why struggles for sexual minority rights have been so difficult and slow. It illuminates how the paradigms of political discourse constitute, consolidate and contest the meaning and cultural significance of gender and sexuality on modern, democratic, capitalist European societies. ;

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        May 2019

        Mein Mondkalender 2020

        Abreißkalender zum Aufstellen u. Aufhängen, m. täglichem Kalenderblatt & Inspirationen für jeden Tag, Informationen zu Mondeinflüssen, Namenstagen u. Jahresfesten, 13,0 x 11,5 cm

        by Wolfram, Katharina

      • Trusted Partner
        Social work
        February 2013

        Children’s rights and child protection

        Critical times, critical issues in Ireland

        by Edited by Deborah Lynch and Kenneth Burns

        This topical book, now available in paperback, comprehensively draws together diverse perspectives from key leaders in the field to address critical issues for children in relation to their rights, welfare and protection at a critical time in Ireland. The broad array of chapters addresses the changing and complex landscape of policy, practice and law. It discusses the politics of children's rights, the impact of child abuse within the Catholic Church, diverse approaches to service delivery and professional practice, the media and representations of child protection practice and the relationship between research evidence and practice. It offers a critique of governance in children's services and identifies key barriers to fundamental progress in the area of children's rights and the protection of children. This original book fills a gap in publications in this area in Ireland. It is vital reading for academics, practitioners, managers, students and policy-makers, as well as being accessible to individuals with a broad interest in child welfare and protection.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        Critical theory and human rights

        by David McGrogan, Darrow Schecter

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        April 2020

        Porträt eines jungen Kochs


        by Andrea Spingler, Maylis de Kerangal

        Mit frischem Universitätsabschluss in der Tasche, beschließt der junge Franzose Mauro, seinem bisherigen Leben den Rücken zu kehren. Er will sich nun voll und ganz seiner wirklichen Leidenschaft verschreiben: dem Kochen. Mit seinem Fahrrad rast Mauro von Brasserien über Bistros zu Sternerestaurants, er kocht in Berlin und in Burma, springt vom Blanchieren zum Sautieren, von Bouillons zu Sorbets, von Marktgängen zu Nachtschichten – und eröffnet schließlich seinen eigenen kleinen Laden. Fünfzehn Lehrjahre, gezeichnet von geschundenen Händen, Schlafmangel und einer schleichend zerrinnenden Freizeit. Aber auch ein sinnliches Abenteuer der absoluten Hingabe und der Kunst des perfekten Menüs. Maylis de Kerangal erzählt vom unvergesslichen Geschmack, der in einer Ochsenherztomate oder einem Strauch Wildkräuter steckt – und davon, wie sehr es einen Koch beglücken kann, die eigene kulinarische Philosophie zu finden.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Porträt eines jungen Kochs


        by Maylis Kerangal, Andrea Spingler

        Mit frischem Universitätsabschluss in der Tasche, beschließt der junge Franzose Mauro, seinem bisherigen Leben den Rücken zu kehren. Er will sich nun voll und ganz seiner wirklichen Leidenschaft verschreiben: dem Kochen. Mit seinem Fahrrad rast Mauro von Brasserien über Bistros zu Sternerestaurants, er kocht in Berlin und in Burma, springt vom Blanchieren zum Sautieren, von Bouillons zu Sorbets, von Marktgängen zu Nachtschichten – und eröffnet schließlich seinen eigenen kleinen Laden. Fünfzehn Lehrjahre, gezeichnet von geschundenen Händen, Schlafmangel und einer schleichend zerrinnenden Freizeit. Aber auch ein sinnliches Abenteuer der absoluten Hingabe und der Kunst des perfekten Menüs. Maylis de Kerangal erzählt vom unvergesslichen Geschmack, der in einer Ochsenherztomate oder einem Strauch Wildkräuter steckt – und davon, wie sehr es einen Koch beglücken kann, die eigene kulinarische Philosophie zu finden.

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        January 2020

        Alles unter dem Himmel

        Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Weltordnung

        by Zhao Tingyang, Michael Kahn-Ackermann

        Zhao Tingyang gilt als einer der bedeutendsten chinesischen Philosophen der Gegenwart. Mit diesem Hauptwerk liegen nun seine Überlegungen zu einer neuen politischen Weltordnung erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung vor. Sie basieren auf dem alten chinesischen Prinzip des tianxia – der Inklusion aller unter einem Himmel. In Auseinandersetzung mit okzidentalen Theorien des Staates und des Friedens von Hobbes über Kant bis Habermas sowie unter Rückgriff auf die Geschichtswissenschaft, die Ökonomie und die Spieltheorie eröffnet uns Zhao einen höchst originellen Blick auf die Konzeption der Universalität. Ein wegweisendes Buch, auch um Chinas aktuelles weltpolitisches Denken zu verstehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019

        Mein Taschen-Mondkalender 2020

        Terminkalender m. Wochenplaner u. besonderem Spruch der Woche, m. allen Informationen zu Mondeinflüssen & Ferienterminen, Jahresübersichten 2019/2020, viel Platz für Notizen, m. Lesebändchen, 10,0 x 15,0 cm

        by Wolfram, Christine

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Kalender 2020

        Mit dreizehn Aquarellen des Dichters und jahreszeitlichen Betrachtungen

        by Hermann Hesse

        Der beliebte Kunstkalender des Literatur-Nobelpreisträgers im Großformat Hermann Hesses expressionistisch-farbenfrohe Aquarelle sind inzwischen zu einem begehrten Objekt für Sammler und Kunstfreunde in aller Welt geworden.Während des Ersten Weltkriegs entdeckte Hermann Hesse die Malerei für sich. Durch sie fand er einen »Ausweg, um auch in bittersten Zeiten das Leben ertragen zu können«. Aus dem Fundus von mehr als 2000 Bildern, in denen der Autor und Maler seine Tessiner Wahlheimat dargestellt hat, zeigt dieser Kalender 13 Aquarelle im großzügigen Wandkalenderformat, zusammen mit einer Auswahl von Hesses Gedanken über die Freundschaft. Format: 42,5 x 32 cm, vierfarbig

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019

        Achtsamkeitskalender 2020

        Tageskalender, m. Achtsamkeits-Übungen & zahlreichen Tipps, Zitaten u. Fakten rund um das Thema, viel Platz für Notizen, m. Ferienkalender & Leseband, 10 x 15

        by Iding, Doris

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        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

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