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Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesSeptember 2016
A Fig for Fortune by Anthony Copley
by Susannah Monta, J. B. Lethbridge, Susannah Monta, Rebecca Mortimer
Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesApril 2016
A Fig for Fortune by Anthony Copley
by Susannah Monta, J. B. Lethbridge, Susannah Monta
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesSeptember 2014
A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene
by Richard Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge
This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes. ;
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2021
A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene
by Richard Danson Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge
This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesSeptember 2016
Pastoral poetry of the English Renaissance
by Sukanta Chaudhuri, J. B. Lethbridge, Sukanta Chaudhuri, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJune 2015
A Supplement of the Faery Queene
By Ralph Knevet
by J. B. Lethbridge
Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2013
Irish women in medicine, c.1880s–1920s
by Laura Kelly, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesNovember 2007
Female performance practice on the fin-de-siècle popular stages of London and Paris
by Catherine Hindson, Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted PartnerNovember 2021
Poster Clemens J. Setz (A1)
plano, nicht gefaltet | Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person
by Clemens J. Setz
»Wer den Chor der Mäuse nicht hört, braucht nicht mit mir befreundet zu sein.« Clemens J. Setz ist der Autor bahnbrechender Romane wie Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre, aufregender Erzählungsbände wie Der Trost runder Dinge, von Gedichten, Theaterstücken, Drehbüchern, Nacherzählungen und Essays. Er ist Übersetzer, ein Freund der Plansprachen, des Obertongesanges, der Ziegen und der Hasen. Er ist Träger des Georg-Büchner-Preises, des Kleist-Preises, des Berliner Literaturpreises. Außerdem ist er ein Poet der Kurznachrichtendienste und noch einiges mehr. In seiner radikalen Vielfältigkeit und vielfältigen Radikalität ist er eine herausragende Figur der Gegenwartsliteratur. Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person ist dieses hochwertige Plakat mit einem Porträt des Dichters gedacht, aufgenommen vom Berliner Fotografen Max Zerrahn. Poster auf stabilem GalaxyArt-Papier im DIN-A1-Format
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesOctober 2013
Empire and history writing in Britain c.1750–2012
by Joanna de Groot, Geoffrey Cubitt, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2021
A Supplement of the Faery Queene
By Ralph Knevet
by Christopher Burlinson, J. B. Lethbridge, Andrew Zurcher
Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesApril 2009
Monasticism in late medieval England, c.1300–1535
by Rosemary Horrox, Simon Maclean, Martin Heale, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2019
The art of The Faerie Queene
by J. B. Lethbridge, Richard Brown
The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsOctober 2007
Theatre, education and the making of meanings
by Anthony Jackson, Rebecca Mortimer, Chantal Hamill
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2012
A lark for the sake of their country
by Rachelle Saltzman, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesFebruary 2014
A critical reader of the romantic grand tour
by Chloe Chard, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesNovember 2011
Shakespeare and Spenser
by J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge