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      • Tango Sin Fin

        “Método de Tango” is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. So far, the collection has only been published in Argentina and worldwide rights belong to Tango Sin Fin.

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      • the TinyFolds

        TinyFolds is dedicated to providing a quality language education. Based on our experience and expertise, we have recently released an emergent reading readiness program for young children, called RollingPin. It is grounded in pre-literacy storytelling and experiential, creative play-based learning.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Wild. They Hear You Thinking

        by Ella Blix

        They hear you thinking. But you can’t understand them. Not yet! After a terrifying experience on a school trip to the forest, Noomi isn’t the same anymore. Fragments of memories that are as thrilling as they are disturbing continually lead her back to this same day in the forest. Something has happened to her since then and she has to find out what went on there. Why can’t she remember? Why does she now feel so close to animals? One secret experiment. Four young offenders. Animals acting like humans in the forest. Evolution at a turning point - FEEL NATURE! Atmospheric, enigmatic and disturbing – the new novel from the prize-winning author duo Ella Blix, consisting of Antje Wagner and Tania Witte. 2019 literary awards: the Mannheim Feuergriffel (Fire Pen) for Tania Witte and the town of Wetzlar’s Fantasy Prize. Printed on recycled paper and certified with the Blue Angel.

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        March 2008

        Tania & Che

        Traumpfade der Weltrevolution

        by Koenen, Gerd

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        Tania Blixen

        Ihr Leben und Werk

        by Thurman, Judith

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        August 2009

        Berühmte Frauen. Kalender 2010

        by Luise F. Pusch

        Seit 1988 erscheint der Kalender Berühmte Frauen – der Klassiker unter den Taschenkalendern. Tag für Tag, Woche für Woche erinnert er an große Frauen aus Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte. Mehr als 10.000 Frauen hat Luise F. Pusch einem großen Publikum bekannt gemacht. Berühmte Frauen 2010 konzentriert sich auf ausführliche Porträts von Vicki Baum, Tania Blixen., Meret Oppenheim, Françoise Sagan, Marie Tussaud und anderen. Im neuen Format kombinieren wir Bewährtes mit Neuem: handlich, praktisch, gut. Lassen Sie sich überraschen!

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        The Arts
        August 2017

        Soaking up the rays

        Light therapy and visual culture in Britain, c. 1890–1940

        by Tania Woloshyn

        Soaking up the rays forges a new path for exploring Britain's fickle love of the light by investigating the beginnings of light therapy in the country from c.1890-1940. Despite rapidly becoming a leading treatment for tuberculosis, rickets and other infections and skin diseases, light therapy was a contentious medical practice. Bodily exposure to light, whether for therapeutic or aesthetic ends, persists as a contested subject to this day: recommended to counter skin conditions as well as Seasonal Affective Disorder and depression; closely linked to notions of beauty, happiness and well-being, fuelling tourism abroad and the tanning industry at home; and yet with repeated health warnings that it is a dangerous carcinogen. By analysing archival photographs, illustrated medical texts, advertisements, lamps, and goggles and their visual representation of how light acted upon the body, Woloshyn assesses their complicated contribution to the founding of light therapy.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Spleen Royale

        Alles, was Sie über Exzentriker wissen sollten

        by Kibermanis, Tania

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Aufarbeitung von in Kolonialkriegen begangenem Unrecht.

        Anwendbarkeit und Anwendung internationaler Regeln des bewaffneten Konflikts und nationalen Militärrechts auf Geschehnisse in europäischen Kolonialgebieten in Afrika.

        by Fabricius, Tania

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010



        by Krätschmar, Tania

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