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      • Tango Sin Fin

        “Método de Tango” is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. So far, the collection has only been published in Argentina and worldwide rights belong to Tango Sin Fin.

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        January 1987

        Sonne im Tank

        Solarmobile. Typen, Technik, Möglichkeiten

        by Oesterreicher, Marianne; Tsykowski, Michael

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2015

        Men, ideas and tanks

        British military thought and armoured forces, 1903?39

        by J. P. Harris

        Men, ideas and tanks reviews the development of British military ideas on armoured forces from 1903 to 1939. Great Britain was the nation which first developed the tank, first used it in action and first gained dramatic results by employment. The British continued to be world leaders in the field of mechanised warfare until the early 1930s. J. P. Harris offers strikingly new interpretations of the early history of British armoured forces and explains why Great Britain had lost the lead by the outbreak of the Second World War. Available in paperback once more, this work will be of interest to all those concerned with British military history in the first half of the twentieth century, with the history of mechanised warfare and with the history of military thought. ;

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        The Arts
        March 2017

        Images of the army

        The military in British art, 1815-1914

        by J. W. M. Hichberger

        In an age when engraving and photography were making artistic images available to a much wider public, artists were able to influence public attitudes more powerfully than ever before. This book examines works of art on military themes in relation to ruling-class ideologies about the army, war and the empire. The first part of the book is devoted to a chronological survey of battle painting, integrated with a study of contemporary military and political history. The chapters link the debate over the status and importance of battle painting to contemporary debates over the role of the army and its function at home and abroad. The second part discusses the intersection of ideologies about the army and military art, but is concerned with an examination of genre representations of soldiers. Another important theme which runs through the book is the relation of English to French military art. During the first eighty years of the period under review France was the cynosure of military artists, the school against which British critics measured their own, and the place from which innovations were imported and modified. In every generation after Waterloo battle painters visited France and often trained there. The book shows that military art, or the 'absence' of it, was one of the ways in which nationalist commentators articulated Britain's moral superiority. The final theme which underlies much of the book is the shifts which took place in the perception of heroes and hero-worship.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2021

        The Victorian aquarium

        by Silvia Granata, Andrew Smith

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2004

        Think tank traditions

        Policy analysis across nations

        by Diane Stone, Andrew Denham

        As think tank numbers explode, they have become an integral part of political life. Political leaders, corporations and non-governmental organisations draw upon their expert advice to advance their causes in the battle of ideas. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Rebels in government

        by Agnès Maillot

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        The secret battle

        Emotional survival in the great war

        by Michael Roper, Bertrand Taithe, Penny Summerfield, Peter Gatrell, Max Jones, Ana Carden-Coyne

        What did home mean to British soldiers and how did it help them to cope with the psychological strains of the Great War? Family relationships lie at the heart of this book. It explores the contribution letters and parcels from home played in maintaining the morale of this largely young, amateur army. And it shows how soldiers, in their turn, sought to adapt domestic habits to the trenches. Pursuing the unconscious clues within a rich collection of letters and memoirs with the help of psychoanalytical ideas, including those formulated by the veteran tank commander Wilfred Bion, this study asks fundamental questions about the psychological resources of this generation of young men. It reveals how the extremities of battle exposed the deepest emotional ties of childhood, and went on marking the post-war domestic lives of those who returned. ;

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        February 1996

        Grünes Aquarium. Griner Akwarium

        Kurze Beschreibungen. Kurtse Baschrajbungen. Prosastücke. Jiddisch und deutsch. Übersetzt von Jost G. Blum, Michael von Killisch-Horn und Mirjam Pressler. Umschrift und Nachwort von Jost G. Blum

        by Abraham Sutzkever, Mirjam Pressler, Jost G. Blum, Michael Killisch-Horn, Jost G. Blum

        Mirjam Pressler, geboren 1940 in Darmstadt, war eine der namhaftesten Übersetzerinnen des Hebräischen. Sie übersetzte Werke von Aharon Appelfeld, Lizzie Doron, Batya Gur und David Grossman. Ihre große, sprachlich wie literarisch weite Erfahrung war von größtem Wert auch für die Erschließung der israelischen Lebenswelt, wie Amos Oz sie überliefert. Für die Übersetzung von Oz’ Roman Judas erhielt sie 2015 den Internationalen Literaturpreis – Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Pressler starb am 16. Januar 2019 in Landshut.

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        September 2018

        Gun Love

        by Jennifer Clement, Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner

        Seit ihrer Geburt lebt Pearl im Auto, sie vorne, ihre Ausreißer-Mutter auf der Rückbank. Vierzehn Jahre stehen die beiden jetzt schon am Rande eines Trailerparks irgendwo in Florida. Draußen vor der Windschutzscheibe ist die Welt den Waffen verfallen: Kinder wachsen mit Pistolen statt Haustieren auf, Schießübungen immer und überall, mal Alligatoren, mal den Fluss, mal Polizisten im Visier, und sonntags sitzt man beim Gottesdienst mit der geschulterten Schrotflinte in der ersten Reihe. Doch im Ford Mercury wirken andere Kräfte, hier lernt Pearl das Träumen. Bis ein schöner Mann und seine Pistolen alles verändern … Gun Love handelt vom Zauber zwischen Mutter und Tochter inmitten des Irrsinns. In strahlenden Bildern erzählt Jennifer Clement eine Geschichte, in der Liebe und Hass, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit haltlos ineinanderfallen. Das literarische Stimmungsbild einer ganzen Nation.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Gun Love

        by Jennifer Clement, Nicolai Schweder-Schreiner

        Seit ihrer Geburt lebt Pearl im Auto, sie vorne, ihre Ausreißer-Mutter auf der Rückbank. Vierzehn Jahre stehen die beiden jetzt schon am Rande eines Trailerparks irgendwo in Florida. Draußen vor der Windschutzscheibe ist die Welt den Waffen verfallen: Kinder wachsen mit Pistolen statt Haustieren auf, Schießübungen immer und überall, mal Alligatoren, mal den Fluss, mal Polizisten im Visier, und sonntags sitzt man beim Gottesdienst mit der geschulterten Schrotflinte in der ersten Reihe. Doch im Ford Mercury wirken andere Kräfte, hier lernt Pearl das Träumen. Bis ein schöner Mann und seine Pistolen alles verändern … Gun Love handelt vom Zauber zwischen Mutter und Tochter inmitten des Irrsinns. In strahlenden Bildern erzählt Jennifer Clement eine Geschichte, in der Liebe und Hass, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit haltlos ineinander fallen. Das literarische Stimmungsbild einer ganzen Nation.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        In the shadow of history

        by Agnès Maillot

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Peace and the politics of memory

        by Annika Björkdahl, Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Stefanie Kappler, Johanna Mannergren Selimovic, Timothy Williams

        This important book provides new understandings of how the politics of memory impacts peace in societies transitioning from a violent past. It does so by developing a theoretical approach focusing on the intersection of sites, agency, narratives, and events in memory-making. Drawing on rich empirical studies of mnemonic formations in Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, South Africa and Cambodia, the book speaks to a broad audience. The in-depth, cross-case analysis shows that inclusivity, pluralism, and dignity in memory politics are key to the construction of a just peace. The book contributes crucial and timely knowledge about societies that grapple with the painful legacies of the past and advances the study of memory and peace.

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