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TURLA (Turkish Literature Abroad)
TURLA Meetings organized by the Association of Press and Publishers is an online copyrights platform, that has adapted to the ongoing changes in the world. TURLA Meetings, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduces Turkish publishers to international publishing professionals and enables online copyrights meetings for Turkish publishers. TURLA Meetings which is the first international online publishing platform in Turkey will take place between 17 - 19 November 2020. The program will give Turkish and international publishers the opportunity to hold copyrights meetings and matchmaking activities. Within the context of TURLA Meetings the publishers from Turkey and around the world will meet with live video B2B meetings on the website for 3 days. The Turkish publishers who contribute to TURLA's catalogs and the international publishers from the different countries can create their profiles and online publishing house showcases on the TURLA Meetings website. The publishers can also continue to promote their books on their online showcases outside of the event dates. TURLA Meetings collects international book fairs and the international publishing market on one website, for the easy access of Turkish publishers.
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Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesMarch 2021
The daring muse of the early Stuart funeral elegy
by James Doelman
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September 2020Lotte, are you daydreaming again?
A book for dreamy children and their parents
by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund
Rabbit girl Lotte, 10 years old, has a hard time: "Don't dawdle around!", "Stop dreaming!" - Her parents and the strict teacher, Mrs. Luchs, constantly have something to criticize about her. Fortunately, Lotte’s best friends stand by her side: the hard-working and somewhat anxious duck Merle and the cozy bear Frieda, who would love to be a ballerina. Lotte is close to despairing over endless homework, exams, bad grades, and her forgetfulness when she meets a strange woman who dwells in the deserted forest. She knows the value of dreaming and lets Lotte in on an ancient secret … This book is for dreamy primary school children and their parents who would like to learn how to concentrate better when studying at home and at school why dreaming is important, too how to identify your strengths how to get better organized and forget less. A story about school, friendship, and the parent-child relationship, which makes you think and inspires discussions. For: dreamy children and their parents parents of children diagnosed with ADHD teachers psychologists and psychotherapists psychiatrists
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March 2010Lotte Cohn – Baumeisterin des Landes Israel
Eine Biographie
by Ines Sonder
Daß sie Architektin werden würde – zu einer Zeit, als sich noch kaum jemand vorstellen konnte, sich von einer Frau ein Haus bauen zu lassen –, war Lotte Cohn, der späteren Doyenne der israelischen Architektur, nicht in die Wiege gelegt worden. Anders war es mit der familiären Mitgift des Zionismus. Eine antisemitische Verleumdungskampagne gegen ihren Vater, den Arzt Bernhard Cohn, hatte die ganze Berliner Großfamilie schon früh zu aktiven Anhängern Theodor Herzls werden lassen. Anfang der 1920er Jahre wanderte Lotte Cohn ins Land Israel ein – zu einer Zeit, als die große Mehrheit der deutschen Juden noch das politische Ziel einer »jüdischen Heimstätte« in Palästina ablehnte. Ines Sonder zeichnet den außergewöhnlichen Lebensweg Lotte Cohns aus dem zionistischen Milieu Berlins vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg zur ersten Architektin im Lande Israel nach. Ihre Biographie der deutschen Jüdin, Pionierin und Architektin Lotte Cohn (1893 - 1983) ist die Geschichte einer Frau, die maßgeblich am Aufbau Israels beteiligt war. »Wir gingen daran, unsere Welt zu formen.« (Lotte Cohn)
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May 2009Stuart Pigotts Weinreisen
by Lüer, Manfred; Pigott, Stuart / Foto(s) von Durst, Andreas
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May 2009Stuart Pigotts Weinreisen
Baden und Elsass
by Kurt, Chandra; Lüer, Manfred; Pigott, Stuart / Foto(s) von Durst, Andreas
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May 2009Stuart Pigotts Weinreisen
Rheinhessen und Nahe
by Heinzelmann, Ursula; Lüer, Manfred; Pigott, Stuart / Foto(s) von Durst, Andreas
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September 2009Stuart Pigotts Weinreisen
by Kurt, Chandra; Heinzelmann, Ursula; Pigott, Stuart / Foto(s) von Durst, Andreas
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January 2018Luis und Lotte. Beste Freunde für immer
Vorlesegeschichten für starke Kindergartenkinder:
by Seltmann, Christian
Ein Vorlesebuch voller origineller Geschichten aus dem Kindergartenalltag! Luis ist neu in der Gruppe. Zum Glück zeigt Lotte ihm alles und die beiden werden ziemlich beste Freunde. Zusammen mit Pia, Flora, Eddie und Moritz sind sie mal mutig, trotzig, ängstlich oder richtig stark. Sie kümmern sich um die Kleinen, setzen sich füreinander ein, streiten und versöhnen sich. So wird jeder Kita-Tag zu einem kleinen, besonderen Abenteuer!
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Literature & Literary StudiesAugust 2017Literature of the Stuart successions
by Andrew McRae, John West
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Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2024Reformed identity and conformity in England, 1559–1714
by Jake Griesel, Esther Counsell
This volume is the first collection of essays to focus specifically on how Reformed theology and ecclesiology related to one of the most consequential issues between the Elizabethan Settlement (1559) and the Hanoverian Succession (1714), namely conformity to the Church of England. This volume enriches scholarly understandings of how Reformed identity was understood in the Tudor and Stuart periods, and how it influenced both clerical and lay attitudes towards the English Church's government, liturgy and doctrine. In a reflection of how established religion pervaded all aspects of civic life in the early modern world and was sharply contested within both ecclesiastical and political spheres, this volume includes chapters that focus variously on the ecclesio-political, liturgical, and doctrinal aspects of conformity.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2019Safe as Houses
Grenfell, disaster housing, and the outsourced state
by Stuart Hodkinson
As the tragedy of the Grenfell tower fire has slowly revealed a shadowy background of outsourcing, private finance initiatives and a council turning a blind eye to health and safety concerns, many questions need answers. Stuart Hodkinson has those answers. He has worked for the last decade with residents groups in council regeneration projects across London. As residents have been shifted out of 60s and 70s social housing to make way for higher rent paying newcomers, they have been promised a higher quality of housing. Councils have passed the responsibility for this housing to private consortia who amazingly have been allowed to self-regulate on quality and safety. Residents have been ignored for years on this and only now are we hearing the truth. Stuart will weave together his research on PFIs, regulation and resident action to tell the whole story of how Grenfell happened and how this could easily have happened in multiple locations across the country.
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