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      • Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama

        Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof

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      • A Walk through History

        A Walk Through History is a Russian publishing house specializing in children’s nonfiction. Since 2011 it has created and designed about 50 titles on various periods of history and other subjects such as mathematics, sport, plants and animals.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 1999


        Werkstoffe - Verfahren - Anwendung

        by Throne, James L.; Beine, Joachim

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2004

        Hollow Plastic Parts

        Design and Manufacture (Print-on-Demand)

        by Beall, Glenn; Throne, James L.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2016

        Mistress of everything

        Queen Victoria in Indigenous worlds

        by Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie, Sarah Carter, Maria Nugent

        Mistress of everything examines how indigenous people across Britain's settler colonies engaged with Queen Victoria in their lives and predicaments, incorporated her into their political repertoires, and implicated her as they sought redress for the effects of imperial expansion during her long reign. It draws together empirically rich studies from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Southern Africa, to provide scope for comparative and transnational analysis. The book includes chapters on a Maori visit to Queen Victoria in 1863, meetings between African leaders and the Queen's son Prince Alfred in 1860, gift-giving in the Queen's name on colonial frontiers in Canada and Australia, and Maori women's references to Queen Victoria in support of their own chiefly status and rights. The collection offers an innovative approach to interpreting and including indigenous perspectives within broader histories of British imperialism and settler colonialism. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2012

        Gender, crime and empire

        convicts, settlers and the state in early colonial Australia

        by Kirsty Reid, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie, Martin Hargreaves

        Between 1803 and 1853, some 80,000 convicts were transported to Van Diemen's Land. Revising established models of the colonies, which tend to depict convict women as a peculiarly oppressed group, Gender, crime and empire argues that convict men and women in fact shared much in common. Placing men and women, ideas about masculinity, femininity, sexuality and the body, in comparative perspective, this book argues that historians must take fuller account of class to understand the relationships between gender and power. The book explores the ways in which ideas about fatherhood and household order initially informed the state's model of order, and the reasons why this foundered. It considers the shifting nature of state policies towards courtship, relationships and attempts at family formation which subsequently became matters of class conflict. It goes on to explore the ways in which ideas about gender and family informed liberal and humanitarian critiques of the colonies from the 1830s and 1840s and colonial demands for abolition and self-government. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Jute and empire

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Gordon Stewart

        Dundee had an interesting role to play in the jute trade, but the main player in the story of jute was Calcutta. This book follows the relationship of jute to empire, and discusses the rivalry between the Scottish and Indian cities from the 1840s to the 1950s and reveals the architecture of jute's place in the British Empire. The book adopts significant fresh approaches to imperial history, and explores the economic and cultural landscapes of the British Empire. Jute had been grown, spun and woven in Bengal for centuries before it made its appearance as a factory-manufactured product in world markets in the late 1830s. The book discusses the profits made in Calcutta during the rise of jute between the 1880s and 1920s; the profits reached extraordinary levels during and after World War I. The Calcutta jute industry entered a crisis period even before it was pummelled by the depression of the 1930s. The looming crisis stemmed from the potential of the Calcutta mills to outproduce world demand many times over. The St Andrew's Day rituals in Calcutta, begun three years before the founding of the Indian Jute Mills Association. The ceremonial occasion helps the reader to understand what the jute wallahs meant when they said they were in Calcutta for 'the greater glory of Scotland'. The book sheds some light on the contentious issues surrounding the problematic, if ever-intriguing, phenomenon of British Empire. The jute wallahs were inextricably bound up in the cultural self-images generated by British imperial ideology.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1993

        Etablierte und Außenseiter

        by Norbert Elias, John L. Scotson, Michael Schröter, Michael Schröter

        Die kleine Vorortsiedlung in den Midlands, von den Autoren »Winston Parva« genannt, ähnelt mit ihren rund 5000 Einwohnern unzähligen anderen Gemeinden in England. Es ist eine der typischen Arbeitersiedlungen der europäischen Industriereviere, in denen die traditionellen, die »dörflichen« Sozialstrukturen überlebten: enge Nachbarschaft, soziale Kontrolle und gegenseitige Solidarität. Die scheinbare Harmonie wird erst Ende der dreißiger Jahre zerstört, als jenseits der Bahnlinie ein neuer Ortsteil aus dem Boden gestampft wird. Die neuen Häuser beziehen vor allem Arbeiter aus anderen Regionen Englands und später Evakuierte aus dem zerbombten London. Obwohl ihre Bewohner in den gleichen Betrieben arbeiten, wachsen die beiden Ortsteile nicht zusammen. Die Neusiedler bleiben stets die Außenseiter, stigmatisiert und fremd. Unter den alten Bewohnern gelten sie als unsozial, kriminell, triebhaft. Hier nun setzt die Untersuchung ein.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Gender, crime and empire

        Convicts, settlers and the state in early colonial Australia

        by Kirsty Reid, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Martin Hargreaves

        Between 1803 and 1853, some 80,000 convicts were transported to Van Diemen's Land. Revising established models of the colonies, which tend to depict convict women as a peculiarly oppressed group, Gender, crime and empire argues that convict men and women in fact shared much in common. Placing men and women, ideas about masculinity, femininity, sexuality and the body, in comparative perspective, this book argues that historians must take fuller account of class to understand the relationships between gender and power. The book explores the ways in which ideas about fatherhood and household order initially informed the state's model of order, and the reasons why this foundered. It considers the shifting nature of state policies towards courtship, relationships and attempts at family formation which subsequently became matters of class conflict. It goes on to explore the ways in which ideas about gender and family informed liberal and humanitarian critiques of the colonies from the 1830s and 1840s and colonial demands for abolition and self-government.

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        Weil Liebe nicht vom Himmel fällt

        Strategien der Partnersuche. (zu zweit)

        by James, John; Schlesinger, Ibis

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2007

        Seduction or instruction?

        First World War posters in Britain and Europe

        by James Aulich, John Hewitt

        This book makes a critical and historical analysis of the public information poster and its graphic derivatives in Britain and Europe during the First World War. Governments need public support in time of war. The First World War was the first international conflict to see the launch of major publicity campaigns designed to maintain public support for national needs and government policies. What we now know as spin has its origins in the phenomenon. Then, as now, the press, photography and film played an important role, but in the early 20th century there was no radio, television or internet and the most publicly visible advertising medium was the poster. Considering the museological and memorialising imperatives behind the formation of the war publicity collection at the Imperial War Museum, this fascinating book goes on to provide constitutional and iconographical analyses of the British Government recruiting, War Loan and charity campaigns; the effect of the inroads of the poster into important public and symbolic spaces; a comparative analysis of European poster design and the visual contribution of the poster through style and iconography to languages of 'imagined communities'; and the construction of the individual subject. The book will be of interest to design historians, historians and readers involved with the study of communication arts, publicity, advertising and visual culture at every level. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2002

        Gesammelte Schriften in 19 Bänden

        Band 4: Etablierte und Außenseiter

        by Norbert Elias, Nico Wilterdink, Heike Hammer, Johan Heilbron, Annette Treibel, Reinhard Blomert, Michael Schröter, Nico Wilterdink, John L. Scotson

        In diesem Klassiker der Soziologie untersucht Elias eine englische Gemeinde in den Jahren 1958–60 und besonders die Spannungen zwischen den »Etablierten« und den neu Hinzugezogenen, den »Außenseitern«. Unter dem besonderen Blick von Elias wird die kleine englische Gemeinde zu einem Mikrokosmos, der eine große Bandbreite sozialer Figurationen deutlich werden läßt. Das Buch untersucht das Funktionieren von Stigmatisierung, Tabuisierung, Gerüchten, kollektiver Phantasien und Vorstellungen von »uns« und »den anderen«, die Spaltungen in der Gesellschaft unterstützen und verstärken. In einem einleitenden theoretischen Essay wird die globale Relevanz der lokalen Befunde entfaltet, werden aus der Untersuchung einer kleinen mittelenglischen Gemeinde die zentralen Probleme menschlichen Zusammenlebens erfaßt und faßbar gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2001

        Geist und Welt

        by John McDowell, Thomas Blume, Holm Bräuer, Gregory Klass, John McDowell

        Die Kluft zwischen Geist und Welt ist in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts als Kluft zwischen dem »reibungslosen Rotieren der Begriffe im luftleeren Raum« - ohne Anbindung an die Welt - und dem »Mythos des Gegebenen« - der totalen Abhängigkeit der Begriffe von der Welt - reformuliert worden. John McDowell gelingt in seinem Buch eine Verbindung beider Positionen. Mit Kant erweist er Erfahrungen als immer schon begrifflich strukturiert, mit Aristoteles entfaltet er einen Begriff der »zweiten Natur«, der Geist und Welt überbrücken kann.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2008

        The politics of identity and civil society in Britain and Germany

        Miners in the Ruhr and South Wales 1890–1926

        by Leighton James, Steven Fielding, John Callaghan, Steve Ludlam

        This study compares the making and remaking of the political identities of the miners' movements in Britain and Germany. Taking the south Wales and Ruhr coalfields as case studies, it focuses on the public discourse of the trade unions and political parties as it was disseminated in local newspapers, trade union publications, pamphlets and election leaflets. It reveals how the miners' movements used ideas such as class, religion, the 'people' or Volk, socialization and nationalization to construct organizational identities during the turbulent period between 1890 and 1926. These concepts were crucial not only in the formation and self-identity of the miners' trade unions, but also in the way they interacted with employers and the state. They adapted and changed over time as the miners' movements reacted to war, economic depression and increasing industrial conflict. The book contends that these identities were not simply the result of structural factors, but were formed at the juncture where cultural, political and sociological forces intersect. Examining this intersection through discourse analysis and the concept of the 'lifeworld', the book brings together the social world of the miners and the realm of organized politics to advance historical understanding of two of the most important elements in the most powerful labour movements in Europe. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1977


        Eine Auswahl aus den Diskussionen über Wahrheit im 20. Jahrhundert

        by Gunnar Skirbekk, H. Jerusalem, William James, Bertrand Russell, Rudolf Carnap, Carl G. Hempel, Karl R. Popper, Alfred Tarski, Ernst Tugendhat, Frank P. Ramsey, John L. Austin, Peter F. Strawson, Alfred J. Ayer, Wilfred Sellars, Nicholas Rescher, Arne Naess, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Wilhelm Kamlah, Gunnar Skirbekk, Gunnar Skirbekk

        Der Band zeichnet anhand ausgewählter charakteristischer und einflußreicher Positionen in der philosophischen Diskussion des 20. Jahrhunderts die Geschichte der Wahrheitstheorien nach. Folgende Stationen wurden ausgewählt: die Korrespondenz- und Kohärenztheorie der Wahrheit, der Pragmatismus, die linguistische und die dialogische Theorie der Wahrheit sowie die Evidenztheorie.

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