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      • Trinity Publishing NZ Ltd.

        Trinity Publishing NZ Ltd has been producing children's books since 1997 in Australasia whilst sailing in the South Pacific islands. Since 2018 we have also begun producing work for a European readership..We love visiting the place where our book subjects live and play.

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      • Editora Trinta Zero Nove

        Editora Trinta Zero Nove is an independent press based in Maputo, Mozambique. It was started in 2018. This year the press debuted a kid lit and young adult collections translated from Arabic, Italian and English into Portuguese in print and braille.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Lilo of Dark Castle. No Magic Allowed! (3). Party at Highhorror Castle

        by Anna Lott/ Sabine Sauter

        The Dark Castle family receives an invitation to a party at Highhorror Castle. Lilo and Miss Rüdiger are immediately eager to go. And of course Luisa should go with them. But humans are strictly forbidden to set foot in Castle Highhorror. “Who cares?”, say Lilo and Luisa, and at first everything seems fine: Luisa gets in as a perfect witch. But then the girls learn about a protective magic spell which covers the whole of the castle: unauthorized beings will be turned for ever into stone… Only a secret book of magic spells can save Luisa now!

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        May 2017

        Three sixteenth-century dietaries

        by Joan Fitzpatrick. Series edited by Susan Cerasano

        Early modern dietaries are prose texts recommending the best way to maintain physical and psychological well-being. Three sixteenth-century dietaries contains Thomas Elyot's Castle of Health, Andrew Boorde's Compendious Regiment and William Bullein's Government of Health, all popular and influential works that were typical of a genre advising the reader on how best to maintain physical and psychological health. They are here introduced, contextualized and edited for the first time in a modern spelling edition. Introductory material explores the dietary genre, its relationship to humanism, humoral theory, and the wide range of authorities with which the dietary authors engaged. The volume includes an examination of the bibliographical and publication history of each work, comprehensive explanatory notes and appendices that provide prefaces to earlier editions, a glossary, and a list of authorities and works cited or alluded to in the dietaries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        November 2013

        1 Angel Square

        The Co-operative Group's new head office

        by Len Grant

        This book charts the building of 1 Angel Square, the remarkable new head office for The Co-operative Group in Manchester's new NOMA district. Combining text and photographs to illustrate the building from commissioning to completion, Len Grant has interviewed the whole project team - clients, architects, engineers, project managers and builders - and has had unreserved access to document the creation of this already award-winning structure. The design of 1 Angel Square by the architects 3DReid, is currently the UK's highest BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) rated office building to date, and it is set to be one of the most sustainable buildings in Europe. 1 Angel Square, the book, is an intimate record of this fascinating building. Some of the impressive facts include: 3,157 internal and external window panels make up the façade; there are 10,500 data and power outlets; it sits on 539 foundation piles, with an average depth of 18 metres below ground; and there are approximately 22km of power cables. This book will be required reading for students of architecture and construction, sustainability studies and urban planning, and for those with an interest in the history of one of the world's great businesses. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2011

        Three seventeenth-century plays on women and performance

        by Paul Edmondson, Hero Chalmers, Julie Sanders, Sophie Tomlinson, Martin White

        This is a ground-breaking edition of three seventeenth-century plays that all engage in diverse and exciting ways with questions of gender and performance. The collection, edited by three pioneering scholars of elite female culture and early modern drama, makes the texts of three much-discussed plays - John Fletcher's The Wild-Goose Chase, James Shirley's The Bird in a Cage and Margaret Cavendish's The Convent of Pleasure - available together in a full scholarly edition for the first time. The Wild Goose Chase (1621) and The Bird in a Cage (1633) were both performed in the commercial London theatres in the Jacobean and Caroline periods respectively. The Convent of Pleasure (1668) is a so-called 'closet' drama, designed primarily for reading but drawing on a tradition of aristocratic theatricals. In a wide-ranging co-authored introduction to the volume, the editors explore the concerns of these playtexts in relation to contemporary debates surrounding popular festivity and anti-theatricalism, as well as the agency of elite female culture in the Stuart period and the emergence of the professional female actor in the Restoration. The volume will be an invaluable teaching and research tool for students and scholars of early modern drama, women's writing and performance studies more generally, as well as providing a rich sourcebook for the reader interested in seventeenth-century theatrical culture. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2447

        Vampir Ltd.


        by Josef Nesvadba

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

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        The Arts
        October 2017

        4 saints in 3 acts

        A snapshot of the American avant-garde in the 1930s

        by Patricia Allmer, John Sears

        Four Saints in Three Acts by Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson was a major avant-garde phenomenon of the 1930s, an experimental opera that nonetheless achieved remarkable popular success. Photography was a key element of that success, but its complex roles in the construction, representation and dissemination of the opera have hitherto received little critical attention. The photographic recording of the all-African American cast in particular affords a unique insight into the complexities of Four Saints in relation to the Harlem Renaissance and the New York avant-gardes of the time. This book, published in collaboration with The Photographers' Gallery, London, presents a wide selection of photographs of the cast, performances, and other material - many images reproduced for the first time - alongside essays by an international range of scholars exploring different aspects of the opera, including dance, fashion, music, and avant-garde writing, as well as photography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        The Labour governments 1964–1970 volume 3

        Economic policy

        by Jim Tomlinson

        Available in paperback for the first time, this book is the third in the three volume set The Labour governments 1964-1970 and concentrates on Britain's economic policy under the Labour governments in the 1960s. It assesses the origins, development and outcomes of the attempts made by the 1964-1970 Labourgovernments under Harold Wilson to modernise the British economy. This is the first comprehensive and archivally-based work to offer a detailed study of this modernisation project. The book places the project in the context of Labour's economic ideas as they had developed since the 1940s as well as the economic legacy they inherited from the previous thirteen years of Conservative rule. After outlining this context and providing a summary narrative of economic policy over this period, the international aspect of Labour's approach to the economy is analysed. The core of the book then goes on to look in detail at the policies directly concerned with modernisation. Following the agenda set by the national plan of 1965, policies on planning, investment and the firm, technical change, the labour market and the nationalised industries are all analysed. In addition, the productivity campaign of the late 1960s is shown to have encapsulated many of the underlying ideas but also many of the problems of Labour's approach to economic policy. The final section of the book asks how the pursuit of modernisation affected Labour's pursuit of "social justice", before offering an overall assessment of Labour's period of office. The book will be of special interest to contemporary historians, economic historians and those interested in the history of the Labour party. Together with the other books in the series, on domestic policy and international policy, it provides a complete picture of the development of Britain under the premiership of Harold Wilson. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Crime, Law and Society in the Later Middle Ages

        by Anthony Musson, Edward Powell

        This book provides an accessible collection of translated legal sources through which the exploits of criminals and developments in the English criminal justice system (c.1215-1485) can be studied. Drawing on the wealth of archival material and an array of contemporary literary texts, it guides readers towards an understanding of prevailing notions of law and justice and expectations of the law and legal institutions. Tensions are shown emerging between theoretical ideals of justice and the practical realities of administering the law during an era profoundly affected by periodic bouts of war, political in-fighting, social dislocation and economic disaster. Introductions and notes provide both the specific and wider legal, social and political contexts in addition to offering an overview of the existing secondary literature and historiographical trends. This collection affords a valuable insight into the character of medieval governance as well as revealing the complex nexus of interests, attitudes and relationships prevailing in society during the later Middle Ages.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 1986

        Three Jacobean witchcraft plays

        by Peter Corbin

        For Jacobean society, witchcraft was a potent and very real force, an area of sharp controversy in which King James I himself participated and a phenomenon that attracted many dramatists and writers. The three plays in this volume reflect the variety of belief in witches and practice of witchcraft in the Jacobean period. Jacobean understanding of witchcraft is illuminated by the close study of these contrasting texts in relation to each other, and to other contemporary works: "The Masque of Queenes", "Dr Faustus", "Macbeth, and "The Tempest". The introduction and commentaries explore the theatrical potential of plays which, with the exception of "The Witch of Edmonton", have been hitherto lost to the dramatic repertory. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2000

        Three Renaissance Travel Plays

        by Paul Edmondson, Tony Parr, Martin White

        This volume brings together three little-known plays that convey vividly the fascination in early seventeenth-century England with travel and exploration.. Three dramas of wandering and adventure which explore the great diversity of responses in the period to the lures of tourism and colonial expansion and to challenges posed by the encounter with exotic places and peoples.. Intellectually distinguished edition now available in paperback for the first time.. This collection presents modernised texts with an extensive commentary and a full introduction to set the plays in their historical and cultural context. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2014

        Olchi-Detektive 3. Löwenalarm

        by Barbara Iland-Olschewski, Peter Weis, Patrick Bach, Pia Werfel, Wolff Frass, Stephanie Kirchberger, Eva Michaelis, Monty Arnold, Christian Stark, Peter Kirchberger, Kai-Henrik Möller, Lennardt Krüger, Frank Jordan, Dagmar Dreke, Leon Seibel, Jens Wendland, Katharina von Keller, Markus Langer, CSC Studio, Erhard Dietl, Erhard Dietl, Frank Gustavus, Frank Gustavus

        Mit dem Propellerschirm auf die Spitze von Big Ben! Eine Legende besagt: Wenn die Turmuhr von Big Ben 13 Mal schlägt, wachen die Löwen auf. Paddock fliegt zur Turmspitze, um der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Alles scheint normal - bis er den Herzschlag eines Bronzelöwen am Trafalgar Square hört. Band 3 von Erhard Dietls "Die Olchi-Detektive". Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern.

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