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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        I fiori campestri di Posidippo

        Ricerche sulla lingua e lo stile di Posidippo di Pella

        by Di Nino, Margherita Maria

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        October 2014

        Vom Aufstieg und anderen Niederlagen

        Gespräche mit Zeitgenossen

        by di Lorenzo, Giovanni

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Cinema - Italy

        by Stefania Parigi, Des O'Rawe

        A journey to the Italian cinema that overturns established views and opens up new perspectives and interpretations. Its itinerary is organized in four stages. The first is an analysis of the theories of Cesare Zavattini on neorealism which overturns widely accepted positions both on Zavattini and on neorealism. The second confronts a key film of the post-war Italian cinema, Roberto Rossellini's Paisà, by examining the nature of its realism. The third is dedicated to Luchino Visconti: to questions of the use of language exemplified in his La terra trema, the use of settings, costume and light as agents of meaning in his Il Gattopardo and Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa. The final voyage of the film is to the physical and symbolic construction of heaven and earth in the work of Pasolini. Particular attention is given to the representation of the body in his last four films: the grotesque and mythical bodies in popular tradition in his Trilogia di vita and the tortured bodies destroyed by the mass media in Salò.

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        February 2004

        I frammenti di Aristarco di Samotracia negli etimologici bizantini

        Etymologicum Genuinum, Magnum, Symeonis, Megalae Grammatikae, Zonarae Lexicon. Introduzione, edizione critica e commento

        by Schironi, Francesca

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Prosciutto di Parma

        Commissario Trattonis tiefster Fall - Ein Kriminalroman aus Venedig

        by Permezza, Franca / Deutsch Körner, Wolfgang

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        March 2008

        Partitura di Praga

        Commissario Trattonis Sünden-Fall - Ein Kriminalroman aus Venedig und Prag

        by Permezza, Franca / Deutsch Körner, Wolfgang

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1982

        Bambini di Praga

        Erzählungen. Aus dem Tschechischen übersetzt von Karl-Heinz Jähn

        by Bohumil Hrabal, Karl-Heinz Jähn

        Bohumil Hrabal wurde am 28. März 1914 im tschechischen Brünn (Brno) geboren und starb am 3. Februar 1997 in Prag. 1935 begann Hrabal sein Jurastudium in Prag. Nebenbei besuchte er Vorlesungen über Literatur, Kunst und Philosophie und schrieb seine ersten Gedichte. 1939 musste er sein Studium unterbrechen, da die deutsche Besatzungsmacht die tschechischen Hochschulen schließen ließ. Von 1941 bis 1945 arbeitete er für die staatliche Eisenbahn. 1946 promovierte er zum Dr. jur. Von 1947 bis 1949 war er Handelsreisender. In dieser Zeit bereitete er seinen ersten Gedichtband Verlorenes Gäßchen vor. Bis 1958 arbeitete Hrabal in einem Stahlwerk in Kladno und in einer Altpapierpackerei in Prag. 1956 heiratete er Eliska Plevová. 1963 erschien seine erste Erzählung Perlchen auf dem Grund erscheint; rasch folgten von 1964-68 Die Bafler, Tanzstunden für Erwachsene und Fortgeschrittene, Inserat. verkaufe Haus, in dem ich nicht mehr wohnen will, Moritaten und Legenden und andere Texte, die zum Teil auch verfilmt wurden. Bis 1975 wurde ein Publikationsverbot verhängt. Eine Auswahl seiner Texte konnte jedoch im Ausland, darunter in der DDR und in der Bundesrepublik erscheinen. Von 1982 bis 1985 entstand die autobiographische Trilogie Hochzeiten im Haus. 1987 starb seine Ehefrau. Noch vor der politischen Wende erschien 1988 der autobiographische Mädchenroman in Canada in einem Exilverlag.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Once upon a time in Italy

        by Fulvio, Luca Di

        Rome in 1860 - with the exciting age of the Risorgimento as an atmospheric backdropLuca Di Fulvio's new novel is a powerful emotional epic about solidarity, self-discovery, homeland, family, love, and life dreams. The story begins in 1860, with the plot set mainly in Rome during the last phase of the Italian unification movement, the Risorgimento. Luca Di Fulvio creates a highly emotional, mentally cinematic epic with strong, distinctive characters. An orphan boy who wants to use his camera to change the way people see the world. A circus girl with a burning interest in politics. A countess who gives the gift of freedom to others. Three people whom fate brings to Rome in 1870, the pulsating heart of Italy on its path to becoming a nation state. As their paths cross in the midst of this city of promise, their dreams seem to be interwoven with magical bands. But the dazzling city of Rome presents the three with unexpected challenges. One day, when a dramatic event shakes the Eternal City, they are threatened with losing everything they hold dear. A highly emotional epic about three unforgettable characters, and a visually stunning story about new beginnings, the power of love, and a great longing for security in a world where one person stands up for the other. Bursting with life, deeply moving, and full of hope - Luca Di Fulvio's stories are like journeys that you wish would never end Three people and their dream of a better world The new novel by SPIEGEL bestselling author Luca Di Fulvio Set in Rome in 1860 against the atmospheric backdrop of the Italian unification movement

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Erklär mir Italien!

        Wie kann man ein Land lieben, das einen zur Verzweiflung treibt?

        by Saviano, Roberto; di Lorenzo, Giovanni

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