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        CABI (CAB International)

        CABI (CAB International) is an international, non-profit body improving lives by providing information & scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture & the environment.

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        The Arts
        May 2025

        A new genre for television?

        Creativity in historical drama documentary

        by Justin Hardy

        In A New Genre for Television?, filmmaker Justin Hardy argues the dramatised history documentaries broadcast by British public service channels in the 2000s constituted a distinct television genre. Offering a vital distinction between docudramas and drama documentaries, Hardy contributes to the field of television history through exclusive interviews with key figures from BBC and Channel 4 - many of whom have never been publicly interviewed before - and envisions a future model for the portrayal of national histories on screen.

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        The Psychologist’s Role in Disaster Risk Reduction

        Theory and Practice

        by Olavo Sant’Anna Filho / Daniela da Cunha Lopes (Eds.)

        The book introduces the psychology of disaster scenarios, taking into account national and international research. The title outlines different concepts, like anguish, stress, and resilience, and highlights the importance of psychosocial attention to minimize the consequences of disastrous situations and maintaining good mental health.   The book consists of a foreword and four chapters, which include a technical note from the Federal Counsel of Psychology, the main concepts of risk and disaster management, and information on the official agencies and nonprofit organizations that work with disaster risks reduction.   Target Group: clinical psychologists, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, students, and teachers

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2016

        Our fighting sisters

        by Natalya Vince

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        February 2016


        Warum das Leben zu komplex ist, um es perfekt zu planen

        by Ebert, Vince

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        October 2013

        Bleiben Sie neugierig!

        Macht sauer lustig? Darf man gelben Schnee essen? Und andere Fragen aus der Wissenschaft

        by Ebert, Vince

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        March 1981

        Kategorien und transzendentale Argumentation

        Kant und die Idee einer transzendentalen Semiotik

        by Gerhard Schönrich

        "Mit der von Wittgenstein eingeleiteten Ablösung des mentalistischen Vorstellungsbegriffs durch den sprachlichen Zeichen- und Regelbegriff ist Kants Philosophie in ein Spannungsfeld geraten, das vielfältige Transformationen provozierte. So befruchtend sich dieses Spannungsfeld auf die analytisch orientierte Gegenwartsphilosophie auswirkt, so hartnäckig meldet sich der Verdacht eines entscheidenden Fragedefizits: die pragmatische Akzentuierung der Regeln in Funktion läßt deren qualitativen Ursprung im Dunkeln. Die Funktionsbeschreibung des Regelcharakters gibt noch keine Auskunft über die Regelqualität der Regeln. Sie könnten genausogut der empirisch eingespielten Regelpraxis selbst entnommen sein, für die sie nichtfaktizitäre Geltung beanspruchen. Nach welchen Regeln kann der Geltungsanspruch solcher funktionalanalytisch gewonnener Regeln seinerseits beurteilt und begründet werden? Schönrich zeigt, daß Kants theoretischer Ansatz mit seinen latent semiotischen Implikationen den sprachkritischen Transformationen nicht nur entgegenkommt, sondern darüber hinaus das entstandene Begründungsdefizit begleicht. Der in Frage stehende Regelbegriff einer Regel der Regelbeurteilung erweist sich als der operationalisierte Begriff der Vernunft, die »alle Entscheidungen aus den Grundregeln ihrer eigenen Einsetzung hernimmt«. Die Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Regelcharakter kann in der These zusammengefaßt werden: Die Urteilsfunktion und Kategorien gelten als die transzendentalsyntaktischen und -sematischen Regeln des Zeichengebrauchs überhaupt; sie ermöglichen erst dessen liguistisch je schon vorausgesetzte Allgemeinheits- und Bedeutungsfähigkeit. Die Frage nach der Regelqualität wird in der systematischen Entfaltung dieser »Grundregeln der eigenen Einsetzung« und ihrer Implikate zu drei differenzierbaren Argumentationsniveaus beantwortet, die die aufgebürdete Beweislast zu tragen vermögen. Auch hier bleibt die Zeichenvermitteltheit allen Denkens und Erkennens in Kraft. Vernunft äußert sich nicht selbst, sie wird von der reflektierenden Urteilskraft - dem Ort der transzendentalen Argumentation - methodisch als Letztinstanz in Anspruch genommen, eine Inanspruchnahme, die sich jedoch als vernünftig ausweisen läßt."

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        The bonds of family

        Slavery, commerce and culture in the British Atlantic world

        by Katie Donington

        Moving between Britain and Jamaica The bonds of family reconstructs the world of commerce, consumption and cultivation sustained through an extended engagement with the business of slavery. Transatlantic slavery was both shaping of and shaped by the dynamic networks of family that established Britain's Caribbean empire. Tracing the activities of a single extended family - the Hibberts - this book explores how slavery impacted on the social, cultural, economic and political landscape of Britain. It is a history of trade, colonisation, enrichment and the tangled web of relations that gave meaning to the transatlantic world. The Hibberts's trans-generational story imbricates the personal and the political, the private and the public, the local and the global. It is both the intimate narrative of a family and an analytical frame through which to explore Britain's history and legacies of slavery.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        England’s military heartland

        Preparing for war on Salisbury Plain

        by Vron Ware, Antonia Lucia Dawes, Mitra Pariyar, Alice Cree

        What is it like to live next door to a British Army base? England's military heartland provides an eye-opening account of the sprawling military presence on Salisbury Plain, drawing on a wide range of voices from both sides of the divide. Targeted for expansion under government plans to reorganise the UK's global defence estate, the Salisbury 'super garrison' offers a unique opportunity to explore the impact of the military footprint in a particular place. But this is no ordinary environment: as well as being the world-famous site of Stonehenge, the grasslands of Salisbury Plain are home to rare plants and wildlife. How does the army take responsibility for conserving this unique landscape as it trains young men and women to use lethal weapons? Are its claims that its presence is a positive for the environment anything more than propaganda? This book investigates these questions against the backdrop of a historic landscape inscribed with the legacy of perpetual war.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field, Christopher Breward

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Border images, border narratives

        The political aesthetics of boundaries and crossings

        by Johan Schimanski, Jopi Nyman

        This interdisciplinary volume explores the role of images and narratives in different borderscapes. Written by experienced scholars in the field, Border images, border narratives provides fresh insight into how borders, borderscapes, and migration are imagined and narrated in public and private spheres. Offering new ways to approach the political aesthetics of the border and its ambiguities, this volume makes a valuable contribution to the methodological renewal of border studies and presents ways of discussing cultural representations of borders and related processes. Influenced by the thinking of philosopher Jacques Rancière, this timely volume argues that narrated and mediated images of borders and borderscapes are central to the political process, as they contribute to the public negotiation of borders and address issues such as the in/visiblity of migrants and the formation of alternative borderscapes. The contributions analyse narratives and images in literary texts, political and popular imagery, surveillance data, border art, and documentaries, as well as problems related to borderland identities, migration, and trauma. The case studies provide a highly comparative range of geographical contexts ranging from Northern Europe and Britain, via Mediterranean and Mexican-USA borderlands, to Chinese borderlands from the perspectives of critical theory, literary studies, social anthropology, media studies, and political geography.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air power and colonial control

        by David Omissi

        Air policing was used in many colonial possessions, but its most effective incidence occurred in the crescent of territory from north-eastern Africa, through South-West Arabia, to North West Frontier of India. This book talks about air policing and its role in offering a cheaper means of 'pacification' in the inter-war years. It illuminates the potentialities and limitations of the new aerial technology, and makes important contributions to the history of colonial resistance and its suppression. Air policing was employed in the campaign against Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan and his Dervish following in Somaliland in early 1920. The book discusses the relationships between air control and the survival of Royal Air Force in Iraq and between air power and indirect imperialism in the Hashemite kingdoms. It discusses Hugh Trenchard's plans to substitute air for naval or coastal forces, and assesses the extent to which barriers of climate and geography continued to limit the exercise of air power. Indigenous responses include being terrified at the mere sight of aircraft to the successful adaptation to air power, which was hardly foreseen by either the opponents or the supporters of air policing. The book examines the ethical debates which were a continuous undercurrent to the stream of argument about repressive air power methods from a political and operational perspective. It compares air policing as practised by other European powers by highlighting the Rif war in Morocco, the Druze revolt in Syria, and Italy's war of reconquest in Libya.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Home front heroism

        Civilians and conflict in Second World War London

        by Ellena Matthews

        Home front heroism investigates how civilians were recognised and celebrated as heroic during the Second World War. Through a focus on London, this book explores how heroism was manufactured as civilians adopted roles in production, protection and defence, through the use of uniforms and medals, and through the way that civilians were injured and killed. This book makes a novel contribution to the study of heroism by exploring the spatial, material, corporeal and ritualistic dimensions of heroic representations. By tracing the different ways that Home Front heroism was cultivated on a national, local and personal level, this study promotes new ways of thinking about the meaning and value of heroism during periods of conflict. It will appeal to anyone interested in the social and cultural history of Second World War as well as the sociology and psychology of heroism.

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        September 2017

        Die Katze unterm Weihnachtsbaum

        Die schönsten Geschichten zum Fest

        by Gesine Dammel

        Weihnachtszeit, Winterzeit … welch spannende Zeit für Katzen! Die Verlockungen sind groß: Überall glitzert und funkelt, raschelt und knistert es. Aus der Küche duftet es verführerisch, der reich geschmückte Weihnachtsbaum lädt zum Spielen ein, und allerlei bunte Pakete und Kartons müssen auf ihren Inhalt untersucht werden. Doch nicht jede Entdeckungstour der Stubentiger endet im Chaos! So manche Katze hat auch schon das Weihnachtsfest ihrer Familie gerettet … Die hier versammelten, zum Großteil erstmals veröffentlichten Geschichten erzählen vom gemeinsamen Weihnachtsfest von Katzen und Menschen. Mit Texten von Vince Ebert, Tatjana Kruse, Volker Reiche, Herrad Schenk, Hans-Ulrich Treichel u. v. a.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        At the end of the line

        by Georgina Sinclair

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