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        Zinc and Vitamin C

        A strong team against coughs and sneezes. Patient guide

        by Uwe Gröber

        This patient guide provides readers with the latest medicallyand scientifically-based information on how zinc and vitamin C can efficiently and cheaply ■ strengthen their immune system ■ successfully help treat colds ■ shorten the duration of illness ■ improve their quality of life!

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2015

        A Supplement of the Faery Queene

        By Ralph Knevet

        by J. B. Lethbridge

        Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A Supplement of the Faery Queene

        By Ralph Knevet

        by Christopher Burlinson, J. B. Lethbridge, Andrew Zurcher

        Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions.

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        Homoeopathy Add-on

        Complementary recommendations to conventional medicine

        by Dr. Markus Wiesenauer

        Vitamin A acid for acne, beta-blockers for high blood pressure, triptans for migraine – even patients treated with synthetic chemical substances may derive great benefit from a complementary homoeopathic medication, since it can - reduce the duration and dose of the allopathic medication, - increase tolerability and treatment adherence, - decrease undesirable effects, - accelerate recovery. This book directs the reader to the correct homoeopathic add-on medication for 70 common indications. Hot off the press are the sections on the homoeopathic treatment of local and systemic reactions to vaccines and the elimination of vaccine excipients. In addition, QR codes lead to the taster version of the German online database “HVKompass Homoeopathie” (guidance on advising people about homoeopathy)

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        September 2014

        Vitamin D

        Die Heilkraft des Sonnenvitamins

        by Gröber, Uwe; Holick, Michael F.

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        Botany and Pharmacognosy Workbook

        by Nadine Sprecher and Annette Thomas

        Dealing with medicinal plants and knowledge of their constituents and therapeutic effects is an ancient pharmaceutical skill. The associated treasure chest of knowledge is as deep and colourful as the world of plants itself. Just as varied and stimulating is the Botany and Pharmacognosy Workbook, in which the diverse and stimulating tasks are a real joy! The mission and passion of the authors is to impart, deepen and link knowledge in a fun way, with pharmacy practice always in mind. The workbook is intended as a supplement to the textbook Botany and Pharmacognosy for Pharmaceutical Technicians. However, it can also be used independently and guarantees fun for all prospective and active pharmaceutical technicians, returnees and pharmacy interns when learning and revising. For pharmaceutical technician schools and pharmacists, it offers valuable stimulation and support in education and training.

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        Complementary Medicine

        Advice recommendations for self-medication

        by M. Schlenk, G. Bauer, H. Blaschke, B. Emde, Dr. M. Glöckler,M. Müller-Frahling and N. Schlesinger

        Diversity in consultations Self-medication offers a wide range of therapy options that can be used in a targeted manner. This volume contains therapy recommendations for a specific clinical picture from the areas of - Phytotherapy - Homeopathy (single and complex remedies) - Anthroposophic medicine - Aromatherapy - Schuessler salts - Spagyrics - Bach flower therapy as well as recommendations on food supplements and the microbiome. For over 100 self-medication indications, suggested preparations for all the above-mentioned therapeutic approaches have been compiled in a compact, pocket-sized format. The 3rd edition has been greatly expanded and updated to include advice options. The highlight: In addition to the recommendations from complementary medicine, the reader is also always told how to treat according to the allopathic approach. This guarantees that users will always find the right medicine for the purpose.

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        High Blood Pressure

        Standardised risk assessment

        by Pharm. D. Ina Richling and Dr. Constanze Schäfer MHA

        The „Standardised risk assessment of high blood pressure“ enables every pharmacy to easily expand its range of services. This tool provides the pharmacy staff with the basis for providing such a service. It contains clear information on the development of hypertension and guideline-based drug therapy. Step by step, the user is guided through practical blood pressure measurement according to standard operating procedures through to individual advice and subsequent billing. This tool contains the following supplementary information: - Legal requirements for handling medical devices and/or blood pressure monitors - Frequently asked questions and case examples - What one should know about quality management - Work aids and forms as copy templates

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        March 1997


        by Ulla Berkéwicz

        Ein Platz, Cafes und Bars, Tische und Stühle auf den Trottoirs. Leute, Autos, Kreisverkehr. Happy Hour, die Stunde nach dem Strand und vor dem Essen. Leute sitzen zusammen, reden, trinken, Urlaubstage auf einer spanischen Insel, Horror vacui, die Leere, voll und fett. Wer sind die sechs Leute, die da reden? Freunde derer, die sie beobachtet? Oder erfundene Figuren derer, die sie erzählt? Spiegelbilder von denen, die unseren Alltag besetzen und sich gegen die innere Leere alles einverleiben, von Vitamin Koks bis Vitamin Dirt? Während die Erzählerin Szene um Szene beobachtet, gerät sie immer tiefer in innere Existenzmuster hinein. Aus freigelegten Tiefenschichten steigt ein Blick auf die Welt nach oben, der keine Schranken kennt.

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        A Workbook of Chemistry for Students of Medicine and Biology

        Introduction to the material covered in standard examinations

        by Dirk Röbke and Udo Wolfgramm

        Rote learning is one way to pass examinations, but really understanding the subject is even better. Most textbooks are limited to presenting facts without helping the reader review and practice. This workbook fills the gap with more than 1,000 sample examination questions from general, inorganic and organic chemistry. With it, students can practice and deepen what they have learned from textbooks. The problems can be solved without aids, and solutions are provided with detailed explanations. The workbook enjoys great popularity after helping countless students study successfully. From the contents: atomic structure and chemical bonds: noble gas configuration, electronegativity, hybridization, intermolecular interactions | nomenclature and structural formulas of inorganic and organic compounds | chemical equations: double transformations, acid-base reactions, complexes | quantities and concentrations of substance: gravimetry, titrations, percent by mass and by volume | law of mass action | acids, bases and salts: calculating pH value, titration curves, buffers, solubility product | redox reactions and oxidation numbers, Nernst equation | complex compounds | configurational and conformational isomerism | inductive and mesomeric effects | substitution, addition, elimination | aromatic compounds: reactions and second substitution | natural products: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, peptides | carbonyl reactions: carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones

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        May 2023

        Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs

        by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach

        Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations

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