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        John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley)is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Thomas Nashe and literary performance

        by Chloe Kathleen Preedy, Rachel Willie

        As an instigator of debate and a defender of tradition, a man of letters and a popular hack, a writer of erotica and a spokesman for bishops, an urbane metropolitan and a celebrant of local custom, the various textual performances of Thomas Nashe have elicited, and continue to provoke, a range of contradictory reactions. Nashe's often incongruous authorial characteristics suggest that, as a 'King of Pages', he not only courted controversy but also deliberately cultivated a variety of public personae, acquiring a reputation more slippery than the herrings he celebrated in print. Collectively, the essays in this book illustrate how Nashe excelled at textual performance but his personae became a contested site as readers actively participated and engaged in the reception of Nashe's public image and his works.

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        April 2019

        Crimson Lake

        Thriller | Vorlage zur Mini-Serie »Troppo«

        by Candice Fox, Thomas Wörtche, Andrea O’Brien

        12.46 Uhr: Die dreizehnjährige Claire Bingley steht alleine an einer Bushaltestelle. 12.47 Uhr: Ted Conkaffey hält mit seinem Wagen neben ihr. 12.52 Uhr: Das Mädchen ist verschwunden … Sechs Minuten – mehr braucht es nicht, um das Leben von Detective Ted Conkaffey vollständig zu ruinieren. Die Anklage gegen ihn wird zwar aus Mangel an Beweisen fallengelassen, doch alle Welt glaubt zu wissen, dass einzig und allein er es gewesen ist, der Claire entführt hat. Um der gesellschaftlichen Ächtung zu entgehen, zieht sich der Ex-Cop nach Crimson Lake, einer Kleinstadt im Norden Australiens, zurück. Dort trifft er Amanda Pharrell, die ganz genau weiß, was es heißt, Staatsfeind Nr. 1 zu sein. Vor Jahren musste sie wegen angeblichen Mordes ins Gefängnis. Nun tun sich die beiden Außenseiter zusammen und arbeiten als Privatdetektive. Ihr Fall: Ein berühmter Schriftsteller mit Doppelleben und kaputter Familie ist verschwunden, die örtliche Polizei behindert die Arbeit der beiden mit harschen Methoden. Dann platzt das Inkognito von Conkaffey, die Medien erzeugen Hysterie. Lynchstimmung macht sich breit. Während er den Fall seiner neuen Partnerin wieder aufrollt und sie versucht, ihn zu entlasten, nimmt der Fall des Schriftstellers überraschende Wendungen …

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        January 1985

        Das Beste von Willy Breinholst

        Heitere Geschichten

        by Breinholst, Willy

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        Exhibition catalogues & specific collections
        March 2011

        Mary Kelly

        Projects, 1973–2010

        by Edited by Dominique Heyes-Moore

        Mary Kelly, we are told, was not a feminist artist, but a feminist who made art. Designed to accompany a major retrospective at the Whitworth Art Gallery, this book contains essays and interviews which show the implications of that distinction and also the legacy of feminists and feminism in relation to art. Challenging and beautiful, Kelly's artworks address questions of sexuality, identity and historical memory in the form of large-scale narrative installations. The works are agilely discussed in contributions by some of the luminary feminist art scholars of our time, including Janet Wolff, Laura Mulvey, Carol Mavor and Amelia Jones, making this collection an essential new text in the discourse on art, feminism, psychoanalysis and representation.

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        The Arts
        September 2017

        The cinema of Iciar Bollaín

        by Nuria Triana-Toribio, Isabel Santaolalla, Andy Willis

        Director, actress, scriptwriter and producer, Iciar Bollaín is one of the liveliest of contemporary young Spanish filmmakers and the first female director to have had a film (También la lluvia, 2010) shortlisted by the American Film Academy. Through detailed analysis of film form, socio-cultural contexts and conditions of production and consumption, the book opens up key issues on gender, production, film authorship, the mediation of socio-historical realities and the whole question of 'women's cinema'. Covering all aspects of her career, this book begins by taking in her work in front of the camera, beginning with her emergence as a teenage star in Victor Erice's El Sur (1983), and following on with discussions of her mature roles, such as Un paraguas para tres and Leo . Discussion of her work as a producer and director focus on production and form, as well as on the socio-historical contexts to which they belong. Film scholars and students interested in the increasingly prominent place of modern Spanish cinema will find this highly readable book an indispensable guide to an outstanding film-maker who in her directed films addresses some of the more vibrant of contemporary themes: female friendship in Hola, ¿estás sola?, immigration in Flores de otro mundo, domestic violence in Te doy mis ojos, tensions between public and private commitments in Mataharis, and socio-economic exploitation in También la lluvia.

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        The Arts
        June 2012

        The cinema of Iciar Bollaín

        by Isabel Santaolalla, Nuria Triana-Toribio, Andy Willis

        Director, actress, scriptwriter and producer, Iciar Bollaín is one of the liveliest of contemporary young Spanish filmmakers and the first female director to have had a film (También la lluvia, 2010) shortlisted by the American Film Academy. Through detailed analysis of film form, socio-cultural contexts and conditions of production and consumption, the book opens up key issues on gender, production, film authorship, the mediation of socio-historical realities and the whole question of 'women's cinema'. Covering all aspects of her career, this book begins by taking in her work in front of the camera, beginning with her emergence as a teenage star in Victor Erice's El Sur (1983), and following on with discussions of her mature roles, such as Un paraguas para tres and Leo . Discussion of her work as a producer and director focus on production and form, as well as on the socio-historical contexts to which they belong. Film scholars and students interested in the increasingly prominent place of modern Spanish cinema will find this highly readable book an indispensable guide to an outstanding film-maker who in her directed films addresses some of the more vibrant of contemporary themes: female friendship in Hola, ¿estás sola?, immigration in Flores de otro mundo, domestic violence in Te doy mis ojos, tensions between public and private commitments in Mataharis, and socio-economic exploitation in También la lluvia. ;

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        Political parties
        September 2008

        The Labour governments 1964–1970 volume 2

        International policy

        by John W. Young

        This book is the second in the three volume set The Labour governments 1964-1970 and concentrates on Britain's international policy under the Labour governments in the 1960s and is available for the first time in paperback. The coverage ranges from defence policy and the government machine to European integration, NATO and the Vietnam war. Harold Wilson and his ministers have often been accused of betraying the sense of promise that greeted their victory in 1964. Using recently released archival evidence, John Young argues that a more balanced view of the government will recognise the real difficulties that surrounded decision-making, not only on Vietnam, but also on Aden, the Nigerian civil war and Rhodesia. Economic weakness, waning military strength, Cold War tensions and the need to placate allies all placed limits on what a once-great but now clearly declining power could achieve. Furthermore the government proved of pivotal importance in the history of Britain's international role, in that it presided over a major shift from positions East of Suez to a focus on European concerns, a focus that has remained until the present day. The book will be of vital importance to students of British history and international relations during this exciting period. Together with the other books in the series, on domestic policy and economic policy, it provides a complete picture of the development of Britain under the premiership of Harold Wilson.

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        October 2008

        Willi wills wissen - Folge 12

        Wie kommen die Babys auf die Welt/Was mein Körper alles kann. 2 Hörspiele.

        by Sabasch, Jessica / Produzent Floff Publishing Florian Fickel ; Gelesen von Weitzel, Willi

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        May 2001

        Erinnerungen an Willy Brandt

        by Hans Mayer

        1964 kommt es in der Berliner Wohnung von Günter Grass zu einem bemerkenswerten Treffen: Auf Initiative des damaligen Regierenden Bürgermeisters Willy Brandt diskutieren Politiker, darunter Brandt selbst, Herbert Wehner und Fritz Erler, mit Schriftstellern und Intellektuellen, darunter Hans Mayer, Uwe Johnson, Ingeborg Bachmann und Walter Jens, über das Ende der ära Adenauer. Daran und an vieles mehr erinnert sich Hans Mayer in diesem Buch. Daß Willy Brandt zu den wichtigsten Bewegern des 20. Jahrhunderts gehörte. Daß er eine der großen Gestalten des deutschen öffentlichen Lebens nach 1945 gewesen ist: Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin, Außenminister, Bundeskanzler, Friedensnobelpreisträger. Es ist eine bemerkenswerte Lebensgeschichte, die der Autor hier parallel zu seiner eigenen beschreibt: Hans Mayer ist Jahrgang 1907, Willy Brandt Jahrgang 1913. Der eine tritt der Sozialistischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (SAPD) in Köln, der andere dem SJV (Sozialistischen Jugendverband) in Lübeck bei, beide linke Abweichler, beide Dissidenten, die sie bleiben sollten.Wer war Willy Brandt wirklich? Wer waren seine Wegbegleiter, wer – neben Herbert Wehner – seine großen Gegner, und was veranlaßte ihn 1974 anläßlich der im Grunde harmlosen Affäre um Günter Guillaume auf dem Höhepunkt seiner politischen Karriere zum Rücktritt? Beginnend mit Brandts Kindheit, zeichnet Hans Mayer den Lebensweg Brandts über das Exil in Norwegen bis hin zur beispiellosen Karriere eines Politikers nach, dessen grundlegendes Ziel die Wiedervereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten war.

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        September 2006

        Das große Buch der chinesischen Medizin

        Die Medizin von Yin und Yang in Theorie und Praxis

        by Kaptchuk, Ted

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