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      • Verlag Jungbrunnen

        Verlag Jungbrunnen was founded in 1923. Background was the intention to supply children who otherwise didn’t have access to books with high quality literature. Even though almost 100 years have gone by since then, the aim is still the same: Jungbrunnen produces quality picture books and novels for children and young adults from 2 to 14. Literary style and language, fantasy and craftsmanship in illustrations, universal topics which touch the souls of young people – all those elements unite to extraordinary books, which are entertaining and demanding at the same time. Young people can feel at home in them and have a chance to deal with existential questions in a protected space.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2008

        Unsere inneren Ressourcen

        Mit eigenen Stärken und Schwächen richtig umgehen

        by Jun, Gerda

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015



        by Adam Johnson, Anke Caroline Burger

        Das neue Buch des Pulitzer-Preisträgers Nach dem Hurrikan Katrina zieht ein Mann mit seinem Sohn durch das verwüstete Louisiana, um dessen Mutter zu finden. Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer muss ein ehemaliger Aufseher sich im Stasi-Gefängnis Hohenschönhausen seiner Vergangenheit stellen. In Palo Alto findet eine schwerkranke Frau Trost im Gespräch mit einem Hologramm ihres verstorbenen Idols, Kurt Cobain – seine Worte »Mir bedeuten Dinge immer erst dann etwas, wenn sie nicht mehr da sind« fangen das Gefühl dieses Erzählungsbandes ein. Denn so unterschiedlich die Geschichten dieser Menschen auch sein mögen, steht doch über allen die Frage nach Erlösung – vom Chaos der Gegenwart, vom Schmerz, von den Geistern der Vergangenheit.Nach seinem Roman Das geraubte Leben des Waisen Jun Do, für den Adam Johnson mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, begeistert er nun mit kraftvollen Geschichten – sie sind ebenso überraschend wie bewegend. »Der weiß, wie man eine gute Geschichte erzählt.« Zadie Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2009

        Mein deutscher Geliebter


        by Jun, Lin

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1990

        Vertrauensschutz im Raum- und Stadtplanungsrecht.

        Eine vergleichende Betrachtung nach deutschem und koreanischem Recht.

        by Oh, Jun-Gen

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2009

        Yes, Sir!

        Aus dem Blickwinkel eines englischen Gastarbeiters

        by Howland, Chris

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Enchanting Three (1). Hoggs and Bear Courage

        by Stefanie Dahle

        Hoggs the bear would love to be brave. But he is afraid of spiders and ghosts. And so Hoggs and his best friend Poki the skunk decide to go on an adventure in order to practise being brave. They head for the abandoned witch’s house behind the bee field. Ugh, it’s certainly ghostly! In fact there’s a kettle bubbling quite scarily…”Anybody there?” asks Hoggs cautiously. Yes! Fips the rabbit urgently needs help. And – whoosh! – suddenly the friends find themselves right in the middle of a stormy but magical adventure…

      • Trusted Partner

        Say yes - Perfekter wird‘s nicht

        Roman | Flitterwochen ohne Ehemann: eine moderne Liebeskomödie aus England

        by Williams, Laura Jane

        Aus dem Englischen von Nadine Lipp und Ingeborg Romoschan

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2008

        Der Jahrhundertjongleur Francis Brunn

        Ein Portrait

        by Reinhold Batberger

        Er wirft einen Ball in die Luft, er verdient Millionen. Und Millionen Menschen schauen ihm dabei zu, mehr als fünfzig Jahre lang. Sieben Minuten dauert sein Auftritt, das ist sein Leben. Reinhold Batberger erzählt eine Familiengeschichte, die Geschichte einer Weltkarriere, die Geschichte des Lebens und der Kunst des Jongleurs Francis Brunn (1922 - 2004). Zum ersten Mal jonglieren die Geschwister Franzl und Lotte Brunn aus Aschaffenburg auf der Bühne einer Turnhalle. Bereits zwei Jahre später werden sie in Berlin gefeiert. Nach dem Krieg gehören Las Vegas, Paris, London, wo Francis Brunn 1963 zusammen mit den Beatles vor der englischen Königin auftritt, zu den wichtigsten Stationen des Rastelli-Nachfolgers. Mit Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis jun. steht er auf der Bühne, mit Judy Garland und Marlene Dietrich geht er auf Tournee, Elvis Presley sieht ihn jonglieren und möchte ihn in seiner Show haben. Viel später, in den 1980er Jahren verhelfen die Gründer des Frankfurter »Varieté Theaters Tigerpalast« der vergessenen Jongleurslegende zurück auf die Bühne. Noch mit achtzig begeistert er das Publikum mit seiner Show INCOGNITO. In den letzten Jahren des Artisten treffen sich Francis Brunn und Reinhold Batberger, um über das Jonglieren zu sprechen, das für den Jongleur von seinem Leben nicht zu trennen war. Batbergers Der Jahrhundertjongleur erzählt und dokumentiert ein exemplarisches Künstlerleben des 20. Jahrhunderts.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1973

        Die Legitimität staatlicher Herrschaft.

        Eine staatsrechtlich-politische Begriffsgeschichte.

        by Würtenberger, Thomas jun.

      • Trusted Partner

        Phytotherapy in Equine Practice

        Pocket guide

        by Dr. Herbert Konrad

        Lemon balm tea for competition anxiety, cottonwood bark for myositis, devil’s claw root for laminitis – yes, herbal preparations promote healing in horses too! An experienced veterinarian has gathered together the skills of his holistic treatment - Profiles of herbal drugs: Therapy-relevant characteristics of the medicinal plants - Veterinary practice: Examination, repertorisation (finding the suitable remedy), treatment plan, calculation of the dose for a horse, including examples of equine patients - Indications: Proven phytotherapeutic agents for the most common diseases This book shows that even chronic cases or those refractory to conventional medicine can be successfully treated with the healing power of plants.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs

        by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach

        Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021

        Karl Polanyi and twenty-first-century capitalism

        by Radhika Desai, Kari Polanyi Levitt

        As far right movements, social disintegration and international conflict emerge from the decay of the neoliberal order, Karl Polanyi's warnings against the unbridled domination of markets, is ever more relevant. The essays in Karl Polanyi for the 21st Century extend the boundaries of our understanding of Polanyi's life and work. They will interest Polanyi scholars and all interested in socialism and our future after neoliberalism. One asks whether, following Keynes and Hayek, Polanyi's ideas will shape the twenty-first century. Some clarify, for the meaning of money as a fictitious commodity. Others resolve difficulties in understanding the building blocks of Polanyi's thought: fictitious commodities, the double movement, the United States' exceptional development, the reality of society, and socialism as freedom in a complex society. And yes others explore how Polanyi sheds light on income inequality, world systems theory, comparative political economy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2006

        Germany, pacifism and peace enforcement

        by Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen

        Germany, pacifism and peace enforcement is about the transformation of Germany's security and defence policy in the time between the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 war against Iraq. The book traces and explains the reaction of Europe's biggest and potentially most powerful country to the ethnic wars of the 1990s, the emergence of large-scale terrorism, and the new US emphasis on pre-emptive strikes. Based on an analysis of Germany's strategic culture it portrays Germany as a security actor and indicates the conditions and limits of the new German willingness to participate in international military crisis management that developed over the 1990s. It debates the implications of Germany's transformation for Germany's partners and neighbours and explains why Germany said 'yes' to the war in Afghanistan, but 'no' to the Iraq War. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Ein Nein muss manchmal sein

        by Dagmar Geisler

        It's Okay to Say No   How to handle emotions for kids aged 3 and upSometimes you just don't want something. But whenever Emil and his friends refuse a piece of cake from their neighbor Mrs. Jahn, she is offended. So wouldn't it be better if everyone always said yes to everything? Then no one would have to be sad anymore! But when a shooting star spell makes the word "No" disappear, the friends realize that it just isn't possible to never say no.Dagmar Geisler’s internationally bestselling Emotional Education series provides parents, educators and teachers with materials and guidance for different age groups in order to communicate often difficult issues.• Provides answers to tough questions and shows how important it is to accept each other's limits• More than 1 million copies of Emotional Education picture books sold• Well-established and highly appraised, published in 22 languages

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