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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2020
A global history of white nationalism
by Daniel Geary, Camilla Schofield, Jennifer Sutton, John Solomos, Satnam Virdee, Aaron Winter
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2017
The souls of white folk
White settlers in Kenya, 1900s–1920s
by Brett Shadle, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie
Kenya's white settlers have been alternately celebrated and condemned, painted as romantic pioneers or hedonistic bed-hoppers or crude racists. The souls of white folk examines settlers not as caricatures, but as people inhabiting a unique historical moment. It takes seriously - though not uncritically - what settlers said, how they viewed themselves and their world. It argues that the settler soul was composed of a series of interlaced ideas: settlers equated civilisation with a (hard to define) whiteness; they were emotionally enriched through claims to paternalism and trusteeship over Africans; they felt themselves constantly threatened by Africans, by the state, and by the moral failures of other settlers; and they daily enacted their claims to supremacy through rituals of prestige, deference, humiliation and violence. The souls of white folk will appeal to those interested in the histories of Africa, colonialism, and race, and can be appreciated by scholars and students alike.
Trusted Partner2023
The big PTAheute Handbook
Practical knowledge for the pharmacy
by Edited by Dr. Iris Milek
Already in its 3rd edition, the PTAheute handbook presents the essence of practical pharmacy knowledge and is becoming the standard work for a practical pharmacy. PTAheute authors contribute their professional experience and bundle the most important facts, in the proven manner of the trade journal PTAheute: ■ Comprehensibly prepared content facilitates putting knowledge effectively into practice. ■ Infographics help readers understand the contexts. ■ Yellow boxes provide a quick overview. ■ Pictures and graphic design increase reading pleasure. The content on multiple sclerosis or on the various aspects of Covid-19 is new to the 3rd edition. The chapters on „Antibiotics“ and „Interactions“ have been completely restructured and revised and all other content has been brought fully up to date. The PTAheute handbook – the reliable companion in everyday pharmacy life!
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMay 2024
Off white
Central and Eastern Europe and the global history of race
by Catherine Baker, Bogdan C. Iacob, Anikó Imre, James Mark
This volume foregrounds racial difference as a key to an alternative history of the Central and Eastern European region, which revolves around the role of whiteness as the unacknowledged foundation of semi-peripheral nation-states and national identities, and of the region's current status as a global stronghold of unapologetic white, Christian nationalisms. Contributions address the pivotal role of whiteness in international diplomacy, geographical exploration, media cultures, music, intellectual discourses, academic theories, everyday language and banal nationalism's many avenues of expressions. The book offers new paradigms for understanding the relationships among racial capitalism, populism, economic peripherality and race.
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesDecember 2022
Class, work and whiteness
Race and settler colonialism in Southern Rhodesia, 1919–79
by Nicola Ginsburgh
This book offers the first comprehensive history of white workers from the end of the First World War to Zimbabwean independence in 1980. It reveals how white worker identity was constituted, examines the white labouring class as an ethnically and nationally heterogeneous formation comprised of both men and women, and emphasises the active participation of white workers in the ongoing and contested production of race. White wage labourers' experiences, both as exploited workers and as part of the privileged white minority, offer insight into how race and class co-produced one another and how boundaries fundamental to settler colonialism were regulated and policed. Based on original research conducted in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the UK, this book offers a unique theoretical synthesis of work on gender, whiteness studies, labour histories, settler colonialism, Marxism, emotions and the New African Economic History.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2018
White Maze
Du bist längst mittendrin
by Perry, June
*** Eure schöne neue Welt ist tödlich! *** Mit einem Schlag endet Vivians sorgenfreies Leben: Ihre Mutter Sofia wurde ermordet! Die erfolgreiche Game-Entwicklerin stand kurz vor dem Release eines bahnbrechenden Computerspiels. „White Maze“ wird mit neuartigen Lucent-Kontaktlinsen gespielt - dank ihnen erleben die Spieler virtuelle Game-Welten mit allen Sinnen. Aber warum zerstörte Vivians Mutter kurz vor ihrem Tod die Prototypen der Linsen? Zusammen mit dem schulbekannten Hacker Tom will Viv den Mord an Sofia aufklären. Dazu muss Viv selbst Lucent-Linsen einsetzen und tief in die virtuelle Welt eintauchen. Doch dort ist es für den Mörder ein Leichtes, die falsche Realität nach seinen Spielregeln zu manipulieren. Kann Vivian ihren eigenen Gefühlen vertrauen, wenn alles, was sie sieht, hört, riecht und schmeckt, bloße Lüge ist?
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA
Snöfrid from Meadow Valley (3). The Hectic Hunt for the River Pearl
by Andreas H. Schmachtl
What a disaster! Snöfrid’s stream has disappeared during the night! Without water there can be no porridge, and Snöfrid doesn’t have to think twice. This problem must be solved immediately! The hunt for water begins with a wet meeting at the pond of the little nymph Flumina, but when it turns into a hunt for the mysterious river pearl, involving a submersible boat, the story quickly becomes an underwater adventure, and who knows how it will end? Magical adventure, great fun for boys and girls, by Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2024
White before whiteness in the late Middle Ages
by Wan-Chuan Kao
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJune 2014
Engendering whiteness
White women and colonialism in Barbados and North Carolina, 1627–1865
by Cecily Jones, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie
Engendering whiteness represents a comparative analysis of the complex interweaving of race, gender, social class and sexuality in defining the contours of white women's lives in Barbados and North Carolina during the era of slavery. Despite their gendered subordination, their social location within the dominant white group afforded all white women a range of privileges. Hence, their whiteness, as much as their gender, shaped these women's social identities and material realities. Engendering whiteness draws on a wide variety of sources including property deeds, wills and court transcripts, and interrogates the ways in which white women could be simultaneously socially positioned within plantation societies as both agents and as victims. It also reveals the strategies deployed by elite and poor white women in these societies to resist their gendered subordination, to challenge the ideological and social constraints that sought to restrict their lives to the private domestic sphere, to protect the limited rights afforded to them, to secure independent livelihoods and to create meaningful existences. ;
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Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesFebruary 2009
Beyond The Spanish Tragedy
A study of the works of Thomas Kyd
by Lukas Erne, Paul Edmondson, Martin White
Kyd is arguably Shakespeare's most important tragic predecessor. Brilliantly fusing the drama of the academic and popular traditions, Thomas Kyd's plays are of central importance for understanding how the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries came about. Called 'an extraordinary dramatic . genius' by T.S. Eliot, Thomas Kyd invented the revenge tragedy genre that culminated in Shakespeare's Hamlet some twelve years later. In this study, The Spanish Tragedy - the most popular of all plays on the English Renaissance stage - receives the extensive scholarly and critical treatment it deserves, including a full reception and modern stage history. Yet as Erne shows, Thomas Kyd is much more than the author of a single masterpiece. Don Horatio (partly extant in The First Part of Hieronimo), the lost early Hamlet, Soliman and Perseda, and Cornelia all belong to what emerges in this work as a coherent dramatic oeuvre. This groundbreaking study is now in paperback. ;