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      • Proverse Hong Kong

        Proverse Hong Kong is a Hong Kong-based press publishing local and international authors with local and international content, including:  English-language and translated literary novels, short story and poetry collections, detective stories, mysteries and thrillers, non-fiction (biography, memoirs, travel, china missionary, education and law-court history; source materials including annotated archival transcriptions) ; poetry anthologies; YA fiction; books for students; academic studies (mainly with a Hong Kong and Hong Kong China focus). Formats: paperback, hardback, POD, e-books, audio. Publication awards: from local and international cultural bodies. Events: Spring and Autumn Receptions in Hong Kong with prize announcements and awards, book launches, authors’ brief talks. Prizes: We offer two annual international prizes for writing previously unpublished in English: 1) the Proverse Prize  for book-length works of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry; 2) the Proverse Poetry Prize  for single poems (max 30 lines). Open to all, 18+ irrespective of residence, nationality or citizenship.  Annual entry periods: 7 May-30 June. More information:

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        January 2015

        Balancing Security and Liberty.

        Counter-Terrorism Legislation in Germany and China.

        by Zhou, Zunyou

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        September 2018

        Meine erste Weihnachtskrippe

        Mit 20 Krippenfiguren und 4 Weihnachtsliedern

        by Illustriert von Chou, Joey; Englisch Mannchen, Nadine

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        Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups
        October 2010

        The Beethoven song companion

        by Paul Reid

        This is the first full-length, published study of Beethoven's songs. All the composer's songs with piano are included, with full German texts and translations, together with comprehensive notes on the poetry and the music. The inclusion of unfinished songs gives a fascinating insight into Beethoven's compositional methods. An introductory essay considers reasons for the relative neglect of the songs, the significance of Beethoven's choice of texts, his crucial role in the development of German art-song and specific aspects such as choice of key. Throughout the book, poetic and musical texts are discussed in their historical context, and in the overall context of Beethoven's life and music. It is anticipated that this book, like its predecessor The Schubert Song Companion, will encourage the performance and study of an important but comparatively neglected aspect of the work of the world's most celebrated composer.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2001

        Ein Haufen Ärger

        by Sabine Ludwig, Sabine Wilharm

        Sabine Ludwigs "Ein Haufen Ärger" entführt in die wunderbar skurrile Welt einer Gruppe tierischer Bewohner eines verlassenen Hausboots. Mit viel Charme und Wortwitz wird das Zusammenleben des klugen Mopses Anton, Van Gogh, dem einohrigen Straßenkater, Chou-Chou, der hochnäsigen Perserkatze, Rudolf, der wasserscheuen Wasserratte, und weiteren liebenswerten Charakteren wie einem Blässhuhn, einem eitlen Papagei und einer ängstlichen Pythonschlange beschrieben. Ihr friedliches Zusammenleben wird jäh von einer Bande Hunde bedroht, die das Hausboot für sich beanspruchen wollen. Doch die ungleichen Freunde lassen sich nicht so leicht unterkriegen und beweisen, dass auch die kleinste und ängstlichste Kreatur Großes bewirken kann. Die humorvollen und detailreichen Illustrationen von Sabine Wilharm geben der Geschichte zusätzlichen Glanz und machen das Buch zu einem Lesevergnügen für Jung und Alt. Charmante und humorvolle Tiergeschichte: Ideal für Kinder ab 4 Jahren, die tierische Abenteuer lieben. Lebensnahe Charaktere mit liebenswerten Macken: Macht die Geschichte nachvollziehbar und lehrreich. Spannende Handlung mit wichtigen Botschaften: Vermittelt Werte wie Freundschaft, Mut und das Überwinden von Ängsten. Reich und farbenfroh illustriert: Sabine Wilharms Illustrationen sind ein echter Blickfang und unterstützen die Geschichte perfekt. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Geeignet für das Vorlesen zu Hause, in Kindergärten oder Schulen. Fördert die Vorstellungskraft: Regt die Fantasie der Kinder an und inspiriert zu kreativem Denken. Mit viel Witz und Ironie geschrieben: Bietet auch erwachsenen Vorlesern unterhaltsame Momente. Beliebte Autorin und Illustratorin: Sabine Ludwig und Sabine Wilharm sind ein Garant für hochwertige Kinderliteratur.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        A savage song

        Racist violence and armed resistance in the early twentieth-century U.S.–Mexico Borderlands

        by Margarita Aragon

        This book examines key moments in which collective and state violence invigorated racialized social boundaries around Mexican and African Americans in the United States, and in which they violently contested them. Bringing anti-Mexican violence into a common analytical framework with anti-black violence, A savage song examines several focal points in this oft-ignored history, including the 1915 rebellion of ethnic Mexicans in South Texas, and its brutal repression by the Texas Rangers and the 1917 mutiny of black soldiers of the 24th Infantry Regiment in Houston, Texas, in response to police brutality. Aragon considers both the continuities and stark contrasts across these different moments: how were racialized constructions of masculinity differently employed? How did African and Mexican American men, including those in uniform, respond to the violence of racism? And how was their resistance, including their claims to manhood and nation, understood by law enforcement, politicians, and the press? Building on extensive archival research, the book examines how African and Mexican American men have been constructed as 'racial problems', investigating, in particular, their relationship with law enforcement and ideas about black and Mexican criminality.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Ice Song

        by Miriam Körner

        In Miriam Körners "Ice Song" wird die Geschichte der 15-jährigen Emmylou entfaltet, die zunächst widerwillig in Churchill, Kanada, ankommt. Als Ort, der für seine Nähe zu Eisbären bekannt ist, bietet Churchill eine karge und eiskalte Umgebung, die Emmylou zunächst fremd ist. Ihre Sichtweise beginnt sich zu ändern, als sie Barnabas, einen jungen Inuk, trifft, der intensiv seine Schlittenhunde auf das anspruchsvolle Arctic Quest, ein herausforderndes Schlittenhunderennen, vorbereitet. Die Begegnung mit einem bezaubernden Welpen aus dem Rudel weckt nicht nur ihre Zuneigung für die Tiere, sondern auch tiefergehende Gefühle. Der Roman kombiniert Elemente der Romance mit dem aufregenden Kontext des Schlittenhundrennens und bietet Einblicke in die Kultur der Inuit. Durch Körners authentische Darstellung der arktischen Landschaft und die Verwendung ihrer persönlichen Erfahrungen, entsteht eine packende Lektüre, die sowohl bildend als auch unterhaltsam ist. Authentische Darstellung: Bietet fundierte Einblicke in die Inuit-Kultur und das Schlittenhunderennen, angereichert durch die realen Erfahrungen der Autorin. Fesselnde Handlung mit Romance: Verbindet das Abenteuer in der Arktis mit einer jugendlichen Liebesgeschichte, ideal für Leser*innen ab 12 Jahren. Resilienz und Selbstfindung: Inspiriert junge Leser*innen dazu, Herausforderungen zu meistern und sich selbst sowie neue Leidenschaften zu erkunden. Bildungswert: Bietet neben einer fesselnden Story auch wichtige Erkenntnisse über Umweltschutz und traditionelle Lebensweisen. Perfekt für Tier- und Naturfreunde: Ein Muss für junge Leser, die eine Leidenschaft für Tiere, insbesondere Schlittenhunde, und die Natur haben.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 1996

        Late Merovingian France

        by Paul Fouracre

        This collection of documents in translation brings together the seminal sources for the late Merovingian Frankish kingdom. It inteprets the chronicles and saint's lives rigorously to reveal new insights into the nature and significance of sanctity, power and power relationships. The book makes available a range of 7th- and early 8th-century texts, five of which have never before been translated into English. It opens with a broad-ranging explanation of the historical background to the translated texts and then each source is accompanied by a full commentary and an introductory essay exploring its authorship, language and subject matter. The sources are rich in the detail of Merovingian political life. Their subjects are the powerful in society and they reveal the successful interplay between power and sanctity, a process which came to underpin much of European culture throughout the early Middle Ages. ;

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        Colonialism & imperialism
        May 2017

        Hong Kong and British culture, 1945–97

        by Mark Hampton. Series edited by Andrew S. Thompson, John Mackenzie

        This book examines the British cultural engagement with Hong Kong in the second half of the twentieth century. It shows how the territory fit unusually within Britain's decolonisation narratives and served as an occasional foil for examining Britain's own culture during a period of perceived stagnation and decline. Drawing on a wide range of archival and published primary sources, Hong Kong and British culture, 1945-97 investigates such themes as Hong Kong as a site of unrestrained capitalism, modernisation, and good government, as well as an arena of male social and sexual opportunity. It also examines the ways in which Hong Kong Chinese embraced British culture, and the competing predictions that British observers made concerning the colony's return to Chinese sovereignty. An epilogue considers the enduring legacy of British colonialism.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Marguerite Duras

        by Renate Gunther

        The first book in English to deal exclusively with Duras' cinema, including such films as India Song, Le Camion, and Nathalie Granger. Provides a lucid and stimulating introduction to her films, which is accessible to a wide readerhip, both specialist and non-specialist.. Locates the films in their autobiographical as well as social and historical context, making the book broadly interesting to students and teachers in all areas of French Studies.. The book's empahasis on gender issues widens it's appeal to include those working in Women's Studies, Gender Studies and Gay and Lesbian Studies.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Asia in Western fiction

        by Robin Winks

        Any reader who has ever visited Asia knows that the great bulk of Western-language fiction about Asian cultures turns on stereotypes. This book, a collection of essays, explores the problem of entering Asian societies through Western fiction, since this is the major port of entry for most school children, university students and most adults. In the thirteenth century, serious attempts were made to understand Asian literature for its own sake. Hau Kioou Choaan, a typical Chinese novel, was quite different from the wild and magical pseudo-Oriental tales. European perceptions of the Muslim world are centuries old, originating in medieval Christendom's encounter with Islam in the age of the Crusades. There is explicit and sustained criticism of medieval mores and values in Scott's novels set in the Middle Ages, and this is to be true of much English-language historical fiction of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Even mediocre novels take on momentary importance because of the pervasive power of India. The awesome, remote and inaccessible Himalayas inevitably became for Western writers an idealised setting for novels of magic, romance and high adventure, and for travellers' tales that read like fiction. Chinese fictions flourish in many guises. Most contemporary Hong Kong fiction reinforced corrupt mandarins, barbaric punishments and heathens. Of the novels about Japan published after 1945, two may serve to frame a discussion of Japanese behaviour as it could be observed (or imagined) by prisoners of war: Black Fountains and Three Bamboos.

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        March 1985


        Die klassische chinesische Griffbrettzither und ihre Musik in Geschichte, Geschichten und Gedichten. Zusammengestellt und aus dem Chinesischen übertragen von Manfred Dahmer

        by Manfred Dahmer

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1994

        Das Qing-Imperium als Vision und Wirklichkeit

        Tibet in Laufbahn und Schriften des Song Yun (1752-1835)

        by Dabringhaus, Sabine

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