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        January 2015

        Tilda Apfelkern. Happy Birthday

        Immerwährender Geburtstagskalender

        by Illustriert von Schmachtl, Andreas H.

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        April 2023

        Compass Men's Health

        Healthy, fit and potent at any age

        by Dr. med. André Reitz

        — The book on men's health — Confessions from a urologist — Compact, competent, concise Men are often unwilling to seek medical advice when they have problems. However, a lot of diseases can only be treated if they are detected in time. This book contains comprehensible and entertaining information on all the important questions relating to men's health, from the erection and its disorders, fertility and prostate issues, to sexuality in old age. The author knows what matters to men: he speaks from his experience as a urologist.

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        A Healthy Pregnancy with Selected (Micro)Nutrients

        by Uwe Gröber

        Adequate nutrition and a healthy lifestyle – before and during pregnancy - are of great importance for a trouble-free pregnancy, birth, and the subsequent development of the child. Since the nutritional status before the onset of pregnancy influences both fertility and the course of pregnancy, including complications, the birth and breastfeeding, close attention should be paid to a healthy diet and adequate supply of essential (micro)nutrients well in advance and not only at the family planning stage. Poor micronutrient status prior to conception is often carried over into pregnancy, and can significantly increase the risk of pregnancy complications and, for example, lead to the dreaded spina bifida in the child. This patient guide tells you what you need to know! Various micronutrients are described in detail. Special emphasis is placed on the latest study results concerning pregnancy and nutrition.

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        April 2023

        Evolutionary Epistemology

        by Gerhard Vollmer

        — The seminal work reissued — A science and philosophy classic — On the occasion of the author's 80th birthday According to evolutionary epistemology, the fact that we can know the world is neither coincidence nor divine providence, but has a natural explanation. Thinking and cognition are achievements of the human brain. Our cognitive structures fit into our world because they have evolved in adaptation to this world. This fit is not ideal, but it is enough for survival under competition. Gerhard Vollmer was instrumental in developing evolutionary epistemology. In his standard work, he explains the achievements and failures of our cognitive apparatus.

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        July 2021

        My Life with Viruses

        A researcher’s history of the fascinating world of pathogens

        by Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker in association with Jeanne Rubner

        In times of the coronavirus pandemic many people have certainly condemned them, but Professor Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker has dedicated his life to researching them and is intrigued by viruses – even if sometimes he is keenly aware of their fatal effects. To mark his 80th birthday the biochemist describes the co-evolution and co-existence as well as the eternal ‘battle’ between humans and viruses. Winnacker takes up the cause of these ‘biological elements between animate and inanimate nature’ because they play an important role in fundamental research and genetic technology, and without them human beings would not be what they are.

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        May 2021

        The Humane Idea

        Rudolf Virchow and Hermann von Helmholtz. The legacy of the Charité

        by Ernst Peter Fischer, Detlev Ganten

        Two of today’s leading scientists, Ernst Peter Fischer and Detlev Ganten, reconfirm the legacy of two influential 19th-century researchers. To mark the 200th birthday of Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902) and Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894), they explain why pioneering research and holistic thinking are still relevant for health science and practice, and for a sustainable balance of people, society and the environment. The historical achievement of Virchow and Helmholtz continues today with the work of researchers like Emmanuelle Charpentier and Christian Drosten, so ensuring that the humane idea continues to be fruitful in the future. An insight into the history of medical science.

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        February 2023

        Tobias Mayer

        or measuring the earth, sea and sky

        by Thomas Knubben

        —300th birthday of Tobias Mayer in February 2023 — The rediscovery of a great scientist — A chapter in the fascinating history of science The story of Tobias Mayer's life (1723 to 1762) is that of a child prodigy and orphan who became a pioneer of the Enlightenment as a cartographer, mathematician, physicist and astronomer. Having never been to university, at the age of 28 he was appointed a professor in Göttingen by the Elector of Hanover and King of England. He revolutionised cartography with his zeal and skill, helping sailors to find the right path across the seas and providing people with the firstever clear view of the moon. 17th February 2023 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Tobias Mayer. High time to recall this prototype of a scientist.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Alone Is Not a Color

        by Azimeh Maleki, Hannah den Hartog, Mira Maiworm, Kristina Wüstefeld

        Ten-year-old Emma has cancer and is undergoing her first days in hospital. There are many feelings connected with this: she is worried about the treatment and misses home. Because she can’t go to a friend’s birthday party, she feels increasingly lonely. A conflict occurs with her roommate, but this resolves into a friendship. The two of them talk about their problems and are able to help each other. They start to make life on the children’s cancer ward as pleasant as possible. This book aims to help children affected by cancer to cope with their worries and feelings. It shows the children that they are not alone and that others are having a similar experience to theirs. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who havecancer• parents and relatives• therapists

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Mio, the Brown Bear

        by Isabell Müller, Hannah Schmiedel, Noah Willmann, Simon Zerth

        “Whenever I see my uncle, he gets really close to me”, Mio the brown bear tells his friend Rami the raven. At Tara’s (Mio’s mom’s) birthday party, he talks to Rami about the bad feeling in his bear belly whenever he sees his uncle Oskar. From Rami, Mio learns to listen to his gut instinct. The next morning, when the bears go fishing together, Oskar touches Mio in a way that he doesn’t want. Mio summons all his courage and fights off his uncle. The book makes children aware of the subject of sexualized violence. It encourages those affected to set boundaries and to talk to people they trust. Moreover, the book provides practical tasks and exercises and offers important information on the topic for parents, relatives and therapists. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12) who haveexperienced sexualized violence• their relatives and acquaintances• therapists

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        Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups
        July 2015

        Refractions of Bob Dylan

        Cultural appropriations of an American icon

        by Edited by Eugen Banauch

        Bob Dylan's cultural production in the second half of the twentieth century, his songs, but also his changing images and self-fashionings have informed and productively re/shaped certain images of America from outside and within. Refractions of Bob Dylan collects scholarly essays which thoroughly investigate the routes of Bob Dylan's cultural appropriations. The collection looks at how Dylan has been used and interpreted by others, and how his work has been reworked into cultural expressions in culturally and regionally divergent spaces. Additionally, a number of essays look at what Dylan has appropriated and incorporated in his own work, focusing on questions of plagiarism, tribute, allusion, love and theft. Some of the essays originate from the Refractions of Bob Dylan conference in Vienna ( which took place around the 70th birthday of Bob Dylan, and included Dylan experts such as Clinton Heylin, Stephen Scobie and Michael Gray.

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        The Arts
        February 2019

        Contemporary Korean cinema

        Culture, identity and politics

        by Hyangjin Lee

        The first in-depth, comprehensive study of Korean cinema offering original insight into the relationships between ideology and the art of cinema from East Asian perspectives. Combines issues of contemporary Korean culture and cinematic representation of the society and people in both North and South Korea. Covers the introduction of motion pictures in 1903, Korean cinema during the Japanese colonial period (1910-45) and the development of North and South Korean cinema up to the 1990s. Introduces the works of Korea's major directors, and analyses the Korean film industry in terms of film production, distribution and reception. Based on this historical analysis, the study investigates ideological constructs in seventeen films, eight from North Korea and nine from South Korea.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023


        The strange science and true stories of the unseen other

        by Ben Alderson-Day

        In this enthralling book, Ben Alderson-Day explores one of the most curious experiences known to humankind: the universal, disturbing sense that someone or something is there when we are alone - the feeling of an unseen presence. When and why do presences emerge? What does this feeling mean and where does it come from? And how can we even begin to understand a phenomenon that can be transformative for those who experience it and yet so hard to put into words? The answers to these questions lie in this fascinating exploration through cutting-edge research in contemporary psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and philosophy. Taking the reader on a riveting and emotional journey, Presence offers remarkable insights into the experience of felt presence and how it relates to a range of medical conditions, including sleep paralysis, dementia and Parkinson's. This compelling story will stoke the fascination of sceptics and ardent believers alike who are drawn to the mystery of the unseen.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Incest in contemporary literature

        by Miles Leeson

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