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        Burnet Media is an independent publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We specialise in forging close author-publisher partnerships for trade and customised projects.

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      • El Emporio

        Como grupo editorial, estamos orgullosos de decir que somos creadores de best-sellers, que pasan de ser éxitos locales a éxitos nacionales. Apostamos tanto por autores reconocidos como por autores noveles y nos interesamos en ampliar y renovar nuestro catálogo de manera constante. Como actores activos de la cultura, nuestro horizonte es ofrecer libros que participen de la construcción colectiva de contenidos de calidad.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2021

        Managing Staff Turnover

        by Häfner, Alexander; Truschel, Christina

        The long-term retention of top performers is of great economic relevance for companies. Unwanted staff turnover generates high costs in companies and is often accompanied by losses in terms of quality, customer satisfaction and productivity. In addition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit good specialists and managers on the labor market.  Based on the current state of research, this book describes guidelines for the systematic analysis of reasons for staff turnover and provides practical recommendations for how to retain top performers (e.g., conducting retention interviews, designing attractive career paths). It also explains how classic HR tools, such as employee surveys or team meetings, can help prevent unwanted turnover. The topics presented range from the initial training, through discussions to clarify expectations, to exit interviews and typical problems encountered when implementing turnover management. Special emphasis is placed on the question of what both immediate superiors (e.g. team leaders) and those responsible for personnel and organizational development as well as the management can do to prevent unwanted staff turnover. Case studies from various industries (e.g. production, retail, care) round off this book. For:• professionals in leadership positions• HR managers• personnel and organizational developers• business consultants, coaches, and supervisors• personnel psychologists• students and teachers of industrial, business andorganizational psychology as well as businessadministration

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Onboarding – Integrating New Employees

        by Moser, Klaus; Souček, Roman; Galais, Nathalie; Roth, Colin

        Introducing and integrating new employees successfully, also known as “onboarding”, is of central importance for every company and a core task of Human Resource management / personnel work. Successful onboarding not only avoids mistakes, accidents, and stress, but also initiates learning processes, the development of commitment and promotes team spirit among employees. This book makes it clear that onboarding starts with recruitment and that different priorities have to be set depending on the target group. Key measures that can contribute to the successful integration of new employees are described: realistic job previews, the use of informal recruitment methods, integration by supervisors and colleagues, training and orientation programs, sponsorship and mentoring systems, coaching and supervision, trainee programs, team development, the use of social media and financial incentives. Basic principles, mechanisms of action, evaluation results and case studies are presented. For:• managers, personnel managers• personnel and organizational developers• trainers, consultants, supervisors• personnel psychologists, students and lecturers ofindustrial, business and organizational psychologyas well as business administration

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Depression Is not SomethingThat Just Happens

        10 self-empowerment conceptsfor burnout, depression and trauma

        by Barbara Günther-Haug

        A crisis does not make a disease. It only becomes dangerous when we get stuck – in the ways of thinking and acting that are rooted in our fears and desires, but not in reality. That way, we wear ourselves out for nothing; exhaustion and frustration increase, and may even end in depression. This book sheds a light on ten main stress situations that may be the reason for depression. It goes far beyond the usual explanations of the symptoms of depression or individual stories, and is a treasure trove for people who want to understand what has caused them to wear themselves out mentally and how they can lift themselves out of this low.

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        The Anatomy of Time – Self-Management for Doctors

        A Guide to Effectively Prepare Time Slots

        by Alexander Ghanem

        Doctors fnd themselves caught be­tween the growing demands of having to learn more and more plus physical and mental stress, and the needs of a fulfll­ing private life. Previously, there was no self­help guide focused on how to effec­tively improve the well­being of physi­cians (and patients). Doctors fnd themselves caught be­tween the growing demands of having to learn more and more plus physical and mental stress, and the needs of a fulfll­ing private life. Previously, there was no self­help guide focused on how to effec­tively improve the well­being of physi­cians (and patients). Over the course of their careers, physi­cians often lose momentum, become exhausted and subsequently lack meaning in their life. This can even cul­minate in burnout. To prevent this, it is important to continually refocus, adapt­ing your goals to circumstances. With this in mind, time management for phy­sicians becomes more than just normal planning.

      • Trusted Partner

        Amino Acids in Prevention and Treatment

        A selection for clinical practice

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        In contrast to vitamins and minerals, for a long time, science paid only scant attention to amino acids, but this all changed when scientists Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998 for their work on amino acids. Pharmacist Uwe Gröber, Head of the Academy for Micronutrient Medicine in Essen and Prof. Klaus Kisters, MD, Head of the Department of Medicine at St Anna Hospital in Herne – both experts in micronutrient medicine – have reviewed the subject and explain clearly and in practical terms: ■ The importance of individual amino acids for our health ■ How they are optimally used in combination with vitamins, minerals and trace elements ■ Which diseases can be positively influenced in this way. ■ Effects on colds and influenza, cold sores, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, ADHD as well as stress and burnout are examined in more detail. A further chapter is devoted to amino acids and their use in sportsmen and -women.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2013

        Leistung und Erschöpfung

        Burnout in der Wettbewerbsgesellschaft

        by Sighard Neckel, Greta Wagner

        Burnout ist ein Modethema, selbst »Burnout ist ein Modethema«-Artikel sind inzwischen in Mode. Dennoch wirft Burnout wichtige zeitdiagnostische Fragen auf, mit denen sich renommierte Sozialwissenschaftler wie Ulrich Bröckling, Rolf Haubl, Sighard Neckel und G. Günter Voß in diesem Band befassen: In welchem Zusammenhang stehen der Wandel der Arbeitswelt und kollektive Erschöpfung? Ist Burnout eine »erfundene« Krankheit? Welche Rolle spielen Prominente, die sich »geoutet« haben? Und warum findet gerade das Bild des leeren Akkus solche Resonanz?

      • Trusted Partner

        Understanding and Managing Stress Holistically

        by Ariane Orosz

        This manual was produced by the author (herself a neuroscientist) specifically for her coaching courses and is based on her own experiences. Psychotherapists and other professionals who want to address the emergence of stress and ways of coping with it will find all the help they need in this text. This program is particularly suitable for preventive sessions and outpatient groups. The book includes a clear account of the relevant neurobiological facts, which can be incorporated into the work with clients to deepen their understanding. Holistic therapies and their neurobiological effects in stress management are an important aspect of this approach.   For: psychotherapists and coaches who wish to include basic neurobiological facts as part of their group therapy for the prevention of stress or burnout

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        Eine internationale Bibliographie

        by Kleiber, Dieter; Enzmann, Dirk

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Digitaler Burnout

        Warum unsere permanente Smartphone-Nutzung gefährlich ist

        by Markowetz, Alexander / Zusammen mit Schwarz, Ann-Kathrin; Zusammen mit Wielpütz, Jan F.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006


        Wege aus dem Familienstress

        by Mähler, Bettina; Musall, Peter

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        Historical fiction


        by Susanne Popp

        Between self-realisation and love: the story of the woman behind the famous champagne brand Veuve Clicquot.   The French champagne city Reims in 1805: despite resistance from her family, young widow Barbe-Nicole Clicquot takes over the champagne and wine production from her late husband - and turns out to be a talented winemaker. But it is the time of the Napoleonic Wars and business is not going well. Supported by her employee Louis Bohne and the German accountant Christian Kessler, Barbe-Nicole nevertheless manages to get her company started, develops a new production process and thus gives champagne its seductive tingle. Enchanted by her esprit, both men develop feelings for her - but it is only as a widow that Barbe-Nicole can run the company under her name ...

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