Ethir Veliyeedu
Contemporary Authors In Tamil Literature
View Rights PortalThis book investigates the pronounced enthusiasm that many traditions display for codes of ethics characterised by a multitude of rules. Recent anthropological interest in ethics and historical explorations of 'self-fashioning' have led to extensive study of the virtuous self, but existing scholarship tends to pass over the kind of morality that involves legalistic reasoning. Rules and ethics corrects that omission by demonstrating the importance of rules in everyday moral life in a variety of contexts. In a nutshell, it argues that legalistic moral rules are not necessarily an obstruction to a rounded ethical self, but can be an integral part of it. An extended introduction first sets out the theoretical basis for studies of ethical systems that are characterised by detailed rules. This is followed by a series of empirical studies of rule-oriented moral traditions in a comparative perspective.
This book is a powerful addition to a developing literature informed by arts and humanities research carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigating the impacts of crisis governance and decision-making on people and populations, the book brings together microbial organisms and humans, children and data, decision-making and infection prevention, publics and process, global vaccine distribution and citizens' juries. Through its eight chapters, the book stimulates broadly-drawn discussions about exceptional executive powers in an emergency, the role of trust, and the importance of the principles of good governance - such as selflessness, ethics, integrity, accountability and honesty in leadership. The lessons drawn out in this book will support future decision-makers in both ordinary times and extra-ordinary emergencies.
Leonardo da Vinci and the ethics of style brings together a distinguished group of experts on Leonardo and the Renaissance, examining the ethical underpinnings of art history. The seven essays articulate the complexity of ways in which style involved ethical considerations during the early modern period, and still involves us in its conundrums. Looking at individual works and concepts, this fascinating collection covers subjects such as Leonardo's understanding of his role as a painter as that of a natural philosopher, his interests in visual perception and the understanding of visual sensations by the mind, how and why Leonardo's ideas on painting are at the core of art theory, how Leonardo addresses style in gendered terms, and 'style' as the historian's projection. This volume will be of great interest to all those studying or with an enthusiasm for Renaissance art history, art theory, cultural studies and philosophy. ;
Although the importance of ethics is often stressed, it remains sidelined in training. Marianne Rabe makes ethics and ethical reflection the focus of nursing practice and training. Her study - presents the theoretical principles of formative learning and explores how it can be put into practice - puts forward practical curriculum suggestions for incorporating ethics into nurse training - shows how to address the ethical principles of dignity, autonomy, care, justice, responsibility, and dialogue within the framework of a teaching concept - presents Rabe’s own model of ethical reflection based on her personal experience. Target Group: Nursing trainers, lecturers
Brutal treatments explores the role medical doctors played in the colonial counterinsurgency campaigns in British Kenya (1952-1960) and French Algeria (1954-1962) in the final years of empire. It not only examines how these medical professionals became embroiled in the conflict, but also how they used their knowledge to further the interests of the state. The book makes a substantial and significant contribution to the history of medicine, the history of medical ethics, and the history of colonialism.
Guidance for psychologists on ethical dilemmas that mattertoday• New updated edition• Based on the Meta-code of Ethics of the EuropeanFederation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA)• Full of practical examplesThe understanding of and adherence to professional ethicsis fundamental in navigating the moral encounters and dilemmasthat all psychologists face in their daily work, whetherin research or professional practice. Core values and principlesremain stable. However, as more complex andconflicting societal contexts come into play, the individualpsychologist and the professional community need supportin upholding a solid moral integrity. The volume is a welcomeresource for any psychologist or student wanting to foresee,prevent, and professionally manage, in an ethically responsibleway, the moral challenges that arise.
Passages: On geo-analysis and the aesthetics of precarity is a multi-genre and transdisciplinary text addressing themes such as colonialism, nuclear zones of abandonment, migration control regimes, transnational domestic work, the biocolonial hostilities of the hospitality industry, legal precarities behind the international criminal justice regime, the shadow-worlds of the African soccerscape, and immunity regimes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This book invites inquiry into today's apocalyptic narratives, humanitarian reason, and international criminal justice regimes, as well as the precarity generated by citizen time and 'consulate time'. The aesthetic breaks emerging from the book's image-text montage draw attention to the ethics of encounter and passage that challenges colonial, domestic, and nation-statist sovereignty regimes of inattention.
The Irish writer, Deirdre Madden, has written key novels about the Northern Irish Troubles and about contemporary Ireland. In these works, she weighs up the aftermath of violence and the impact of the shift to a more open but materialist society in the country overall. Memory, trauma, and the abiding but elusive links between the past and the present are central concerns of her fiction. This pioneering set of essays by leading experts in Irish Studies explores the many dimensions of her novels from a wide variety of perspectives. Madden's skill at interweaving novels of ideas with artist novels that draw out the complex inner predicaments of her characters is highlighted. States of dislocation are concentrated on in her texts, but also the quest for a home in the world and a lasting set of values that allows for personal integrity and authenticity. These multifaceted explorations bear out the compelling and enduring aspects of Madden's highly regarded novels.
Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.
An introduction to the ethical and legal dilemmas in nursing practice, this text is designed to provoke the nurse to reflect on the nature of his or her professional obligations and future practice. The authors firstly familiarise the reader with the basic principles of ethical debate and the overall structure of the legal system as it effects nurses. They then address the fundamental dilemmas of nursing practice, such as whether or not paternalism can ever be justified, if patients have the right to die, and what a nurse's response should be to poor professional practice by colleagues. The book aims to enhance the reader's understanding of the issues, and to educate nurses to develop their own skills of reasoning and judgement. ;
"Die Beiträge zu diesem Band haben ihren Ausgangspunkt in der Frage, ob eine moralfreie Theorie der Moral möglich und ob sie wissenschaftlich boten ist. Angesichts einer langen, ergebnislosen Diskussion der Wertfreiheit der Wissenschaft wird dieses Thema hier nicht wissenschaftstheoretisch weiterbehandelt. Statt dessen versuchen die Autoren vorzuführen, wie verschiedene Auffassungen zu diesem Thema durchführbar sind. Die vier Zugangsweisen, die sie wählen, sind: funktionale Analyse; ein Herauspräparieren der Grenzen, die der wissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung durch die Besonderheit des Gegenstandes der Moral gezogen sind; eine Fallanalyse; Typenbildung. Das Ziel ist, mit der theorietechnischen Ausarbeitung möglicher Optionen Klarheit über die Möglichkeit einer moralfreien Theorie der Moral und über Moral se zu gewinnen."