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      • Wolters Kluwer Health

        Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf and electronic media formats.

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      • Media Partisans GmbH

        Since 2014 Media Partisans has been creating top quality online content in 10 languages and our cooking brands and DIY/lifehacks brands now have millions of fans around the globe. In 2017 we began producing cookbooks with content from our "Leckerschmecker" cooking brand. Shortly after that we released our first DIY/Lifehacks book with content from our popular "Geniale Tricks" website. Since then we've sold over 230,000 copies of our cookbooks and nearly 50,000 copies of our first DIY/lifehacks book. Considering the strength of our cooking brands in other countries around the world, we now want to offer our books to our fans in other countries. We see great potential in South America where our cooking website Riquísimo has nearly 20 million Facebook subscribers. In Brazil, our cooking brand A Receitaria, also has a huge fanbase of over 8 million Facebook subscribers. These are just a few examples of how strong and global our brands are, and there is great potential in other regions as well. If you're a publisher interested in acquiring printing rights for cookbooks and DIY/lifehacks books with strong brand identities and solid fanbases, please get in touch.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Payment and philanthropy in British healthcare, 1918–48

        by George Campbell Gosling, Keir Waddington

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. At a time when payment is claiming a greater place than ever before within the NHS, this book provides the first in-depth investigation of the workings, scale and meaning of payment in British hospitals before the NHS. There were only three decades in British history when it was the norm for patients to pay the hospital; those between the end of the First World War and the establishment of the National Health Service in 1948. Payment played an important part in redefining rather than abandoning medical philanthropy, based on class divisions and the notion of financial contribution as a civic duty. With new insights on the scope of private medicine and the workings of the means test in the hospital, as well as the civic, consumer and charitable meanings associated with paying the hospital, Gosling offers a fresh perspective on healthcare before the NHS and welfare before the welfare state.

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        Textbook of Korean Medicine

        Medicinal drugs and formulations

        by Dr. Kenny Kuchta, Prof. Dr. Hans Wilhelm Rauwald, Hans Rausch and Dr. Raimund Royer

        The consistent and evidence-based development of Korean medicine in many clinical application areas has significantly improved its international status in recent years. The basis for this development is one of the most important medical books in Korea, the „Donguibogam“, a clinical lexicon of applications compiled about 400 years ago; at that time the traditional work also enjoyed the highest recognition in China. In 2009 it was included in the „Memory of the World“ register of UNESCO. Even now after 400 years, it still serves as a manual for writing prescriptions for many physicians in Korea, and testifies that the understanding of nature and human disease patterns is still current and clinically applicable even in the modern industrialised world. This work provides ■ understanding for Korean medicine, ■ many selected medicinal formulations and their fields of application, ■ the description and evaluation of important traditional single remedies, ■ the corresponding drug monographs with information on analytical testing

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Technology, health and the patient consumer in the twentieth century

        by Rachel Elder, Thomas Schlich

        Technology and consumerism are two characteristic phenomena in the history medicine and healthcare, yet the connections between them are rarely explored by scholars. In this edited volume, the authors address this disconnect, noting the ways in which a variety of technologies have shaped patients' roles as consumers since the early twentieth century. Chapters examine key issues, such as the changing nature of patient information and choice, patients' assessment of risk and reward, and matters of patient role and of patient demand as they relate to new and changing technologies. They simultaneously investigate how differences in access to care and in outcomes across various patient groups have been influenced by the advent of new technologies and consumer-based approaches to health. The volume spans the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, spotlights an array of medical technologies and health products, and draws on examples from across the United States and United Kingdom.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        ‘Everyday health’, embodiment, and selfhood since 1950

        by Tracey Loughran, Hannah Froom, Kate Mahoney, Daisy Payling

        What is the history of 'everyday health' in the postwar world, and where might we find it? This volume moves away from top-down histories of health and medicine that focus on states, medical professionals, and other experts. Instead, it centres the day-to-day lives of people in diverse contexts from 1950 to the present. Chapters explore how gender, class, 'race', sexuality, disability, and age mediated experiences of health and wellbeing in historical context. The volume foregrounds methodologies for writing bottom-up histories of health, subjectivity, and embodiment, offering insights applicable to scholars of times and places beyond those represented in the case studies presented here. Drawing together cutting-edge scholarship, the volume establishes and critically interrogates 'everyday health' as a crucial concept that will shape future histories of health and medicine.

      • Trusted Partner

        Self-medication in Pregnancy and Breast-feeding

        Counselling handbook

        by Dr. Annette Abhau

        Cough, hay fever or herpes are at least as troublesome during pregnancy and breast-feeding as under normal “conditions” - and yet everything is different. Physiological changes to the body in pregnancy and lactation, together with the vulnerability of the unborn baby or infant, set particular requirements when selecting the correct, safe medication. Especially in the area of self-medication, the needs of pregnant and breast-feeding women for information are great and call for competent advice! This comprehensive handbook is the key: General information about pharmacotherapy, supplementary measures, vaccinations, questions about diet and infections in pregnancy and lactation creates a broad knowledge base. The core feature of the book are the traffic light tables, with precise recommendations for medicinal products for all types of treatment. All the important indications for selfmedication in pregnancy and lactation are listed and the tables are supported by detailed explanations of the individual assessments. The sections “Advice from medical specialists” are particularly useful, with additional tips from gynaecologists and “Footnotes” with relevant information on the use of prescription- only medicines – and as the ultimate practical tool: the enclosed sales counter leaflets with all traffic light tables to enable quick reference for first-class advice!

      • Trusted Partner

        OTC Questions: Contraception

        Pill, ring, condoms and more

        by Cornelia Schweizer

        Does the coil interfere with MRI? Is a latex allergy the reason for condom intolerance? Does the contraceptive patch stay on whilst swimming? The subject of contraception raises far more questions in the pharmacy than those about the price of a particular contraceptive pill. This book brings together questions from customers about the basic principles, problems and risks of the different methods of contraception: ■ Natural family planning ■ Barrier methods ■ Intrauterine devices (IUD) ■ Hormonal contraceptives ■ Morning after pill (emergency pill) With the aid of patient- and customer-friendly formulated answers and a clarification of the pharmacological and medical background, all questions about the pill, ring, condoms and more can be faced without any problems!

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      • Trusted Partner

        Mutschler’s Drug Actions

        Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacology – Toxicology

        by Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerd Geisslinger, Dr. Sabine Menzel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hinz and Prof. Dr. Peter Ruth. Founded by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c. Ernst Mutschler

        For half a century, “Mutschler” has been the standard reference work on pharmacology and toxicology – always forward-looking and at the cutting edge. The 11th edition continues this approach: ■ Up-to-the-minute: new drugs, including biologicals, relevant guidelines in the context of evidence-based medicine ■ Clearly structured: completely new layout with the focus on indication-related pharmacotherapy; uniformly constructed concise chapters ■ Well-illustrated: with many figures and tables, completely revised ■ Easy to remember: readily understandable explanations – even of complex issues ■ Critical: objective, independent assessment of the clinical value of drugs and drug groups ■ Comprehensive: with short introductions into the principles of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology in the individual chapters ■ Reliable: full coverage of the subjects usually tested in the medical and pharmaceutical state examinations   The proven source for complete knowledge about the actions of drugs: for students and practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        The Patient Catchers

        How we are talked into illness

        by Michelle Hildebrandt

        The health market seems to have been unleashed, more and more actors, indications, methods compete for attention. Dr. Michelle Hildebrandt shows how companies, but also doctors and alternative medicine are “catching” patients out of economic interests – and how we are happy to put up with that. So more and more people are being treated unnecessarily or incorrectly with medicine and therapies, while at the same time rogue providers are propagating sometimes dangerous methods instead of calling for life-saving diagnostics. Knowledge is needed in order for patients to overcome their self-inflicted immaturity. Michelle Hildebrandt‘s book makes an important contribution to this.

      • Trusted Partner

        Amino Acids in Prevention and Treatment

        A selection for clinical practice

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        In contrast to vitamins and minerals, for a long time, science paid only scant attention to amino acids, but this all changed when scientists Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998 for their work on amino acids. Pharmacist Uwe Gröber, Head of the Academy for Micronutrient Medicine in Essen and Prof. Klaus Kisters, MD, Head of the Department of Medicine at St Anna Hospital in Herne – both experts in micronutrient medicine – have reviewed the subject and explain clearly and in practical terms: ■ The importance of individual amino acids for our health ■ How they are optimally used in combination with vitamins, minerals and trace elements ■ Which diseases can be positively influenced in this way. ■ Effects on colds and influenza, cold sores, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, ADHD as well as stress and burnout are examined in more detail. A further chapter is devoted to amino acids and their use in sportsmen and -women.

      • Trusted Partner

        Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation

        Guidelines for physicians and pharmacists

        by Prof. Dr. Klaus Friese, Prof. Dr. Klaus Mörike Prof. Dr. Gerd Neumann and Dr. Wolfgang E. Paulus

        The risks in connection with the unborn child and infant when prescribing and dispensing medicinal products are adequately known. However, a sound knowledge of safety issues and precise recommendations – rather than the blanket forgoing of medicinal treatment – is crucial for providing expert, professional advice. To meet this special responsibility, a reliable source of information is essential. The now ninth edition of this standard reference work provides the necessary professional knowledge not only for all physicians and pharmacists who wish to support their pregnant and breast-feeding patients through competent advice, but also for midwives: - Information about embryonal development and developmental disorders - Well over 1000 drug substances with all important medicinal products, assessed individually - Classification according to FDA and ADEC - Differentiated risk assessment, based on current literature - Personal recommendations of the experienced and well-known team of authors from the realms of gynaecology, paediatric medicine and clinical pharmacology. The new edition contains many new assessments from current studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Imperial medicine and indigenous societies

        by David Arnold

      • Trusted Partner

        Lexicon of Medicinal Plants

        by Prof. Dr. Dietrich Frohne (†), in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Birgit Classen

        Indian mulberry, St. John’s wort, Hawaiian baby woodrose – whether disputed wonder drug, traditional medicinal plant or unknown exotic plant – the Lexicon of Medicinal Plants can always be relied upon. The lexical and classic knowledge about the individual medicinal plants – such as family, origin, use, effect and constituents – garnered over decades and peppered with particular anecdotes on the herbal drugs, can be regarded as unique and largely timeless. At the repeated request of readers, this reference work has therefore been reissued in book form, with its contents largely unchanged but with misprints corrected and its layout modernised. A wealth of experience that even in the fast-moving digital world preserves traditional knowledge.

      • Trusted Partner

        Complementary Medicine

        Advice recommendations for self-medication

        by M. Schlenk, G. Bauer, H. Blaschke, B. Emde, Dr. M. Glöckler,M. Müller-Frahling and N. Schlesinger

        Diversity in consultations Self-medication offers a wide range of therapy options that can be used in a targeted manner. This volume contains therapy recommendations for a specific clinical picture from the areas of - Phytotherapy - Homeopathy (single and complex remedies) - Anthroposophic medicine - Aromatherapy - Schuessler salts - Spagyrics - Bach flower therapy as well as recommendations on food supplements and the microbiome. For over 100 self-medication indications, suggested preparations for all the above-mentioned therapeutic approaches have been compiled in a compact, pocket-sized format. The 3rd edition has been greatly expanded and updated to include advice options. The highlight: In addition to the recommendations from complementary medicine, the reader is also always told how to treat according to the allopathic approach. This guarantees that users will always find the right medicine for the purpose.

      • Trusted Partner

        Anthroposophic Medicine

        Medicinal therapy for 350 disease pictures

        by Edited by Dr. Matthias Girke,Dr. Michaela Glöckler and Georg Soldner

        100 years after it was founded in Switzerland, anthroposophic medicine is nowadays an approach to treatment that is used worldwide. In this jubilee edition, 39 general practitioners and specialists experienced in anthroposophic therapy describe 350 disease pictures and their medicinal treatment – including Covid-19 – in understandable therapeutic concepts.

      • Trusted Partner
        History of medicine
        October 2016

        Medicine, health and Irish experiences of conflict, 1914–45

        by Edited by David Durnin, Ian Miller

        This book explores Irish experiences of medicine and health during the First and Second World Wars, the War of Independence and the Civil War. It examines the physical, mental and emotional impact of conflict on Irish political and social life, as well as medical, scientific and official interventions in Irish health matters. The contributors put forward the case that warfare and political unrest profoundly shaped Irish experiences of medicine and health, and that Irish political, social and economic contexts added unique contours to those experiences not evident in other countries. In pursuing these themes, the book offers an original and focused intervention into a central, but so far unexplored, area of Irish medical history.

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