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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Populism in Europe

        Lessons from Umberto Bossi's Northern League

        by Davide Vampa, Daniele Albertazzi

        Populism in Europe offers a detailed and systematic analysis of the ideology, electoral and governmental performances, organisational model, type of leadership and member activism of the Northern League under its founder, Umberto Bossi (1991-2012). Based on a wealth of original research, the book identifies the Northern League's consistent and coherent ideology, its strong leadership and its ability to create communities of loyal partisan activists as key ingredients of its success. Through their in-depth analysis, Albertazzi and Vampa show that the League has much to teach us about how populists can achieve durability and rootedness and how parties of all kinds can still benefit from a committed and dedicated membership today.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        Conceiving bodies

        Reproduction in early medieval English medicine

        by Dana Oswald

        Despite reliance on ingredients like horse dung, Old English remedies for women's medicine speak to contemporary reproductive concerns. Previous translators reduced the remedies to a general category of women's medicine, but sustained examination of language reveals important distinctions: remedies for menstruation indicate social concerns about fertility, where remedies for 'cleansing' do not provide a clear path to conception, but rather foreclose it. Rarest of all are the remedies for childbirth, but their rarity is compounded by the practices of translators who conflate the language for women's reproduction into an amorphous singularity. Through an original method of hysteric philology-the combining of traditional philology with contemporary feminist and medical epistemologies-this book situates itself in the historical treatment of reproductive people as both objects and subjects of medical practice, and gestures forward in time to the contemporary struggle for bodily autonomy.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Leos Carax

        by Fergus Daly, Garin Dowd

        The first book in any language to study the films of this enfant terrible of contemporary French cinema, best known for his film Les Amants du Pont Neuf. Examines key ingredients in the worlds of Carax's films - Paris, pop music, 'flânerie' and 'amour fou', 'mannerist' and 'neo-baroque' aesthetics, the Nouvelle Vague and contemporary 'naturalist' cinema - making the book a good primer of contemporary French film and culture. Draws on a variety of intellectual sources, such as the philosophy of Deleuze, film criticism, theory of art, and literary monographs. Argues that the recent history of maverick mannerist and baroque auteurs, from Ruiz & Rivette to Garrel and Techine, and their explorations of the 'powers of the false' are key to Carax's cinema. Examines Carax's contribution to the strand of cinema which is focused on chance and destiny, from Wong Kar-Wai and David Lynch to films such as Serendipity and Sliding doors.

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        Ganzheit und Element

        Zwei kontroverse Entwürfe einer Gegenstandsbildung in der Psychologie

        by Baßler, Wolfgang

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        On the Measurement of Factor Productivities

        Theoretical Problems and Empirical Results (Papers and Proceedings of the 2nd Reisensburg Symposium, June 23-27, 1974)

        by Herausgegeben von Altmann, Franz L; Herausgegeben von Kyn, Oldrych; Herausgegeben von Wagener, Hans J

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        Das fünfte Element

        Wirkungen und Deutungen der Elektrizität. (Deutsches Museum)

        by Meya, Jörg; Sibum, Heinz O

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2001

        Victorian women's magazines

        An anthology

        by Margaret Beetham, Kay Boardman

        This anthology makes available to students and general readers the rich variety of Victorian magazines for women. The extracts range from fashion magazines to feminist journals, from serious works for Christian mothers to tales of romance and passion for 'sweethearts'. Focusing on the historical development of the British women's magazine, this extensively illustrated work gives access to texts which few readers ever see. The first main section describes and illustrates eight kinds of magazine for women. Though they have common features, the differences between the drawing room journal of the 1830s and 1840s and the cheap domestic magazines of the 1890s are clearly demonstrated. The second section focuses on those elements which made up the magazine's typical mix of ingredients, including fiction, the fashion plate, poetry, political journalism, advice columns and reader's letters. The last section is the most comprehensive listing of British Victorian women's magazines which currently exists. This is a work of scholarship but one which will appeal to students of Cultural, Historical, Literary and Women's Studies, as well as to the general interested reader. Like the magazines it represents, it offers its readers both entertainment and instruction. ;

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        May 1985

        Das Bundesverfassungsgericht als Element gesellschaftlicher Selbstregulierung.

        Eine pluralistische Theorie der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit im demokratischen Verfassungsstaat.

        by Ebsen, Ingwer

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2011

        Bourgeois consumption

        Food, space and identity in London and Paris, 1850–1914

        by Rachel Rich

        Bourgeois Consumption looks at how the middle classes in late nineteenth-century London and Paris used food and dining as forms of social expression and identity. This engaging treatise about how class and gender informed people's eating habits focuses on the complex interactions between bodies, ritual and identity. Forgoing the traditional food history territory of recipes and ingredients in favor of how people ate in different circles, Bourgeois Consumption explores the role of real and imagined meals in shaping Victorian lives. The perception of the middle classes as rigid and upright, found in the extensive pages of their etiquette books, is contrasted with a more flexible and spontaneous bourgeoisie, gleaned from the pages of their own colorful memoirs, diaries and letters, leading us on a lively journey into eating spaces, mealtimes, manners, and social interactions between diners. Further, contrasting Paris with London reveals some of the ways each city shaped its inhabitants but, more surprisingly, throws up a range of similarities that suggest the middle classes were, in fact, a transnational class. Rachel Rich's work will be of interest to anyone intrigued by the history of food, consumption and leisure, as well as to a broader audience curious about how the Victorian middle classes distinguished themselves through daily life and manners. ;

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