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      • Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes

        Ediciones Uniandes, Universidad de los Andes’s press, in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes scholarly books and music CDs, thus making available the research and arts production of professors and researchers within the university. Our aim is to consolidate a rigorous catalog with high academic and editorial standards, and to publish relevant titles while promoting collaboration with other key institutions, both in Colombia and abroad, and intercultural exchange; we also support editorial policies such as open access. Our catalog includes a wide range of topics with special emphasis on Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, but also Economics, Sciences, Management, Architecture, Design, and Medicine.

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      • Highlights for Children

        Highlights for Children is a multi-media brand that has nurtured children for more than 70 years. Our books and digital products - puzzles, trade and educational - are devoted to helping children around the world become their best selves.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Basic Stimulation in Nursing

        by Christel Bienstein

        This bestselling title is a practical handbook on the concept of basic stimulation in nursing and its application for patients suffering from perceptional deficits, developmental delays and mental handicaps. It enables nurses to develop, improve and stabilize physically and mentally handicapped people with impaired perceptional, communicative and motor skills.   Target Group: Nurses

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Refiguring childhood

        by Kevin Ryan, Mark Haugaard

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Unearthing childhood

        by Robin Derricourt

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        Childhood Depression

        by Martha C. Tompson

        An evidence-based guide to the assessmentand treatment of childhooddepression with a focus on a family-basedapproach• Up-to-date overview of theevidence-base• Step-by-step guidance of a family-focusedtreatment• Downloadable handouts for clinicalpracticeThis volume in the Advances in Psychotherapyseries provides the reader withan up-to-date, evidence-based introductionto the assessment and treatmentof childhood depression, includingmajor depressive disorder, persistentdepressive disorder, disruptive mooddysregulation, and adjustment disorders.After exploring the latest knowledgeon the diagnosis, course, theories,and contributing factors of childhooddepression, the author presents a stepby-step description of family-focusedtreatment for childhood depression(FFT-CD), which integrates CBT andfamily therapy goals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas

        by Linda Levy Peck, Adrianna E. Bakos

        Exile, its pain and possibility, is the starting point of this book. Women's experience of exile was often different from that of men, yet it has not received the important attention it deserves. Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas addresses that lacuna through a wide-ranging geographical, chronological, social and cultural approach. Whether powerful, well-to-do or impoverished, exiled by force or choice, every woman faced the question of how to reconstruct her life in a new place. These essays focus on women's agency despite the pressures created by political, economic and social dislocation. Collectively, they demonstrate how these women from different countries, continents and status groups not only survived but also in many cases thrived. This analysis of early modern women's experiences not only provides a new vantage point from which to enrich the study of exile but also contributes important new scholarship to the history of women.

      • Trusted Partner

        Ethics in Nursing Training

        by Marianne Rabe

        Although the importance of ethics is often stressed, it remains sidelined in training. Marianne Rabe makes ethics and ethical reflection the focus of nursing practice and training. Her study   - presents the theoretical principles of formative learning and explores how it can be put into practice - puts forward practical curriculum suggestions for incorporating ethics into nurse training - shows how to address the ethical principles of dignity, autonomy, care, justice, responsibility, and dialogue within the framework of a teaching concept - presents Rabe’s own model of ethical reflection based on her personal experience. Target Group: Nursing trainers, lecturers

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2018

        Sommerby 1. Ein Sommer in Sommerby

        by Kirsten Boie, Verena Körting

        In "Ein Sommer in Sommerby" von Kirsten Boie werden die zwölfjährige Martha und ihre jüngeren Brüder Mats und Mikkel unverhofft in ein ländliches Abenteuer verstrickt, als sie ihre Ferien bei der unkonventionellen Großmutter verbringen müssen. Diese lebt in einem abgeschiedenen Haus ohne moderne Annehmlichkeiten wie Telefon oder Internet, dafür aber umgeben von Hühnern, einem Motorboot und bewaffnet mit einem Gewehr für den Fall ungebetener Gäste. Was zunächst als ein langweiliger Zwangsaufenthalt erscheint, entpuppt sich schnell als eine Zeit voller Entdeckungen und Zusammenhalt, als die Idylle durch äußere Bedrohungen ins Wanken gerät. Die Kinder lernen, was im Leben wirklich zählt, und entdecken die Werte von Freundschaft, Familie und einem bewussten Umgang mit der Natur. Kirsten Boie gelingt es, mit "Ein Sommer in Sommerby" eine Geschichte zu weben, die zeitlos und warmherzig ist, dabei aber auch wichtige Themen wie Achtsamkeit in der Natur, das Miteinander über Generationen hinweg und die wahre Bedeutung von Freundschaft und Zusammenhalt behandelt. Die Erzählung erinnert in ihrer Art an die idyllischen Geschichten Astrid Lindgrens und spricht damit nicht nur junge Leserinnen und Leser an, sondern auch Erwachsene, die sich nach einem Gegenpol zur schnelllebigen und digitalen Welt sehnen. Boies Talent, komplexe Themen kindgerecht und spannend zu vermitteln, macht dieses Buch zu einem wertvollen Begleiter für die ganze Familie. Zeitlose Erzählung: Eine warmherzige Geschichte für Kinder ab 10 Jahren, die an die Klassiker von Astrid Lindgren erinnert und Generationen verbindet. Abenteuer und Naturverbundenheit: Ein lebendiges Plädoyer für den achtsamen Umgang mit der Natur und die Schönheit des einfachen Lebens auf dem Land. Starke Charaktere und emotionale Tiefe: Durch die authentischen und liebevoll gezeichneten Charaktere entsteht eine Geschichte mit Herz, die zum Nachdenken anregt. Spannung und Humor: Geschickt verwebt Kirsten Boie Abenteuer und Spaß mit ernsten Themen, ohne dabei belehrend zu wirken. Ideal für die ganze Familie: Eignet sich hervorragend zum Vorlesen und gemeinsamen Lesen, fördert das Gespräch über Werte und den Umgang miteinander. Mehr als nur Unterhaltung: Neben der spannenden Handlung bietet das Buch Anstöße, über den eigenen Lebensstil und den Wert von Gemeinschaft und Natur nachzudenken. Der Dein SPIEGEL-Bestseller, auch gelistet bei Antolin. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Ein Sommer in Sommerby Band 2: Zurück in Sommerby Band 3: Für immer Sommerby Band 4: Am schönsten ist es in Sommerby Zusätzlich erschienen ist das Koch- und Erlebnisbuch "Sehnsucht nach Sommerby" mit norddeutschen Rezepten und Ausflugstipps in der Schlei-Region - eine perfekte Ergänzung zur Kinderbuch-Bestsellerreihe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Women in England, 1275–1525

        by P. J. P. Goldberg

      • Trusted Partner

        Humor in Psychiatric Care

        by Jonathan Gutmann

        How can humor be used to engage with and help people suffering from mental illness? This practical handbook explains the concept of humor in psychiatric treatment and sets out the case for employing it. The author outlines how nurses can assess who might benefit from the use of humor and for whom it would be out of place, and provides a toolkit of humorous interventions for daily nursing practice.   Target Group: Practicing nurses, psychiatric nurses, care clowns

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Der kleine Fuchs in der großen Stadt

        by Carla Häfner, Anja Grote

        Zuhause in der pulsierenden Stadt Der kleine Fuchs lebt nicht im Wald, sondern in der Großstadt. Hier fahren Straßenbahnen und Busse, hier gibt es viele Menschen und Hunde. Der kleine Fuchs hat in der Stadt seine Heimat gefunden. Tagsüber schläft er gut versteckt in einem Gebüsch. Er spielt mit dem Ball auf dem Spielplatz, trinkt Wasser aus dem Brunnen auf dem Marktplatz und stibitzt Essen aus den Mülleimern zwischen den Hochhäusern. Ob er auch heimlich in den Bus einsteigt? Das Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren erzählt eine spannende Geschichte über Tiere in der Stadt. Sein fröhlich gereimter Text und die plakativen Illustrationen lassen den Alltag eines Fuchses lebendig werden, der in einer pulsierenden Stadt lebt. Das niedliche Tierbuch zeigt auf charmante Weise, wie Wildtiere in der Stadt leben und sich an die Menschen anpassen. Ein aktuelles Thema – warmherzig und altersgerecht verpackt! Der kleine Fuchs in der großen Stadt: So leben Tiere in der Stadt Ein tierisches Stadtabenteuer: Liebevoll gereimtes Bilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren über wilde Tiere in der Stadt. Für kleine Tierliebhaber*innen: Das kindgerechte Tierbuch erzählt vom Leben eines Fuchses in der Großstadt und weckt die Neugier auf die Natur und unsere tierischen Nachbarn in den Städten. Lehrreich und unterhaltsam: Die Vorlesegeschichte vom Fuchs in der Stadt zeigt Kindern, wie Anpassungsfähigkeit funktioniert und wie Wildtiere in urbanen Umgebungen leben. Wunderschön geschrieben: Der liebevoll gereimte Text von Carla Häfner eignet sich perfekt zum Vorlesen. In einer Stadt voller Leben mit Straßenbahnen, Bussen, Hochhäusern, Spielplätzen und Menschen meistert der kleine Fuchs sein urbanes Dasein mit Bravour. Eine hinreißende Vorlesegeschichte voller Empathie und Abenteuer, die kleinen Tierfans ab 2 Jahren zeigt, wie Füchse und andere Wildtiere als ihre Nachbarn in der Stadt leben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        The life–cycle in Western Europe, c.1300–c.1500

        by S. H. Rigby, Deborah Youngs

        This is the first study to examine the entire life cycle in the Middle Ages. Drawing on a wide range of secondary and primary material, the book explores the timing and experiences of infancy, childhood, adolescence and youth, adulthood, old age and, finally, death. It discusses attitudes towards ageing, rites of passage, age stereotypes in operation, and the means by which age was used as a form of social control, compelling individuals to work, govern, marry and pay taxes. The wide scope of the study allows contrasts and comparisons to be made across gender, social status and geographical location. It considers whether men and women experienced the ageing process in the same way, and examines the differences that can be discerned between northern and southern Europe. The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries suffered famine, warfare, plague and population collapse. This fascinating consideration of the life cycle adds a new dimension to the debate over continuity and change in a period of social and demographic upheaval.

      • Trusted Partner

        Research Work in Nursing

        A Handbook and Workbook for Nurses

        by Eva-Maria Panfil

        This successful handbook and workbook set has rapidly established itself as the standard. With a concise and specific approach, it summarizes all the information on scientific research relevant for nurses. It clearly explains what research in nursing entails, the techniques that are used, and what products can result from the research.   Target Group: Nursing students, nursing trainers, those engaging in further training

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan

        The cult of the Two Grand Elders

        by Fabian Graham

        In Singapore and Malaysia, the inversion of Chinese Underworld traditions has meant that Underworld demons are now amongst the most commonly venerated deities in statue form, channelled through their spirit mediums, tang-ki. The Chinese Underworld and its sub-hells are populated by a bureaucracy drawn from the Buddhist, Taoist and vernacular pantheons. Under the watchful eye of Hell's 'enforcers', the lower echelons of demon soldiers impose post-mortal punishments on the souls of the recently deceased for moral transgressions committed during their prior incarnations. Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan offers an ethnography of contemporary Chinese Underworld traditions, where night-time cemetery rituals assist the souls of the dead, exorcised spirits are imprisoned in Guinness bottles, and malicious foetus ghosts are enlisted to strengthen a temple's spirit army. Understanding the religious divergences between Singapore and Malaysia (and their counterparts in Taiwan) through an analysis of socio-political and historical events, Fabian Graham challenges common assumptions about the nature and scope of Chinese vernacular religious beliefs and practices. Graham's innovative approach to alterity allows the reader to listen to first-person dialogues between the author and channelled Underworld deities. Through its alternative methodological and narrative stance, the book intervenes in debates on the interrelation between sociocultural and spiritual worlds, and promotes the destigmatisation of spirit possession and discarnate phenomena in the future study of mystical and religious traditions.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Miss Braitwhistle 2. Miss Braitwhistle kommt in Fahrt

        by Sabine Ludwig, Andrea Stegmaier

        Wenn Miss Braitwhistle den Unterricht in der Klasse 4a übernimmt, ist alles möglich. Ob Schulausflug im Golfplatz-Mobil, Fahrradprüfung mit Linksverkehr oder Besuch der englischen Schildkröten namens Harry und Willy – diese Lehrerin ist immer für eine Überraschung gut. Kommt sie erst einmal richtig in Fahrt, rettet sie mit ihren Zauberkünsten nicht nur den langweiligen Wandertag der 4a. Der zweite Teil der verrückten Schulgeschichten um Miss Braitwhistle ist leichtfüßig und wieder mit viel Witz erzählt. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Die fabelhafte Miss BraitwhistleBand 2: Miss Braitwhistle kommt in FahrtBand 3: Miss Braitwhistle hebt abBand 4: Klassentreffen bei Miss BraitwhistleBand 5: Klassenreise mit Miss BraitwhistleBand 6: Miss Braitwhistle startet durch

      • Trusted Partner

        Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents

        by Brian P. Daly, Aimee K. Hildenbrand, Ronald T. Brown

        Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder that can have serious consequences for academic, emotional, social, and occupational functioning. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, there are many interventions for the disorder that have established benefits. This volume is both a compact “how to” reference, for use by professional clinicians in their daily work, and an ideal educational reference for practice-oriented students. The most important feature of this volume is that it is practical and “reader friendly”. It is a compact and easy to follow guide covering all aspects of practice that are relevant in real life in the assessment and management of ADHD across the life span. Tables, relevant case studies, and marginal notes assist orientation, while suggestions for further reading, support groups, and educational organizations are provided for individuals and professionals. Target Group: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, students.

      • Trusted Partner

        Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults

        by Brian P. Daly, Elizabeth Nichollos, Ronald T. Brown

        Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that emerges during childhood. However, it is now well recognized that ADHD frequently persists over the lifespan and well into adulthood. Without appropriate symptom management, ADHD can significantly interfere with academic, emotional, social, and work functioning. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, outcomes in adults with ADHD who receive appropriate treatment are encouraging. This volume in the Advances in Psychotherapy series is both a compact “how to” reference, for use by professional clinicians in their daily work, and an ideal educational reference for practice-oriented students. The most important feature of this volume is that it is practical and “reader friendly”. Target Group: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, students.

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