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      • Marshall Cavendish

        Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.

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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air power and colonial control

        by David Omissi

        Air policing was used in many colonial possessions, but its most effective incidence occurred in the crescent of territory from north-eastern Africa, through South-West Arabia, to North West Frontier of India. This book talks about air policing and its role in offering a cheaper means of 'pacification' in the inter-war years. It illuminates the potentialities and limitations of the new aerial technology, and makes important contributions to the history of colonial resistance and its suppression. Air policing was employed in the campaign against Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan and his Dervish following in Somaliland in early 1920. The book discusses the relationships between air control and the survival of Royal Air Force in Iraq and between air power and indirect imperialism in the Hashemite kingdoms. It discusses Hugh Trenchard's plans to substitute air for naval or coastal forces, and assesses the extent to which barriers of climate and geography continued to limit the exercise of air power. Indigenous responses include being terrified at the mere sight of aircraft to the successful adaptation to air power, which was hardly foreseen by either the opponents or the supporters of air policing. The book examines the ethical debates which were a continuous undercurrent to the stream of argument about repressive air power methods from a political and operational perspective. It compares air policing as practised by other European powers by highlighting the Rif war in Morocco, the Druze revolt in Syria, and Italy's war of reconquest in Libya.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Civil war London

        Mobilizing for parliament, 1641–5

        by Jordan S. Downs

        This book looks at London's provision of financial and military support for parliament's war against King Charles I. It explores for the first time a series of episodic, circumstantial and unique mobilisations that spanned from late 1641 to early 1645 and which ultimately led to the establishment of the New Model Army. Based on research from two-dozen archives, Civil war London charts the successes and failures of efforts to move London's vast resources and in the process poses a number of challenges to longstanding notions about the capital's 'parliamentarian' makeup. It reveals interactions between London's Corporation, parochial communities and livery companies, between preachers and parishioners and between agitators, propagandists and common people. Within these tangled webs of political engagement reside the untold stories of the movement of money and men, but also of parliament's eventual success in the English Civil War.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Civil war London

        by Jordan S. Downs, Jason Peacey

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        May 2014

        Araber als Teil der hellenistisch-römischen und christlichen Welt.

        Wurzeln orientalistischer Betrachtung und gegenwärtiger Konflikte: von Alexander dem Großen bis zur islamischen Eroberung.

        by Al-Ani, Ayad

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.

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        October 2021

        Der Koran

        Bd. 2/2: Spätmittelmekkanische Suren. Von Mekka nach Jerusalem – Der spirituelle Weg der Gemeinde heraus aus säkularer Indifferenz und apokalyptischem Pessimismus. Handkommentar

        by Angelika Neuwirth, Angelika Neuwirth, Dirk Hartwig

        Mit den spätmittelmekkanischen Suren schaltet sich die Verkündigung in die Zeitgeschichte ein, die von der Krise der byzantinischen Niederlage gegen das sassanidische Persien im Jahr 614 erschüttert ist. Die Suren dieser Periode antworten kritisch sowohl auf eine christliche, messianisch geprägte Erlösungslehre als auch auf den jüdischen Messianismus. Zeitgenössisch ubiquitäre apokalyptische Erwartungen werden durch Verschweigen entwertet oder gar ironisch banalisiert. Als Gegenbild zum erwarteten messianischen Herrscher wird das politische Ideal des ›gerechten Herrschers‹ entwickelt – mit der durchscheinenden pragmatischen Intention, dem byzantischen Kaiser Herakleios den Spiegel vorzuhalten. Ein immer stringenter werdender Monotheismus bildet sich in der kritischen bis satirischen Behandlung eines zeitgenössisch vieldiskutierten Wunders (Siebenschläfer) ab, das in ein Zeichen korrigiert wird. Liturgisch gewinnt nun Gottes Königtum besonderes Gewicht, wobei seine Herrschaft auch die Dämonen einbegreift, die sich nun aus ›inspirierenden Geistern‹ zu bedrohlichen Kräften entwickelt haben. Sie sind nur durch sprachliche Mittel, eigene apotropäische Formeln (Sure 114) oder Koranrezitation (Sure 72), abzuwehren. Die spätmittelmekkanischen Suren weisen sich so als tief in der sozialen und politischen Wirklichkeit verwurzelt aus und fordern damit einen neuen methodologischen Zugang, die prioritäre Beachtung des ›Sitzes im Leben‹ der koranischen Aussagen.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Land and labour

        The Potters’ Emigration Society, 1844-51

        by Martin Crawford

        Land and labour provides the first full-length history of the Potters' Emigration Society, the controversial trade union scheme designed to solve the problems of surplus labour by changing workers into farmers on land acquired in frontier Wisconsin. The book is based on intensive research into British and American newspapers, passenger lists, census, manuscript, and genealogical sources. After tracing the scheme's industrial origins and founding in the Potteries, it examines the migration and settlement process, expansion to other trades and areas, and finally the circumstances that led to its demise in 1851. Despite the Society's failure, the history offers unique insight into working-class dreams of landed independence in the American West and into the complex and contingent character of nineteenth-century emigration.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Im Alten Land

        by Birgit Haustedt

        Apfelbäume, so weit das Auge reicht, idyllische Fachwerkdörfer hinter dem Deich und am Horizont die Elbe: Das Alte Land ist eine uralte Kulturlandschaft am Wasser, die ihren eigenen Charakter bewahrt hat. Prächtige Bauernhöfe und Backsteinkirchen mit kostbaren Barockorgeln zeugen noch heute vom frühen Wohlstand der Altländer. Birgit Haustedt erzählt von den Anfängen im Mittelalter, von Deichbau und Sturmfluten, vom Alltag der kleinen Leute und von großer Handwerkskunst, von stolzen Bauern und mutigen Schiffern. Dazu ein Exkurs, welche Rolle das Alte Land in Lessings Leben und Goethes Faust spielte.

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        March 2006


        Bilder einer großen Stadt

        by Virginia Woolf, Kyra Stromberg, Kyra Stromberg

        Als zusammenhängende Folge für eine große Londoner Frauenzeitschrift 1931 entstanden, beschreiben diese Prosabilder aus London genau jene Orte, die ein großes Publikum in einer klassischen Schilderung der englischen Hauptstadt erwarten durfte. Es ist das Portrait einer Metropole, die ihrer großen Vergangenheit nachsinnt und die Gegenwart noch nicht recht fassen kann, die längst von ihr Besitz ergriffen hat.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        The break-up of Greater Britain

        by Stuart Ward, Christian Pedersen

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