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Promoted ContentJanuary 2019
Mein großer Arena Malblock. Pferde und Ponys
by Be-bop
Mit tollen Motiven einzigartige Kunstwerke schaffen! Im Stall, beim Ausritt und auf dem Springturnier - viele pferdestarke Ausmalmotive im extragroßen Format für kleine und große Pferdefans. So entstehen wunderschöne Bilder zum Aufhängen, Sammeln und Verschenken. Durch das Ausmalen wird ganz nebenbei Kreativität, Konzentration und Motorik gefördert.
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Literature & Literary StudiesOctober 2020Play time
by Daisy Black, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz
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2019The Clock Can Go
The end of the culture of obedience
by Karlheinz A. Geißler
For more than 500 years, the clock has dictated the rhythm of life in the Western World. Clocks were impossible to miss: they were on church towers, at railway stations and factories, they struck the hours and urged people to hurry. But these days, clocks and the punctuality they insisted upon are on the retreat. Nowadays, we are rarely asked “What is the time?” and it is no longer customary to present golden watches or clocks to commemorate important life events. Now we rely on mobile devices and displays to tell us the time, the steady stroke of the rigid clock has been replaced by a more flexible network: we stream TV programmes when we feel like it, we listen to podcasts at any time; chatting, flirting and dating no longer requires prior agreement on time and place. However, what will follow after we have freed ourselves from the chains of the clock god? Emeritus Professor of Economics and time expert Karlheinz A. Geißler shows us that when the influence of the clock disappears, liberating perspectives emerge for experiencing time in social relationships – beyond time pressure and dictates of punctuality.
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PsychologySentence Completions for Adolescents
by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann
Sentence completions provide importantstarting points for therapeuticwork with children and adolescentsand are therefore often used in thecontext of diagnostics. The card setcontains 180 cards with sentencestarters for 17 categories, such as familyand origin, love and identity or beliefsand values, which provide informationon conflicts, resources,problems, fears, hopes and wishes ofadolescents aged 12 to 18. The cardsare the ideal companion for diagnosticsand the further course of treatmentthanks to the various possible uses andapplications in individual or group settings,which are described in detail inthe accompanying booklet, as well asextensive online materials. This meansthat children and young people cancomplete the sentence starters as anat-home task and people using thecard set can write down the answers tothe sentence starters directly.
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PsychologySentence Completions for Children
by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann
Sentence completions provide importantstarting points for therapeutic workwith children and adolescents and aretherefore often used in the context of diagnostics.The card set contains 160cards with sentence starters for 16 categories,such as family and origin, loveand identity or beliefs and values, whichprovide information on conflicts, resources,problems, fears, hopes andwishes of children and young peopleaged 5 to 13. The cards are the idealcompanion for diagnostics and the furthercourse of treatment thanks to thevarious possible uses and applicationsin individual or group settings, which aredescribed in detail in the accompanyingbooklet, as well as extensive online materials.This means that children andyoung people can complete the sentencestarters as an at-home task andpeople using the card set can writedown the answers to the sentencestarters directly.
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PsychologySentence Completions for Adults
by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann
Sentence completions can be used toderive important starting points fortherapeutic work, which is why they areoften used in diagnostics. The card setcontains 180 cards with sentence beginningsin 17 categories such as familyand origin, love and identity or beliefsand values, which provide informationabout conflicts, resources, problems,fears, hopes and wishes of people aged18 and over. The cards are the idealcompanion for diagnostics and the furthercourse of treatment thanks to thewide range of possible uses and applicationsin individual or group settings,which are described in detail in the accompanyingbooklet, as well as extensiveonline materials. The card set particularlyenriches work in the fields ofpsychotherapy, counseling, couplestherapy, supervision and coaching.Various online materials complementthe card set. Adults can fill in the sentencestarters at home and people whouse the card set can write down the answersto the sentence starters directly.
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Humanities & Social SciencesAugust 2008Time and world politics
Thinking the present
by Kimberly Hutchings, Simon Tormey, Jon Simons
This book offers the first authoritative guide to assumptions about time in theories of contemporary world politics. It demonstrates how predominant theories of the international or global 'present' are affected by temporal assumptions, grounded in western political thought, that fundamentally shape what we can and cannot know about world politics today. The first part of the book traces the philosophical roots of assumptions about time in contemporary political theory. The second part examines contemporary theories of world politics, including liberal and realist International Relations theories and the work of Habermas, Hardt and Negri, Virilio and Agamben. In each case, it is argued, assumptions about political time ensure the identification of the particular temporality of western experience with the political temporality of the world as such and put the theorist in the unsustainable position of holding the key to the direction of world history. In the final chapter, the book draws on postcolonial and feminist thinking, and the philosophical accounts of political time in the work of Derrida and Deleuze, to develop a new 'untimely' way of thinking about time in world politics. ;
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February 2005Mind Time
Wie das Gehirn Bewusstsein produziert
by Benjamin Libet, Jürgen Schröder
Fast nichts ist uns Menschen so wichtig wie unser subjektives, bewußtes Innenleben – und doch wissen wir relativ wenig über seine Genese.Benjamin Libet gehört zu den Pionieren auf dem Gebiet der Bewußtseinsforschung und hat zahlreiche Experimente durchgeführt, die gezeigt haben, wie das Gehirn Bewußtsein produziert. In seinem 2004 erschienenen und jetzt auf deutsch vorliegenden Buch Mind Time präsentiert er erstmals eine eigene Deutung seiner berühmten »Libet-Experimente«, die die aktuelle Debatte über die Bedeutung der Hirnforschung für unser Menschenbild überhaupt erst angestoßen haben.Im Zentrum der Experimente steht der Nachweis, daß jedem bewußten Prozeß ein unbewußter, jedoch meßbarer Prozeß zeitlich vorausgeht. Diese zeitliche Differenz – die Mind Time – läßt den Schluß zu, daß unbewußte Prozesse in unserem Gehirn unser Bewußtsein steuern und nicht umgekehrt das Bewußtsein »Herr im Haus« ist. Die vermeintlichen freien Willensakte etwa sind längst initiiert, bevor uns ein Handlungswunsch überhaupt gegenwärtig ist. Libet behandelt die weitreichenden Folgen seiner Entdeckung nicht nur für die Willensfreiheit, sondern auch für die Identität der Person und die Beziehung zwischen Geist und Gehirn. Klar und verständlich dargestellt, ermöglichen Libets Experimente und Theorien es sowohl Spezialisten als auch interessierten Laien, an einem der spannendsten Forschungsprogramme dieser Tage teilzuhaben – der Erforschung des menschlichen Bewußtseins.
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Business, Economics & LawJuly 2024The business of time
A global history of the watch industry
by Pierre-Yves Donzé
The business of time presents a comprehensive history of the global watch industry from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Watch production in the twenty-first century is concentrated in three countries: Switzerland, Japan and China. The industry is dominated by a dozen or so large companies, including the Swatch Group, Richemont, LVMH, Seiko and Fossil. But a hundred years ago the picture was dramatically different. Over the course of a century, Great Britain, France, the United States and Russia saw the manufacture of watches disappear from their territory. At the same time, Hong Kong went from being a subcontractor of watch components to an intermediary between Chinese factories and the world market. Revealing the conditions that drove the spread of watch production around the globe, The business of time explains how multinationals emerged to dominate the industry and highlights how Swiss companies were able to establish themselves as the undisputed leader in luxury watches.
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January 2023Time Travel Academy 2. Sekunde der Entscheidung
by Stefanie Hasse, Julia K. Stein, Melanie Korte
Time Travel Academy II. Auf dem Hover in ein neues Zeitreise-Abenteuer. Endlich wieder Schule! Max, Valentina, Sakura, Ravi und die Robokatze sind zurück auf der Time Travel Academy. Ihre neue Mission: eine Reise in ihre Wunschzeit. Ob Max in der Vergangenheit endlich etwas über seine verschollene Schwester Stella herausfinden kann? Schon bald tauchen unheimliche Agenten auf, die alles daransetzen, die Rückkehr der Kinder in die Gegenwart zu verhindern. Und Max hat einen unglaublichen Verdacht: Hat etwa die Academy selbst etwas mit Stellas Verschwinden zu tun? Welche Rolle spielt der Chaos Club dabei? Das zweite actionreiche Abenteuer auf der Time Travel Academy. Noch nie war Zeitreisen spannender als mit Max, Valentina, Sakura und Ravi! Im Band 2 der rasanten Time Travel-Reihe geht die Suche nach Stella, Max' verschwundener Schwester, weiter. Spricht Jungen und Mädchen ab 10 Jahren an, die Action und einen lockeren Schreibstil lieben. Die packende Story im besonderen Setting eines HighTech Internats wird dich begeistern! Mit futuristischen, schwarz-weißen Illustrationen von Melanie Korte.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2024My Voice: Danny Herman
by Danny Herman
Danny Herman was born in 1935 in Königsberg in East Prussia. As the Nazis were rounding up Jews, Danny's father managed to escape to England in July 1939. He travelled to the Kitchener Camp in Kent, which helped refugees secure visas for safer places. Danny and his mother arrived in England just three days before war was declared in 1939, and his father was later sent to an internment camp on the Isle of Man. Danny went on to become a successful runner, competing in many international athletics events and volunteering in many roles, including at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Danny's detailed memories of arriving in England, initially at the seaside in Kent and then moving to Manchester, create a vivid picture of life-changing events as experienced by a young child. Danny's book is part of the My Voice book collection, a stand-alone project of The Fed, the leading Jewish social care charity in Manchester, dedicated to preserving the life stories of Holocaust survivors and refugees from Nazi persecution who settled in the UK. The oral history, which is recorded and transcribed, captures their entire lives from before, during and after the war years. The books are written in the words of the survivor so that future generations can always hear their voice. The My Voice book collection is a valuable resource for Holocaust awareness and education.
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Geography & the EnvironmentJune 2018Time for mapping
Cartographic temporalities
by Sybille Lammes, Chris Perkins, Alex Gekker, Sam Hind, Clancy Wilmott, Daniel Evans
Maps take place in time as well as representing space. The Google map on your smartphone appears to fix the world, serving as a practical spatial tool, but in practice is deployed in ways that draw attention to memories, rhythm, synchronicity, sequence and duration. This interdisciplinary collection focuses on how these temporal aspects of mapping might be understood, at a time when mapping technologies have been profoundly changed by digital developments. It contrasts different aspects of this temporality, bringing together experts from critical cartography, media studies and science and technology studies. Together the chapters offer a unique interdisciplinary focus revealing the complex and social ways in which time in wrapped up with digital technologies and revealed in everyday mapping tasks: from navigating across cities, to serving as scientific groundings for news stories; from managing smart cities, to visual art practice. It brings time back into the map!
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June 2007Mind Time
Wie das Gehirn Bewusstsein produziert
by Benjamin Libet, Jürgen Schröder, Stephen M. Kosslyn
Fast nichts ist uns Menschen so wichtig wie unser subjektives, bewußtes Innenleben – und doch wissen wir relativ wenig über seine Genese. Benjamin Libet gehört zu den Pionieren auf dem Gebiet der Bewußtseinsforschung und hat zahlreiche Experimente durchgeführt, die gezeigt haben, wie das Gehirn Bewußtsein produziert. In »Mind Time« präsentiert er erstmals eine eigene Deutung seiner berühmten »Libet-Experimente«, die die aktuelle Debatte über die Bedeutung der Neurowissenschaften für unser Menschenbild überhaupt erst angestoßen haben. Dieses Buch gehört zu den zentralen Arbeiten der modernen Hirnforschung.
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August 2022Time Travel Academy 1. Auftrag jenseits der Zeit
by Stefanie Hasse, Julia K. Stein, Melanie Korte
Die Zeitreise beginnt: Geh mit Max auf die Time Travel Academy! Kein Handy, kein Tablet. Stattdessen Heute-basteln-wir-mit-Klopapierrollen. Wie gern würde der zwölfjährige Max sein Leben gegen das eines anderen eintauschen. Seins ist nämlich verdammt langweilig. Bis er eines Tages die goldschimmernde Einladung zur Time Travel Academy erhält – und mit ihr die Nachricht, dass er dort seine spurlos verschwundene Schwester wiederfinden kann. Time Travel, also Zeitreisen – wie cool ist das denn?! Und in einem Internat leben! Für Max zählt nur noch eins: Er muss unbedingt auf die TTA. Und schon steckt er mitten in einem rasanten Abenteuer auf der wohl coolsten Academy aller Zeiten, voller Technik-Nerds und witziger neuer Freund*innen. Da willst du doch garantiert dabei sein. Wer weiß, vielleicht hast du ja auch das Zeitreise-Gen in dir. Leg los mit Band 1 der Time Travel Academy: Noch nie war Zeitreisen cooler. Die Lieblingsthemen Internat und Zeitreise in einer rasanten Action-Reihe für Jungs und Mädchen ab 10. Start der lässigen Fantasy Kinderbücher in lustig lockerem Erzählton – Fortsetzung folgt. Witziges und zugleich spannendes Abenteuer durch Raum und Zeit. Max, ein 12-jähriger, typisch schusseliger, herrlich unperfekter Held. Computerfreaks und Chaosclub – eine Superheld*innen-Academy für auserwählte Kids.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2023Time and radical politics in France
From the Dreyfus Affair to the First World War
by Alexandra Paulin-Booth
This book investigates how people have thought about and experienced time, and how their ideas about time have shaped their political views and actions. Using French thinkers and activists of the radical left and right between the Dreyfus Affair and the First World War as a case study, it argues that time provides an important means of exploring how concepts such as nationalism, revolution and social change were understood at the turn of the century. Attending to different experiences of time - the speed at which it was perceived to move, the extent to which the future was near and graspable, the ways in which the past was seen to impinge on the present - opens up exciting new possibilities for analysing politics, ideologies and worldviews.
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February 2019Das Herz der Zeit: Die unsichtbare Stadt
The Heart of Time: The Invisible City
by Monika Peetz
15 year-old Lena discovers an ancient clock among her dead parents’ old things and accidentally activates the timepiece’s mechanism. Far away in the invisible city, a place not of this world, a boy takes notice of her: Dante. He is curious to find the daughter of the legendary woman who once left the time-travellers society to live a mortal life. When Lena learns about the mechanisms of time, she decides to change her own fate and travels back to the night, her parents died. Only too late she realises that meddling in her own life automatically affects the lives of everyone else around her too. The story reaches its peak when Lena has to decide between getting her parents back and saving the life of her best friend Bobbie. 12+ years The first volume of an enthralling new fantasy trilogy with two headstrong time-travellers English sample translation available!
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October 2019Das Herz der Zeit: Die Nacht der Eulen
The Heart of Time: The Night of the Owls
by Monika Peetz
Lena is having a hard time adjusting to ordinary life. How can she forget Dante, the boy whose eyes are different colours? But she soon has much bigger worries. On a school trip she realises that her pursuers haven’t given up after all. At the last minute, Lena manages to pass the chronometer she uses to travel through time to her friend Bobbie. A fateful mistake. Fleeing, Bobbie stumbles into the past and becomes trapped in the year 1900. While she fights her way as a papergirl, Lena breaks her promise and returns to the invisible city to look for help – and Dante. Soon all three of them are on a mission to prevent their enemies from constructing chronometers to travel through time themselves. But they’re always a step ahead and the whole invisible world is in danger… 12+ years The first volume of an enthralling new fantasy trilogy with two headstrong time-travellers English sample translation available!