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        September 1988

        Zerstörung des moralischen Selbstbewußtseins: Chance oder Gefährdung?

        Praktische Philosophie in Deutschland nach dem Nationalsozialismus

        by Peter Rohs, Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, Siegfried Blasche, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Alan Posener

        Praktische Philosophie ist wesentlich Rekonstruktion von vortheoretischen moralischen Intuitionen und daher angewiesen auf ein grundsätzliches Vertrauen in die Gültigkeit des von ihr zu Rekonstruierenden. In kaum einem Teil der Welt wurde nun das Vertrauen in diese vortheoretischen moralischen Intuitionen derart tiefgehend und nachhaltig erschüttert, ja gebrochen, wie das in Deutschland durch den Nationalsozialismus geschah. Dieses Faktum bedeutet für die Moralphilosophie in Deutschland sowohl Chance wie auch Gefährdung. Es ist zugleich ein wichtiger Schlüssel für das Verständnis sowohl der besonderen Spannungen zwischen den verschiedenen Positionen der praktischen Philosophie innerhalb Deutschlands wie auch der Sonderstellung der praktischen Philosophie aus Deutschland gegenüber entsprechenden Bemühungen aus anderen westlichen Demokratien, die aus der ambivalenten Befangenheit der deutschen Philosophen resultiert.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2007

        Labour, the state, social movements and the challenge of neo-liberal globalisation

        by Andrew Gamble, Steven Fielding, Steve Ludlam, John Callaghan, Andrew Taylor, Steve Ludlam, Stephen Wood

        With the emergence of neo-liberalism in the 1980s as the dominant domestic and international political-economic orthodoxy, labour as both a social category and political movement tended to be written off or ignored by academics, politicians and commentators. However, at a time when the world's working class is growing faster than at any previous time in history and neo-liberalism is widely challenged, this orthodoxy is clearly inadequate. The spread of global production means that to ignore labour, its organisations, interests and politics, is to ignore one of the key components of that process. Labour organisations have not gone away and neither has the state: their relationship remains as significant as ever. The strategic relationship between trade unions and social movements, nationally and internationally, has also developed markedly, especially in the south. New patterns of resistance are emerging to challenge global capital and those who assert that globalisation is irresistible. ;

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        Children's & YA

        Explorer Team (1). The Adventure Begins!

        by Björn Berenz / Christoph Dittert

        Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal. Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU? Join Lias, Mojo and Cookie on a mission to the Himalayas: together they must find out what has happened to Lias’s father. He disappeared six months ago and the only thing he left behind was his expedition diary, which is full of strange clues and puzzles. The reader will be able to move onto the next stage only if you can decipher them. A great adventure awaits you! And you decide In the end, you must decide: How should the adventure continue for you and the Explorer Team? Hunt with Lias through the forgotten world. Go with Tashi to discover the eternal ice or follow Cookie and Mojo through fire and lava. You will have to choose which of the Explorers you want to accompany on the next adventure.

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        Gardens (descriptions, history etc)
        February 2017

        The factory in a garden

        A history of corporate landscapes from the industrial to the digital age

        by Helena Chance. Series edited by Christopher Breward

        When we think about Victorian factories, 'Dark Satanic Mills' might spring to mind - images of blackened buildings and exhausted, exploited workers struggling in unhealthy and ungodly conditions. But for some employees this image was far from the truth, and this is the subject of 'The Factory in a Garden' which traces the history of a factory gardens movement from its late-eighteenth century beginnings in Britain to its twenty-first century equivalent in Google's vegetable gardens at their headquarters in California. The book is the first study of its kind examining the development of parks, gardens, and outdoor leisure facilities for factories in Britain and America as a model for the reshaping of the corporate environment in the twenty-first century. This is also the first book to give a comprehensive account of the contribution of gardens, gardening and recreation to the history of responsible capitalism and ethical working practices.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2007

        The child at risk

        paedophiles, media responses and public opinion

        by Anneke Meyer, Chantal Hamil

        Paedophilia continues to be a public and emotive topic in contemporary Britain which is capable of generating great and varying levels of interest, concern and condemnation. The child at risk charts these social responses and unravels their underlying dynamics through detailed empirical research and theoretical analysis. Anneke Meyer looks beyond the media and 'moral panics' for explanations of emotive social responses and the paradox pervading them (the paradox of increased regulation, of paedophiles and children, coinciding with continuing popular concern). Drawing on and developing a wide range of theoretical frameworks, the book identifies a number of dynamics which produce concern and renders regulation designed to reduce fears ineffective. These dynamics include the moral rhetoric of childhood and the exposition of the crisis of neo-liberalism and conceptualisations of 'the paedophile' as a dangerous pervert. As a result the book points beyond its immediate subject and furthers understanding in the areas of risk, childhood and governance, as well as collective concerns and emotions. It will be essential reading in sociology, media studies and for those interested in media representation and governance. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Benny Beaver. The Great Forest Adventure

        by Inga Maria Ramcke/Christine Kugler

        Benny Beaver is involved in every adventure. Among other things, he’s a master builder. He’s always eager to learn something new – in the forest and anywhere else. There’s a lot to learn about our environment and Nature. This eventful tale about Benny Beaver and his friends Daisy Duck, Sally Squirrel and Manny Mole is great fun, as is the CD with its sounds of Nature. What happens in the forest? Who creeps, crawls and flies here? And what trees, bushes and fungi grow here? A lively tale about the environment and Nature for nursery school and first year primary school. A picture-book tale, exciting and entertaining – as is the CD with its sounds from Nature. Welcome to the world of Benny Beaver and his friends! Share their adventures in the forest and elsewhere!

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        The adventure

        Violent borders, illegal migration and the uncertain quest for life in Morocco

        by Sébastien Bachelet

        This ethnographic exploration of irregular migration from Western and Central Africa in Morocco deconstructs dehumanising narratives of a "migration crisis" and a "sub-Saharan problem" in politics of migration. The book provides an original focus on how migrants understood and experienced their entrapped mobility. The emic notion of "the adventure" at the heart of this study sheds light on a transformative, epic quest to carve out a better life and future. The book traces how young men from Western and Central Africa sought to assert themselves as agents of their own destinies, despite uncertain, illegalising processes. In steering away from aesthetics of despair and fearmongering narratives, the book brings new insights into inter-disciplinary debates (e.g. illegality, uncertainty, immobility, violence, suffering, transit, etc.). Such focus is essential to draw out the complexity and existential depth of (irregular) migrants' lives, journeys, and stories.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        False profits of ethical capital

        Finance, labour and the politics of risk

        by Claire Parfitt

        False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.

      • Trusted Partner

        High Blood Pressure

        Standardised risk assessment

        by Pharm. D. Ina Richling and Dr. Constanze Schäfer MHA

        The „Standardised risk assessment of high blood pressure“ enables every pharmacy to easily expand its range of services. This tool provides the pharmacy staff with the basis for providing such a service. It contains clear information on the development of hypertension and guideline-based drug therapy. Step by step, the user is guided through practical blood pressure measurement according to standard operating procedures through to individual advice and subsequent billing. This tool contains the following supplementary information: - Legal requirements for handling medical devices and/or blood pressure monitors - Frequently asked questions and case examples - What one should know about quality management - Work aids and forms as copy templates

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Worrier state

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic in South Africa

        by Nicky Falkof

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic are endemic to contemporary societies and media forms. How do these phenomena manifest in a place like South Africa, which features heightened insecurity, deep inequality and accelerated social change? What happens when cultures of fear intersect with pervasive systems of gender, race and class? Worrier state investigates four case studies in which fear and anxiety appear in radically different ways: the far right myth of 'white genocide'; so-called 'Satanist' murders of young women; an urban legend about township crime; and social theories about safety and goodness in the suburbs. Falkof foregrounds the significance of emotion as a socio-political force, emphasising South Africa's imbrication within globalised conditions of anxiety and thus its fundamental and often-ignored hypermodernity. The book offers a bold and creative perspective on the social roles of fear and emotion in South Africa and thus on everyday life in this complex place.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007

        Hölderlin in Bad Homburg

        by Jochen Schmidt

        Zweimal zwei Jahre verbrachte Hölderlin in Bad Homburg. In jener Zeit entstanden einige seiner wichtigsten Werke, u.a. Hyperion und Der Tod des Empedokles sowie bedeutende Gedichte. Der vorliegende Band berichtet über Hölderlins Lebensgeschichte bis zum Ausbruch des Wahnsinns und bietet einen Überblick über seine geistige Welt, insbesondere seinen Philosophenkosmos und die literarischen Leitfiguren. Er zeigt auch sein politisch-revolutionäres Engagement in einer vom Spätabsolutismus bestimmten Zeit. Der Leser erhält eine bisher so nicht vorhandene, konzentrierte Darstellung zu Hölderlins Dichtung aus der Feder eines führenden Hölderlin-Forschers. Eine Auswahl von Gedichten und Bildern rundet diesen Begleiter zu Hölderlin ab.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        The Dark Triad of Personality in Personnel Selection

        by Schwarzinger, Dominik

        How to use the dark triad in personnel selection  • Presents the latest research and theories • Highlights the gains and risks of these traits• Concrete recommendations for use in selection process• Summarizes legal and professional guidelines Learn how people high in narcissism, Machiavellianism, and subclinical psychopathy can experience individual career success and show adaptive performance as well as present severe risks to others in the workplace with abusive and destructive leadership and counterproductive behavior. This practical book also summarizes the legal and professional guidelines when assessing the dark personality characteristics of job applicants, examines the acceptance and social validity of such assessments, evaluates the available instruments, and makes recommendations for practical applications and further research. For:• psychotherapists• clinical psychologists• counselors• work, organizational, and business psychologists

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation

        Passengers, pilots, publicity

        by Gordon Pirie, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        The new activity of trans-continental civil flying in the 1930s is a useful vantage point for viewing the extension of British imperial attitudes and practices. Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation examines the experiences of those (mostly men) who flew solo or with a companion (racing or for leisure), who were airline passengers (doing colonial administration, business or research), or who flew as civilian air and ground crews. For airborne elites, flying was a modern and often enviable way of managing, using and experiencing empire. On the ground, aviation was a device for asserting old empire: adventure and modernity were accompanied by supremacism. At the time, however, British civil imperial flying was presented romantically in books, magazines and exhibitions. Eighty years on, imperial flying is still remembered, reproduced and re-enacted in caricature.

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