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        February 2009

        Vampire küssen besser

        Sie ist schön, sie ist sexy - und gerade mal 450 Jahre alt

        by Russe, Savannah / Übersetzt von Weber-Jaric, Gabriele

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        Children's & YA

        I Like You - Just Like That!

        by Neele/ Marta Balmaseda

        A poetic picture book that makes it easy to forget arguments and anger: the little elephant is in a bad mood and kicks a stone. The stone inadvertently hits the flamingo – and the complaining and annoyance just keeps spreading. By the river, in the bush, on the savannah: just like that! Until a little meerkat has had enough and just hugs the snarling leopard. The leopard’s heart becomes light and gradually all the animals notice how good it is when we’re nice to one another. Just like that!

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        Children's & YA
        August 2022

        Das geheime Leben der Tiere (Savanne, Band 1) - Nuru und Lela - Das Wunder der Wildnis

        by Kira Gembri

        The Secret Life of Animals - Nuru and Lela: Wonder of the Wild (SAVANNAH, Vol. 1) „THE SECRET LIFE OF ANIMALS” is the new realistic children's book series for readers aged 8 and up, divided into different subseries, sorted by the Earth's habitats. Each series features exciting fiction about animals and their environment, with each of the four volumes in each sub-series focusing on a different animal in a certain environment (Ocean, Forest, Savannah). Each book can be read independently.What happens in SAVANNAH, Vol. 1:Roars sound in the savannah - lion king Akida defends the huge territory on the riverbank. It is the dry season in the savannah, prey animals are scarce, and the river pack is plagued by hunger. But soon the Great Migration will take place in the savannah. Lion Cub Nuru sneaks off to look for this miracle - just like the hyena girl Lela. Lions and hyenas are enemies to the death, and Nuru and Lela challenge each other and fight when they meet - but the enmity fades a little more with each encounter. One day, the two observe two foreign lions in their territory. Panic breaks out: The strangers could challenge King Akida to a fight, and a change of ruler could end terribly for Nuru and the other cubs. • Fictionalized adventure stories from animals' point of view• ‘Popular Entertaining Storytelling’ meets Animal Documentaries, the successful non-fiction trend translated into narrative • Each habitat is realized by a renowned duo of author and illustrator: wonderfully beautiful narrative voices meet touching black-and-white illustrations

      • Trusted Partner

        Do You Hear the Elephants Roaring?

        A Book for Children Whose Parents Regularly Argue

        by Joan Schaaf, Marie Frerich, Johannes Hauck, Lea Klein-Reesink, Leonie Zahn

        “The little jumping mouse wakes up quite frightened. Her parents are arguing again, so loudly that she can’t help but hear.” That is how the story of the little jumping mouse begins. The conflict between her parents makes her very miserable and sad. The mouse decides to leave home. Walking with the wise eagle through the savannah, she observes different animal families who are also having arguments. They discover that no argument is like the other, and the two of them fi nd out that it is normal and  sometimes important to argue, but that certain rules must be followed, so that at the end of the day everyone can get along, and nobody suffers from the quarrels. This book is intended to make it easier for affected children to understand their situation  and to deal with it. It shows that there are different types of quarrels, and that sometimes  it is even okay to argue.   For: • children of elementary school age (between 6 and 12 years of age) who are  suffering because of their parents’ quarreling• parents, relatives• therapists

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        Children's & YA
        August 2022

        Das geheime Leben der Tiere (Ozean, Band 2) - Minik - Der Ruf der Arktis

        by Antonia Michaelis

        The Secret Life of Animals - Minik: Call of the Arctic (OCEAN, Vol. 2) „THE SECRET LIFE OF ANIMALS” is the new realistic children's book series for readers ages 8 and up, divided into several subseries, sorted by the Earth's habitats. Each series features exciting fiction about animals and their environment, with each of the four volumes in each sub-series focusing on a different animal in a certain environment (Ocean, Forest, Savannah). Each book can be read independently.   What happens in OCEAN, Vol. 2:It's time to say goodbye - at least for now: seal Minik and humpback whale Lottatwo have swum together all the way to Iceland, but the humpback whale has found his mates to move on with.In a puffin, which does not fly out to sea like other young birds of its kind, Minik finds a new friend. Minik gives him the name "Puffling". Puffling rescues the seal from a coral fisherman's net and together they set off north - following the mysterious sound and call of the Arctic.• Fictionalized adventure stories from animals' point of view• ‘Popular Entertaining Storytelling’ meets Animal Documentaries, the successful non-fiction trend translated into narrative – for the first time!• Sub-series in different habitats: Forest, Ocean, Savannah, Jungle• Each habitat is realized by a renowned duo of author and illustrator

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Wald (Band 1)

        Die weiße Wölfin

        by Vanessa Walder

        The Secret Life of Animals - Forest: White Wolf (Vol. 1) „THE SECRET LIFE OF ANIMALS” comes up as the first series of realistic children's books for readers ages 8 and up, divided into several subseries sorted by the Earth's habitats. What happens in FOREST, Vol. 1:Little wolf Five dreams of becoming the best huntress of the pack - no, the best huntress of all packs! With her strength of will, she wants to be the leader of the wolves and lead her own pack. But when a fire breaks out in the forest, the river valley is completely destroyed. Five's parents do not return, so it's just Five and her friend, the raven Raak. Two friends and the strong will to seek and find their new place.  • Realistic animal adventures for children ages 8 and up and the whole family• ‘Popular Entertaining Storytelling’ meets Animal Documentaries, the successful non-fiction trend translated into narrative – for the first time!• Semi-annual publication sequence of sub-series in different habitats: Forest, Ocean, Savannah• Renowned duo of author and illustrator: wonderfully beautiful narrative voices meet touching black-and-white illustrations

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Ozean (Band 1)

        Minik - Aufbruch ins weite Meer

        by Antonia Michaelis

        The Secret Life of Animals - Ocean: Minik's Departure Into the Wide Sea (Vol. 1) „THE SECRET LIFE OF ANIMALS” comes up as the first series of realistic children's books for readers ages 8 and up, divided into several subseries sorted by the Earth's habitats. Each book can be read independently.What happens in OCEAN, Vol. 1:Driven by his curiosity, the seal Minik embarks on a journey out into the vast ocean. He wants to know everything, understand everything. But the Baltic Sea holds many things: unknown and threatening. When the whale Lottatwo gets stranded on a sandbank, the two friends leave the shallow waters and make their way up north. This is just the beginning of Minik's journey - something new and great is about to begin in the strange ocean. • Realistic animal adventures for children ages 8 and up and the whole family• ‘Popular Entertaining Storytelling’ meets Animal Documentaries, the successful non-fiction trend translated into narrative – for the first time!• Semi-annual publication sequence of sub-series in different habitats: Forest, Ocean, Savannah• Renowned duo of author and illustrator: wonderfully beautiful narrative voices meet touching black-and-white illustrations

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1963

        Don Juan oder Die Liebe zur Geometrie

        Eine Komödie in fünf Akten

        by Max Frisch

        Max Frisch im Nachwort: »Don Juan ist ein Intellektueller wenn auch von gutem Wuchs und ohne alles Brillenhafte. Was ihn unwiderstehlich macht für die Damen von Sevilla ist durchaus seine Geistigkeit, sein Anspruch auf eine männliche Geistigkeit, die ein Affront ist, indem sie ganz andere Ziele kennt als die Frau und die Frau von vornherein al Episode einsetzt - mit dem bekannten Ergebnis freilich, daß die Episode schließlich sein ganzes Leben verschlingt.«

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2004

        Arno Schmidts Wundertüte

        Eine Sammlung fiktiver Briefe aus den Jahren 1948/49

        by Arno Schmidt, Bernd Rauschenbach, Bernd Rauschenbach

        »Und versuchen Sie bitte nicht, meine Bekanntschaft zu machen; ich würde Sie äußerlich und auch im Auftreten enttäuschen; das Beste, was ich bin und habe, gebe ich Ihnen ohnedies ... in meinen Büchern.« Mit dieser Mahnung an den Leser beginnt Arno Schmidt seine Sammlung fiktiver Briefe, unter denen der furioseste sich an den unglücklichen Verfasser einer mißratenenen übersetzung von Poes Der Untergang des Hauses Usher richtet, der zarteste und dankbarste Johann Gottfried Schnabel, dem Autor der Insel Felsenburg, zugedacht ist und von der Erzählung Die Fremden gekrönt wird – und der knappste geht Klopstock zu, mit den lakonisch vernichtenden Worten: »Sehr geehrter Herr! Anbei den Messias zurück.Ihr Arno Schmidt.«Entstanden in den Jahren 1948 und 1949, erschien Arno Schmidts »zweites Buch« nach dem Leviathan erst 40 Jahre später, als Erstveröffentlichung aus dem Nachlaß.Zum 90. Geburtstag des Autors am 18. Januar 2004 liegt im suhrkamp taschenbuch mit Arno Schmidts Wundertüte ein eigenwilliges, kurioses, überaus witziges Buch für Liebhaber seines Werks, aber auch für Einsteiger vor.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        Republican passions

        Family, friendship and politics in nineteenth-century France

        by Susan K. Foley

        Republican passions demonstrates the crucial role of family and friendship networks in the creation of the French Third Republic. Based on the family archives of Léon Laurent-Pichat, journalist, Deputy and Life Senator, this study paints a rich picture of republican intimacy, sociability and political activity during the Second Empire and early Third Republic. It explores republican friendships and family connections as men and women worked together for the cause. In republican circles, as the book illustrates, the intimate and political realms were not separate but deeply intertwined and interdependent.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Leviathan oder Die Beste der Welten. Gadir oder Erkenne dich selbst. Enthymesis oder W.I.E.H..


        by Arno Schmidt

        Arno Schmidts Debüt erregte 1949 Aufsehen: Mit großer Sprachmacht präsentiert sich ein unbekannter Autor, der sich nicht scheut, über den Krieg zu schreiben. In der Titelerzählung Leviathan treiben die letzten Kriegstage eine Schar Verlorener in einem Güterwaggon zusammen. Die einen glauben noch an einen rettenden Gott, die anderen an die Fügung des Schicksals. Die Flucht vor der Front endet aussichtslos auf einer zerstörten Brücke. Die verzweifelten Versuche, aus der bösartigen Welt der Menschen zu entkommen, prägen auch die beiden anderen Stücke des Bandes, Gadir und Enthymesis. Der eine träumt sich aus dem Gefängnis, der andere imaginiert die Welt als eine grenzenlose Fläche - doch welcher Weg, wenn nicht der über Selbsterkenntnis, führt tatsächlich in die Freiheit?

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