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      • Scholastic Inc.

        For 100 years, Scholastic has partnered with schools to support student learning. Today, the Company is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and entertaining children's media.

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      • Editions Schortgen Sárl

        Editions Schortgen is one of the oldest and largest publishing houses in Luxembourg and has been in existence since 1949. On January 1, 2020, a large part of the book publishing activities of the publishing house Editions Saint Paul were taken over, thereby expanding the publishing program. More than 70 years of experience, competence and passion have resulted in a diversified publishing programme. * Editions Schortgen ist eines der ältesten und größten Verlagshäuser Luxemburgs und besteht seit 1949. Am 1. Januar 2020 wurde ein Großteil der Buchverlags-Aktivitäten des Verlages Editions Saint Paul übernommen und dadurch das Verlagsprogramm erweitert. Durch über 70 Jahre Erfahrung, Kompetenz und Leidenschaft ist ein breit gefächertes Verlagsprogramm entstanden.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Preparing Children for School Through Play

        by Astrid Wirth, Efsun Birtwistle, Anna Mues, Frank Niklas

        Playful learning is an excellent way to help children acquire skills from an early age. This book illustrates ways to promote the development of preschool- age children through play in everyday family and kindergarten life – entirely without expensive resources!  Promotion of (written) language development and mathematical development forms a focus of this book, while preparing your child optimally for the two school subjects English and Mathematics. For:• parents and guardians• interested laypeople• educational specialists (such asteachers, childcare workers, socialworkers)

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmaceutical Technician Training: the Connecticum

        Learning field-oriented and interdisciplinary 1st school year

        by Simone Gansewig and Dr. Robert Wulff

        Scenes from the life of a pharmaceutical technician in her everyday life in a shared flat and the pharmacy are the gimmicks (and cliffhangers) in this book on pharmaceutical technician training. These develop into their connections to everyday life in a pharmacy and to the pharmaceutical knowledge that is conveyed at pharmaceutical technician school classes. The work combines different media forms and learning types as “Connecticum”. Podcasts, videos, and worksheets that can be accessed via QR code, as well as references to literature and information sources, supplement the content and make learning more varied and interesting. This innovative workbook for pharmaceutical technician training – each school year is accompanied by its own volume - is the ideal partner for subject-oriented and interdisciplinary teaching. It is also suitable for practically-oriented, independent work and a review of the entire training content – with a guaranteed fun factor!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2009

        Lay linguistics and school teaching

        An empirical sociolinguistic study in the Moselle-Franconian dialect area

        by Wagner, Melanie M.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2015

        Pre–school childcare in England, 1939–2010

        by Angela Davis

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Christmas in nineteenth-century England

        by Neil Armstrong

        Whether for reasons of family, food, shopping or religion, it's hard to imagine a British winter without Christmas, or to think of a more traditional national festival. But how and when did Christmas cards, pantomimes and advertising become part of that tradition? This book looks at how people in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries experienced Christmas and how today's priorities and rituals began and endured. It explores the origins of our deeply held notions around Christmas traditions and demonstrates how those ideas were in fact shaped by the fast-paced modernisation of English life. A fascinating account of the development of many things we now take for granted, the book touches on the history of childhood and the family, philanthropy and work, and the beginnings of consumerism that shaped the Christmas we know today.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        A progressive education?

        by Laura Tisdall

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        February 2010

        Die Cambridge School der politischen Ideengeschichte

        by Martin Mulsow, Andreas Mahler

        In den späten 1960er Jahren haben Quentin Skinner, John G. A. Pocock und ihre Schüler an der Universität von Cambridge eine neue Form der Ideengeschichte entwickelt. Sie begreifen politische Ideen nicht als überzeitliche Entitäten, sondern als Teil kommunikativer Prozesse in konkreten historischen Situationen. Angeregt durch die Theorie der Sprechakte, interessieren sie sich für die Intentionen und Zwecke, die historische Akteure mit ihren politischen Äußerungen verfolgt haben, und für die Einbettung von Argumenten in »politische Sprachen«. Komplexe Diskurszusammenhänge von Äußerungen auch jenseits der Entwürfe großer Denker sind ihr Thema. Diese Konzeption ist heute einer der einflußreichsten Ansätze zur Erforschung neuzeitlichen politischen Denkens. Der Band präsentiert Skinners und Pococks maßgebliche Texte zur Theorie der Ideengeschichte erstmals vollständig in deutscher Sprache. Darüber hinaus gibt er einen Einblick in die Weiterentwicklung und kritische Modifikation der Cambridge School.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Politics, performance and popular culture

        Theatre and society in nineteenth-century Britain

        by Peter Yeandle, Katherine Newey, Jeffrey Richards

        This collection brings together studies of popular performance and politics across the nineteenth century, offering a fresh perspective from an archivally grounded research base. It works with the concept that politics is performative and performance is political. The book is organised into three parts in dialogue regarding specific approaches to popular performance and politics. Part I offers a series of conceptual studies using popular culture as an analytical category for social and political history. Part II explores the ways that performance represents and constructs contemporary ideologies of race, nation and empire. Part III investigates the performance techniques of specific politicians - including Robert Peel, Keir Hardie and Henry Hyndman - and analyses the performative elements of collective movements.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        August 2016

        Culture in Manchester

        Institutions and urban change since 1850

        by Janet Wolff, Mike Savage

        This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Imperialism and Popular Culture

        by John M. MacKenzie

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        The Arts
        February 2019

        Contemporary Korean cinema

        Culture, identity and politics

        by Hyangjin Lee

        The first in-depth, comprehensive study of Korean cinema offering original insight into the relationships between ideology and the art of cinema from East Asian perspectives. Combines issues of contemporary Korean culture and cinematic representation of the society and people in both North and South Korea. Covers the introduction of motion pictures in 1903, Korean cinema during the Japanese colonial period (1910-45) and the development of North and South Korean cinema up to the 1990s. Introduces the works of Korea's major directors, and analyses the Korean film industry in terms of film production, distribution and reception. Based on this historical analysis, the study investigates ideological constructs in seventeen films, eight from North Korea and nine from South Korea.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2011

        Public Schools and Private Education

        The Clarendon Commission 1861–64 and the Public Schools Acts

        by Colin Shrosbree

        The great public schools are central to any discussion of English secondary education. Founded as public endowments, they are the basis of private education. Set apart from the other grammar schools by the Clarendon Commission of 1861, their influence on the state system has been enormous. Severed from the national provision of public education, they have put prestige and ancient endowments at the service of wealth and patronage. This book, available in paperback for the first time, shows how this came to pass. How the schools' attempts at reform, reliance on fees, the defence of the Classics, public criticism of Eton, European ideas and foreign economic competition led to the Carendon Commission. How Lord Clarendon himself, in conflict with Palmerston over foreign policy, came to lead the Commission and attempt curricular reform. How the Public Schools Acts created a separate school system for the benefit of Eton and how the Lords sought to establish that system for the upper classes. How the fee-paying, class-based principles of the Commission influenced the other grammar schools and all later English education. How the Public schools Acts reduced the influence of local parents and how new governors were appointed nationally. How Shrewsbury School, an example of an endowed grammar school with strong local connections, came to be part of the public school system. It is not the conflict between state education and private schools that makes so much discussion of English education bitter and controversial. It is the loss to state education of the public schools - the original political purpose of the Acts - and the impoverishment of national education by the class divisions of Victorian legislation. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Training Program for Adolescents - Development of Work and Social Behavior

        Aufbau von Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten

        by Franz Petermann, Ulrike Petermann

        This training program helps teenagers between the ages of 13 and 20 years to practice competent work and social behavior in their daily routines, reducing aggressive, antisocial and unsafe behavior and raising the teenagers’ self-confidence. The training can be used both in school and therapeutic settings, and may also be used as an additional tool in centers for vocational training and juvenile detention. The book includes a CD-Rom that contains all materials needed in the training program. Target Group: For psychologists, educators, school psychologists, counselors, child and adolescent psychologists and psychotherapists, and pedagogues working with teenagers with social behavioral issues.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Higher education in a globalising world

        Community engagement and lifelong learning

        by Peter Mayo

        This book focuses on current policy discourse in Higher Education, with special reference to Europe. It discusses globalisation, Lifelong Learning, the EU's Higher Education discourse, this discourse's regional ramifications and alternative practices in Higher Education from both the minority and majority worlds with their different learning traditions and epistemologies. It argues that these alternative practices could well provide the germs for the shape of a public good oriented Higher Education for the future. It theoretically expounds on important elements to consider when engaging Higher Education and communities, discussing the nature of the term 'community' itself. Special reference is accorded to the difference that lies at the core of these ever-changing communities. It then provides an analysis of an 'on the ground project' in University community engagement, before suggesting signposts for further action at the level of policy and provision. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality education

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Critical theory and demagogic populism

        by Paul K. Jones, Darrow Schecter

        Populism is a powerful force today, but its full scope has eluded the analytical tools of both orthodox and heterodox 'populism studies'. This book provides a valuable alternative perspective. It reconstructs in detail for the first time the sociological analyses of US demagogues by members of the Frankfurt School and compares these with contemporary approaches. Modern demagogy emerges as a key under-researched feature of populism, since populist movements, whether 'left' or 'right', are highly susceptible to 'demagogic capture'. The book also details the culture industry's populist contradictions - including its role as an incubator of modern demagogues - from the 1930s through to today's social media and 'Trumpian psychotechnics'. Featuring a previously unpublished text by Adorno on modern demagogy as an appendix, it will be of interest to everyone concerned about the rise of demagogic populism today.

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