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      • Dar El Shorouk

        Dar El Shorouk is one of the most prominent publishers in the Arab region. For almost 50 years, its name has been associated with quality, free thought and creativity. Dar El Shorouk boasts the region’s most distinctive list of award-winning titles and authors.

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      • Storymoja Publishers

        Storymoja Publishers, based in Nairobi with branches in Uganda and Rwanda, has a 15-year legacy of promoting African literature and a vision of putting "a book in every hand".

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Die Olchis und das Schrumpfpulver

        by Erhard Dietl, Wolf Frass, Dagmar Dreke, Eva Michaelis, Nadine Schreier, Gerlinde Dilge, Robert Missler, Elga Schütz, Kai Henrik Möller, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, CSC creative sound conception, Die Olchis, Helena Thiemann, Erhard Dietl

        Hilfe! Die Olchis sind geschrumpft! Als Professor Brausewein ein besonders starkes Putzpulver entwickelt, ahnt er nicht, welch schreckliche Nebenwirkung es hat: Alles, was mit dem Pulver in Berührung kommt, wird klein geschrumpft! Eines Nachts erwischt es auch die Olchis. Als sie am Morgen aufwachen, sind sie zu Winzlingen geworden! Muffelfurzteufel, nun ist guter Rat teuer, denn der Besitzer des Flohzirkus wittert seine Chance auf ein großes Geschäft … Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2012

        Narration in nineteenth-century French short fiction

        Prosper Mérimée to Marcel Schwob

        by Peter Cogman

        The short fiction that flourished in nineteenth-century France has attracted relatively little critical attention compared with the novel. This study focuses on some key stories by major authors of contes and nouvelles from the late 1820s to the 1890s, taking as a starting-point, aspects of narrative technique as a way of exploring not just characteristic strategies of short fiction, but also the ends to which they were put: recurrent themes, and the vision of mankind. Each chapter looks in some detail at three or four stories, referring briefly to other tales for illustration. The underlying point that emerges from this study is that the interest of a tale lies in the telling, not the events. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2011

        A short history of colonialism

        by Wolfgang Reinhard

        This well-written and comprehensive book by an outstanding expert provides students of history and the general reader with reliable up-to-date information on an essential part of the history of mankind: the global impact of European colonial expansion from the late Middle Ages to the present. It deals with the discoveries, with Portuguese, Dutch and English trade systems in Asia, with the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and British Colonies in America, the American plantation economy and the trade in African slaves, with settler colonies in the southern hemisphere, with US-, Russian and Chinese continental imperialism, with western colonial rule in Asia and Africa and the several waves of decolonisation between 1775 and 1989. Twenty-four maps illustrate the narrative. A useful teaching text, it combines traditional and more recent perspectives to produce a final balance sheet of Western colonialism and its global heritage. A carefully selected bibliography encourages further reading. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        The common writer in modern history

        by Martyn Lyons

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Save me from the Night

        by Kira Mohn

        After a terrible blow of fate throws her life into confusion, Seanna needs desperately to get away from it all. She’s come to the village of Castledunn in the hope of getting her life back in order. The wild countryside of Ireland’s west coast and the slow pace of rural life give her new energy. Her job behind the bar in the village’s only pub provides a comforting sense of routine. Then the pub changes hands, bought by the attractive, but stubborn Neall Kennan, who throws Seanna’s feelings into turmoil. Not only is she attracted to him, she’s also reminded of her own past. It’s more than Seanna can bear.   16+ years The second volume of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately! Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Die Pariser Weltausstellung 1889

        Bilder von der Globalisierung

        by Beat Wyss

        Die gelungenste Weltausstellung aller Zeiten war die Exposition Universelle de Paris von 1889. Weit über 32 Millionen Menschen besuchten das gigantische Spektakel mit knapp 62.000 Ausstellern aus 54 Nationen und 17 französischen Kolonien. Das Wahrzeichen der Schau, der Eiffelturm, blieb Paris bis heute erhalten. Einen legendären Ruf erwarb sich auch das offizielle, wöchentlich erscheinende Journal der Weltausstellung. Auf großformatigen, mit Stahlstichen üppig illustrierten Seiten berichtete es von den Sensationen vor Ort, von dreirädrigen selbstfahrenden Karren und ethnologischen Dörfern, in denen es Kamelreiten für die Kinder und Bauchtänze für die Herren gab. Der Schweizer Kunsthistoriker Beat Wyss hat die hundert originellsten Abbildungen ausgewählt. Sie illustrieren, wie die Expo den Erdball auf ein »Weltdorf« zwischen Trocadéro und Champ de Mars schrumpfen lässt, wie räumliche Distanzen abgebaut und dabei kulturelle Differenzen freigelegt werden. Das späte 20. Jahrhundert wird dafür den Begriff der Globalisierung prägen. Beat Wyss zeigt, wie die Gesellschaften seit dem 19. Jahrhundert mit diesem Prozeß umgehen und mit der Verwestlichung der Welt eine Orientalisierung des Westens einhergeht. Dem Leser als Flaneur über die Bühne der Weltausstellung wird klar: Die Expo 1889 belegt nicht nur den aktuellen Zustand einer Zeit, sondern bietet über die spektakuläre Anordnung ihrer Exponate den Vorschein einer gesellschaftlichen Utopie.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Lebe leicht

        Im Innen Platz schaffen, um im Außen frei zu sein

        by Watkins, Light

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Judith Elze

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2023

        The gift of narrative in medieval England

        by Nicholas Perkins

        This invigorating study places medieval romance narrative in dialogue with theories and practices of gift and exchange, opening new approaches to questions of storytelling, agency, gender and materiality in some of the most engaging literature from the Middle Ages. It argues that the dynamics of the gift are powerfully at work in romances: through exchanges of objects and people; repeated patterns of love, loyalty and revenge; promises made or broken; and the complex effects that time works on such objects, exchanges and promises. Ranging from the twelfth century to the fifteenth, and including close discussions of poetry by Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet and romances in the Auchinleck Manuscript, this book will prompt new ideas and debate amongst students and scholars of medieval literature, as well as anyone curious about the pleasures that romance narratives bring.

      • Trusted Partner

        Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling for Chronic Pain

        Myofascial medicine as an approach to an unresolved challenge

        by Beat Dejung

        Medicine for the relief of pain has made little progress in the last 50 years. 16% of our population claim to suffer from chronic pain, for which no lasting help can be found, despite years of treatment by different doctors. Trigger point therapy experts have integrated myofascial techniques into their everyday therapy in recent decades and through this they have achieved good results even with complex and chronic problems. In this book, instructors from the Interest Group for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (IMTT) in Switzerland present 33 complex cases of patients with chronic pain, whose pain they were able to relieve perma­nently with manual trigger point therapy and dry needling. Using these case studies, double­page spreads with an edu­cational, uniform layout clearly present the diagnosis, pathophysiology and chronifcation of myofascial pain syn­dromes and, in conclusion, describe encouraging and sur­prising successes despite previous therapy resistance.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        At home with the poor

        Consumer behaviour and material culture in England, c. 1650-1850

        by Joseph Harley

        This book opens the doors to the homes of the forgotten poor and traces the goods they owned before, during and after the industrial revolution (c. 1650-1850). Using a vast and diverse range of sources, it gets to the very heart of what it meant to be 'poor' by examining the homes of the impoverished and mapping how numerous household goods became more widespread. As the book argues, poverty did not necessarily equate to owning very little and living in squalor. In fact, its novel findings show that most of the poor strove to improve their domestic spheres and that their demand for goods was so great that it was a driving force of the industrial revolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Der chinesische Verräter


        by Adam Brookes, Andreas Heckmann

        Gefangener 5995 schafft es, aus einem chinesischen Straflager auszubrechen, wo er als dissidenter Intellektueller fast zwanzig Jahre weggesperrt war. Auf seiner Flucht versucht er, seine alten Kontakte zum britischen MI6 wiederzubeleben. Aber die Welt und vor allem China haben sich verändert. Jeder beobachtet jeden, die Überwachung wichtiger Personen ist flächendeckend. Deswegen rekrutieren die Briten den Journalisten Philip Mangan, der sich einigermaßen frei bewegen kann. Der soll Nr. 5995, Deckname »Night Heron«, wieder aktivieren. Was Mangan nicht weiß: Sowohl der chinesische Verräter als auch der britische Geheimdienst haben ganz eigene Pläne und Ziele. Und als der MI6 auch noch eine private amerikanische Sicherheitsfirma an Bord holt, beginnt ein faszinierendes und rasend spannendes Katz-und-Maus-Spiel unter den Augen der allgegenwärtigen Überwachungstechnologie.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Der chinesische Verräter


        by Adam Brookes, Thomas Wörtche, Andreas Heckmann

        Gefangener 5995 schafft es, aus einem chinesischen Straflager auszubrechen, wo er als dissidenter Intellektueller fast zwanzig Jahre weggesperrt war. Auf seiner Flucht versucht er, seine alten Kontakte zum britischen MI6 wiederzubeleben. Aber die Welt und vor allem China haben sich verändert. Jeder beobachtet jeden, die Überwachung wichtiger Personen ist flächendeckend. Deswegen rekrutieren die Briten den Journalisten Philip Mangan, der sich einigermaßen frei bewegen kann. Der soll Nr. 5995, Deckname »Night Heron«, wieder aktivieren. Was Mangan nicht weiß: Sowohl der chinesische Verräter als auch der britische Geheimdienst haben ganz eigene Pläne und Ziele. Und als der MI6 auch noch eine private amerikanische Sicherheitsfirma an Bord holt, beginnt ein faszinierendes und rasend spannendes Katz-und-Maus-Spiel unter den Augen der allgegenwärtigen Überwachungstechnologie.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2021

        The pound and the fury

        by Jack Mosse

      • Trusted Partner
        20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
        January 2014

        Cricket and community in England

        by Peter Davies, Robert Light

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        May 2016

        How to Deal with Anxiety and Panic

        by Michael Rufer, Heike Alsleben, Angela Weiss

        Are you or a loved one suffering from anxiety and panic and you are wondering what you can do? To whom you can turn? What the options for treatment are? And how relatives can help? This self-help book gives affected people and their relatives: • clear and comprehensive information based on up-to-date research findings • concrete self-help strategies and exercises with worksheets • descriptions of recognized treatment methods • instructions on coping with stress and using relaxation techniques • detailed answers to frequently asked questions • a helpful list of useful contacts and websites • an idea of how mindfulness can be incorporated. The authors have first-hand knowledge of these problems from their extensive experience of counseling and treating people with anxiety disorders and their relatives. This book summarizes their knowledge in clear and comprehensible form. It is ideal both for self-help and to complement ongoing treatment. Target Group: affected people and their relatives and friends; psychologists, therapists, doctors, counseling centers.

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