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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Distant sisters

        Australasian women and the international struggle for the vote, 1880–1914

        by James Keating

        In the 1890s Australian and New Zealand women became the first in the world to win the vote. Buoyed by their victories, they promised to lead a global struggle for the expansion of women's electoral rights. Charting the common trajectory of the colonial suffrage campaigns, Distant Sisters uncovers the personal and material networks that transformed feminist organising. Considering intimate and institutional connections, well-connected elites and ordinary women, this book argues developments in Auckland, Sydney, and Adelaide-long considered the peripheries of the feminist world-cannot be separated from its glamourous metropoles. Focusing on Antipodean women, simultaneously insiders and outsiders in the emerging international women's movement, and documenting the failures of their expansive vision alongside its successes, this book reveals a more contingent history of international organising and challenges celebratory accounts of fin-de-siècle global connection.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Distant sisters

        by James Keating, Lynn Abrams

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2016

        Our fighting sisters

        by Natalya Vince

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2015

        Our fighting sisters

        by Natalya Vince, Rebecca Mortimer

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Understanding baby loss

        by Kate Reed, Julie Ellis, Elspeth Whitby

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        Children's & YA
        September 2021

        Wen immer wir lieben

        New Adult-Roman mit Bad-Boy-Challenge und Liebe auf den zweiten Blick

        by Michelle Schrenk

        Whomever We Love Three sisters, three challenges, three winners of hearts?Although they are sisters, Lina, Kaya and Nika couldn‘t be more different. While Lina enjoys her life to the fullest, Kaya is a full-time perfect student. Nika, on the other hand, always falls for heartbreakers – but together the three of them fight against all odds. In life and in love!Tattoos, leather jacket and unbelievably charming: a bad boy from the books. In a bar, Lina and her two best friends rate guys on Tinder on a scale from 1 to heartbreaker. The reason is Lina‘s little sister Nika, who has once again fallen into the bad boy trap. When the very guy on Lina‘s display just walks through the door – clearly identified by them as a womanizer – her friends challenge her: Lina is to prove to them that she can resist him, effortlessly. That‘s how the Bad Boy Challenge begins... the stakes: nothing less than Lina‘s heart.   • Second encounters can defeat first impressions, the heart always wins ...• Original and modern twist on New Adult fiction – touching and an extra dose of humor• Girl power: 3 self-confident sisters as protagonists and role models• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        Ageing and new intimacies

        Gender, sexuality and temporality in an English salsa scene

        by Sarah Milton

        The 'baby boom' generation, born between the 1940s and the 1960s, is often credited with pioneering new and creative ways of relating, doing intimacy and making families. With this cohort of men and women in Britain now entering mid and later life, they are also said to be revolutionising the experience of ageing. Are the romantic practices of this 'revolutionary cohort' breaking with tradition and allowing new ways of understanding and doing ageing and relating to emerge? Based on ethnographic fieldwork in salsa classes and life history interviews, this book documents the meanings of desire and romance, and 'new' intimacies, among women in mid and later life. Challenging notions of the revolutionary 'baby boomers', it details how these practices, experiences and identities are intersected and informed by age, class, whiteness, and a pervasive concern to remain respectable.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021

        Brothers in the Great War

        by Linda Maynard, Penny Summerfield

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      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        February 1905

        Little Women

        by Louise May Alcott

        Little Women "has been read as a romance or as a quest, or both. It has been read as a family drama that validates virtue over wealth", but also "as a means of escaping that life by women who knew its gender constraints only too well".[6]:34 According to Sarah Elbert, Alcott created a new form of literature, one that took elements from Romantic children's fiction and combined it with others from sentimental novels, resulting in a totally new format. Elbert argued that within Little Women can be found the first vision of the "All-American girl" and that her multiple aspects are embodied in the differing March sisters.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Herminie and Fanny Pereire

        Elite Jewish women in nineteenth-century France

        by Helen M. Davies

        Herminie and Fanny Pereire were sisters-in-law, married to the eminent Jewish bankers and Saint-Simonian socialists Emile and Isaac. They were also mother and daughter. This book, a companion to the author's acclaimed Emile and Isaac Pereire (2015), sheds new light on elite Jewish families in nineteenth-century France. Drawing on the family archives, it traces the Pereires across a century of major social and political change, from the Napoleonic period to the cusp of the First World War, revealing the active role they played as bourgeois women both within and outside the family. It offers insights into Jewish assimilation, embourgeoisement and gender relations, through the lens of one of the most fascinating families of the century.

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        Geography & the Environment



        by Bettina Weiguny

        Greta Thunberg is not alone: there is now a worldwide movement. Young female rebels are taking to the world stage. They are campaigning for clean drinking water, opposing the gun lobby, mobilising against child marriage and child labour. In order to achieve their goals, they are speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, at the Economic Forum in Davos, at climate conferences or at the "March for Our Lives" in Washington. Their influence is immense; a single speech can shake global corporations such as Siemens. Behind the young activists, just a Tweet away, stands a whole generation. The book introduces the key players, for example Emma González and the Indonesian sisters, 10 and 12 years old, who managed to bring about the prohibition of single use plastic on Bali, but it also follows up the fundamental issues: who brings them out onto the streets, what motivates them?

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        Children's & YA
        July 2021

        Die Wolkenponys - Das Geheimnis der Edelsteine (Band 1)

        by Barbara Rose

        The Magic Cloud Ponies - The Secret of the Diamonds (Vol.1)   Four Hooves full of Magic   Lotti, her parents and her sister have just moved to Wetterstein, because they have inherited Grandma Luna's big beautiful house. When Lotti moves into her new room, she finds a thick book on the shelf - the book of magical ponies. And just as she is about to open it, a dainty little bracelet with four precious stones on it falls out. Shortly thereafter, an unknown pony appears at the horse farm to which Lotti's older sister Paula has dragged her. It won't let anyone touch it - except Lotti. And then the pony starts talking to her! The pony is called Whirlwind because it comes from a magical land, the land of Light Blue. And this land is in great danger. Only Lotti, who is magically connected to Whirlwind and his three siblings by the bracelet, can help now.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Heart of Mist

        by Katrin Lange

        A girl torn between two brothers. Regardless of which one she falls in love with it will be disastrous for the other. Christopher and Adrian have sworn that no girl will ever come between them again, because there is a sleeping monster inside Adrian, just waiting to hurt his brother. But then Jessa comes to High Moor Grange… Jessa would do anything to find her sister Alice, who has been registered as missing for five years. High Moor Grange is the first clue she has been given after all this time – but apart from a ruin shrouded in mist, all she finds there are the owners of this dilapidated manor house. Jessa suspects that they both know more about Alice’s disappearance than they admit. Christopher wants nothing more than to be rid of her, and constantly gets on her nerves with his arrogance – and even his warm-hearted brother Adrian seems to be harbouring some secrets. Jessica knows that she ought to stay away from the twin brothers, because instead of finding answers at High Moor Grange, she finds herself in danger of losing her heart in a battle against a 200-year-old curse. Dark, irresistible and deeply romantic – a modern Beauty and the Beast story by the queen of emotions!

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