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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Ruby Fairygale und die Insel der Magie (Erstlese-Reihe, Band 1)

        Fantasy-Abenteuer mit Ruby Fairygale ab 7 Jahren

        by Marlene Jablonski, Kira Gembri / illustrated by Verena Körting

        Ruby Fairygale and the Island of Magic Ruby Fairygale's first adventure - lovingly and excitingly told, with many atmospheric illustrations• Feel-good fantasy for Story Time, Early Readers and Fans of "Ruby Fairygale"!• Written by Marlene Jablonski (“Liliane Susewind” Chapter book series), based on a synopsis by Kira Gembri• Strong female protagonist and lovingly developed characters, with a high sympathy factor8-year-old Ruby Fairygale lives on a small island near the west coast of Ireland. After school, she always helps her grandmother, who works as a veterinarian. But the two of them have a big secret: they know that there are not only animals on the island, but also magical mythical creatures that need their help.Summer vacation at last! Now Ruby can spend the whole day helping her grandma. The two of them not only take care of animals, but also fairies, goblins and other mythical creatures! It's not easy to keep this secret - especially from Briana, the most unfriendly girl in Ruby's class. When Bri's father's fishing nets are destroyed, Briana suspects a pack of seals and is determined to drive them away. But Ruby suspects that something else is behind this. Something completely magical ... And indeed: a little mermaid had become entangled in the fishing net! Can Ruby still stop Bri without revealing her secret?

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        May 2023

        Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs

        by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach

        Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2025

        The political economy of Turkey’s integration to Europe

        Uneven development and hegemony

        by Elif Uzgören

        This book examines Turkey's integration with Europe within structural dynamics of globalisation from a critical political economy perspective. Critical approaches have been sidelined within European Studies. Turkish enlargement is not an exemption. The analyses are based on original data generated by 109 interviews conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2023 with five categories of actors: representatives of capital and labour, political parties, state officials, and struggles around ecology, patriarchy and migration. It argues that the pro-membership was hegemonic in the 2000s which was contested by two rival class strategies, Ha-vet and neo-mercantilism. In the 2010s, pro-membership is no longer hegemonic within rising critical tone of social forces supporting rival class strategies. Unevenness of Turkey's trajectory of integration to Europe is likely to be consolidated through market integration and management of migration through transactional approach.

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        April 2022

        Fritz, the Gorilla

        Biography of a Fascinating Ape

        by Jenny von Sperber

        When Jenny von Sperber first met Fritz, the gorilla didn’t let her out of his sight. He was already over 50 years old then, but he was still extremely charismatic. One thing matters for the journalist: she wants to find out everything about Fritz’s life. Born in 1963, he was captured in the wild and came from Cameroon to Germany in 1966. At that time, apes were still regarded as a curiosity in zoos. When a ban was declared on the wild gorilla trade, Fritz was already a father of many youngsters. This fascinating gorilla-family saga not only recounts the eventful life of Fritz, but also shows the development in European zoos in handling wild animals. Nowadays, things have certainly improved. But there are still questions, for example, what does it do to us when we marvel at our closest relatives behind glass? And is it even still current to confine apes ... was it ever?

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2012

        Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation

        Passengers, pilots, publicity

        by Gordon Pirie, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        The new activity of trans-continental civil flying in the 1930s is a useful vantage point for viewing the extension of British imperial attitudes and practices. Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation examines the experiences of those (mostly men) who flew solo or with a companion (racing or for leisure), who were airline passengers (doing colonial administration, business or research), or who flew as civilian air and ground crews. For airborne elites, flying was a modern and often enviable way of managing, using and experiencing empire. On the ground, aviation was a device for asserting old empire: adventure and modernity were accompanied by supremacism. At the time, however, British civil imperial flying was presented romantically in books, magazines and exhibitions. Eighty years on, imperial flying is still remembered, reproduced and re-enacted in caricature. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        The secret battle

        Emotional survival in the great war

        by Michael Roper, Bertrand Taithe, Penny Summerfield, Peter Gatrell, Max Jones, Ana Carden-Coyne

        What did home mean to British soldiers and how did it help them to cope with the psychological strains of the Great War? Family relationships lie at the heart of this book. It explores the contribution letters and parcels from home played in maintaining the morale of this largely young, amateur army. And it shows how soldiers, in their turn, sought to adapt domestic habits to the trenches. Pursuing the unconscious clues within a rich collection of letters and memoirs with the help of psychoanalytical ideas, including those formulated by the veteran tank commander Wilfred Bion, this study asks fundamental questions about the psychological resources of this generation of young men. It reveals how the extremities of battle exposed the deepest emotional ties of childhood, and went on marking the post-war domestic lives of those who returned. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Joseph Losey

        by Colin Gardner

        The career of Wisconsin-born Joseph Losey spanned over four decades and several countries. A self-proclaimed Marxist and veteran of the 1930s Soviet agit-prop theater, he collaborated with Bertholt Brecht before directing noir B-pictures in Hollywood. A victim of McCarthyism, he later crossed the Atlantic to direct a series of seminal British films such as "Time Without Pity," "Eve," "The Servant," and "The Go-Between," which mark him as one of the cinema's greatest baroque stylists. His British films reflect on exile and the outsider's view of a class-bound society in crisis through a style rooted in the European art house tradition of Resnais and Godard. Gardner employs recent methodologies from cultural studies and poststructural theory, exploring and clarifying the films' uneasy tension between class and gender, and their explorations of fractured temporality.

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        October 2014

        Tödlicher Frost


        by Asbjørn Jaklin

        In der Nähe von Tromsø wird während der Polarnacht in einem Kuhstall ein Mann ermordet aufgefunden. Er wurde auf dem Heuboden an den Armen aufgehängt, Spuren am Tatort deuten darauf hin, dass er gefoltert wurde ... Der Afghanistan-Veteran Alexander Winther, der als Journalist bei der Zeitung »Nordlys« arbeitet, wird auf den Fall angesetzt. Sehr schnell sieht er Verbindungen zu Grausamkeiten, die sich vor sechzig Jahren am selben Ort abgespielt haben. An dem Ort, an dem die Deutschen 1942 ein Lager für jugoslawische Kriegsgefangene aufgebaut hatten, in dem Häftlinge auf brutale Art und Weise gefoltert und getötet wurden. Ein später Racheakt? Die Spuren führen ihn nach und nach auch zum Balkankrieg Anfang der 1990er Jahre – und zu einem streng gehüteten Staatsgeheimnis.

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        October 2014

        Tödlicher Frost


        by Asbjørn Jaklin, Ulrich Sonnenberg

        In der Nähe von Tromsø wird während der Polarnacht in einem Kuhstall ein Mann ermordet aufgefunden. Er wurde auf dem Heuboden an den Armen aufgehängt, Spuren am Tatort deuten darauf hin, dass er gefoltert wurde ... Der Afghanistan-Veteran Alexander Winther, der als Journalist bei der Zeitung »Nordlys« arbeitet, wird auf den Fall angesetzt. Sehr schnell sieht er Verbindungen zu Grausamkeiten, die sich vor sechzig Jahren am selben Ort abgespielt haben. An dem Ort, an dem die Deutschen 1942 ein Lager für jugoslawische Kriegsgefangene aufgebaut hatten, in dem Häftlinge auf brutale Art und Weise gefoltert und getötet wurden. Ein später Racheakt? Die Spuren führen ihn nach und nach auch zum Balkankrieg Anfang der 1990er Jahre – und zu einem streng gehüteten Staatsgeheimnis.

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        Politics & government
        December 2016

        Intelligence, security and the Attlee governments, 1945–51

        An uneasy relationship?

        by Daniel W. B. Lomas

        Drawing on recently released documents and private papers, this is the first book-length study to examine the intimate relationship between the Attlee government and Britain's intelligence and security services at the start of the Cold War. Often praised for the formation of the modern-day 'welfare state', Attlee's government also played a significant, if little understood, role in combating communism at home and overseas, often in the face of vocal, sustained opposition from its own backbenches. This book tells the story of Attlee's Cold War. From Whitehall vetting to secret operations in Eastern Europe and the fallout of Soviet atomic espionage on both sides of the Atlantic, it provides a fresh interpretation of the Attlee government, making it essential reading for anyone interested in the Labour Party, intelligence, security and Britain's foreign and defence policy at the start of the Cold War.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 1981

        El coronel no tiene quien le escriba

        by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Giovanni Pontiero

        Gabriel García Márquez has been described as the greatest writer in Spanish since Cervantes, and El coronel no tiene quien le escriba is considered to be one of his best works. This reflective and atmospheric novel is set in a small Colombian town where the frustrated and stubborn Colonel, a veteran of the 'War of a Thousand Days', is still, after thirty years, waiting for the letter authorising payment of his war pension. The old soldier and his wife mourn the brutal killing of their only son, and the story of their struggle against poverty and sickness culminates in the Colonel's defiant refusal to part with his cherished fighting cock, however serious the consequences. The moving narrative pays tribute to the resilience of human nature and man's will to survive in the face of heavy odds. The novel also throws light on the turbulent religious and political troubles in Latin America. Now revised to include an updated chronology and bibliography, Giovanni Pontiero's acclaimed critical edition provides English-speaking students with an introduction to, and notes on the text, and a selected vocabulary. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Downward spiral

        Collapsing public standards and how to restore them

        by John Bowers

        The Johnson era will be remembered for a series of scandals that severely eroded trust in the British government. From questionable PPE tenders and public appointments to the 'partygate' fiasco, every aspect of public life seemed tainted. How did this downward spiral begin, and what can be done to reverse it? In this eye-opening book, veteran KC John Bowers presents a fearless examination of the decline in ethical standards before, during and after the Johnson government. He focuses on the institutions responsible for holding the government accountable, exposing how they have been bypassed by prime ministers determined to impose their agenda. Through interviews with political insiders, Bowers provides analysis of scandals such as partygate, Greensill and the revolving door with the private sector. He shines a light on a culture of favouritism, where standards are upheld based on little more than the assumption those in power can be trusted to behave. Rishi Sunak entered Number 10 on the promise of restoring integrity, but it is clear major problems remain. Confronting the failings of the current system, Downward spiral presents concrete proposals for creating an alternative that is more transparent and accountable.

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        April 2024

        Wo die Asche blüht


        by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, Claudia Feldmann

        Vietnam, 1969: Die beiden Schwestern Trang und Quỳnh wachsen in einem kleinen Dorf im Mekongdelta auf. Als junge Frauen bestellen sie die Reisefelder ihrer verarmten Eltern, der Vater ist als Invalide aus dem Krieg heimgekehrt. Als eine Freundin ihnen erzählt, in Saigon wäre es für Mädchen wie sie leicht, Arbeit als Barmädchen zu finden, fassen sie den Entschluss, in die Stadt zu gehen. Trang lernt dort einen amerikanischen Soldaten kennen und stürzt sich mitten in den Wirren des Krieges in eine Affäre mit ihm, die nicht ohne Folgen bleibt …Jahrzehnte später kehrt ein amerikanischer Veteran zurück nach Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt in der Hoffnung, sich von den Schatten der Vergangenheit befreien zu können. Er trifft auf Phong, den Sohn einer Vietnamesin und eines ehemaligen GIs, der in einem Waisenhaus aufwuchs und verzweifelt seine Eltern sucht – kann Phong ihm helfen, seine alte Schuld wiedergutzumachen? Der atmosphärisch dichte neue Roman der internationalen Bestsellerautorin ergründet das bewegende Schicksal der Kinder vietnamesischer Frauen mit amerikanischen Soldaten – und erzählt eine unvergessliche Geschichte von Schuld und Vergebung.

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