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      • Our Sunday Visitor

        OSV is the largest English-language Catholic publishing house in the United States. Founded in Huntington, Indiana, in 1912 by Father (later Archbishop) John Francis Noll, OSV publishes Catholic periodicals, a wide range of trade books, parish products, Bibles, and Vatican documents, and Spanish, bilingual, and English religion curricula and sacrament preparation materials, all designed to foster an encounter with Christ. Learn more about OSV Publishing and the other products and services that OSV offers to serve the Church at

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2008

        Goethes Eros

        by Christa Bürger

        Dichtung und Wahrheit, Leben und Werk – dem Geständnis des alten Goethe, in seinen Texten sei mehr Leben niedergelegt, als man ihnen gewöhnlich ansehe, geht Christa Bürger in Goethes Eros nach. Sie folgt dem wunderbaren Geflecht von literarischen und realen Figuren, die sich ineinander spiegeln. Es wird sichtbar, was dieses Leben und dieses Werk antreibt: »Goethes Eros«. Christa Bürgers spannende und engagierte Untersuchung zeigt einen Klassiker, der sich von lebenden Personen inspirieren ließ, um seine literarischen Figuren Leben und Liebe einzuhauchen: So bedingen sich die Schwester Cornelia und die weiße Dame, Friederike zeigt sich als Gretchen oder Käthchen, Helena hat Züge von Schwiegertochter Ottilie. Christa Bürger, geboren 1935, war von 1973 bis 1998 Professorin am Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur an der Universität Frankfurt.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Die allerbeste Prinzessin

        by Poznanski, Ursula / Illustrated by Büchner, SaBine

        An innovative & different princess story!   • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant!   Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Joan of Arc

        La pucelle

        by Craig Taylor

        This sourcebook collects together for the first time in English the major documents relating to the life and contemporary reputation of Joan of Arc. Also known as La Pucelle, she led a French Army against the English in 1429, arguably turning the course of the war in favour of the French king Charles VII. The fact that she achieved all of this when just a seventeen-year-old peasant girl highlights the magnitude of her achievements and also opens up other ways of looking at her story. For many, Joan represents the voice of ordinary people in the fifteenth century; the victims of high politics and warfare that devastated France. Her story ended tragically in 1431 when she was put on trial for heresy and sorcery by an ecclesiastical court and was burned at the stake. This book shows how the trial, which was organised by her enemies, provides an important window into late medieval attitudes towards religion and gender, as Joan was effectively persecuted by the established Church for her supposedly non-conformist views on spirituality and the role of women. Presented within a contextual and critical framework, this book encourages scholars and students to rethink this remarkable story. It will be invaluable reading for those working in the fields of medieval society and heresy, as well as the Hundred Years' War.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Disciplined agency

        Neoliberal precarity, generational dispossession and call centre labour in Portugal

        by Patrícia Alves de Matos

        Since the mid-2000s, the harsh reality of call centre employment for a generation of young workers in Portugal has been impossible to ignore. With its endless rows of small cubicles, where human agents endure repetitive telephone conversations with abusive clients under invasive modes of technological surveillance, discipline and control, call centre work remains a striking symbol of labour precarity, a condition particularly associated with the neoliberal generational disenchantment that 'each generation does better than its predecessor'. This book describes the emergence of a regime of disciplined agency in the Portuguese call centre sector. Examining the ascendancy of call centres as icons of precarity in contemporary Portugal, this book argues that call centre labour constitutes a new form of commodification of the labouring subject. De Matos argues that call centres represent an advanced system of non-manual labour power exploitation, due to the underestimation of human creativity that lies at the centre of the regimented structures of call centre labour. Call centres can only guarantee profit maintenance, de Matos argues, through the commodification of the human agency arising from the operators' moral, relational and social embedded agentive linguistic interventions of creative improvisation, decision-making, problem-solving and ethical evaluation.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Man darf mit dem Glück nicht drängelig sein

        by Kirsten Boie, Verena Körting

        Sommer, Sonne, Ferien. Und Familie. Eigentlich wollten Anna, Magnus und Linnea mit Mama nach Schweden fahren, aber jetzt hat sie doch keine Zeit und Papa fährt mit. Ihr Ferienhaus liegt mitten in einem Birkenwald und ist klein und rot und sehr gemütlich. In der Nähe gibt es sogar einen See mit einem Boot. Der absolute Glücksurlaub! Bis Friedrich kommt, der Sohn von Papas neuer Frau. Anna kann ihn nicht ausstehen. Daran ist er selber schuld. Warum muss seine Mutter sich auch in Papa verlieben? Und warum muss sie jetzt auch noch ein Baby kriegen? Aber es ist Sommer. Ein Sommer wie im Bilderbuch. Da ist es schwer, auf jemanden böse zu sein. Ein Oetinger-Lieblingsbuch von Kirsten Boie, neu aufgelegt zum 75. Verlagsjubiläum. Eine Geschichte wie Kirsten Boies "Sommerby" oder Astrid Lindgrens "Wir Kinder aus Bullerbü". Warmherziges Kinderbuch für Kinder ab 10 Jahren über die Dinge, die im Leben wirklich zählen. Gelistet bei Antolin.

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        Children's & YA

        The Little Moody Monster (2). A Four-Legged Visitor

        by Julia Boehme/ Franziska Harvey

        Hurray! Moritz can look after Grandma’s dog Charly because she’s going on holiday. So at last Moritz has a pet of his own, even if it’s only for a few days. Milo, Moritz’s new friend, is also wild about Charly. There’s only one creature who is not at all pleased, and that’s the Moody Monster. Until Charly suddenly disappears…

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992


        Die Verwirtschaftung der Moral

        by See, Hans

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1973

        See-Leben I

        by Werner Koch

        Der Mann, der See-Leben I erzählt, ist angestellt bei einer Kölner Firma. Nach seinem Urlaub weigert er sich, in die Firma zurückzukehren; er stellt sein Büro am See auf. Funktioniert das? Man wird sehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Marcel Proust am Genfer See

        by Jürgen Ritte

        Im September/Oktober 1899 verbringt Marcel Proust sechs Wochen in Évian am Genfer See und führt dort ein intensives gesellschaftliches Leben: Besuche in den prachtvollen Villen des internationalen Adels rund um den See, zahlreiche Ausflüge, Vergnügungen und lange Debatten (die Frankreich spaltende Dreyfus-Affäre ist allgemeines Salongespräch). Noch notiert Proust Impressionen, Skizzen, Aperçus, von denen er nicht ahnt, dass er sie Jahre später wieder aufnehmen wird, wenn er sich endlich an die Redaktion der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit begibt. Bis zum Jahre 1905 kehrt Proust – was bislang wenig bekannt war – immer wieder an den Lac Léman zurück. Der See wird zu einem seiner Schreib- und Sehnsuchtsorte. Évian, Thonon, Maugny, Coppet, Genf und der Montblanc: Jürgen Ritte hat Prousts Orte besucht und begibt sich auf eine literarische und kulturgeschichtliche Entdeckungsreise an den exklusiven Urlaubszielen der französischen Schweiz.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        On trial

        Testing new drugs in psychiatry, 1940–1980

        by Marietta Meier, Magaly Tornay, Mario König

        The heroic story of the invention of antidepressants is a key part of the psychopharmaceutical turn. On Trial revolves around one of its pioneers, psychiatrist Roland Kuhn, who practiced in Münsterlingen, a state-run psychiatric hospital in Switzerland. Kuhn became famous for the 'discovery' of the first antidepressant, Tofranil, and more recently notorious for his numerous trials on often unsuspecting patients. Largely based on the extensive and previously inaccessible sources of Kuhn's private archive, the book delves into the early days of industry-sponsored clinical research in psychiatry. It examines how the clinic, patients, doctors, nursing staff, corporations, and authorities interacted in the trials. Conducted from the 1940s to 1980s, the Münsterlingen drug trials are historicised and situated in the period's evolving landscape of experimentation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2025

        Speculative endeavors

        Cultures of knowledge and capital in the long nineteenth century

        by Selina Foltinek, Karin Hoepker, Katrin Horn

        Speculative endeavours contributes to an emerging field of scholarship that focuses on alternative forms of knowledge production and speculation in nineteenth century US-American society. It sheds light on unofficial knowledges such as insider information, rumour, gossip, slander, emphasising how knowledges excluded by institutional discourses and authorities form a core part of the developing market economy. Ranging from the Early Republic to the Gilded Age, contributions analyse entanglements of financial, cultural, and social capital. They focus on social actors who differ from the newly minted ideal of the (free, white, male) entrepreneurial individual. The speculative endeavours discussed include illicit communications located in slave quarters and domestic spaces, communal interventions into a commercialised print market, debates on immigrant fiduciary and legal competency, and disciplinary techniques of pecuniary pedagogy. Taken together they offer unprecedented interdisciplinary insights into an emerging age of capital.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2009

        The Trial of Treasure

        By anonymous

        by Peter Happe

        This edition of The Trial of Treasure will be a photographic facsimile of one of the five extant copies of this apparently anonymous play which was printed in 1567 by Thomas Purfoote. It will reproduce the copy at the Harry Ransome Library, Austin, Texas which has an anomaly in the printing not found in the other copies. In considering typographical characteristics of the text the Introduction discusses the place of this play in Purfoote's extensive output. It also addresses the relationship with William Wager's Enough is as Good as a Feast with which it shares some seventy lines, and considers the possibility of common authorship. The text is rich in stage directions and aspects of performance are discussed including the doubling scheme for five players and the role of the Vice which is exemplified here. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1973

        Die See

        Eine Komödie

        by Edward Bond, Harald Mueller

        Edward Bond wurde 1934 in der Londoner Vorstadt Holloway geboren. 1956 schrieb er erste Gedichte und Stückentwürfe und trat 1960 einer Dramatikergruppe um John Osborne, Arnold Wesker und John Arden bei. 1962 wurde Bonds erstes Stück, The Pope's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Papstes), in London uraufgeführt. Sein zweites Theaterstück, Saved (Gerettet), provozierte einen der größten Skandale der britischen Theatergeschichte: Das Stück wurde kurz nach seiner Premiere im November 1965 im Royal Court Theatre aufgrund von expliziter Gewaltdarstellung von der Zensur verboten. Die sich anschließende Diskussion um Freiheit der Kunst bewirkte 1968 das Ende der britischen Theaterzensur. Große Erfolge wurden Anfang der 1970er Jahre seine Lear-Bearbeitung und das Stück The Sea (Die See). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Stücke, Opernlibretti für Hans Werner Henze, Arbeit an Theatern, für den Film (u.a. Mitarbeit am Drehbuch zu Antonionis Film Blow up) und das Fernsehen. Edward Bond lebt in der Nähe von Cambridge. Harald Mueller, geb. am 18. Mai 1934 in Memel, war u. a. Theaterautor und Dramaturg. Für den Suhrkamp Verlag übersetzte er Werke von Bernard Shaw ins Deutsche. Er starb am 27. Dezember 2021.

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