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      • ZOOlibri di Rabitti Corrado

        ZOOlibri is an indipendent publishing house born in Reggio Emilia in 2001, that focuses its production in picture books and novels in pictures. Its purpose is both producing its own titles and translating other’s titles on the market taking care of bringing unknown and unpublished artists on Italian market first, and then on the international one. Now almost 70 titles appear on the catalogue. After more than 15 years of work on the international market ZOOlibri is known as one of the most active independent publishers, with productions translated worldwide in 18 languages, and for being the first in bringing together in the same catalogue Jon Klassen, Steve Antony and Oliver Jeffers.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2013

        Animal irrationale

        Eine kurze (Natur-)Geschichte der Unvernunft

        by Franz M. Wuketits

        Der Mensch ist das mit Vernunft begabte Lebewesen, das animal rationale. So will es die philosophische Überlieferung. Geschichte und Gegenwart des Menschen legen jedoch die Vermutung nahe, dass in seinem Denken und Handeln mehr Unvernunft steckt, als ihm selbst lieb sein kann. Zwei Weltkriege und unzählige andere (menschliche) Katastrophen sowie die massive Zerstörung seines Lebensraums lassen den Menschen als »animal irrationale« erscheinen. Der Evolutionstheoretiker Franz M. Wuketits spürt die (natur-)historischen Wurzeln der Unvernunft auf und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass jene Portion Irrationalität, die sich der Steinzeitmensch leisten durfte, seinen Nachfahren in unserer komplexen Welt immer wieder zum Verhängnis wird.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Die Olchis im Zoo

        Lesestarter. 3. Lesestufe

        by Erhard Dietl, Erhard Dietl

        Krötiger Olchi-Spaß im Zoo. "Schlabber-Kröten-Furz! Ihr habt ja wohl gar keine Ahnung", raunzt der Olchi-Opa. Denn die Olchi-Kinder wissen nicht einmal, was ein Elefant ist. Das kann auch ein Olchi nicht durchgehen lassen und deshalb machen Olchi-Oma und Olchi-Opa mit den Olchi-Kindern einen Ausflug in den Zoo. Und das kann ja nur im Chaos enden. Die Lesestarter von Oetinger motivieren auch leseschwache Kinder zum Lesen. Wie? Mit bekannten Autoren, starken Charakteren und populären Themen, die Kinder im Alter von fünf bis zehn Jahren begeistern. Und mit vielen Bildern, Spielen und Leserätseln. So einfach ist Lesenlernen mit den Olchis: Liebenswerte Figuren, einfache Texte, und beliebte Themen motivieren und machen Spaß.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2008

        Die Olchis im Zoo


        by Erhard Dietl, Rainer Schmitt, Stephanie Kirchberger, Dagmar Dreke, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, Peter Kirchberger, Leon Seibel, Erhard Dietl, Dieter Faber, CSC creative sound conception, Bastian Hertel, CSC creative sound conception, Frank Gustavus, Christiane Krah, Cornelia Weber, Erhard Dietl

        Schleime-Schlamm-und-Käsefuß! Olchi-Chaos im Tierpark Olchi-Opa ist entsetzt: Seine Enkel wissen nicht, was ein Elefant ist! Um das zu ändern, machen er und Olchi-Oma mit den Olchi-Kindern einen Ausflug in den Zoo. Wer staunt hier wohl am meisten - die Tiere, die anderen Besucher oder die Olchis? Hörspiel mit den frechen Olchi-Stimmen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Vincent und das Geisterlama

        by Sonja Kaiblinger, Christian Rudolf, Anja Hasse, Fréderic Bertrand

        In "Vincent und das Geisterlama" entführt Sonja Kaiblinger ihre jungen Zuhörer in eine abenteuerliche Welt, in der Vincent, eine Fledermaus mit einem großen Herzen, sich nach einer Superkraft sehnt, um endlich mit seinen Freunden, dem witzigen Werschweinchen Fritzi und der energiegeladenen Polly, mithalten zu können. Sein Wunsch führt das Trio in den nächtlichen Zoo, in der Hoffnung, andere Halb-Geistertiere zu treffen, die Vincent den Weg zu seiner eigenen Besonderheit weisen könnten. Was als aufregende Suche beginnt, verwandelt sich schnell in ein gruseliges Abenteuer voller überraschender Wendungen und unerwarteter Begegnungen. Diese Geschichte ist nicht nur ein Spaß für junge Grusel-Fans, sondern lehrt auch wichtige Lektionen über Freundschaft, Mut und das Akzeptieren der eigenen Identität. Spannendes Hörerlebnis: Eingebettet in die beliebte „Scary Harry“-Welt, bietet dieses Hörbuch eine packende Geschichte, die Kinder in den Bann zieht. Beliebte Charaktere und neue Abenteuer: Begleite Vincent, Polly und Fritzi auf ihrer neuesten Mission, die mit Humor und Spannung junge Zuhörer fesselt. Wertvolle Moral: Neben Unterhaltung vermittelt das Hörbuch wichtige Botschaften über Freundschaft, Selbstakzeptanz und den Mut, eigene Ängste zu überwinden. Fantasiereiche Inszenierung: Mit lebendigen Beschreibungen und sympathischen Charakteren tauchen die Zuhörer tief in die Geschichte ein und erleben ein unvergessliches Abenteuer. Ideal für junge Grusel-Fans: Das Hörbuch verbindet Grusel-Elemente mit Humor und ist somit perfekt für Kinder, die spannende Geschichten mit einer Prise Grusel lieben. Hochwertige Produktion: Mit professioneller Vertonung und atmosphärischer Hintergrundmusik wird "Vincent und das Geisterlama" zu einem akustischen Highlight für Kinder.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs

        by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach

        Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations

      • Trusted Partner

        Audio Engineering

        for special events techniciansin training and on the job

        by Christoph Grzesinski. Founded by Dr. Volker Smyrek

        We all know that audio engineering is more than just acronyms. But what do they all mean? This practical textbook is designed to meet the special needs of events technicians. The textbook stands out from the crowd because it is designed specifically with the university curriculum and professional needs in mind, making it not only an excellent companion in the classroom, but a useful reference for on the job as well. The author, himself an instructor for special events technicians, covers the ground from physical fundamentals of acoustics and electronics to setting up mixing consoles and sound systems, providing a multitude of useful tips without confusing the reader with extraneous details. A chapter on video technology rounds off the book. Sample calculations put the material in a practical context, and sample problems at the end of each chapter (with solutions in the appendix) help review what has been learned and inspire further thought. Entertaining guest essays provide a broader perspective.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Wildly different

        How five women reclaimed nature in a man’s world

        by Sarah Lonsdale

        The globe-trotting tales of five women who fought for the right to enjoy the wild places of the earth. For millennia the 'wild' was a place heroic men went on epic quests. Women were prevented from joining them, either through physical control or powerful myths about what would happen if they ventured beyond the city wall or village boundary. So how did women claim their place in the remote and lovely parts of our planet? In Wildly different, historian Sarah Lonsdale traces the lives of five women who fought for the right to work in, enjoy and help to save the earth's wild places. We'll meet Mina Hubbard, who outraged the exploration community when she stepped into a canoe in northern Labrador. Evelyn Cheesman, who became the first female keeper of insects at London Zoo. Dorothy Pilley, who shocked polite society by donning men's climbing breeches. Ethel Haythornthwaite, who helped make the Peak District Britain's first National Park. And Wangari Maathai, who started a movement to plant millions of trees across sub-Saharan Africa. Drawing on interviews with Sir David Attenborough, Wangari Maathai's daughter and others, Lonsdale recounts the women's adventures across five continents. Evocative and inspiring, this book shows how women can be 'wildly different'.

      • Trusted Partner

        A Workbook of Chemistry for Students of Medicine and Biology

        Introduction to the material covered in standard examinations

        by Dirk Röbke and Udo Wolfgramm

        Rote learning is one way to pass examinations, but really understanding the subject is even better. Most textbooks are limited to presenting facts without helping the reader review and practice. This workbook fills the gap with more than 1,000 sample examination questions from general, inorganic and organic chemistry. With it, students can practice and deepen what they have learned from textbooks. The problems can be solved without aids, and solutions are provided with detailed explanations. The workbook enjoys great popularity after helping countless students study successfully. From the contents: atomic structure and chemical bonds: noble gas configuration, electronegativity, hybridization, intermolecular interactions | nomenclature and structural formulas of inorganic and organic compounds | chemical equations: double transformations, acid-base reactions, complexes | quantities and concentrations of substance: gravimetry, titrations, percent by mass and by volume | law of mass action | acids, bases and salts: calculating pH value, titration curves, buffers, solubility product | redox reactions and oxidation numbers, Nernst equation | complex compounds | configurational and conformational isomerism | inductive and mesomeric effects | substitution, addition, elimination | aromatic compounds: reactions and second substitution | natural products: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, peptides | carbonyl reactions: carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Technology, health and the patient consumer in the twentieth century

        by Rachel Elder, Thomas Schlich

        Technology and consumerism are two characteristic phenomena in the history medicine and healthcare, yet the connections between them are rarely explored by scholars. In this edited volume, the authors address this disconnect, noting the ways in which a variety of technologies have shaped patients' roles as consumers since the early twentieth century. Chapters examine key issues, such as the changing nature of patient information and choice, patients' assessment of risk and reward, and matters of patient role and of patient demand as they relate to new and changing technologies. They simultaneously investigate how differences in access to care and in outcomes across various patient groups have been influenced by the advent of new technologies and consumer-based approaches to health. The volume spans the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, spotlights an array of medical technologies and health products, and draws on examples from across the United States and United Kingdom.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2020

        Science in performance

        Theatre and the politics of engagement

        by Simon Parry

        This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. This book is about science in theatre and performance. It explores how theatre and performance engage with emerging scientific themes from artificial intelligence to genetics and climate change. The book covers a wide range of performance forms from Broadway musicals to educational theatre, from Somali drama to grime videos. It features work by pioneering companies including Gob Squad, Headlong Theatre and Theatre of Debate as well as offering fresh analysis of global blockbusters such as Wicked and Urinetown. The book offers detailed description and analysis of theatre and performance practices as well as broader commentary on the politics of theatre as public engagement with science. Science in performance is essential reading for researchers, students and practitioners working between science and the arts within fields such as theatre and performance studies, science communication, interdisciplinary arts and health humanities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2025

        Foundations of social ecological economics

        The fight for revolutionary change in economic thought

        by Clive L Spash

        This book explores radical dissent from orthodox mainstream economics, and sets out a theoretically grounded vision for the emerging paradigm of social ecological economics. At the heart of this paradigmatic shift lies an acknowledgement of the inextricable embeddedness of economies in biophysical reality and social structure. The struggle for this transformative vision unfolds through a critical examination of mainstream environmental thought, followed by a nuanced evaluation of contributions from Marxists, socialists, critical institutionalists, feminists and Post-Keynesians grappling with the urgent environmental crisis. Synthesising insights from these diverse and heterodox schools, the book navigates the philosophical underpinnings of science, embracing a critical realist approach that challenges not only mainstream economic thought but also eclectic pluralism, relativism and strong constructionism. The question of what constitutes revolutionary science is explored in light of works by Kuhn, Schumpeter and Neurath, emphasising the pivotal role of values and ideology in works from Marx to Gramsci. Building on these radical and philosophical foundations, the book articulates a preanalytic vision of social ecological economics, dismantling entrenched notions of growth and efficiency in favour of a framework centered on social provisioning and needs embedded in ethics. In a thought-provoking conclusion, the book applies its analytical lens to the multiple crises of modernity within industrialised capital-accumulating economies. An agenda for social ecological transformation toward diverse alternative economies emerges, providing a compelling call to action in the face of contemporary challenges.

      • Trusted Partner

        Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry

        by Dr. Bernd Sorg and Prof. Dr. Diana Imhof

        Biochemistry and clinical chemistry have long been an established part of pharmaceutical education. A comprehensive knowledge of the molecular processes in the human body is needed for a detailed understanding of disease pictures and of drug action at the molecular level. These subjects are of supreme relevance for pharmaceutical practice – without the methods of biochemistry and molecular biology, the development of new active substances is inconceivable. However, to date the established reference works have covered a much too broad range of topics, go into excessive detail and are not geared to the study of pharmacy. This textbook finally fills this gap in a hitherto unique way. Thanks to the concise learning content, it is tailored to the needs of pharmacy students. The authors therefore concentrate on the material required for the registration examination and focus on topics of relevance to drugs and treatment. They summarise the biochemical principles and use selected examples to explain the connections between them. Numerous diagrams, pictures and info boxes provide structure to the subject matter, facilitate learning and make reading enjoyable.

      • Trusted Partner

        Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Technicians

        by Marion Romer, Silke Dittmar, Dr. Dorothee Famulla-Weber and Claudia Huppertz

        Chemistry is all about smells and bangs – but what if you’ve lost sight of what is actually going on? This textbook keeps PTA students on course: it refreshes the basics, consolidates chemical knowledge and leads to independent working. The 10th edition is presented in a completely new design and with an even clearer layout. With reference to the pharmaceutical arena, chemistry is shown to be the basis of drug substances. Practical examples, call-outs and summaries break up the text and make it easier to work with the subject matter. This book will awaken the interest of pharmaceutical technicians in drug substances – the best precondition for mastering everyday chemistry at school and at work.

      • Trusted Partner

        Chemistry I: Examination Questions

        Original annotated questions through autumn 2017. General and inorganic chemistry for pharmacists

        by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Ehlers

        This catalogue of examination question is the ideal companion to the Short Textbook on Chemistry I. Together, both volumes help you prepare effectively for semester finals and for the first section of the German pharmaceutical licensing examination. ■ 1788 original IMPP questions from the years 1979–2017 ■ With annotated solutions ■ Covers Pharmacy I, or arranged by examination ■ Comments use the same chapter numbering as the Short Textbook on Chemistry I ■ Highlighting marks questions which have appeared more than once in the same wording.   Ace your exams with Ehlers!

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2025

        The political economy of Turkey’s integration to Europe

        Uneven development and hegemony

        by Elif Uzgören

        This book examines Turkey's integration with Europe within structural dynamics of globalisation from a critical political economy perspective. Critical approaches have been sidelined within European Studies. Turkish enlargement is not an exemption. The analyses are based on original data generated by 109 interviews conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2023 with five categories of actors: representatives of capital and labour, political parties, state officials, and struggles around ecology, patriarchy and migration. It argues that the pro-membership was hegemonic in the 2000s which was contested by two rival class strategies, Ha-vet and neo-mercantilism. In the 2010s, pro-membership is no longer hegemonic within rising critical tone of social forces supporting rival class strategies. Unevenness of Turkey's trajectory of integration to Europe is likely to be consolidated through market integration and management of migration through transactional approach.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Politics, performance and popular culture

        Theatre and society in nineteenth-century Britain

        by Peter Yeandle, Katherine Newey, Jeffrey Richards

        This collection brings together studies of popular performance and politics across the nineteenth century, offering a fresh perspective from an archivally grounded research base. It works with the concept that politics is performative and performance is political. The book is organised into three parts in dialogue regarding specific approaches to popular performance and politics. Part I offers a series of conceptual studies using popular culture as an analytical category for social and political history. Part II explores the ways that performance represents and constructs contemporary ideologies of race, nation and empire. Part III investigates the performance techniques of specific politicians - including Robert Peel, Keir Hardie and Henry Hyndman - and analyses the performative elements of collective movements.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Local government and democracy in Britain

        by Neil Barnett, J. Chandler

        Local government in the UK is in crisis. It is now neither local in terms of the geography and populations of its principle units, nor does it truly govern in these areas. As this book reveals, over the previous 200 years local government has moved from a system in which local interests held governance over localities to one in which central government and national and multi-national agencies such as corporate businesses hold governance over local and community decision-making. These changes seriously undermine the important role that local government can play in liberal democracy in the UK. The book explains the nature of local government today and asks if there is any possibility of change.

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