Your Results(showing 275)

      • Batidora Ediciones

        All the works we publish reflect our subject matter and our undertaking: to publish books for a better life. All of them radiate beauty, simplicity, gratitude and a positive attitude. They awaken feelings and invite us to look beyond the superficial.


        Center for Literary and Art Studies (1995). Independent boutique publisher. Spanish and Portuguese authors. Narrative, essay, company, children, poetry, travel. Catalogs. Editions and printing. 450 titles in its catalog.


        Duomo Ediciones was founded in Barcelona in 2009 as the first publishing house under the Mauri Spagnol group umbrella outside Italy.

      • Fandogamia Editorial

        A Spanish comic-book publisher started long time ago making fanzines. Now we purchase licences and create original content.

      • Editorial Flamboyant

        Flamboyant is an independent publishing house of children's books. Its bestsellers include “The Colour Monster“ and “The Great Book of Superpowers“. We work with the best artists and authors in the creation of high-quality works for curious minds.

      • Kalandraka Editora

        With the slogan "Books for dreaming", KALANDRAKA first appeared on April 2nd (International Children's Book Day) 1998. This is a multilingual project publishing books in Castilian Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Basque, Portuguese, Italian and English.

      • Kami Ediciones

        Kami Ediciones is a new publishing label that was born in Madrid with the aim of capturing the attention of the most awakened and restless minds.

      • Norma Editorial

        Norma Editorial is a Spanish publisher. Founded in 1977, Norma Editorial publishes both original Spanish comics and illustrated books, translations of Japanese manga as well as translations of American or European comics and graphic novels.

      • NOU Editorial

        Editorial that we seek a diversity of stories for an audience that is looking for new voices with good values for society. Publishing company created after twelve years, to accommodate projects for a more general public, for a more global world.


        Independent non-fiction publisher, specialized in the areas of universal history (BRIEF HISTORY and HISTORY INCOGNITE series) and general knowledge on Sciences, Arts and Humanities (100 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS series).

      • Profit Editorial

        We are a non-fiction publishing house started in 1984, specialized in Business & Management practical books and then created “Amat”, an imprint which publishes practical books on better living & self-help.

      • Editorial Trotta

        The Spanish publishing house Trotta was established in October 1990 for the purpose of publishing essay books concerning the latest research on subjects such as: social sciences, philosophy, history, law, cognitive psychology, religions...


        Spanish independent publishing house with seven collections: Literature, Poetry, Panorama (essay), Canya de pescar (children literature), El Mornell (youth literature), Miscel·lània (cooking, etc.), Business books.

      • VOCA Editorial

        We are an uplifting educational publishing company. We create projects to teach children and teenagers about their thoughts and feelings: social emotional learning, education on values, audio stories, illustrated album books, reading comprehension...

      • Columna Edicions

        Columna Edicions, founded in 1985, successfully entered the Catalan publishing world with the vocation of creating readers through the publication of foreign authors.

      • Edicions 62 S.A.

        Edicions 62 was born in the year that gives it its name. Exactly, for Sant Jordi in 1962, when the first book of the new company appeared: Nosaltres els valencians, by Joan Fuster.

      • Editorial Planeta

        Grupo Planeta is Spain’s leading family-owned publishing and media group and it boasts an extensive product offering at the service of culture, learning, news and audiovisual entertainment.

      • Editorial Anagrama

        Anagrama, founded in 1969, has published around 4.000 titles. We are focused on looking for new voices, betting for the possible classics of the future and exploring the most significant political, moral and cultural debates of our time.

      • Trama editorial

        Trama editorial is an independent publishing house specialized on the universe of books. Our collection of memoirs and critical essays by the most important players in the publishing ecosystem has become a reference library in the book world.


        One of the most wellknown theatre and creativity editorial in SPanich

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