Your Results(showing 289)

      • NOU Editorial

        Editorial that we seek a diversity of stories for an audience that is looking for new voices with good values for society. Publishing company created after twelve years, to accommodate projects for a more general public, for a more global world.

      • Profit Editorial

        We are a non-fiction publishing house started in 1984, specialized in Business & Management practical books and then created “Amat”, an imprint which publishes practical books on better living & self-help.

      • Editorial Trotta

        The Spanish publishing house Trotta was established in October 1990 for the purpose of publishing essay books concerning the latest research on subjects such as: social sciences, philosophy, history, law, cognitive psychology, religions...


        Spanish independent publishing house with seven collections: Literature, Poetry, Panorama (essay), Canya de pescar (children literature), El Mornell (youth literature), Miscel·lània (cooking, etc.), Business books.

      • VOCA Editorial

        We are an uplifting educational publishing company. We create projects to teach children and teenagers about their thoughts and feelings: social emotional learning, education on values, audio stories, illustrated album books, reading comprehension...

      • Editorial Planeta

        Grupo Planeta is Spain’s leading family-owned publishing and media group and it boasts an extensive product offering at the service of culture, learning, news and audiovisual entertainment.

      • Editorial Anagrama

        Anagrama, founded in 1969, has published around 4.000 titles. We are focused on looking for new voices, betting for the possible classics of the future and exploring the most significant political, moral and cultural debates of our time.

      • Trama editorial

        Trama editorial is an independent publishing house specialized on the universe of books. Our collection of memoirs and critical essays by the most important players in the publishing ecosystem has become a reference library in the book world.


        One of the most wellknown theatre and creativity editorial in SPanich

      • Editorial De Conatus

        De Conatus is an independent, fiction and nonfiction publisher focused on contemporary, innovative literature, mostly literary fiction. De Conatus is interested in ambitious writing with new points of view and authors with a unique style.

      • Carocci editore

        Founded in 1980 as La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Carocci editore has more than 5,000 titles in print. The publishing program includes textbooks, academic monographs, trade non fiction, journals and digital products in Humanities and Social Sciences


        Editorial Drakul is a company founded in 2006 dedicated to the publication of comics, novels and children's literature. It publishes very selected works by Spanish and international authors. We publish the Star Trek comics in Spain since 2009

      • Editions Hurtubise

        A French Canadian award winning publisher / Children and YA fiction list represented

      • ÔZé Editora

        ÔZé Editora, founded in 2011 in São Paulo, Brazil, focuses on titles in the children's book segment. The publisher mostly publishes Brazilian authors and illustrators and has more than 40 titles in its catalogue.


        ALT AUTORES is a publishing house that publish & sells their author’s books in the formats: Paper, eBook and Audiobook, understands the digital era and it's dynamics, and use its tools and benefits for the advantages of their authors.

      • Boira Editorial S.L

        Boira Editorial publishes Notebooks that teach students to understand their mental processes and enjoying. It ranges Notebooks from Spelling to Math and Multiplication Tables halving time and effort to learn.

      • Palabras de Agua Editorial

        Editorial Palabras de agua is a company founded in 2013 dedicated to the publication of novels and children's literature. It publishes very selected works by Spanish and international authors.


        With a strong presence in Spanish since the publication of Pequeño Larousse in 1912, dictionaries keep on being core products, but it also publishes illustrated reference books about Cooking, Gardening, Parenting and Art.

      • Editorial Universidad de Granada

        The Editorial Universidad de Granada (EUG) is a support service to the university community. It’s editorial line includes three primary objectives: to promote research, teaching support and promote the popularization of science.


        Editorial Verbo Divino's main objective is to spread the Bible. In addition, it is distinguished by the publication of works of study and interpretation of the Bible aimed at very diverse audiences.

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