Your Results(showing 38)

      • Trusted Partner

        Hanser Literaturverlage

        Der Name Carl Hanser steht für ein Verlagshaus mit einer Vielfalt, die ihresgleichen sucht. Der Bogen spannt sich von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur bis zur Gegenwartsliteratur und Sachbüchern aus aller Welt.

      • Trusted Partner

        Hanser Fachbuch

        Hanser Publishers represents a wide range of products and concentrates at the same time on clearly defined target groups: Engineers and Technicians in training and at work in the following fields: Metalworking, Plastics Technology, Electrical engineering and Electronics, Computers, Economy and Management. Our portfolio has a range from Journals, Books, Training Books and electronic media up to seminars and conferences in German and in English language. Additionally Hanser provides information for different branches in the World Wide Web. Hanser Publishers also provides 25 Journals and about 200 new books each year. The whole backlist of books counts up to about 2,000 titles. With this amount of Books and Journals Hanser Publishers is one of the leading Publishing Houses in Germany. Our success mainly derives from the high quality of our products and content, from the expertise of our staff and their ability to identify new trends and products. Our strong and close ties to the industry and leading research institutes are the basis for a close cooperation with our authors. Supported by synergies of our books, journals, seminars and the World Wide Web we are accompanying our authors from their first discover of new technologies in form of an article in one of our journals till the maturity of a technology in form of an uptodate handbook. Characteristic for Hanser Publishers are its numerous cooperations with partners in Germany and other countries. The Journal “Kunststoffe” for example is the official Publication of the VDI-Society, the leading society of engineers in Germany. Our Journal “Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit” is the official publication of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität (DGQ)”. Also the Books are made in close cooperation with leading companies, associations and Universities.

      • Guangdong Petrel Electronic & Audio-Visual Publishing House

        Founded in 1996 as an affiliate of Southern Publishing & Media Co.Ltd.(SPM),Guangdong Petrel Electronic & Audio-Visual Publishing House (PEPH) has now become an all-media publisher specializing in online publishing, as well as creating, publishing and distributing audio-visual products, electronic reading materials, and books,etc. PEPH has designed and produced lots of electronic &audio-visual publications and hundreds of books related to social,science,education,language,science and technology, culture,art,among which several series of books were oriented toward international copyright exchanges. Till now, PEPH has already established cooperative relationships with publishers from South-East Asia and North America, totally exporting more than 200 titles.

      • Liccaratur-Verlag Klaus Pfaffeneder

        Der Lech markiert seit Jahrhunderten die Grenze zwischen Alt-Baiern und Schwaben. Trotzdem gab es zu allen Zeiten einen regen Austausch hüben wie drüben, auch wenn der jeweils andere jenseits des Flusses immer ein Stück weit "fremd" geblieben war. Oft ein Ergebnis politischer Machtstrukturen. So war es für die Baiern selbstverständlich, dass das Leprosenhaus, der Friedhof und der Galgen "schwabseits" standen. Uns liegt es am Herzen, Grenzen verschwimmen zu lassen. Nicht nur im Zwischenmenschlichen, sondern auch über literarische Genre-Grenzen hinweg. Der Baumeister von Landsberg ist - nach Aussage vieler Leser - eine gelungene Mischung aus historisch getreuem Sachbuch und unterhaltsamer Belletristik. Das versuchen wir auch in unseren Kriminalromanen wiederzugeben. In unseren Romanen und Kurzgeschichten-Sammlungen werden die Protagonisten mit Grenzen konfrontiert, die das Leben selbst mit sich bringt. Dabei soll die Bandbreite menschlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden, das oft auch gesellschaftliche Konventionen in Frage stellt.

      • Dar al adab for publishing and distribution

        Dr. Souheil Idriss founded Dar Al Adab for publishing and distribution in 1956. It is one of the oldest publishing houses in the Middle East. It publishes the prestigious literary magazine AL ADAB, a register of all modern writing: plays, poetry, literary critique, and a very open vision of cultural exchange, as the main weapon against fanaticism and integrism. AL Adab magazine is now totally digitalized and online. The house is a familial enterprise, independent of any political party or governmental support. It focuses on novels, both originally written in Arabic and international one. From our backlist authors: Albert Camus, J.P. Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, James Joyces, Edgar Allen Poe, Kazantzaki, Mishima, Kawabata, and many others. From our recent list, Elif Shafak, Elena Ferrante, Isabel Allende, Peter Handke, Paul Auster, Ian McEwan, Ismaël Kadare, Haruki Murakami, and more recently Samanta Schweblin, Yoko Ogawa, Mia Couto, Marta Batalla, Madeline Miller, Maryse Condé, Manuel Villas, Irene Vallejo…For Arab Fiction, the list is endless: Classical and modern novelists, from all Arab countries, many of whom have been awarded international and Arab literary prizes, many of whom struggle to be published in this city called Beirut. For Beirut remains, in spite of its wounds, the lung of the Arabs.Among them: Elias Khoury, Ala’a Aswany, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Sahar Khalifeh, Hanan El Seikh, Nawal Saadawi, Hoda Barakat, (Arab Booker 2019), Jokha Al Harithi (Man Booker International 2019), Khaled Khalifeh….The French specialist in Arab Publishing, Franck Mermier, in his book “The City and the Book”, wrote “Often compared to the French Gallimard, Dar Al Adab is probably the only publishing house that can consecrate the name of a new author, at a pan-Arab level”.Dar Al Adab received the Sharjah award of best Arab Publishing house, and is shortlisted to the Sheikh Zayed award for best publisher, and shortlisted for the 2020 Excellence Award at the London Bookfair.It received the Medal of the Moroccan Kingdom.Dar Al adab has recently made partnership with two audio companies, Storytel and Kitab Sawti from Sweden, and with Amazon and Abjad for electronic books.It has a large distribution network all over the Arab world and participates directly in all Arab bookfairs.

      • Petra Ediciones

        Petra Ediciones


        Since its launch in 1981, Guangdong Flower City Publishing House Co., Ltd is one of the most influential literary presses in China. Flower City Publishing House is a subsidiary of Southern Publishing and Media Co.Ltd and has enlisted a large number of celebrated writers. Flower City Publishing House has published a wide variety of titles covering fiction and non-fiction, poems, proses, as well as translation works.

      • Hanser Literaturverlage Translation Rights

        The Carl Hanser publishing house represents diversity that is second to none: Ranging from contemporary authors to international literary classics, and featuring children’s and young adults’ books as well as an informative, thought-provoking non-fiction programme, Hanser’s list is both stimulating and inviting.

      • Hanska Literary&Film Agency S.L.

        Hanska Literary & Film Agency represents internationally Spanish writers and scriptwriters. Specializing in Spanish commercial and up-market commercial adult fiction: women's fiction, historical novel, crime, thriller, noir, romance, family saga.

      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks.

      • Petula Chaplin Rights Agency

        Petula Chaplin is a UK based International Sales and Rights Agent. Please contact her at

      • Reise Know-How Verlag Hans-R. Grundmann GmbH

        Reise Know-How Verlag Hans-R. Grundmann GmbH belongs to the publishing group of Reise Know-How and is specialized in Travel Guides for North America (Canada and the USA). Our portfolio consists of nine well selling books, mostly market leaders for the german market: USA Southwest, USA West complete, California, Florida, USA East/South, Canada Southwest/USA Northwest, Canada West, Canada East/USA Northeast, Canada East

      • Hannele & Associates

        Hannele & Associates is a French publisher’s agency specialized in children’s books and coffee-table books. We represent French independent and creative companies, offering a wide range of titles from novelty books to picture books, non-fiction, fiction, etc. With such a variety of quality books, our bet is that everyone can find the right addition to their list!

      • hanken tokyo

        *Children's titles listed on the Frankfurt Rights portal. For other categories, please check our uploaded catalog. Or see all on --> DNP started business as a printing company more than 140 years ago, and since then we have been helping Japanese publishers print and distribute their books all over Japan. Now it's time to introduce Japanese books to the wider world through our foreign rights service hanken tokyo. Where does the name "hanken tokyo" come from? Hanken means publishing rights in Japanese. We hope that our service and website make it easier for foreign publishers to connect to great content all year round and that Japanese hanken will spread around the globe from Tokyo.

      • Ryland Peters & Small Ltd & Cico Books

        We are an independent, illustrated publisher creating beautifully produced books in the areas of interior design, food & drink, craft, mindfulness and spirituality, health, humour and pop culture. We also produce delightful gifts and stationery, as well as fantastic ranges of books for kids.

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