Cataplum Libros
Good books are like meek animals that stretch when we caress their backs, and that show us their bellies so we go and play with them; but they also do not hesitate to give us a good bite to free us from the claws of routine. To create these noble creatures, in Cataplum we dig like moles through the collective memory and explore the roots that connect us as Latin-Americans; thus, we recover our oral tradition, our playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities. As truffle-seeking pigs, we have developed an acute nose to find texts of authors from past and actual times. As rabbits we jump here and there tracking down illustrators with new proposals. And as eagles we strive to see, from a distance, how image and texts can coexist in harmony. In sum, our catalogue has been conceived as a living creature; one that begun as something very little, like bear cubs, but capable of becoming a fabulous living being; one that combines the best qualities of noble animals and have the power to captivate us.
Cataplum Libros
Cataplum Libros was founded in 2016 in Bogotá and focuses on children’s books - from 2 to 12 years. It seeks to investigate through collective memory recovering the oral tradition, playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities.
Infinity Books
Infinity Books is the publishing division of Infinity Education. We currently publish over 85 titles across a range of subject areas – covering specialised admissions tests, examination techniques, personal statement guides, plus everything else you need to improve your chances of getting on to competitive courses such as medicine and law, as well as into universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Our books are currently all written by authors who have been through the admissions process and have scored within the top ten per cent of applicants. We have put together fully worked answers to thousands of questions across many subjects, as well as providing hints and tips on essays and time-saving techniques, and an exhaustive collection of past papers. Outside of publishing we also operate a highly successful tuition division, UniAdmissions. This company was founded in 2013 by Dr Rohan Agarwal and Dr David Salt, both Cambridge Medical graduates with several years of tutoring experience. Since then, every year, hundreds of applicants and schools work with us on our programmes. Through the programmes we offer, we deliver expert tuition, exclusive course places, online courses, best-selling textbooks and much more. With a team of over 1,000 Oxbridge tutors and a proven track record, UniAdmissions have quickly become the UK’s number one admissions company. Visit and engage with us at: Books website: www.infinitybooks.co.uk Books Twitter: @infinitybooks7 Programmes website: www.uniadmissions.co.uk
Trusted Partner
Infobase Publishing
For 80 years, Infobase has created and curated exceptional through Imprints such as from Facts on File, Bloom's, Chelsea House, Fergusons and Omnigraphics.
Literárne informacné centrum
The Literary Information Center (LIC) is the window through which Slovak literature is presented to the world. Our primary goal is to facilitate live contact between Slovak and foreign publishers, authors, illustrators and cultural-events organizers and to support mutual collaboration and cultural exchange. LIC acts as an agent for the majority of Slovak authors and houses SLOLIA, the popular grant program for translators and publishers of Slovak literature. LIC also organizes national stands at foreign bookfairs sucha s Bologna, London, Paris, Prague and Budapest.
Cat on a Book Agency
Cat on a Book is an agency representing French publishers abroad. We are specialized in visual books, with nice illustrations and/or photos, both for children and adults.
Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta (EUCASA)
EUCASA es la Editorial de la Universidad Católica de Salta. En su carácter de editorial universitaria, es un departamento especial en el organigrama institucional, y su misión es contribuir al cumplimiento del fin primordial de la Universidad: generar y divulgar conocimiento. En su caso por medio de las publicaciones que constituyen su catálogo, en donde se refleja necesariamente su naturaleza académica.