Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag
Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.
Kerstin Schulze
Ein angesehener Privatbankier wird erpresst. In einem Luxushotel wird ein Escort-Girl brutal ermordet und die Vereinten Nationen sind Ziel eines Anschlagplans islamistischer Terrorristen. In dem ersten Teil der Thriller-Trilogie »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« geht es um Schwarzgeld, Mord und Terrorgefahr in einer der teuersten Städte der Welt: Genf. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht eine deutsche Praktikantin bei den Vereinten Nationen, die an Angststörungen und Klaustrophobie leidet, und zwischen die Fronten von Geheimdienst und Diplomatie gerät. Es handelt sich um eine brisante Mischung aus Psycho- und Politthriller. Die Idee zu dem Roman lieferte der nie aufgeklärte Tod des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Schleswig-Holstein Uwe Barschel im Genfer Hotel Beau-Rivage.
The Glass Slipper Literary Agency
The Glass Slipper Literary Agency is a full-service literary agency that seeks to excavate, unearth and unveil stories that provoke, trigger, inflame, inspire and awaken, bringing diverse, marginalized and globally appealing voices to the world. We work with authors and publishers across the Americas, Europe, UK, and South Asia. We aim to change the face of the publishing industry by increasing diversity and evoking marginalized and underrepresented voices, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA, neurodivergent, and/or differently-abled authors. We proactively nurture writers across the world and take them through every stage of the roller-coaster that is intrinsic to getting published and/or having your work optioned for on-screen adaptation spanning films, TV shows, web series, and more. We believe in developing and furthering the careers of our authors, also helping them build a solid presence across all traditional and non-traditional media, worldwide. Beyond the contours of traditional representation to publishers, we brainstorm potential new projects, orchestrate all book rights for our clients, including translation, republication and entertainment rights, and actively pitch our authors and their works for slots in prime TV shows, print and electronic media outlets, including but not limited to, interviews, Q&As, book reviews and longer-form features on our writers and their works.
Trusted Partner
2024 Frankfurt Invitation Programme
Have a look at this compilation of titles from independent publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia and Latin America.
Trusted Partner
Frankfurt Invitation Programme Alumni
The Invitation Programme offers publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean the chance to participate inthe Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Mercure de France
Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...
Association des éditeurs des Hauts de France
High quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
Trusted Partner
Franz Steiner Verlag / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.
Dark Abyss Edizioni
Emanuela A. Imineo: Publisher; Consuelo Baviera: Graphic Director; Lisa Bilotti: Social Media Manager; Arianna Petracin: Assistant Management; Francesco Spada: Foreign Scouting
Frayed Edge Press
Frayed Edge Press is a small independent publishing house based in Philadelphia. We publish literary fiction and poetry, as well asnon-fiction titles in history and political science. We also publish the Street Smart Series of Short Fiction, consisting of contemporary, urban-set novelette-length works. We especially welcome marginalized voices, both historical and contemporary, including women, people of color, ethnic and religious minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and progressive political viewpoints. We particularly seek to publish works that wrestle with important questions challenging contemporary society, including political and environmental concerns, civil rights, women's rights, and sustainability.
Dar al Saqi
Dar al Saqi is an award-winning independent publishing house based in Beirut. Founded in 1990, their books cover various subjects including children's and young adults’ for ages between 3 and 18.
Dar al Saqi
Saqi was founded in 1979 in London as the first Arabic bookshop in the United Kingdom; Dar Al Saqi was established in Beirut in 1990.Dar Al Saqi is well known for the high quality of its publications, in terms of content and in terms of print quality and output. Saqi is always present in all Arab and foreign exhibitions as well as cultural events; its distribution network covers all Arab countries and the main cities of the world.Saqi’s books cover the following subjects: politics, history, biography, science, culture, literature, arts, novels, stories, poetry, reference books and children books.Dar Al Saqi has published well-known authors, as well as first books by young authors; some of these have become famous authors while continuing to publish their works with Dar Al Saqi.Dar Al Saqi respects its authors, and has never forgotten that the book belongs first to the author. Dar Al Saqi has always contributed to the renaissance Arabic cultures. It strives to build bridges between Arabic and other cultures, and to encourage dialogue and discussion between different cultures and peoples. It is worth mentioning that our authors come from many Arab countries and from many other parts of the world as well.Dar Al Saqi has, since its foundation, followed the policy of translating books from Arabic into English, and translating important works from various languages to Arabic, for the benefit of the Arab reader.Dar Al-Saqi won numerous international awards, recognizing its contribution to Arab culture and to international dialogue between cultures.
Dar Al Farabi
Dar Al Farabi Publishing and Distribution Company was founded in 1956. We publish books in a variety of subjects including sciences, humanities and literature whether written in Arabic or translated. Ever since its inception Dar ALFARABI has been committed to the defense of democratic freedoms liberation and progress. We participate in all Arabic book events. We also provide various printing services for those looking to publish a book or author at his own expense, according to an equivalent format between the two parties, in the event that there is no opportunity to publish at the expense of the house.
Dar El Fergiani
A small independent Publishing house, with branches in Tripoli, Cairo, and London. Established in 1950's in Libya.
Dar El Gharneine 15/21
Dar El Gharneine 15/21 and Dar Joussour Abdelaziz are two entities that have been founded in 2002 in Nouakchott, Mauritania, and devoted to editing and distribution of books and publications. They could, as guided by Mr Selami Ahmed El Meki, publish about 200 titles in Arabic and in French covering different disciplines and scopes. The two houses (Dar) have particpated in many exhibitions and are members of several associations around the world.