Your Results(showing 82)

    • Mainstream United

      I'm representing modern Israeli Russian-speaking writer Jonathan Vidgop. This author's first book was granted fund of Israeli president and received recognition in Israel in 1999. The author writes rarely. There are two very different books offered. One, a result of 20 years of collecting historical material, is a collection of more than 100 very funny short stories of sexuality and attitude to Jews of famous personalities of different countries and times. The other book, very recent, is a a grotesque phantasmagoria, novel "Testimony", whose style, if any, can be compared to Susskind's Perfume. See description of the books below.

    • mairisch Verlag

      mairisch Verlag is an an independent publishing house founded in 1999 and located in Hamburg. Whether fiction, non-fiction, illustrated children's books, audio books, graphic novels or music, mairisch Velag exclusively publishes books, CDs and LPs we really care about. In 2013 mairisch Verlag invented Indiebookday.

    • Chas Maistriv

      Humanity uses reason to fill life with goodness and celebration. Our mission is to help a person in this at the beginning of his life

    • Editora Hercules

      A brazilian publishing house focused on selfhelp literature, esoterism and masonry and children's books. Our mission is to offer through words moments of unwinding and tranquility attached to a philosophical and esoteric learning experience. In this special edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair we will be displaying our new releases in the children's literature section, such as The Dreamy Dragon and The crystal Egg, by the brazillian actress and writer Norma Blum.

    • Heredad Editorial

      Heredad is a publishing cooperative dedicated to publishing books on art, history, thought and community work. Our books celebrate the beauty of our world and gather experiences in defense of life.

    • Herzsprung-Verlag

      Das Verlegerehepaar Martina und Thorsten Meier gründete 2007 Papierfresserchens MTM-Verlag, einen Kinder- und Jugendbuchverlag. 2014 erfolgte die Gründung des Herzsprung-Verlags, der sich auf die Herausgabe von Belletristik, Lyrik und Sachbüchern im Erwachsenenbereich spezialisiert hat. Beide Verlagen arbeiten Hand in Hand.

    • Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag

      Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.

    • Verlag Hermann Schmidt

      We commit ourselves to quality, which needs expert knowledge, high demand on design and production, joy and passion and we provide a high service with our products on the highest level. We try to improve this philosophy with knowledge, power and the motto: Pushing the limites. We see you joy and your profit In the centre of this work. Of course we are content with our work at the same time. At this point quality starts with torture but turns out to happiness in the end: The happiness and luck to make wonderful books.

    • Polperro Heritage Press

      Polperro Heritage Press is an independent British publisher, established in 1995. Recent titles from Polperro Press have included biographies, guides and a growing list of Cornish local history titles.

    • Gruppo Editoriale Edizioni Mediterranee, Hermes Edizioni, Arkeios, Edizioni Studio Tesi

      Edizioni Mediterranee founded in 1953, together with Hermes, Arkeios and Studio Tesi is a publishing group. Amongst Italian and foreign authors the catalogue includes more than 2.500 titles. Main subjects are: yoga, body-mind-spirit, alternative healing, alchemy, astrology, magic, sport, martial arts.

    • Klarant GmbH

      As an independent publishing house, Klarant Verlag publishes a wide range of books. Klarant Verlag has been founded in 2011 and since then published more than 900 fiction titles. Our portfolio ranges from cozy crime titles to contemporary romance, e.g. Biker and Motorcycle Club lovestories. Our specialization into “Ostfrieslandkrimis” (East Frisian regional crime titles) offers a broad set of stand-alone titles from german bestseller authors as well as series still to be continued.

    • eoVision GmbH

      eoVision, a company based in Salzburg, Austria, produces high-quality, aesthetically appealing satellite images. Assembled in illustrated books in XL-format eoVision presents unique satellite images in premium quality in order to convey the fascinating and frequently unknown beauty of our planet but also the vulnerability of our environment. Our coffee table books amaze readers and stimulate to think about our world. As a consequence of this idea we are continuously expanding our series of publications under the label Human Footprint, which started with the illustrated book and an accompanying exhibition of the same name. Additionally, eoVision publishes - under the label EARTH GALLERY - a collection of satellite images with highly attractive motifs from all over the world as art prints in premium quality eoVision is engaged in a series of education and research projects with the aim of increasing awareness of the necessity of treating our environment in a responsible manner and promoting sustainable use of raw materials and resources.

    • dpunkt.verlag GmbH

      Are you looking for sound, practical knowledge on innovative IT topics? Would you like to learn new techniques and be inspired as a photographer or draftsman? Or do you simply want to have more fun with electronic tinkering, LEGO building, playing or frickeling? Then you have come to the right place. Because we are up to date and start where others stop.dpunkt is your specialist publisher for up-to-date, practical and innovative knowledge in the areas of IT, photography, maker and drawing. Founded in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1995, we use our years of experience to work with our authors to create well-founded, high-quality books and e-books for you.It is important to us that our products are practice-oriented and offer our readers added value. We make books for professionals, learners and enthusiasts. For you, we stay up to date and constantly look for current and innovative topics for our books.

    • Magellan GmbH & Co. KG

      Launched in 2014, Magellan is a non-corporate publisher for children’s and YA literature based in Bamberg, Germany. Our aim is to produce a new, innovative, and irresistible style of book and games that is contentually, optically, and haptically set apart from the mainstream. We offer challenging texts and don’t shy away from serious topics. Our authors and illustrators tell stories grounded in reality with quirky humour, extraordinary illustrations, exceptional characters, and sometimes a dash of fantasy in order to distinguish our style from the norm. Furthermore, we are celebrating the printed book. Therefore, we focus on environmental friendliness and sustainability in our production process with special regard to the choice of paper, colours, adhesives, and varnishes. To keep our carbon footprint as small as possible, we mainly produce in Germany - only in exceptional cases in neighbouring European countries. To make all of this happen, a team of twenty busy bees is working with great pleasure and motivation. Why? Because we believe in innovation and design; we believe in great stories for the youngest readers and – most of all – we believe in the future of our planet! Discover Magellan!

    • Hüthig GmbH

      Hüthig GmbH is a german publishing house focussing on technical and business information. We offer a portfolio of technical books, trade journals, online services and events.

    • W. Kohlhammer GmbH

      Kohlhammer is a traditional publishing house located in southern Germany and was established in 1866. It is one of Germany’s principal academic publishing houses and is active in a large variety of academic areas. Making quality information available to professionals, the academia as well as to an interested and informed public has been and remains Kohlhammer’s ambition. Kohlhammer’s areas of expertise include:History, Theology, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Ethics, Economics as well as Psychology, Pedagogy, Special Education, Medicine and Health Care and Law.

    • Königshausen + Neumann GmbH

      The publishing house Königshausen & Neumann was founded in 1979 by the students Johannes Königshausen and Thomas Neumann and has quickly developed into a well-known publishing house for the Humanities in a national and international context. Today we have a backlist of more than 7,000 available (!) titles, with a focus on philosophy, literature and cultural studies, history, psychology, music and art. Our aim is to accompany developments in science with publications and to make developments in science visible and accessible as such in the first place. We want to be an echo chamber not of one thought, but of a plurality of thoughts. Wittgenstein's followers, for example, are represented in our programme, as are his critics. Our authors include philosophers such as Gernot Böhme, Otto Friedrich Bollnow, Karen Gloy, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Vittorio Hösle and Peter Sloterdijk, and literary and linguistic scholars such as Dieter Borchmeyer, Karl Corino, Ulrich Gaier, Walter Hinderer and Volker Klotz, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Wolfgang Riedel or Hans Rudolf Vaget, psychologists like Johannes Cremerius, Roland Kuhn or Josef Rattner, musicologists like Hermann Danuser, Frieder Reininghaus, Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Arnold Jacobshagen, Barbara Meier, Anno Mungen or Arne Stollberg. Many scientists have taken their first steps at K&N. Robert Habeck has published his master's and doctoral theses at K&N. Artists are represented in our programme, such as Diana Damrau, Anja Harteros or Jonas Kaufmann, Marco Goecke or Robert Tewsley. Artists are brought into conversation in a unique way: Richard Wagner or Francisco de Goya, for example. Elazar Benyoëtz entrusts us with his work, but also the young generation of writers, such as Manfred Kern, Markus Orths or Sophie Reyer, published by K&N.

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