Your Results(showing 25)

    • Thekla Verlag

      We are a publisher from Germany with a selected list of children's and young adult books.

    • Theart Press

      Theart Press is a South African publisher specialising in inspirational books - including poetry, children's books and biography.

    • Quasis

      Quasis publishes books in the genres of imagination literature: fantasy, science fiction, supernatural thriller and magical realism.

    • Roseway Publishing

      Livres Canada Books

    • The Quarto Group

      The Quarto Group creates a wide variety of books and intellectual property products for global distribution, with a mission to inspire life's experiences. Produced in many formats for adults, children and the whole family, our products are visually appealing, information rich and stimulating.

    • Proverse Hong Kong

      Proverse Hong Kong is a Hong Kong-based press publishing local and international authors with local and international content, including: English-language and translated literary novels, short story and poetry collections, detective stories, mysteries and thrillers, non-fiction (biography, memoirs, travel, china missionary, education and law-court history; source materials including annotated archival transcriptions) ; poetry anthologies; YA fiction; books for students; academic studies (mainly with a Hong Kong and Hong Kong China focus). Formats: paperback, hardback, POD, e-books, audio. Publication awards: from local and international cultural bodies. Events: Spring and Autumn Receptions in Hong Kong with prize announcements and awards, book launches, authors’ brief talks. Prizes: We offer two annual international prizes for writing previously unpublished in English: 1) the Proverse Prize for book-length works of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry; 2) the Proverse Poetry Prize for single poems (max 30 lines). Open to all, 18+ irrespective of residence, nationality or citizenship. Annual entry periods: 7 May-30 June. More information:

    • Stories Imagined

      Stories Imagined was created to have a voice in woman's fiction. Writing about an age group of women who are on their second wind. Ready to take on the world how they see fit. The juggle and struggle of womanhood, sexuality, motherhood and coming back to self.

    • Storymoja Publishers

      Storymoja Publishers, based in Nairobi with branches in Uganda and Rwanda, has a 15-year legacy of promoting African literature and a vision of putting "a book in every hand".

    • Second Story Press

      Our books are sold around the world, have been translated into over 50 languages, won many awards, and have been adapted for film and stage. We publish stories that feature strong female characters and explore themes of social justice, human rights, equality, and ability issues. Our list spans adult fiction and nonfiction; children’s fiction, nonfiction and picture books; and young adult fiction and nonfiction.

    • A Story Inside Books

      A Story Inside Books was formed when Book Coach to Best Sellers® Kim O'Hara launched client Allen Maxwell's book to #3 on the Wall Street Journal Best Business books in July 2020. She saw that her clients who self-publish need an avenue to sell foreign rights. She also saw her clients who wanted traditional publishing needing an extra forum to present their content. As a book coach, she has worked individually with each client for over a year on navigating their books to best sellers. She is now proud to present each special and unique titile at this marketplace.

    • Storyline Literary Agency

      Based in Ireland, Storyline Literary Agency was set up in 2019 by Brian Langan, a former editor at Penguin Random House, with the aim of disovering and nurturing the very best in new and emerging literary talent, and finding the ideal publishers for our clients. Our primary focus is on literary and genre fiction, and narrative non-fiction. Recent publishing deals include Iron Annie by Luke Cassidy (Bloomsbury, September 2021); Line by Niall Bourke (Tramp Press, spring 2021); and Fallen by Mel O'Doherty (Bluemoose Books, June 2021).

    • Sea of Stories Inc.

      Welcome to Sea of Stories™, an intellectual rights agency specializing in literary foreign rights. Sea of Stories was created in 2001. One of our first clients was Tara Books, who only had one book in their catalogue at the time! We like to start with new publishers and grow along them over time. We like funky and innovative styles and illustrations and represent quirky adult titles and fun children books. Sea of Stories is about bridging the gap between countries and cultures, finding the best of each and sharing it with a broader audience. We hope to add to the mix, offering you some of the best in Brazilian, Dutch, English, French, and Spanish literature! We’re delighted to work with the following houses: A Buen Paso Blue Apple Blue Cat Emily McDowell & Friends Knock Knock Loopvis Uitgeverij Monoblock Pencil Planta Editora Primerose Productions Quirk Publishing Snor Uitgeverij WMF Martins Fontes

    • Castle Quay Books

      Castle Quay Books is dedicated to the growth of the Canadian Christian writing community in order to develop and publish high quality titles that promote an uplifting message.

    • Hong Kong University Press


    • Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali SrL

      Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali is a literary and editorial agency, representing domestic and international rights of Italian authors.

    • Rossberg in der RBV Verlag GmbH

      Management Books Backlist: Deep Work for Companies! Rethink value creation in the digital age. The Focused Company New Work-Book for companies Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Most Wanted: Chief of the future m/f/d. About the changing role of the CEO in a digitalized world. Honored with the Longlist of the Stiftung Deutsche Buchkunst 2020 Author: Vera Starker Management books new releases: "I have never been to New Work. Ant Ada and her vision of the agile anthill." Author: Vera Starker; Illustrator: Matthias Schneider. Ant Ada dreams of New Work. Surely it must be possible to have more responsibility, more freedom to try out new ideas! And to be able to organize one's own working day in a meaningful way? And in general, there must be more behind agile work than just to on the first name with the ant queen and her wearing sneakers? Children books backlist: Toffi, Franka and the King-Mobil. Volume 1: What does trash do on the moon? From 6 years. Honored with the Longlist of the Stiftung Deutsche Buchkunst 2020. Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Raby-Florence Fofana Children books new releases: The Berlin Investigators. Volume 1: The mystery of the disappeared picture From 6 years; Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Joanna Wilkans Be smart! YOU also have it in your hand! From 6 years. Authors: Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider Illustrations: Karen Strempel, trickfilmlounge

    • City University of Hong Kong Press

      City University of Hong Kong Press was founded in 1996 as the publishing arm of the City University of Hong Kong. Overseen by the University Press Committee, the continuing mission of the Press is, by way of publishing high quality titles, to promote scholarship; to enhance knowledge transfer; and to disseminate knowledge and creative works to society at large.The Press publishes mainly three types of publication: academic works, professional books and books of general interest and social concern. These cover a wide range of fields including business, history, cultural studies, education, law, political science, social sciences, sciences and engineering, with a focus on China studies, Hong Kong studies, Asian studies, politics and public policy. The Press endeavours to produce works of social impact, regional and international significance, and lasting value.

    • Crotchet Quaver noteworthy publications

      Crotchet Quaver noteworthy publications produces beautiful books to get people talking and thinking.

    • winter stories

      for cozy family evenings

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