Your Results(showing 21)

    • Christine Heimannsberg

      Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

    • Christian Media Publishing (Pty) Ltd.

      CMP specialises in the publication of Meta-text Bibles, Study Bibles and faith-based Children's Literature.

    • SPCK The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge/InterVarsity Press (IVP) UK

      SPCK is the UK’s leading independent Christian publisher. We are known for our history and theological tradition of supporting the church with works of practical and pastoral benefit. Today we are a recognised market-leader publishing in the areas of theology and Christian spirituality and are developing into other areas. We publish leading authors such as Tom Wright, Rowan Williams, Paula Gooder, Alister McGrath, Janet Morley and Catherine Fox. Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) publishes Christian books that are true to the Bible and that communicate the gospel, develop discipleship and strengthen the church for its mission throughout the world. We publish evangelical Christian books for the church and the world, including for academic audiences under the imprint Apollos. As a British publisher, we aim to be at the centre of the UK evangelical church's conversation with itself and with the wider world. We also seek to have a global reach and impact through worldwide distribution, licensing and partnerships.

    • VOLATILIUM / NEFELI publishing

      Volatilium is the international picture books offshoot of Nefeli Publishing, an established Greek publisher specializing in literary fiction, theatre, history, and art theory since 1979. Volatilium is also the younger sibling of Tsalapeteinos, Nefeli’s acclaimed picture books imprint launched in 2009. Tsalapeteinos has published works by renowned authors and illustrators like Wolf Erlbruch, Hervé Tullet, Marianne Dubuc, Erin E. Stead, Christoph Niemann, Greg Pizzoli, Célia Chauffrey, Émile Jadoul, Seng Soun Ratanavanh and Lisa d’Andrea among others. Volatilium is committed to presenting high quality picture books to a wide international audience.

    • Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer GmbH & Co. KG

      Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel The publishing houses Europa-Lehrmittel and Pfanneberg are well known for teaching and learning materials for vocational training and further education. As our books are also in demand internationally, we have published some of our titles in English and French.


      We are a Spanish graphic novel publisher, specialized in comic books for adults, young readers and children. Our publications are mostly one shot and we work with all literary genres. Click here to discover our graphic novel catalogue, as well as those of the comic publishers and authors that we also represent.

    • Granta Books

      Granta Books is one of the most independent-minded and prestigious literary publishers in the UK.

    • Gramedia Publishers

      We provide a very rich variety of children's books, fiction and non-fiction which rights have been sold and translated into different languages in Asia, Europe, and Middle-East.

    • McNidder & Grace

      McNidder & Grace Limited was established in 2011 by publisher Andy Peden Smith. His team of professionals have most recently been joined by Caroline Peden Smith, former publishing director of Crown House Publishing. Both Andy and Caroline are publishers with an extensive background and experience in publishing high quality and award-winning books. We specialise in non-fiction and fiction titles for adults. With a particular emphasis on popular culture, our non-fiction list includes books on photography, art, music, biography, history, country pursuits and more recently health and well-being in partnership with BBC Radio 2’s Janey Lee Grace. We are also proud of our popular Railway Journeys in Art Poster to Poster series, a nine-volume set of engaging, beautifully illustrated railway travel books in collaboration with the National Railway Museum and Swann Galleries, New York. Our fiction list concentrates primarily on Crime and Thrillers to include the best-selling Torquil MacLeod Malmö series..

    • The Grayhawk Agency

      Founded in 2008 by Gray Tan, we are a leading literary agency in Asia, representing over 200 foreign publishers and agents in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. We also represent a select list of Asian authors in film/tv and translation, whose works have been licensed in over 30 countries and to production companies in Asia, Europe, and Hollywood.

    • Graffito Books Ltd

      Graffito was founded 10 years ago in London. We publish street art, art and design, hipster cookery, and Californian counter-culture books for the international market. We have extensive experience of co-editioning with leading art publishers in the USA, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Australia/NZ. Our books are characterised by strong trend and market focus, great design and editorial, and excellent production values. For us books must be not only useful and beautifully designed, but must deliver pleasure as tactile objects. We look forward to hearing from you:

    • Hardie Grant UK Ltd.

      Hardie Grant is a leading independent publisher of non-fiction. We create beautiful, award-winning books across a range of subjects including Food and Drink, Home and Craft, Gardening and Nature, Travel and Gift, Wellness and Self-Help, Astrology and Witchcraft. With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London and San Francisco, our titles are sold all over the world.

    • Libros Grano de Sal

      Grano de Sal is a publishing house established in Mexico with a Spanish-American vocation, specialized in translations. It makes available to Spanish-language readers works on current issues in the sciences (social and natural), humanities and the arts.

    • Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd.

      Established in 1963, Graphic-sha Publishing is one of the leading Japanese publisher specialized in art, design, drawing, craft, food, and more. We capture various topic in unique view, and produces visually interesting and practical books. We are also working on international publishing.

    • Hardie Grant Children's Publishing

      Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing is the children’s division of the largest independent publisher in Australia.

    • A new publisher: 360 Grad Verlag

      360 Grad Verlag is a new publishing house in Germany, specialised in high quality hardcover picture and children books for all ages from pre-school to young adults. We publish both non-fiction and fiction for children ranging including young adult and familys.

    • Dodo Vole

      Since 2006, Dodo vole Publishing desires to promote endangered cultures, silenced minorities, literature and arts of the Southwestern Indian Ocean by producing attractive book-object for the enjoyment of children and the happiness of their parents.

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