Magink Publishing House
Raising smiles and curiosity for children and the ones who never want to grow up.

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Founded in 2019, Magink Publishing House has gathered an international team of authors and illustrators around their name and with a set of 12 titles in English, most if which are translated to German already and with a total of 20-25 by the end of 2020 we look back to a good start and are looking for agencies on FBM20 to increase our reach.
All of our titles tackle the challenges children see themselves confronted with in our day and age. The issues addressed reach from self reliance, creative training, digitalisation are depicted with incandescently playful pictures, a bulk of detail hinting at the structures of the adult world and a philosophical component for yound and old to ponder on together. Et voilá! The magic ink offers a delightful and educative read across our cultural and political borders.
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