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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Queer Studies


        by Mike Laufenberg, Ben Trott

        Seit drei Jahrzehnten untersuchen Queer Studies die Macht geschlechtlicher und sexueller Normen – und wie diese infrage gestellt werden. Sie erforschen die komplexen Zusammenhänge von Sexualität, Geschlecht, Rassismus, Klasse und Nation. Dieser Band versammelt klassische und neuere Schlüsseltexte der anglophonen Queer Studies in deutscher Sprache, von Judith Butler und Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick bis Cathy Cohen und José Esteban Muñoz. Er führt in die wichtigsten theoretischen Positionen ein, macht mit den zentralen Entwicklungslinien des Diskurses vertraut und präsentiert wegweisende queere Analysen zu Kapitalismus, Migration, Geopolitik, Behinderung, Aktivismus, Kultur und Subkultur.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017


        Zeitgenössische Texte zu einer philosophischen Kontroverse

        by Philipp Schink

        Wie sieht ein überzeugendes Verständnis der Freiheit von Individuen in Gesellschaft und Politik aus? Welche philosophischen Traditionen helfen bei der Beantwortung dieser Frage? Welcher analytische Zugang ist geboten? Das in den 1990er Jahren wiedererwachte Interesse an einer theoretischen Reflexion der Freiheit hat seither zu einer Reihe von bahnbrechenden Studien geführt, die an einflussreiche Beiträge aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts anschließen, wie sie etwa Isaiah Berlin, Hannah Arendt oder Friedrich August von Hayek geliefert haben. Der Band versammelt sowohl diese Klassiker als auch diejenigen Texte, die im Zentrum der aktuellen Debatte stehen: von Charles Taylor, Philip Pettit, Quentin Skinner, Rainer Forst, Gerald Cohen, Nancy Hirschmann u. a. Er bietet so eine umfassende Einführung in eine der lebhaftesten und wichtigsten philosophischen Kontroversen der Gegenwart.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        July 2000

        Writing Black Britain, 1948–98

        An interdisciplinary anthology

        by Edited by James Procter

        The first anthology of its kind, this timely collection brings together a diverse range of black British literatures, essays and documents from across the post-war period within a single volume.. Spanning half a century, this rich archive of representations includes South Asian, African and Caribbean cultural production by both leading and lesser-known artists, critics and commentators:. Sam Selvon Salman Rushdie George Lamming Hanif Kureishi Stuart Hall Linton Kwesi Johnson Caryl Phillips Paul Gilroy Meera Syal Kobena Mercer James Berry E. R. Braithwaite Wilson Harris Farrukh Dhondy V. S. Naipaul Ben Okri Wole Soyinka Hazel Carby Kamau Braithwaite Isaac Julien C. L. R. James Dick Hebdige A. Sivanandan Buchi Emecheta Louise Bennett Grace Nichols Jackie Kay. Directed at a truly interdisciplinary market, accommodating popular and 'high' cultural materials from across the disciplines of literature, film, photography, history, sociology, politics, Marxism, feminism, cultural and communications studies.. Situated and contextualised within accessible historical and cultural frameworks and incorporating lucid introductions, a detailed chronology and extensive bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Using Europe: territorial party strategies in a multi-level system

        by Eve Hepburn

        This book explores how regional political parties use Europe to advance their territorial projects in times of rapid state restructuring. It examines the ways in which decentralization and supranational integration have encouraged regional parties to pursue their strategies across multiple territorial levels. This book constitutes the first attempt to unravel the complexities of how nationalist and statewide parties manoeuvre around the twin issues of European integration and decentralization, and exploit the shifting linkages within multi-level political systems. In a detailed comparative examination of three cases - Scotland, Bavaria and Sardinia - over a thirty-year period, the book explores how integration has altered the nature of territorial party competition and identifies the limits of Europe for territorial projects. In addressing these issues, this work moves beyond present scholarship on multi-level governance to explain the diversity of regional responses to Europe. By providing important new insights and empirical research on the conduct of territorial party politics, and an innovative model of territorial mobilization in Europe, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of comparative politics, European studies, regionalism and federalism, political parties and devolution. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2012

        Thinking towards humanity

        Themes from Norman Geras

        by David Aaronovitch, Stephen de Wijze, Ophelia Benson, Eve Gerrard, Gideon Calder

        How should we respond to the inhumanity that suffused the twentieth Century and continues in the present one? Has there been an adequate treatment of this issue by the political left? Questions such as these are treated in this, the first scholarly book to combine academic and blogging approaches to some of the major political issues of the day. It does this by focusing on the work of Norman Geras - Marxist, political philosopher and blogger - and developing the central themes of his work such as crimes against humanity, the Holocaust, Marxism, and the means/ends problem in politics. It contains contributions by famous political philosophers such as Michael Walzer, Hillel Steiner and David McLennan, and bloggers and journalists such as David Aaronovitch, Nick Cohen and Ophelia Benson. The book contains a unique response by Geras in which he draws together the various themes it covers. It will be of interest to all who are concerned with these pressing political issues of our time. The book will be particularly relevant for those with an academic or general interest in politics, philosophy, sociology, genocide studies, applied ethics, international relations and law. It will also be of interest to bloggers and all those who regard new technology as having significant implications for public debate on these issues. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 1994

        Revolutionen in der Naturwissenschaft

        by I. Bernard Cohen, Werner Kutschmann

        Wie konnte sich der Ausdruck ›Revolution‹, der ursprünglich immerhin ein Terminus für astronomische Vorgänge, Umläufe oder Umdrehungen von Himmelskörpern, gewesen war, in einen Begriff der politischen Macht- und Herrschaftsgeschichte verwandeln? Und wie kam es dazu, dass dieser gesellschaftspolitische Revolutionsbegriff wiederum auf die Naturwissenschaften und deren Erkenntnisgeschichte angewandt wurde? Ist es überhaupt legitim, den Begriff der politischen Revolution einschließlich all seiner machttheoretischen Konnotationen auf den Siegeszug einer naturwissenschaftlichen Idee, eines erkenntnisleitenden Paradigmas, zu übertragen, wie es uns die theoretische Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung seit Th. S. Kuhn lehrt? Die sind die Fragen, mit denen Cohens Untersuchung über Revolutionen in der Naturwissenschaft anhebt. Cohen verfolgt einen Zeitraum von mehr als vier Jahrhunderten umspannt und nahezu alle wichtigen Bereiche der Naturwissenschaften erfasst – von der Astronomie bis zur Evolutionstheorie, von den Geowissenschaften bis zur Freudschen Psychoanalyse, von der Galileischen Kinematik bis zur Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie und Atomphysik -, die historische Kariere eines Begriffs, der sich in mehreren Wandlungen und Metamorphosen durch die Naturwissenschafts- und Sozialgeschichte hindurchzieht, um letztlich als der entscheidende Begriff des mit Kuhn vollzogenen sociological turn in der Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung eine neue Auferstehung zu erleben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        January 2015

        Formal matters

        by Edited by Allison Deutermann and Andras Kisery

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        November 2011

        The Humorous Magistrate (Arbury)

        by Edited by Margaret Jane Kidnie

        The Humorous Magistrate is a seventeenth-century satiric comedy extant in two highly distinctive manuscripts. This, the earliest and clearly working draft of the play is bound with three other plays (including The Emperor's Favourite, published by the Malone Society in 2010) in a volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. The second version, showing yet another stage of revision not found in the Arbury manuscript and orientated towards performance, was purchased by the University of Calgary from the English antiquarian Edgar Osborne in 1972. The relationship between the manuscripts was discovered in 2005. The anonymous play has been attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642). Like The Emperor's Favourite, it takes aim at the court; its particular object of satire is governmental strategies under the Personal Rule of Charles I. The play appears in print for the first time in these separate editions. The volumes are illustrated with several plates, some provided for comparative purposes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        English nationalism, Brexit and the Anglosphere

        Wider still and wider

        by Ben Wellings

        This is the first book to examine the relationship between English nationalism, Brexit and 'the Anglosphere' - a politically-contested term used to denote English-speaking countries sharing cultural and historical roots with the UK. In the aftermath of the UK's EU referendum some pointed to a 'revolt' of those 'left behind' by globalisation. Ben Wellings argues instead that Brexit was and is an elite project, firmly situated within the tradition of an expansive English nationalism. Far from being parochial 'Little Englanders', elite Brexiteers sought to replace the European Union with trade and security alliances between 'true friends' and 'traditional allies' in the Anglosphere. Brexit was thus reassuringly presented as a giant leap into the known. As the UK's future relationship with the rest of the world is negotiated, the need to understand this 'English moment' has never been more pressing.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2009

        Die Logik der Gefühle

        Kritik der emotionalen Intelligenz

        by Aaron Ben Ze'ev, Friedrich Griese

        Warum weinen wir im Kino? Wie geht man am besten mit zerstörerischen Gefühlen wie Eifersucht um? Obwohl Gefühle unser ganzes Leben durchziehen, wurden ihre Natur, ihre Ursachen und ihre Wirkung erst in letzter Zeit von Sozialwissenschaftlern und Philosophen untersucht. Doch trotz des steigenden wissenschaftlichen Interesses an diesem Thema reichen die empirischen Ergebnisse immer noch nicht an unser intuitives Wissen heran. Im ersten Teil betrachtet Ben Ze'ev die typischen Charakteristika und Bestandteile der Emotionen, die Unterschiede zwischen Gefühlen und anderen affektiven Formen, er behandelt zentrale Themen wie emotionale Intelligenz, geregelte Emotionen, Emotion und Moralität. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit einzelnen Gefühlen: Neid, Eifersucht, Schadenfreude, Mitgefühl, Mitleid, Ärger, Haß, Abscheu, Liebe, Lust, sexuelles Begehren, Glück, Traurigkeit, Stolz, Bedauern und Scham.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023


        The strange science and true stories of the unseen other

        by Ben Alderson-Day

        In this enthralling book, Ben Alderson-Day explores one of the most curious experiences known to humankind: the universal, disturbing sense that someone or something is there when we are alone - the feeling of an unseen presence. When and why do presences emerge? What does this feeling mean and where does it come from? And how can we even begin to understand a phenomenon that can be transformative for those who experience it and yet so hard to put into words? The answers to these questions lie in this fascinating exploration through cutting-edge research in contemporary psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and philosophy. Taking the reader on a riveting and emotional journey, Presence offers remarkable insights into the experience of felt presence and how it relates to a range of medical conditions, including sleep paralysis, dementia and Parkinson's. This compelling story will stoke the fascination of sceptics and ardent believers alike who are drawn to the mystery of the unseen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Individual film directors, film-makers
        February 2017

        Julien Duvivier

        by Series edited by Robert Ingram, Ben McCann

        This book is the first ever English-language study of Julien Duvivier (1896-1967), once considered one of the world's great film filmmakers. It provides new contextual and analytical readings of his films that identify his key themes and techniques, trace patterns of continuity and change, and explore critical assessments of his work over time. His career began in the silent era and ended as the French New Wave was winding down. In between, Duvivier made over sixty films in a long and at times difficult career. He was adept at literary adaptation, biblical epic, and film noir, and this groundbreaking volume illustrates in great detail Duvivier's eclecticism, technical efficiency and visual fluency in works such as Panique (1946) and Voici le temps des assassins (1956). It will particularly appeal to scholars and students of French cinema looking for examples of a director who could straddle the realms of the popular and the auteur.

      • Trusted Partner
        Non-graphic art forms
        May 2012

        The 'do-it-yourself' artwork

        Participation from Fluxus to New Media

        by Edited by Anna Dezeuze

        Viewers of contemporary art are often invited to involve themselves actively in artworks, by entering installations, touching objects, performing instructions or clicking on interactive websites. Why have artists sought to engage spectators in these new forms of participation? In what ways does active participation affect the viewer's experience and the status of the artwork? Spanning a range of practices including kinetic art, happenings, environments, performance, installations, relational and new media art from the 1950s to the present, this critical anthology sheds light on the history and specificity of artworks that only come to life when you - the viewer - are invited to 'do it yourself.' Rather than a specialist topic in the history of twentieth- and twenty-first century art, the 'do-it-yourself' artwork raises broader issues concerning the role of the viewer in art, the status of the artwork and the socio-political relations between art and its contexts.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017

        Die Ebenen


        by Gerald Murnane, Rainer G. Schmidt, Ben Lerner

        In den Ebenen im Outback, auf ihren riesigen Ländereien, leben Familien, die eine eigentümliche, teils fort-, teils rückschrittliche Kultur pflegen. Besessen von der eigenen Überlieferung, heuern sie Maler, Musiker, Schriftsteller und Denker an, um jeden Aspekt ihres Lebens dokumentieren zu lassen. Ein junger Filmemacher kommt in die Region, um ein Porträt jener Ebenen zu realisieren. Doch statt in die Landschaft zu gehen, vergräbt er sich in der labyrinthartigen Bibliothek seines Gönners, durch die, auf verschiedenen Zeit-Ebenen, Projektionen von Frauen geistern. Alles treibt auf »Offenbarungen« hin … Die Ebenen ist ein moderner Klassiker der australischen Literatur und erzählt – in einer hypnotisierenden Prosa von akrobatischem Bau – die Geschichte einer existenziell aufgeladenen Suche und eines sonderbaren Selbstverlustes. Mit einem Nachwort von Ben Lerner

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2007

        Videogame, player, text

        by Edited by Barry Atkins and Tanya Krzywinska

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