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      • RANOK Corporation

        RANOK is the leading publishing house of Ukraine dealing with educational and children's literature. It also covers adult fiction and non-fiction/business sectors. RANOK has been working on the international market for over 20 years and has a long history of successful cooperation with many publishers around the world.

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      • Penguin Random House UK

        At Penguin Random House UK, we champion the world's most brilliant voices, bringing them to life in compelling and dynamic ways for audiences everywhere. Our books shape the broader cultural life of our society and accompany people of all ages on their journey of discovery of the greatest stories, the smartest thinking and the best ideas.   Penguin Random House UK Group Rights represents Foreign and Domestic Rights across the company’s seven divisions. One team represents Ebury, Cornerstone, Penguin General and Penguin Press, another represents Transworld, Michael Joseph and Vintage, and the third represents illustrated titles across the seven divisions.   For more information and our catalogue, please visit our webpage.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Miss Peregrines Museum der Wunder. Aus der Welt der besonderen Kinder

        Ein unentbehrlicher Leitfaden zu den Gefahren und Freuden der Besonderenwelt für die Unterweisung von Neuankömmlingen

        by Riggs, Ransom

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Silvia Kinkel

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        Plays, playscripts
        August 2012

        The Tide Tarrieth No Man

        by George Wapull

        by Peter Happe

        This volume is a photographic facsimile from the copy of the play by George Wapull in the Harry Ransom Centre.It was originally printed in 1576 by Hugh Jackson, and is one of only five extant copies. The introduction discusses the place of this play in Jackson's output, including two other interludes printed by him shortly afterwards. Besides compositorial practice and some irregularities, it addresses the identity of the author, historical detail about the surviving copies, and the editorial contribution of John Payne Collier. The text is rich in stage directions and aspects of performance are discussed including the doubling scheme for four players and the active role of the Vice. The play was written at a time when interludes designed for small acting troupes were popular and exhibited remarkable theatrical expertise. The intellectual context is considered, and in particular the place of this play among the considerable number of surviving interludes from London which focus upon wealth and its abuses and other matters of economic importance at the time.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Freya und die Furchtlosen - Plündern will gelernt sein! (Band 2)

        by Jochen Till / Dominik Rupp

        Freya and the Fearless - Plundering is a Skill! (Vol. 2) All Vikings are fearless? Not quite ... They call themselves "The Fearless" and they want to rob, plunder and pillage for all they're worth. The only problem is that the sight of a little girl makes them wet their pants. Freya has had enough of plundering Vikings and gives Heinar's people a good scare.What happens in Vol. 2:The sea is getting narrower and narrower, with land in sight to the right and left. So this must be England. Finally, our brave Vikings can once again plunder, rob and pillage to their heart's content. Heinar and his men sail leisurely up the Thames, until something blocks their way: Unfortunately, the British king's architects built the new bridge much too low. Now no ship can get out or back in and the English have to do without their beloved hot drink: tea. Freya and the Fearless turn Tower Bridge into a suspension drawbridge, bring back tea to the British, and casually invent the bearskin cap along the way.• A little girl shows the despondent Vikings what a real guy is• Funny sidekicks: The Odin family is watching from heaven• Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio, illustrated in b/w• For fans of ‘Vicky the Viking’ and ‘Asterix & Obelix’.• To be continued with Vol. 3 and 4

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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

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        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Freya und die Furchtlosen - Auf ins Gefecht! (Band 1)

        by Jochen Till

        Freya and the Fearless (Vol. 1) - Off to Battle!   They call themselves "The Fearless" and they want to rob, plunder and pillage for all they're worth. The only problem is that the sight of a little girl makes them wet their pants. Freya has had enough of plundering Vikings and gives Heinar's people a good scare.   • A little girl shows the despondent Vikings what a real guy is • Funny sidekicks: The Odin family is watching from heaven • Innovative 90:10 text-image ratio, illustrated in b/w • For fans of ‘Vicky the Viking’ and ‘Asterix & Obelix’.  • Volumes 2 and 3 coming in 2022 and 2023   Viking chief Heinar Hookepee leads a small troop of daring men into a new adventure. While it is being widely discussed who exactly should lead the attack, a little girl stands up to them - our heroine Freya. She's fed up with Vikings attacking her village all the time and angrily scolds Hookepee and his men - who are nowhere near as fearless and brave as they always pretend to be. Something has to change: The men have to learn to become real Vikings. And who better to teach them than the fearless Freya? So Freya lands on the Viking ship and, with a lot of wit and clever methods, tries to teach our sissy Vikings everything they are missing.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2014

        Jesus von Nazaret

        Der sanfte Rebell

        by Alois Prinz

        Für die einen war er ein politischer Rebell, für die anderen der Messias und Gottes Sohn: Jesus von Nazaret. Seine Lehre und sein Leben sind nicht voneinander zu trennen. Alois Prinz zeichnet anschaulich das dramatische Leben dieses Mannes nach, der in einer politisch brisanten Zeit die Botschaft von Mitmenschlichkeit und göttlicher Liebe verbreitete und diese auch selbst lebte. Wir erfahren, unter welchen Lebensumständen Jesus aufwuchs, was ihn prägte, wie er handelte und was ihm wichtig war. Ein Leben, das seit über 2000 Jahren Orientierung ist für alle auf der Suche nach innerer Freiheit und Mitmenschlichkeit und das auch in der heutigen Zeit Wegweiser sein kann.

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        Media studies
        June 2014

        Show me the money

        The image of finance, 1700 to the present

        by Edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight and Nicky Marsh

        What does money really stand for? How can the abstractions of high finance be made visible? Show me the money documents how the financial world has been imagined in art, illustration, photography and other visual media over the last three centuries in Britain and the United States. It tells the story of how artists have grappled with the increasingly intangible and self-referential nature of money, from the South Sea Bubble to our current crisis. Show me the money sets out the history and politics of representations of finance through five essays by academic experts and curators, and is interspersed with provocative think pieces by notable public commentators on finance and art. The book, and the exhibition on which it is based, explore a wide range of images, from satirical eighteenth-century prints by William Hogarth and James Gillray to works by celebrated contemporary artists such as Andreas Gursky and Molly Crabapple. It also charts the development of an array of financial visualisations, including stock tickers and charts, newspaper illustrations, bank adverts and electronic trading systems.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        »Was ist ein Einbruch in eine Bank gegen die Gründung einer Bank?«

        Das Brecht-Brevier zur Wirtschaftskrise

        by Bertolt Brecht, Tom Kindt

        Sieben Jahre Wirtschaftskrise. Sieben Jahre Beruhigungsrhetorik und Durchhalteparolen aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Höchste Zeit für einen neuen Blick auf die Erschütterungen, die Banken und Börsen, Währungen und Gesellschaften seit 2008 an den Rand des Abgrunds drängen. »Was ist ein Einbruch in eine Bank gegen die Gründung einer Bank?« zeigt, dass Bertolt Brechts Werk einen solchen Blick auf die Wirtschaftskrise bereithält. In sechs Lektionen versammelt das Brevier literarische, aphoristische und publizistische Texte Brechts, die – obgleich vor mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert entstanden – wie Analysen und Kommentare zu den ökonomischen Turbulenzen der Gegenwart erscheinen.

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