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      • Greenlight Press

        Greenlight Press was launched in November 2012. We are the home of numerous Book Series (Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Crime), lots of them Award-Winners. On the German market, our series are published as E-Book, Print and Audio Books

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      • Chelsea Green Publishing

        Founded in 1984, Chelsea Green Publishing is recognized as a leading publisher of books on the politics and practice of sustainable living, publishing authors who bring in-depth, practical knowledge to life, and give readers hands-on information related to organic farming and gardening, ecology and the environment, healthy food, sustainable economics, progressive politics, and, most recently, integrative health and wellness. Chelsea Green has offices in Vermont and London and become 100% employee owned in 2020.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Mocked, Battled, Desired

        With organic pioneer Ulrich Walter through five decades

        by Heike Leitschuh

        The small district town of Diepholz lies between Bremen, Oldenburg and Osnabrück, and no one could possibly describe it as “well-known”. Quite unlike the Lebensbaum company, which was founded here by Ulrich Walter in 1979. Those who eat mindfully will probably also be familiar with the coffees, teas and spices of this pioneering organic company, which frequently and repeatedly receives a range of awards for sustainability and now employs around 200 people. Heike Leitschuh draws a lifelike portrait of an entrepreneur of the organic founding generation who turned a small shop into a successful medium-sized company, played a key role in shaping the organic industry, and has offered perspectives for its future.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Welsh missionaries and British imperialism

        The Empire of Clouds in north-east India

        by Andrew May

        In 1841, the Welsh sent their first missionary, Thomas Jones, to evangelise the tribal peoples of the Khasi Hills of north-east India. This book follows Jones from rural Wales to Cherrapunji, the wettest place on earth and now one of the most Christianised parts of India. As colonised colonisers, the Welsh were to have a profound impact on the culture and beliefs of the Khasis. The book also foregrounds broader political, scientific, racial and military ideologies that mobilised the Khasi Hills into an interconnected network of imperial control. Its themes are universal: crises of authority, the loneliness of geographical isolation, sexual scandal, greed and exploitation, personal and institutional dogma, individual and group morality. Written by a direct descendant of Thomas Jones, it makes a significant contribution in orienting the scholarship of imperialism to a much-neglected corner of India, and will appeal to students of the British imperial experience more broadly.

      • Trusted Partner

        Concept Maps and Concept Mapping in Nursing

        How to Record and Structure Complex Care Situations

        by Dave Zanon-Di Nardo, Claudia Leoni-Scheiber

        Concept maps are graphical representations of interrelationships in complex care situations. They show patterns from the features and characteristics of a situation and thus visualize the specific image of the patient. In the process of concept mapping, the case-related nursing situation can be analyzed and assessed in a differentiated manner within the framework of the nursing process. Concept maps visualize case-related assessment data as well as nursing diagnoses and their relationships to each other in a bundled way. Thus, nursing interventions are derived to solve or alleviate current or potential health problems. Nursing goals and desired nursing outcomes can be named. The book is a valuable toolbox for teaching, training, and studying nursing and the nursing process.

      • Trusted Partner

        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Imagery Rescripting

        by Laura Seebauer, Gitta Jacob

        Imagery rescripting is an experiential technique for the reduction of negative feelings, which are presumably related to biographical experiences. Based on the current problematic feeling, memory images are processed in such a way that the associated negative feelings are replaced by desired feelings. Thus, trauma-associated memory images, such as flashbacks, which are associated with memories of physical or sexual abuse and which occur for example in post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorders, can be processed. It can also help treat negative emotions such as shame, anger, guilt, or fear, which are presumably related to previous experiences. This book informs about the historical background and the theoretical assumptions on the mechanisms of action. Numerous examples illustrate the practical implementation and handling of typical problems when using imagery rescripting. For:• medical and psychologicalpsychotherapists• specialists in psychiatry andpsychotherapy• specialists in psychosomaticmedicine and psychotherapy• clinical psychologists,psychologicalcounselors• students and teachers inpsychotherapeutictrainingand continuing education

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        September 2021

        Stadt aus Trug und Schatten

        by Mechthild Gläser

        City of Betrayals and Shadows (Eisenheim Dilogy, Vol. 1)Flora is devastated when she learns that her soul has been living a double life at night time for quite a while, in a secret town called Eisenheim. From now on, she will never be able to sleep again without her mind wandering in this drab shadow world. As if that were not enough, her soul has apparently stolen the white lion, a powerful alchemical stone, which the rulers of the shadow world are not alone in coveting. In the real world, Flora is now no longer secure from the peril in Eisenheim, and one thing is clear: she can’t trust anyone, not even Marian, who suddenly starts appearing in both worlds, and whose kisses seem to have rather more familiar taste than she likes. As a princess in this shadowy world, Flora is deeply concerned. Is she responsible for the destruction of the city? Eisenheim’s stone of destiny lies hidden deep within the ground and it is calling to her; Flora soon realises that her fate and that of the stone are linked; it is only when she has solved the mystery of their common origin that she will be able to save Eisenheim and rejoin Marian, the boy she loves.Sparkling with originality, excitement and tempo - with a series of astonishing twists and a brilliant eye for detail, Mechthild Gläser tells her tale about Flora and Marian wonderfully entertaining, a complex dilogy that is filled with unforgettable figures. An entrancing love story that takes readers into an original fantasy world, inviting them to dream.• SERAPH Fantasy Award: Best Debut• Refreshing genre mix of urban fantasy, Steampunk elements and romantic comedy• Published in 14 languages: Internationally successful author

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Little Moody Monster (2). A Four-Legged Visitor

        by Julia Boehme/ Franziska Harvey

        Hurray! Moritz can look after Grandma’s dog Charly because she’s going on holiday. So at last Moritz has a pet of his own, even if it’s only for a few days. Milo, Moritz’s new friend, is also wild about Charly. There’s only one creature who is not at all pleased, and that’s the Moody Monster. Until Charly suddenly disappears…

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Silent Killers

        How Big Food Risks Our Health

        by Wilfried Bommert, Christina Sartori

        Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021


        Violence against women

        by Julia Cruschwitz, Carolin Haentjes

        In Germany, 132 women were murdered by their (ex-)partners over the past year, according to police statistics. An attempted murder happened every other day – the real figure is in all probability much higher. Julia Cruschwitz and Carolin Haentjes unveil their book on femicides in Germany with research from interviews with academics, criminologists, police officers, social workers, lawyers, survivors, witnesses and relatives and their analysis of scientific reports. Their work highlights how the issue of femicides affects the whole of society, but there are sensible ways to protect women more effectively from male violence. All we must do is take steps to follow these.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Ernst Haeckel

        Zoologist, artist, philosopher and freethinker

        by Rainer Willmann

        Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) is one of the most famous and influential researchers of all times. This brilliant biography by Rainer Willmann recounts Haeckel's fascinating life for science and his fight for freedom of thought. Haeckel is a vehement advocate of Darwinian doctrine and develops it further, which is why he is fiercely attacked not only by the church but also by his fellow scientists. Among other things, we owe to Haeckel the freedom of research and teaching that we take so much for granted. That he was also a talented artist is proven by his drawings of marine organisms ... The gripping and highly interesting life story of an extraordinary freethinker and scientist.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        How Philosophers Fail Themselves

        The somewhat different historyof philosophy

        by Otto A. Böhmer

        — Philosophy for beginners — For philosophy enthusiasts — A pleasant read This truly brilliant book tells of the sometimes sublime, sometimes exhilarating efforts of philosophers to maintain their attitude in everyday life without forgetting the meaning of their own words – and how they ultimately failed to do so. The minor, sometimes bizarre events in the lives of the great philosophers fit so aptly in the picture of the respective philosophy that one has to assume they could have been conceived to keep the associated intellectual giant in a strange and memorable mood. A book of cheerful science, full of wit, narrative and linguistic eloquence.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        March 2006

        Art history

        A critical introduction to its methods

        by Michael Hatt, Charlotte Klonk

        Art History: A critical introduction to its methods provides a lively and stimulating introduction to methodological debates within art history. Offering a lucid account of approaches from Hegel to post-colonialism, the book provides a sense of art history's own history as a discipline from its emergence in the late-eighteenth century to contemporary debates. By explaining the underlying philosophical and political assumptions behind each method, along with clear examples of how these are brought to bear on visual and historical analysis, the authors show that an adherence to a certain method is, in effect, a commitment to a set of beliefs and values. The book makes a strong case for the vitality of the discipline and its methodological centrality to new fields such as visual culture. This book will be of enormous value to undergraduate and graduate students, and also makes its own contributions to ongoing scholarly debates about theory and method. ;

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