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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2013

        Lisbon rising

        by Pedro Ramos Pinto

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 1977

        The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence

        With extracts from Newton's 'Principia' and 'Optiks'

        by Robert Gavin Alexander

        n 1715 Leibniz wrote to his friend the Princess of Wales to warn her of the dangers Newton's philosophy posed for natural religion. Seizing this chance of initiating an exchange between the two greatest minds in Europe, the princess showed his letter to the eminent Newtonian scientist and natural theologian, Samuel Clarke. From his reply developed an exchange of papers which was published in 1717. The correspondence was immediately seen as a crucial discussion of the significance of the new science, and it became one of the most widely read philosophical works of its time.In this edition, an introduction outlines the historical background, and there is a valuable survey of the subsequent discussions of the problem of space and time in the philosophy of science. Significant references to the controversy in Leibniz's other correspondence have also been collected, and the relevant passages from Newton's Principia and Opticks are appended. In 1715 Leibniz wrote to his friend the Princess of Wales to warn her of the dangers Newton's philosophy posed for natural religion. Seizing this chance of initiating an exchange between two of the greatest minds in Europe, the princess showed his letter to the eminent Newtonian scientist and natural theologian, Samuel Clarke. From his reply developed an exchange of papers which was published in 1717. The correspondence was immediately seen as a crucial discussion of the significance of the new science, and it became one of the most widely read philosophical works of its time. Kant developed his theory of space and time from the problems at issue, and the post-Newtonian physics of the twentieth century has brought a revival of interest in Leibniz's objections: some of the problems are still not finally resolved. In this edition an introduction outlines the historical background, and there is a valuable survey of the subsequent discussions of the problem of space and time in the philosophy of science. Significant references to the controversy in Leibniz's other correspondence have also been collected, and the relevant passages from Newton's "Principia" and "Opticks" are appended. ;

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        February 1994

        Die Reichskirchenpolitik des Hauses Lothringen (1680-1715)

        Eine Habsburger Sekundogenitur im Reich?

        by Wolf, Hubert

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        April 2023

        Das Gespenst der Inflation

        Wie China der Schocktherapie entkam | Von der Erfinderin der Gaspreisbremse

        by Stephan Gebauer, Isabella M. Weber

        Ein Lehrstück über den Umgang mit Preissteigerungen Nach dem Ende von Maos Herrschaft stand die politische Führung in China Ende der siebziger Jahre vor gewaltigen Problemen: Wie sollte sie das bankrotte Wirtschaftssystem neu erfinden? Wie eine galoppierende Inflation vermeiden, die als Schreckgespenst durch das Land spukte? Durch Schocktherapie oder schrittweise Reformen? Letztendlich obsiegten die Kräfte, die für einen staatlich gelenkten Wandel plädierten. Anders als Russland, das nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus in einen katastrophalen Abwärtsstrudel geriet, erlebte China einen beispiellosen Aufstieg. Isabella M. Weber, eine der bedeutendsten Ökonominnen ihrer Generation, zeichnet in ihrem hoch gelobten Buch die damaligen Debatten um die Neugestaltung des chinesischen Wirtschaftssystems minutiös nach und ordnet diese Diskussionen in die langen Traditionen des ökonomischen Denkens im Reich der Mitte und des Westens ein. Insbesondere zeigt sie, wie es gelang, die Inflation zu begrenzen. Chinas Weg zurück in die Weltwirtschaft, so Weber, ist nicht nur die Geschichte einer einzigartigen Transformation. Angesichts der Verwerfungen auf den Energiemärkten und der dramatisch gestiegenen Lebenshaltungskosten sind die Auseinandersetzungen um Preiskontrollen und andere staatliche Eingriffe zudem lehrreich für aktuelle Debatten.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Das Gespenst der Inflation

        Wie China der Schocktherapie entkam | Von der Erfinderin der Gaspreisbremse

        by Isabella M. Weber, Stephan Gebauer

        Ein Lehrstück über den Umgang mit Preissteigerungen Nach dem Ende von Maos Herrschaft stand die politische Führung in China Ende der siebziger Jahre vor gewaltigen Problemen: Wie sollte sie das bankrotte Wirtschaftssystem neu erfinden? Wie eine galoppierende Inflation vermeiden, die als Schreckgespenst durch das Land spukte? Durch Schocktherapie oder schrittweise Reformen? Letztendlich obsiegten die Kräfte, die für einen staatlich gelenkten Wandel plädierten. Anders als Russland, das nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus in einen katastrophalen Abwärtsstrudel geriet, erlebte China einen beispiellosen Aufstieg. Isabella M. Weber, eine der bedeutendsten Ökonominnen ihrer Generation, zeichnet in ihrem hoch gelobten Buch die damaligen Debatten um die Neugestaltung des chinesischen Wirtschaftssystems minutiös nach und ordnet diese Diskussionen in die langen Traditionen des ökonomischen Denkens im Reich der Mitte und des Westens ein. Insbesondere zeigt sie, wie es gelang, die Inflation zu begrenzen. Chinas Weg zurück in die Weltwirtschaft, so Weber, ist nicht nur die Geschichte einer einzigartigen Transformation. Angesichts der Verwerfungen auf den Energiemärkten und der dramatisch gestiegenen Lebenshaltungskosten sind die Auseinandersetzungen um Preiskontrollen und andere staatliche Eingriffe zudem lehrreich für aktuelle Debatten.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2022

        Expansion rebellion

        by Celeste Hicks

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        Emergencies at the Pharmacy

        Deal competently with emergency situations

        by Matthias Bastigkeit

        In emergency situations, a pharmacy assumes a special importance. Being an easily accessible point of contact, it is called upon to provide help in confused situations and also in those where there is a clear need for first aid. In such serious cases, it is essential to respond quickly and adequately. - How does one recognise an emergency? - How does one proceed? - What is one allowed to do, what must one do? The book provides clear answers to all these questions about emergency scenarios that can occur at a pharmacy. Whether it is an attack of asthma, a heart attack, burns or poisoning – in future, one will know what to do. In addition, the book provides information about the actions of the emergency physician and the common drugs used in emergencies.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2009

        UNICEF-Report 2009

        Stoppt sexuelle Ausbeutung!

        by Herausgegeben von UNICEF

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2011

        UNICEF-Report 2011

        Mit allen Daten zur Situation der Kinder in der Welt

        by Herausgegeben von UNICEF

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2012

        UNICEF-Report 2012

        Mein Recht auf Wasser

        by Herausgegeben von UNICEF

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        The rise of the Nazis

        by Conan Fischer, Mark Greengrass

        How and why did the Nazis seize power in Germany? Nearly seventy years on, the question remains heated and important discoveries continue to challenge long standing assumptions. Beginmning with an overview of the historical context within which Nazism grew, looking at the foreign relations, politics and society of Weimar and in particular at the role of the elites in the rise of Nazism. The book questions the anatomy of Nazism itself: What lent Nazi ideology its coherence and credibility? What distinguished the Nazi's programme from their competitors' and how did they project it so effectively? How was Hitler able to put together and fund an organisation so quickly and effectively that it could launch a sustained assault on Weimar? Who supported the Nazis and what were their motives? Where, precisely, does Nazism belong in the history of Europe?. Since the publication of the first edition, important new works have appeared and this new scholarship has been incorporated into the text. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 1999

        The rise and fall of world orders

        by Torbjorn Knutsen

        Drawing in lessons from 400 years of Great-Power politics, this volume challenges both the "declinist" arguments and the overstretched hypothesis of Paul Kennedy to develop an alternative approach to the debate on the rise and fall of the Great Powers. The first half of the book compares the Spanish, Dutch and the First and Second British world orders. It identifies their common features in order to find the most salient causes for their rise as world powers, and the most probable reasons for their decline. The second half of the book addresses the American world order in the 20th century, from Pax Americana to the End of US Hegemony. The author sees the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the resurgence of the US as evidence of the role played by normative dimensions, commonly underestimated in International Relations analysis. Theoretically challenging, Knutsen's volume provides a fresh approach to debates in international relations aimed at both students and scholars.

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