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      • Business, Economics & Law
        April 1905

        Creating Capital

        Money-making as an aim in business

        by Fredrick L. Lipman

        The object of this paper is to discuss money-making; to examine its prevalence as an aim among people generally and the moral standards which obtain among those who consciously seek to make money.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000

        Marguerite Duras


        by Laure Adler, Petra Willim

        Laure Adler arbeitet als Journalistin, Historikerin und Schriftstellerin. Sie ist Autorin zahlreicher Werke, unter anderem einer Biografie über Marguerite Duras (2000). Außerdem schrieb sie das Vorwort zu der höchst erfolgreichen französischen Ausgabe von Stefan Bollmanns Frauen, die lesen, sind gefährlich (2006) und Frauen, die schreiben, leben gefährlich (2007). 2009 erschien ihr eigenes Buch, Endlose Liebe, im Elisabeth Sandmann Verlag.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2014



        by Renata Adler, Marianne Frisch

        Renata Adler ist Kult, ihre Stimme unwiderstehlich und »Rennboot« die Wiederentdeckung des Jahres. Daran lässt die Reaktion der Presse in den USA keinen Zweifel, als Adlers Debütroman im Frühjahr 2013 nach mehr als dreißig Jahren neu aufgelegt wird. Denn Jen Fain, die Hauptfigur, schlägt jeden mit ihrem Ton in den Bann. Ob spielerische Dates ohne Folgen, New Yorker Partys, mondäne Kurzurlaube oder das tägliche Abmühen als Journalistin – Jens Aufzeichnungen beschwören auf scharfsinnige und charmante Weise das urbane Leben einer jungen, unabhängigen Frau.

      • Trusted Partner

        Character Strength Interventions

        A Field Guide for Practitioners

        by Ryan M. Niemiec

        This unique guide brings together the vast experience of the author with the science and the practice of positive psychology in such a way that both new and experienced practitioners will benefit. New practitioners will learn about the core concepts of character and signature strengths and how to fine-tune their approach and troubleshoot. Experienced practitioners will deepen their knowledge about advanced topics such as strengths overuse and collisions, hot button issues, morality, and integrating strengths with savoring, flow, and mindfulness. Hands-on practitioner tips throughout the book provide valuable hints on how to take a truly strengths-based approach. The 24 summary sheets spotlighting each of the universal character strengths are an indispensable resource for client sessions, succinctly summarizing the core features of and research on each strength. 70 evidence-based step-by-step activity handouts can be given to clients to help them develop character strengths awareness and use, increase resilience, set and meet goals, develop positive relationships, and find meaning and engagement in their daily lives.   Working with client’s (and our own) character strengths boosts well-being, fosters resilience, improves relationships, and creates strong, supportive cultures in our practices, classrooms, and organizations.   Target Group: psychotherapists / clinical psychologists / counselors/ teachers

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1979



        by Renata Adler, Marianne Frisch, Helga Huisgen

        Renata Adler, geboren 1938 in Mailand, studierte in Harvard und an der Sorbonne. Sie arbeitete für den New Yorker und die New York Times. Zeit ihres Lebens ist sie eine streitbare Figur des amerikanischen Kulturlebens.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024


        by Carla Felgentreff, Ramona Wultschner

        Pups-Alarm! Puuuuuups! Was war das denn für ein Geräusch? Und was stinkt hier so? Wie peinlich, die Eule hat gepupst… Aber müssen wir das nicht alle mal? Kaum umgeblättert, muss ein Tier nach dem anderen pupsen: Grille, Frosch, Adler, Igel und Hase - dem Schaf entfährt sogar ein lauter Rülpser. Am Ende der Geschichte kommt der ansteckende Pups wieder bei der Eule an und das Pupsbuch geht von vorne los. Ein lustiges Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren rund ums Furzen und Rülpsen. Mit seinen witzigen Reimen lädt es zum Mitsprechen, Nachahmen der Pupsgeräusche und vor allem zum Lachen ein. Ganz nebenbei unterstützt es Kleinkinder dabei, sich vor einer ganz normalen Sache nicht zu schämen. Pi-Pa-Pups-Parade - ein tierisch lustiges Pupsbuch Zum Schieflachen: Die Lieblingsthemen Pupsen, Furzen und Rülpsen für Kinder ab 2 Jahren, humorvoll inszeniert. Tierisch witzig: Eine freche Geschichte mit kurzen Reimen und lustigen Illustrationen. Geniales Konzept: Zum Immer-wieder-von-vorn-Lesen, ganz ohne Sound und Schnickschnack. Geprüfte Qualität: Das Buch unterliegt strengen Sicherheitsanforderungen und regelmäßigen Kontrollen nach europäischer Spielzeugsicherheitsrichtlinie. Die Pi-Pa-Pups-Parade ist ein lustiges Pappbilderbuch, das Eltern und Kinder ab 2 Jahren viel Spaß macht. Die freche Geschichte mit den kurzen Reimen kann immer wieder von vorne gelesen werden und zeigt: Pupsen, furzen und rülpsen ist ganz normal und kann richtig witzig sein!

      • Colonialism & imperialism
        March 1905

        Heart of Darkness

        by Joseph Conrad

        Heart of Darkness (1899) is a novella by Polish-British novelist Joseph Conrad, about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State, in the heart of Africa, by the story's narrator Charles Marlow. Marlow tells his story to friends aboard a boat anchored on the River Thames, London, England. This setting provides the frame for Marlow's story of his obsession with the ivory trader Kurtz, which enables Conrad to create a parallel between London and Africa as places of darkness.

      • Trusted Partner

        Medication Analysis

        Basic principles and case examples

        by Pharm. D. Ina Richling

        Several different pills prescribed by many different physicians: pharmacists encounter patients in this situation every day! What at first seems quite normal can, on closer inspection, be fraught with considerable risks of drug-related problems. Using this analysis as a core component of medication management, pharmacies have the key risk minimisation tool at their disposal. The authors guide their readers step by step through the discussions with the patient, the stages of the analysis, and the clear documentation. Case examples reflect on the content and illustrate implementation. The launch of pharmaceutical services enables an improvement in the safety and efficacy of customers‘ drug therapy in the pharmacy by means of the service „Extended medication counselling for polymedication“. Everything pharmacists need to know for the necessary medication analysis can be found in this book. This completely revised 2nd edition includes: - Important information on pharmaceutical services - Illustrative case examples on many indications - QR codes that lead to additional digital material Whether it is a detailed adjustment or a major change to medication: every patient benefits from the intervention.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 1905

        The First Book of Farming

        by Charles L. Goodrich

        This book is a result of the author's search for these facts and truths as a student and farmer and his endeavor as a teacher to present them in a simple manner to others. The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming.

      • The Arts
        March 1905

        Concerning the Spiritual in Art

        by Wassily Kandinsky

        A pioneering work in the movement to free art from its traditional bonds to material reality, this book is one of the most important documents in the history of modern art. Written by the famous nonobjective painter Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), it explains Kandinsky's own theory of painting and crystallizes the ideas that were influencing many other modern artists of the period. Along with his own groundbreaking paintings, this book had a tremendous impact on the development of modern art. Kandinsky's ideas are presented in two parts. The first part, called "About General Aesthetic," issues a call for a spiritual revolution in painting that will let artists express their own inner lives in abstract, non-material terms. Just as musicians do not depend upon the material world for their music, so artists should not have to depend upon the material world for their art. In the second part, "About Painting," Kandinsky discusses the psychology of colors, the language of form and color, and the responsibilities of the artist. An Introduction by the translator, Michael T. H. Sadler, offers additional explanation of Kandinsky's art and theories, while a new Preface by Richard Stratton discusses Kandinsky's career as a whole and the impact of the book. Making the book even more valuable are nine woodcuts by Kandinsky himself that appear at the chapter headings. This English translation of Über das Geistige in der Kunst was a significant contribution to the understanding of nonobjectivism in art. It continues to be a stimulating and necessary reading experience for every artist, art student, and art patron concerned with the direction of 20th-century painting.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        April 1905

        The Acquisitive Society

        by R.H. Tawney

        This 1926 survey, written by a distinguished social and economic historian, examines the role of religion in the rise of capitalism. Arguing that material acquisitiveness is morally wrong and a corrupting social influence, the author draws upon his profound knowledge of labor and politics to show how concentrated wealth distorts economic policies. Colorful but credible, this study offers a timeless vision of alternative means toward a just economic, social, and intellectual order.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        A Case for Kwiatkowski (28). The Nose of the Goddess

        by Jürgen Banscherus/Ralf Butschkow

        Private detective Kwiatkowski never fails to solve a case! A trip to Athens? Kwiatkowski can hardly believe his luck when Olga, an old friend, sends him an invitation. But no sooner has he arrived in Greece than he finds himself caught up in a very tricky case: a greenhorn detective named Hercules needs his help to expose the handiwork of two unscrupulous fraudsters. It is a matter of honour that even during his holidays Kwiatkowski must use his superskills. Soon the two detectives are on the move among the ancient temple walls in their search to solve the mystery of the goddess Athene’s nose…

      • Trusted Partner

        Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

        by Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira / Cleonice Alves Bosa (Eds.)

        This title discusses the psychological and neuropsychological background of autism spectrum disorder, as well as appropriate diagnostic tools. The assessments that this book introduces are sorted by development area (intellectual, adaptive, social, language, etc.). Additionally, this title provides professionals with a variety of case studies from clinical practice.   Target Group: clinical psychologists, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, neurologists, pediatricians, speech therapists, students, teachers

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        A Case for Kwiatkowski (27). Milk Carton Alarm!

        by Jürgen Banscherus/ Ralf Butschkow

        What a disaster! Kwiatkowski’s favourite milk tastes of mango and caramel. Who could have interfered with the milk cartons from the supermarket? Clearly there is something fishy going on here. Especially as the manager of the supermarket can only come up with the flimsiest of excuses. A famous private detective will certainly not allow himself to be fobbed off like this! And so very soon Kwiatkowski finds himself entangled in a mysterious case which requires all his great skills…

      • Trusted Partner

        Positive Psychology at the Movies

        Using Films to Build Character Strengths and Well-Being

        by Ryan M. Niemiec, Danny Wedding

        This book uses movies as a medium for learning about the latest research and concepts, such as mindfulness, resilience, meaning, positive relationships, achievement, well-being, as well as the 24 character strengths laid out by the VIA Institute of Character. This book systematically discusses each of the 24 character strengths, balancing film discussion, related psychological research, and practical applications. Resources provided in this book include a suggested syllabus for a complete positive psychology course based on movies, a list of suitable movies for children, adolescents, and families as well as a list of questions for classroom and therapy discussions.   Target Group: Psychologists, consultants, therapists and counselors, movie enthusiasts, and all those interested in positive psychology and improving life.

      • The Arts
        January 1905

        The Elements of Drawing

        by John Ruskin

        Can drawing — sound, honest representation of the world as the eye sees it, not tricks with the pencil or a few "effects" — be learned from a book? One of the most gifted draftsmen, who is also one of the greatest art critics and theorists of all time, answers that question with a decided "Yes." He is John Ruskin, the author of this book, a classic in art education as well as a highly effective text for the student and amateur today. The work is in three parts, cast in the form of letters to a student, successively covering "First Practice," "Sketching from Nature," and "Colour and Composition." Starting with the bare fundamentals (what kind of drawing pen to buy; shading a square evenly), and using the extremely practical method of exercises which the student performs from the very first, Ruskin instructs, advises, guides, counsels, and anticipates problems with sensitivity. The exercises become more difficult, developing greater and greater skills until Ruskin feels his reader is ready for watercolors and finally composition, which he treats in detail as to the laws of principality, repetition, continuity, curvature, radiation, contrast, interchange, consistency, and harmony. All along the way, Ruskin explains, in plain, clear language, the artistic and craftsmanlike reasons behind his practical advice — underlying which, of course, is Ruskin's brilliant philosophy of honest, naturally observed art which has so much affected our aesthetic. Three full-page plates and 48 woodcuts and diagrams (the latter from drawings by the author) show the student what the text describes. An appendix devotes many pages to the art works which may be studied with profit.

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