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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Uitgeverij Prometheus

        Prometheus Publishers is a Dutch publisher that publishes a wide variety of quality fiction and non-fiction titles. Prometheus’s catalogue balances established talents with new voices that we introduce into the literary market. Amongst our fiction authors are renowned Dutch-language authors such as Connie Palmen, Griet Op de Beeck, Tom Lanoye, Tim Krabbé, and Esther Verhoef. Prometheus also publishes the Dutch translations of great international voices like Umberto Eco, Sandro Veronesi, Margaret Atwood, and Zadie Smith.   Our non-fiction catalogue is filled with experts from across the scientific spectrum. Ranging from history to psychology and from physics to literary studies, Prometheus offers exciting new insights into a wide range of disciplines. Prometheus also publishes a philosophical series with musings on subjects that are relevant to our society today.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        Sodomy in early modern Europe

        by Joseph Bergin, Tom Betteridge, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        This fascinating collection of essays reflects closely the main areas of debate within gay historiography. For the last twenty years scholars have argued over the nature of early modern sodomy, responding in a number of different and contradictory ways. Questions addressed in the book include: was early modern sodomy the same as modern homosexuality? Were there homosexuals in early modern Europe? Did men who had sex with each other in this period regard their behaviour as determining their identity? What was the relationship between the grave sin of sodomy and the homoerotic images that fill Renaissance culture?. The volume includes essays on sodomy in English Protestant history writing, in Calvin's Geneva, in early modern Venice and the trial of sodomy in Germany. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Der Gin-Trailer


        by Leslie Jamison, Kirsten Riesselmann

        Nach dem New-York-Times-Bestseller Die Klarheit schreibt Leslie Jamison einen großen Roman über Sucht und Ausweglosigkeit, über echte Verzweiflung und die flüchtigen hellen Augenblicke, die so schnell wieder verschwinden, wie sie gekommen sind. Als junge Frau läuft Tilly von zu Hause weg und landet in der schäbigen Unterwelt Nevadas, wo sie statt des großen Glücks nur Drogen, Alkohol und die falschen Männer findet. Eines Tages, nachdem Tilly beinahe dreißig Jahre lang keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Familie hatte und sich in einem Trailerpark in der Wüste fast zu Tode getrunken hat, steht ihre Nichte Stella vor der Tür ihres Wohnwagens und zwingt sie zu einem Neuanfang. Der Gin-Trailer erzählt die Geschichte der eigentümlichen Beziehung, die zwischen den beiden entsteht.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2018

        Beard's Roman Women

        By Anthony Burgess

        by Graham Foster

        Anthony Burgess draws upon an autobiographical episode to create Beard's Roman Women, the story of a man haunted by his first wife, presumed dead. But is she? A marvellously economical book, full-flavoured, funny, and heartfelt, showing its author at the height of his powers. This new edition is the first to be published with David Robinson's photographs for over 40 years. The text of the novel has been restored using the original typescripts, and Graham Foster's new introduction provides valuable insight into the fictional and biographical contexts of the novel. The text is fully annotated with a detailed set of notes and this edition includes the previously unpublished script for Burgess's television film By the Waters of Leman: Byron and Shelley at Geneva, and a rare piece of Burgess's writing about Rome.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        Von Pub zu Pub

        Eine literarische Kneipentour durch London und Südengland

        by Johann-Günther König

        Ein englisches Pub ist alles andere als eine beliebige Kneipe. Das Public House ist eine kulturhistorisch geprägte, hochgeschätzte nationale Instutition mit Eigentümlichkeiten, wie sie sich nur auf einer Insel entfalten können. Ganz zu schweigen vom englischen Bier. Bitter, ale oder stout, selbst das helle englische lager schmecken zweifellos anders als die Biere kontinentaler Herkunft. Dieser Pub-Führer vermittelt einen ungewöhnlichen Zugang zur Metropole London und zu den Grafschaften im Südosten Englands. Literarisch interessierte Leser begegnen bei ihren Pub-Besuchen und den angeschlossenen walks vielen Autoren; Garten und Naturliebhaber werden zu den schönsten Gärten und Landschaften Südenglands geführt; Antiquitätensammler kommen an vielen interessanten Lädeb vorbei; Wanderlustigen bieten die zahlreichen pubwalks eine gute Einstimmung auf den anschließenden Kneipenbesuch. Ein richtiges, das heißt ein einladendes, gemütliches und natürlich real ale ausschenkendes Pub mit gastfreundlichem Wirt ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Dieses Buch unterstützt Englandreisende bei der Suche nach altehrwüridgen oder auch ungewöhnlichen Gasthäusern - nebenbei nach solchen, die auch bed & breakfast anbieten. Das Public House ist nach britischen Verständnis eine öffentliche Angelegenheit und geschätzter Bewahrer der nationalen Identität - ein Besuch lohnt immer.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Ireland and the European Union

        Economic, political and social crises

        by Michael Holmes, Kathryn Simpson, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Kathryn Simpson, Paul Tobin

        This book examines how Ireland's relationship with the EU was affected by a succession of crises in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The financial crisis, the Brexit crisis and the migration crisis were not of equal significance on the island of Ireland. The financial crisis was a huge issue for the Republic but not Northern Ireland, Brexit had a major impact in both polities, the migration and populism issues were less controversial, while foreign policy challenges had a minimal impact. The book provides a summary of the main features of each of the crises to be considered, from both the EU and the Irish perspective. Ireland and the European Union is the first volume of its kind to provide a comprehensive analysis on British-Irish relations in the context of Brexit. It assesses the Withdrawal Agreement and Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, the devolution settlement and the 1998 Agreement, as well as the European dimension to Northern Ireland's peace process. The contributors explore a number of policy areas that are central to the understanding of each of the crises and the impact of each for Ireland. Chapters examine issues such as security, migration and taxation as well as protest politics, political parties, the media, public opinion and the economic impact of each of these crises on Ireland's relationship with the EU.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        Photographic subjects

        Monarchy and visual culture in colonial Indonesia

        by Susie Protschky

        Winner of the ASAA mid-career book prize in Asian Studies 2020 and joint winner of the 2020 Royal Studies Journal Book Prize Photographic subjects examines photography at royal celebrations during the reign of Queens Wilhelmina (1898-1948) and Juliana (1948-80), a period spanning the zenith and fall of Dutch rule in Indonesia. It is the first monograph in English on the Dutch monarchy and the Netherlands' modern empire in the age of mass and amateur photography. Photographs forged imperial networks, negotiated relations of recognition and subjecthood between Indonesians and Dutch authorities, and informed cultural modes of citizenship at a time of accelerated colonial expansion and major social change in the East Indies/Indonesia. This book advances methods in the uses of photographs for social and cultural history and provides a new interpretation of Queens Wilhelmina and Juliana as imperial monarchs.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Barrington 1. Mord in St. Applewood

        by A. W. Benedict, Johannes Steck, Tobias Wieduwillt

        In dem schottischen Ort St. Applewood ticken die Uhren noch langsam. Man kennt sich, man hilft sich und einem guten Tropfen ist man ebenfalls nicht abgeneigt. Das Leben ist geruhsam. Kein Mörder lauert hinter dem mit Rosen umrankten Cottage Zaun. Als die alte Cider-Brauerei nach dreißig Jahren Stillstand endlich verkauft wird, ändert sich das. Barrington, der in dem alten Gebäude einen Pub eröffnen will, kommt einem Geheimnis auf die Spur, das ihn selbst in große Gefahr bringt.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Barrington 2. Kleine Morde unter Gangstern

        by A. W. Benedict, Johannes Steck, Tonstudio Schloss Seefeld, Tobias Wieduwilt

        Im neuen Pub "Five Apple Kernells" im schottischen St. Applewood kehrt, nach den Ereignissen des letzten Jahres, Ruhe ein. Farlan, der junge Koch, hat sich eingelebt und scheint sich in seiner neuen Heimat wohl zu fühlen. Doch eines Tages verschwindet er plötzlich spurlos und Barrington versucht, mit allen Mitteln, ihn wiederzufinden. Was verbindet die beiden unbekannten Besucher, die plötzlich im Ort aufgetaucht sind, mit Farlan Kidd? Was hat das mit einem alten Kriminalfall aus Glasgow zu tun und warum schwebt Farlan in Lebensgefahr? Barrington muss Antworten finden und macht sich erneut auf Verbrecherjagd. Ungekürzt gelesen von Johannes Steck.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Taking travel home

        The souvenir culture of British women tourists, 1750–1830

        by Emma Gleadhill

        In the late eighteenth-century, elite British women had an unprecedented opportunity to travel. Taking travel home uncovers the souvenir culture these women developed around the texts and objects they brought back with them to realise their ambitions in the arenas of connoisseurship, friendship and science. Key characters include forty-three-year-old Hester Piozzi (Thrale), who honeymooned in Italy; thirty-one-year-old Anna Miller, who accompanied her husband on a Grand Tour; Dorothy Richardson, who undertook various tours of England from the ages of twelve to fifty-two; and the sisters Katherine and Martha Wilmot, who travelled to Russia in their late twenties. The supreme tourist of the book, the political salon hostess Lady Elizabeth Holland, travelled to many countries with her husband, including Paris, where she met Napoleon, and Spain during the Peninsular War. Using a methodology informed by literary and design theory, art history, material culture studies and tourism studies, the book examines a wide range of objects, from painted fans "of the ruins of Rome for a sequin apiece" and the Pope's "bless'd beads", to lava from Vesuvius and pieces of Stonehenge. It argues that the rise of the souvenir is representative of female agency, as women used their souvenirs to form spaces in which they could create and control their own travel narratives.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Governance as social and political communication

        by Henrik Bang, Martin Hargreaves

        Governance is among the most used of new ideas in the social sciences, most notably in the fields of political science, public administration, sociology, social and political theory. As ever, debates within disciplines rarely transcend disciplinary boundaries. This volume, newly available in paperback, brings together authors from these fields to elaborate on the development of governance analysis in new conceptions of political and democratic communication. It not only seeks to identify, describe and evaluate the contribution of each discipline to a theory of communicative governance, but also lays the foundation of a multidisciplinary framework for studying the mediation in communicative governance of societal concerns for effectiveness, order and participation. The book is theoretical and comparative, drawing on authors and research in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the US. It adopts an anti-foundational approach to deconstruct the essentialist discourses endemic in each discipline and the disciplinary traditions of each country. Notions such as steering and control in public administration, identities and domination in sociology, and the community and self in social and political theory are analysed in depth. The book will demonstrate clearly how the distinctive traditions of each discipline lead them to construct overlapping, loosely coupled, and sometimes incommensurable ideas about the institutions, politics and policies of governance. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        Agricultural policy in Europe

        by Alan Greer, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Simon Bulmer, Andrew Geddes, Peter Humphreys

        'Agricultural policy in Europe', available for the first time in paperback, provides a unique comparative analysis of the UK, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Greece and Ireland, using up-to-date material on CAP reform, world trade liberalisation, animal disease, rural development and the environment. In its core argument that Europe has a Common Agricultural Policy in name only, the study offers a distinctive interpretation of contemporary policies for agriculture and rural development. Policy is considerably more diverse than usually recognised, and also varies across different policy stages such as agenda setting, formulation and implementation. This diversity is the result of a multilevel policy process in which global, regional and local actors play a key role alongside the institutions of the EU. Yet nation states are central. Despite the existence of the CAP, substantial policy variations reflect different national economies, cultures, priorities and interests, usually mediated through different types of policy networks. Far from greater policy integration, the pressures for diversity have increased in recent years, notably through world trade liberalisation, environmental concern and EU enlargement. With continuing controversy about the future direction and powers of the EU, this groundbreaking book sheds new light on the extent to which agricultural policy in Europe is common. It goes beyond formal legal structures and the rhetoric of popular debate to look at what actually happens in a complex policy process that is both multilevel and multi stage. The result is a very different picture in which agricultural policy is considerably more diverse and fragmented than usually assumed. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2007

        Calvinist churches in early modern Europe

        by Andrew Spicer, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        For ordinary people, the impact of the Reformation would have centred around local parish churches, rather than the theological debates of the Reformers. Focusing on the Calvinists, this volume explores how the architecture, appearance and arrangement of places of worship were transformed by new theology and religious practice. Based on original research and site visits, this book charts the impact of the Reformed faith across Europe, concentrating in particular on France, the Netherlands and Scotland. While in some areas a Calvinist Reformation led to the adaptation of existing buildings, elsewhere it resulted in the construction of new places of worship to innovative new designs. Reformed places of worship also reflected local considerations, vested interests and civic aspirations, often employing the latest styles and forms of decoration, and here provide a lens through which to examine not only the impact of the Reformation at a local level but also the character of the different religious settlements across Europe during the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        Calvinist churches in early modern Europe

        by Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy, Andrew Spicer

        For ordinary people, the impact of the Reformation would have centred around local parish churches, rather than the theological debates of the Reformers. Focusing on the Calvinists, this volume explores how the architecture, appearance and arrangement of places of worship were transformed by new theology and religious practice. Based on original research and site visits, this book charts the impact of the Reformed faith across Europe, concentrating in particular on France, the Netherlands and Scotland. While in some areas a Calvinist Reformation led to the adaptation of existing buildings, elsewhere it resulted in the construction of new places of worship to innovative new designs. Reformed places of worship also reflected local considerations, vested interests and civic aspirations, often employing the latest styles and forms of decoration, and here provide a lens through which to examine not only the impact of the Reformation at a local level but also the character of the different religious settlements across Europe during the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        December 2017

        Sustainable art communities

        Contemporary creativity and policy in the transnational Caribbean

        by Leon Wainwright, Kitty Zijlmans

        This collection sets out a range of perspectives on the challenges that the Caribbean is facing today, showing how the arts hold a crucial role in forging a more sustainable Caribbean community. It forcefully attests to the view that visual art in particular has a specific contribution to make and that this in turn means striving to foster a sustainable arts community that can contend with an environment of uneven infrastructure, opportunity and public awareness. Spanning the scholarly, artistic and professional fields of arts and heritage, this book compares two of the Caribbean's key linguistic regions - the Anglophone and the Dutch - to address the themes of global-local relations, capital, patronage, morality, contestation, sustainability and knowledge exchange. The result is a milestone of collaboration from diverse global settings of the Caribbean and its diaspora, including Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, Suriname, Curaçao, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany and the United States.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Crowns and colonies

        European monarchies and overseas empires

        by Robert Aldrich, Cindy McCreery

        Queen Victoria, who also bore the title of Empress of India, had a real and abiding interest in the British Empire, but other European monarchs also ruled over possessions 'beyond the seas'. This collection of original essays explores the connections between monarchy and colonialism, from the old regime empires down to the Commonwealth of today. With case studies drawn from Britain, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, the chapters analyse constitutional questions about the role of the crown in overseas empires, the pomp and pageantry of the monarchy as it transferred to the colonies, and the fate of indigenous sovereigns under European colonial control. Crowns and colonies, with chapters on North America, Asia, Africa and Australasia, provides new perspectives on colonial history, the governance of empire, and the transnational history of monarchies in modern Europe.

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