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      • AITBS Publishers India

        We are one of the leading publishers in India dealing in more than 400 titles. We are well reputed for publishing quality books mainly in Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Dictionaries, Management, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering and English Literature. We have published many good books authored by learned and eminent Indian authors. We sell and purchase reprint rights. Our aim is to publish good books, useful for students, colleges, professional institutes and public libraries.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2007

        The French empire between the wars

        Imperialism, politics and society

        by Martin Thomas, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        By considering the distinctiveness of the inter-war years as a discrete period of colonial change, this book addresses several larger issues, such as tracing the origins of decolonization in the rise of colonial nationalism, and a re-assessment of the impact of inter-war colonial rebellions in Africa, Syria and Indochina. The book also connects French theories of colonial governance to the lived experience of colonial rule in a period scarred by war and economic dislocation. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Hefte aus Kriegszeiten

        by Marguerite Duras, Anne Weber

        Hefte aus Kriegszeiten hat Marguerite Duras die vier dichtbeschriebenen Schulhefte genannt, die sie lange Zeit in ihrem legendären »blauen Schrank« aufbewahrte. Die Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1943 bis 1949, vom Beginn ihrer schriftstellerischen Laufbahn, sind von ganz eigenem Reiz. Hier finden sich bereits die zentralen Themen ihres Lebens und späteren Werks: Kindheit und Jugend in Indochina; die ambivalente Beziehung zur Mutter und zu den beiden Brüdern; die Beziehung zu einem Vietnamesen, die sie später in ihrem berühmtesten Roman, Der Liebhaber, gestaltet. Marguerite Duras protokolliert das qualvolle Warten auf ihren in Buchenwald internierten Mann, Robert Antelme, dessen Rückkehr, die Trennung von ihm, erzählt von ihrem Engagement in der Résistance, vom Tod ihres ersten Kindes, der Geburt des Sohnes Jean.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2011

        The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans

        EU justice and home affairs in Croatia and Macedonia

        by Florian Trauner, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen

        This book deals with the scope and nature of the EU's external influence over South-Eastern Europe in the present enlargement. By elaborating on the Europeanisation of the Western Balkans in a systematic, theory-oriented and comparative way, the book provides rich insight into the dynamics of the current enlargement and offers a comprehensive analysis of the EU's avenues of external leverage in the field of justice and home affairs, a key sector of cooperation in the EU-Western Balkans relations. The book is an important contribution towards a better understanding of how the EU's use of pre-accession conditionality has changed since the Eastern enlargement. It will be of interest to decision-makers, officials and academics concerned with adaptation and transformation processes in South-Eastern Europe and the possibilities and limitations of the EU's influence in the outside world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        The European Union and its eastern neighbourhood

        Europeanisation and its twenty-first-century contradictions

        by Mike Mannin, Paul Flenley

        This volume is timely in that it explores key issues which are currently at the forefront of the EU's relations with its eastern neighbours. It considers the impact of a more assertive Russia, the significance of Turkey, the limitations of the Eastern Partnership with Belarus and Moldova, the position of a Ukraine in crisis and pulled between Russia and the EU, security and democracy in the South Caucasus. It looks at the contested nature of European identity in areas such as the Balkans. In addition it looks at ways in which the EU's interests and values can be tested in sectors such as trade and migration. The interplay between values, identity and interests and their effect on the interpretation of europeanisation between the EU and its neighbours is a core theme of the volume.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Morgen in Katar


        by Theresia Walser

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2006

        Democracy in Scandinavia

        by David Arter

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2006

        Democracy in Scandinavia

        Consensual, majoritarian or mixed?

        by David Arter, Bill Jones

        This book is about the distinctive features of Scandinavian democracy, the state of Scandinavian democracy and the classification of the Scandinavian democracies. It breaks new ground in challenging the established status of the Scandinavian countries as 'consensus model democracies'. The book poses three main questions. First, what are the distinctive features of the five Scandinavian political systems when compared with the Westminster model of democracy? Next, how well does the evidence from recent commissions suggest that Scandinavian democracy is working in practice? Finally, is Scandinavian democracy consensual, majoritarian or mixed? The nature of legislative-executive relations is explored, with a particular focus on the role of the parliamentary opposition and its involvement in policy-making. The central conclusion is that all the Nordic states are majoritarian democracies, albeit with varying amounts of consensual legislative behaviour. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009


        Erweckung der geistigen Kraft im Menschen

        by Krishna, Gopi / Deutsch Pleyer, Sinai R.B.; Deutsch Mangoldt, Ursula von

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The Gulf monarchies after the Arab Spring

        by Cinzia Bianco

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2016

        Iberia Pontificia. Vol. IV: Provincia Compostellana

        Dioeceses Abulensis, Salmanticensis, Cauriensis, Civitatensis, Placentina

        by Engel, Frank; Martín, José

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2006


        Journal einer Reise

        by Klaus Reichert, Marion Victor

        Jahresende 2005, Klaus Reichert entflieht der Zivilisation und verbringt die Tage über Weihnachten und Neujahr in der Sinaiwüste. Begleitet von den Beduinen Läfi und Mubarak, reitet er auf einem Kamel durch die karge Steinwüste. Die zwölftägige strapaziöse Tour wird zu einer Reise zu sich selbst, denn die Natur zwingt sich dem Wandernden geradezu auf. Kühle Tage, eiskalte Nächte, die kaum wärmende Sonne und die überwältigenden Sternennächte werden zu Gewalten, die den Europäer bis an seine körperlichen Grenzen bringen, ihm jedoch gleichzeitig faszinierende Wahrnehmungen ermöglichen. Wüstentage ist das Journal dieser Reise, sinnliche Prosa von hoher Intensität.

      • Trusted Partner
        Political ideologies
        May 2014

        The far right in the Balkans

        by Vera Stojarová

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        The far right in the Balkans

        by Vera Stojarova

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