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Promoted ContentJune 2004
Handbuch zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch / Liederkunde zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch. Heft 10
. Handbuch zum EG 3,10
by Herausgegeben von Hahn, Gerhard; Beiträge von Axmacher, Elke; Beiträge von Bunners, Christian; Beiträge von Egerer, Ernst-Dietrich; Beiträge von Hahn, Gerhard; Beiträge von Hunzinger, Michael; Beiträge von Korth, Hans-Otto; Beiträge von Lauterwasser, Helmut; Beiträge von Marti, Andreas; Beiträge von Monninger, Dorothea; Beiträge von Parent, Ulrich; Beiträge von Praßl, Franz Karl; Beiträge von Schmidt, Eberhard; Beiträge von Schneider, Matthias; Herausgegeben von Henkys, Jürgen
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February 2005Handbuch zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch / Liederkunde zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch. Heft 11
. Handbuch zum EG 3,11
by Beiträge von Axmacher, Elke; Beiträge von Hunzinger, Michael; Beiträge von Lauterwasser, Helmut; Beiträge von Marti, Andreas; Beiträge von Parent, Ulrich; Beiträge von Praßl, Franz Karl; Beiträge von Scheidhauer, Karl; Beiträge von Schuberth, Dietrich; Beiträge von Völker, Alexander; Beiträge von Wennemuth, Heike; Beiträge von Wennemuth, Udo; Beiträge von Wissemann-Garbe, Daniela; Beiträge von Schmidt, Eberhard; Herausgegeben von Henkys, Jürgen; Herausgegeben von Hahn, Gerhard; Mitherausgeber Monninger, Dorothea
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 1999Colony and Mother City in Ancient Greece (Sandpiper Books)
by A J Graham
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March 2008Father Browns Weisheit
by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Hanswilhelm Haefs
Man kennt ihn aus vielen Verfilmungen, den kleinen, rundlichen und sanftmütigen Priester: Father Brown. Aber kennen Sie auch die packenden Erzählungen, die den Filmen als Grundlagen dienten? Hier sind sie! Father Brown löst seine Fälle mit Menschenkenntnis und Empathie: Vorurteilslosigkeit, Toleranz, Beobachtungsgabe und Intuition sind seine Hilfsmittel. Der sympathische Ermittler im Dienste des Herrn erobert seine Leserinnen und Leser mit Charme und Witz. Gilbert Keith Chesterton, 1874 geboren, starb 1936. Er war Romancier, Historiker und Essayist und hat ein umfangreiches Werk hinterlassen. Die hinreißenden Father-Brown-Geschichten erscheinen hier in der kongenialen Übersetzung von Hanswilhelm Haefs.
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March 2008Father Browns Ungläubigkeit
by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Hanswilhelm Haefs
Man kennt ihn aus vielen Verfilmungen, den kleinen, rundlichen und sanftmütigen Priester: Father Brown. Aber kennen Sie auch die packenden Erzählungen, die den Filmen als Grundlagen dienten? Hier sind sie! Father Brown löst seine Fälle mit Menschenkenntnis und Empathie: Vorurteilslosigkeit, Toleranz, Beobachtungsgabe und Intuition sind seine Hilfsmittel. Der sympathische Ermittler im Dienste des Herrn erobert seine Leserinnen und Leser mit Charme und Witz. Gilbert Keith Chesterton, 1874 geboren, starb 1936. Er war Romancier, Historiker und Essayist und hat ein umfangreiches Werk hinterlassen. Die hinreißenden Father-Brown-Geschichten erscheinen hier in der kongenialen Übersetzung von Hanswilhelm Haefs.
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March 2008Father Browns Einfalt
by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Hanswilhelm Haefs
Man kennt ihn aus vielen Verfilmungen, den kleinen, rundlichen und sanftmütigen Priester: Father Brown. Aber kennen Sie auch die packenden Erzählungen, die den Filmen als Grundlagen dienten? Hier sind sie! In der Neuübersetzungen von Hanswilhelm Haefs.
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Social welfare & social servicesJune 2015Between two worlds of father politics
USA or Sweden?
by Michael Rush
The essential message of the 'two regimes' model is that the social politics of fatherhood have taken on a global significance and that the USA and Sweden represent two ends of an international continuum of ways of thinking about fatherhood. The key selling points of the two regimes model are its topicality, originality, its global appeal, and its particularised appeal to readers in the USA, the Nordic countries, Great Britain, Ireland, the European Union, Japan and China. The book offers students a comparative analytical framework and new insights into why some welfare states have 'father-friendly' social policies and others do not. The book makes an original contribution to the growing fields of welfare regime and gender studies by linking the epochal decline of patriarchal fatherhood to welfare state expansion over the course of the twentieth century and it raises new questions about the legitimacy of religiously inspired neo-patriarchy.
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Humanities & Social SciencesNovember 2007Public issue television
World in Action' 1963–98
by Peter Goddard, John Corner, Kay Richardson
Public issue television is a major contribution to understanding the relationship between television, politics and society. Based on full access to the archives, it offers a fascinating historical account of how one television series, Granada's World in Action, celebrated for its tough journalism, visual directness and public impact, functioned and developed over its run across 35 years between 1963 and 1998. In a succession of chapters looking at different periods in the series' development and at key dimensions of its distinctive identity, it gets deep inside the making of factual television and examines how a particular culture of production works within broader conditions of possibility and constraint. In particular, it charts the interwoven processes of change - technological, professional, aesthetic, institutional, economic, social and political. As well as discussing achievement and success, it examines the tensions, the debates and open conflicts that formed part of the context within which the series was made and transmitted across four decades. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 1997The new woman
by Sally Ledger
Sexually transgressive, politically astute and determined to claim educational and employment rights equal to those enjoyed by men, the new woman took centre stage in the cultural landscape of late-Victorian Britain. By comparing the fictional representations with the lived experience of the new woman, Ledger's book makes a major contribution to an understanding of the 'woman question' at the fin de siecle. She alights on such disparate figures as Eleanor Marx, Gertrude Dix, Dracula, Oscar Wilde, Olive Schreiner and Radclyffe Hall. Focusing mainly on the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the book's later chapters project forward into the twentieth century, considering the relationship between new woman fiction and early modernism as well as the socio-sexual inheritance of the 'second generation' new woman writers. ;
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Health & Personal DevelopmentToday I’ll actually start!
Overcoming Procrastination: A Self-Help Book
by Anna Höcker/Margarita Engberding/Fred Rist
Everyone postpones unpleasant tasks from time to time. But when does this become a problem? This guide is aimed at people who are dissatisfied with their work discipline and who want to learn to organize their work better and be more effective. The core of this title is a scientifically developed and proven anti-procrastination program which provides concrete instructions for self-observation and self-management, so the reader can develop individual strategies to overcome their procrastination. The program helps the reader to plan their work schedules realistically, start work in time, develop working habits, work effectively, and to enjoy their free time again without a bad conscience. Numerous materials that are provided in this title help the reader implement and apply the techniques in their lives. The book comes with a CD-ROM. Target Group: people who want to acquire strategies to successfully overcome procrastination
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The ArtsJuly 2025Sally Wainwright
by Kristyn Gorton, Beth Johnson
The first and only book length study of British screenwriter, director and producer Sally Wainwright. Authors Gorton and Johnson brings together Wainwright's key television series and television films with theoretical work on the concept of emotion and feminist television criticism, exploring Wainwright's contributions to British television through the heroic female characters she creates. The book covers a wide range of theoretical work on melodrama, genre and emotion to explore Wainwright's televisual texts, offering analysis of globally recognised television series such as Happy Valley, Last Tango in Halifax, and Gentleman Jack.
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MedicineLosing Weight and Keeping it off
A Method With Lasting Results
by Tatjana van Strien
In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off. Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.