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      • Kia Persia Literary Agency

        KIA Literary Agency was founded in 2002 in Tehran with the aim of promoting and supporting fine literary works in all forms throughout the world. It brings about opportunities for authors, illustrators, publishers, translators, and those involved in this field to meet their counterparts. And at the same time, it introduces them to the world and will inform them of all the related events which take place in the world of art and literature.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        Diaspora as translation and decolonisation

        by Ipek Demir

        This innovative study engages critically with existing conceptualisations of diaspora, arguing that if diaspora is to have analytical purchase, it should illuminate a specific angle of migration or migrancy. To reveal the much-needed transformative potential of the concept, the book looks specifically at how diasporas undertake translation and decolonisation. It offers various conceptual tools for investigating diaspora, with a specific focus on diasporas in the Global North and a detailed empirical study of the Kurdish diaspora in Europe. The book also considers the backlash diasporas of colour have faced in the Global North.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Crisis and Transformation

        by Jean-Pierre Wils (Ed.)

        We live in an age of upheaval and crisis; our existence is at the threshold of a new epoch that leaves nothing as it was before. It became clear that the natural materials of our world in transformation were a finite and exhaustible resource. The ambitious projects of humankind were already beset by doubts and the optimism of something better in store for us in the future became ever more subdued. An era of sceptical thinking dawned. What was only recently celebrated as an achievement is today placed in question: democracy, human rights and the bond of solidarity between the generations. But the art of dialogue must always be preserved. The capacity for critical reflection must be repeatedly practised and the sensitivity of our perception deepened.

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        Notes for Personal Care Workers

        The Quick Reference Book on Caring for the Elderly

        by Sylke Werner

        This quick reference book explains what personal care is, why it is necessary, which competencies personal care workers require, and how to safely and professionally care for, engage, and support people in need of care and their relatives in their daily lives.   Target Group: Personal care workers, geriatric nurses

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2011

        The Transformation of European Football

        Towards the Europeanisation of the national game

        by Arne Niemann, Borja Garcia, Wyn Grant

        The book examines the transformation of European football in recent years by focusing on the impact of Europe in general and the EU in particular on the way that the game has evolved in a broad cross section of European states. The book brings together two significant research agendas: first, that on the governance of sport in Europe/the European Union; secondly, that within European integration studies on 'Europeanisation' (most commonly understood at the process of change in the domestic arena resulting from European integration). The concept of Europeanisation and in particular' top down' Europeanisation is used to shape the individual country case studies. Other transformational factors such as globalization are also assessed. The three chapters in the introductory section set the context within which the transformation of European football has occurred with particular emphasis on the role of UEFA and EU institutions. The ten country studies in the central part of the book include the five leading football nations in Europe and smaller countries that are facing new challenges in the competitive environment of modern European football. They include an example of a country that is a recent accession state and one outside the EU. What emerges from these chapters is both the shaping influence of Europeanisation but also the extent to which it is countered and modified by national culture and structures. What is also noticeable the sense of decline amongst some of the small and even larger footballing nations in the continent. This book will be of interest to students of European politics, sports governance and football, it also represents a substantial contribution to the debate on Europeanisation. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Living displacement

        by Mateja Celestina, Alexander Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2012


        Eine Tattoogeschichte

        by Boss, Eric

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Die Treuhand

        Idee – Praxis – Erfahrung 1990-1994

        by Marcus Böick

        Die Treuhandanstalt war eine der umstrittensten Organisationen in der deutschen Geschichte. Als »größtes Unternehmen der Welt« führte sie einen Vermögensumbau von bisher unbekanntem Ausmaß durch. Zwischen kollabierendem Realsozialismus und sich globalisierendem Kapitalismus überführte ihr Personal die »volkseigenen« Betriebe der DDR vom Plan zum Markt. Verkäufe an zumeist westdeutsche Investoren, Branchenabwicklungen und Massenentlassungen prägten ihre krisengeschüttelte Geschäftspraxis nicht weniger als wütende Proteste, politische Kontroversen und öffentliche Skandale. Jenseits zeitgenössischer Bewertungen als alternativlosem »Erfolg« oder neoliberale »Abwicklung« wirft Marcus Böick erstmals einen zeithistorischen Blick auf den widersprüchlichen Auftrag des Wirtschaftsumbaus und rückt dessen Personal in den Fokus. An der Schnittstelle von Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeschichte zeichnet er mit präzisem Blick die zugrundeliegenden Ideen, den dynamischen Organisationsalltag und die facettenreichen Erfahrungen der Mitarbeiter nach, die die Transformation so maßgeblich wie unvorbereitet mitgestaltet haben.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        Interpretation - Transformation

        Das Platonbild bei Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer und Schleiermacher und das Legitimationsproblem der Philosophiegeschichte

        by Asmuth, Christoph

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        Medieval afterlives

        Transforming traditions in Shakespeare and early English drama

        by Daisy Black, Katharine Goodland

        A collection of essays which show how early drama traditions were transformed, recycled, re-used and reformed across time to form new relationships with their audiences. Medieval afterlives brings new insight to the ways in which peoples in the sixteenth century understood, manipulated and responded to the history of their performance spaces, stage technologies, characterisation and popular dramatic tropes. In doing so, this volume advocates for a new understanding of sixteenth-seventeenth century theatre makers as highly aware of the medieval traditions that formed their performance practices, and audiences who recognised and appreciated the recycling of these practices between plays.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Transformation Lean

        Guide pratique pour les entreprises de production

        by Odermatt, Daniel

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Die Metamorphose der Welt

        by Ulrich Beck, Frank Jakubzik

        Als 1986 Risikogesellschaft erschien, machte das Ulrich Beck schlagartig berühmt. Der Soziologe wies nicht nur auf die Nebenfolgen der Industriemoderne hin, er betonte zugleich, dass die Welt sich auch dann permanent verändert, wenn wir meinen, einen vorübergehenden Zustand mit Institutionen und Konzepten einfrieren zu können. Mit beispielloser Neugier spürte Beck den Indizien des Wandels nach und öffnete uns mit der Lust an der terminologischen Innovation die Augen für Individualisierung, Globalisierung und die Transformation der Arbeitswelt. Am 1. Januar 2015 verstarb Ulrich Beck überraschend und viel zu früh. Bis zu seinem Tod arbeitete er an einem Buch, das beides ist: Summe und radikale Weiterführung seiner Theorie. Während es früher Fixpunkte gab, an denen wir erkennen konnten, was stabil blieb und was nicht, erleben wir heute eine allumfassende Verwandlung, die uns orientierungslos werden lässt. Die Metamorphose der Welt ist der Versuch, diese Globalisierung des Wandels zu verstehen und hochaktuelle Herausforderungen wie Erderwärmung und Migration auf den Begriff zu bringen.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Betriebliche Transformation gestalten

        Konzepte und Umsetzungen für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Unternehmen

        by Borchers, Sebastian, Verweinen, Marcel

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Kybernetik und Transformation.

        Regelung und Kommunikation in Organisation und Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik am 13. und 14. Oktober 2015 in Vallendar am Rhein.

        by Herausgegeben von Rehm, Sven-Volker; Herausgegeben von Fischer, Thomas

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