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      • TURLA (Turkish Literature Abroad)

        TURLA Meetings organized by the Association of Press and Publishers is an online copyrights platform, that has adapted to the ongoing changes in the world. TURLA Meetings, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduces Turkish publishers to international publishing professionals and enables online copyrights meetings for Turkish publishers.    TURLA Meetings which is the first international online publishing platform in Turkey will take place between 17 - 19 November 2020. The program will give Turkish and international publishers the opportunity to hold copyrights meetings and matchmaking activities. Within the context of TURLA Meetings the publishers from Turkey and around the world will meet with live video B2B meetings on the website for 3 days.   The Turkish publishers who contribute to TURLA's catalogs and the international publishers from the different countries can create their profiles and online publishing house showcases on the TURLA Meetings website. The publishers can also continue to promote their books on their online showcases outside of the event dates.   TURLA Meetings collects international book fairs and the international publishing market on one website, for the easy access of Turkish publishers.

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      • Dylan-Related-Books (Agentur für englishsprachige Dylan-Autoren und Literatur)

        Dylan-Related-Books is a literature agency only for books with a relation to the artist and the many different themes, which he´s able to connect with his songs. It´s about the aim to bring this special field in writing to a German readership, which might get the lyrics in a song, but have some struggle to get through a sophisticated analysis of a song. Dylan-Related-books is also a network of and for Dylan-authors and presents the new books of the Dylan-Kosmos in a series of musical readings, the ONE-MORE-CUP-OF-COFFEE-READINGS. To realize these projects, especially during the culture cutting times of Corona the agency is running a Crowdfunding-Campain which is explore on

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Ireland and the European Union

        Economic, political and social crises

        by Michael Holmes, Kathryn Simpson, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Kathryn Simpson, Paul Tobin

        This book examines how Ireland's relationship with the EU was affected by a succession of crises in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The financial crisis, the Brexit crisis and the migration crisis were not of equal significance on the island of Ireland. The financial crisis was a huge issue for the Republic but not Northern Ireland, Brexit had a major impact in both polities, the migration and populism issues were less controversial, while foreign policy challenges had a minimal impact. The book provides a summary of the main features of each of the crises to be considered, from both the EU and the Irish perspective. Ireland and the European Union is the first volume of its kind to provide a comprehensive analysis on British-Irish relations in the context of Brexit. It assesses the Withdrawal Agreement and Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, the devolution settlement and the 1998 Agreement, as well as the European dimension to Northern Ireland's peace process. The contributors explore a number of policy areas that are central to the understanding of each of the crises and the impact of each for Ireland. Chapters examine issues such as security, migration and taxation as well as protest politics, political parties, the media, public opinion and the economic impact of each of these crises on Ireland's relationship with the EU.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2025

        The political economy of Turkey’s integration to Europe

        Uneven development and hegemony

        by Elif Uzgören

        This book examines Turkey's integration with Europe within structural dynamics of globalisation from a critical political economy perspective. Critical approaches have been sidelined within European Studies. Turkish enlargement is not an exemption. The analyses are based on original data generated by 109 interviews conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2023 with five categories of actors: representatives of capital and labour, political parties, state officials, and struggles around ecology, patriarchy and migration. It argues that the pro-membership was hegemonic in the 2000s which was contested by two rival class strategies, Ha-vet and neo-mercantilism. In the 2010s, pro-membership is no longer hegemonic within rising critical tone of social forces supporting rival class strategies. Unevenness of Turkey's trajectory of integration to Europe is likely to be consolidated through market integration and management of migration through transactional approach.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2009

        Managing EU-US relations

        Actors, institutions and the new translatlantic agenda

        by Rebecca Steffenson

        This book examines developments in EU-US political and economic relations in the 1990s. It contributes to the existing literature by combining knowledge about actors and institutions to outline the transatlantic decision-making process. It focuses not only on how states co-operate but how they effectively govern the transatlantic marketplace and the international political order through transatlantic institutions. Studying transatlantic governance enables us to understand not only how domestic, or EU level, decision-making structures affect transatlantic decisions but also how transatlantic decisions affect domestic institutions. In short, employing decision-making structures as an analytical approach helps us identify who governs and how, and who or what determines policy outcomes. This book is the result of a comprehensive research project and it includes detailed case studies on EU-US efforts to fight people-trafficking, EU-US regulatory co-operation in the form of Mutual Recognition Agreements and the transatlantic trade dispute over bananas. The book is aimed at anyone with an interest in what transatlantic relations entail outside the confines of NATO security. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2022

        Germany's Russia problem

        The struggle for balance in Europe

        by John Lough

        The relationship between Germany and Russia is Europe's most important link with the largest country on the continent. But despite Germany's unparalleled knowledge and historical experience, its policymakers struggle to accept that Moscow's efforts to rebalance Europe at the cost of the cohesion of the EU and NATO are an attack on Germany's core interests. This book explains the scale of the challenge facing Germany in managing relations with a changing Russia. It analyses how successive German governments from 1991 to 2014 misread Russian intentions, until Angela Merkel sharply recalibrated German and EU policy towards Moscow. The book also examines what lies behind efforts to revise Merkel's bold policy shift, including attitudes inherited from the GDR and the role of Russian influence channels in Germany.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        Towards a just Europe

        A theory of distributive justice for the European Union

        by João Labareda

        This highly original book constitutes one of the first attempts to examine the problem of distributive justice in the European Union in a systematic manner. João Labareda argues that the set of shared political institutions at EU level, including the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the EU, generate democratic duties of redistribution among EU citizens. Furthermore, the economic structure of the EU, comprising a common market, a common currency and a free-movement area, triggers duties of reciprocity among member states. The responsibilities to fulfil these duties, Labareda argues, should be shared by the local, national and supranational levels of government. Not only should the EU act as a safety net to the national welfare systems, applying the principle of subsidiarity, but common market and Eurozone regulations should balance their efficiency targets with fair cooperation terms. The concrete policy proposals presented in this book include a threshold of basic goods for all EU citizens, an EU labour code, a minimum EU corporate tax rate and an EU fund for competitiveness. Labarada argues that his proposals match the political culture of the member states, are economically feasible, can be translated into functioning institutions and policies and are consistent with the limited degree of social solidarity in Europe. This book is a major contribution to the understanding of what a just Europe would look like and what it might take to get us there. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10, Reduced inequalities

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2012

        The European Union and industrial relations

        New procedures, new context

        by Emil Kirchner, Stijn Smismans, Thomas Christiansen

        This is the first book to provide a clear overview and innovative analysis of the multiple ways the European Union affects industrial relations. It frames the EU as the provider of both a new institutional framework and policy context for industrial relations. It first examines the European level institutional framework for industrial relations, namely the European social dialogue at cross-sectoral, sectoral and company level, as well as interactions between these and transnational developments. It then focuses on the EU's role as a driver for institutional change in industrial relations at the national level, and subsequently analyses how the EU's policy framework, such as the common market freedoms, economic governance and Agenda 2020, influences industrial relations. The book will be of great interest particularly to all those involved in industrial relations and EU studies and more generally to anyone interested in the EU's debated and contested role in socio-economic governance in the face of an economic crisis that puts into question existing national and transnational governance structures. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        Made in France

        Societal structures and political work

        by Andy Smith

        How has French society been made, by whom and why? And how in turn has it influenced the French? This book sets out the institutionalized rules and norms that continue to structure France, together with the 'political work' that has recently changed or reproduced these power relations. Exploring a range of age groups and types of social activity, including work, business, entertainment, political mobilizations and retirement, Made in France examines where significant change has occurred over the last four decades. Smith argues that while transformation has occurred in France's financial and education sectors, only relatively marginal shifts have occurred elsewhere in French society. To explain this pattern of continuity and isolated change, the book strongly nuances claims that neo-liberalism, globalization or a rise in populism have been its causes. References to these trends have impacted upon French politics to varying extents, Smith argues; however, France continues to be dominated by issues which are specific to the country and linked to its deep societal structures and history. Smith provides a comprehensive account of French society and politics and in doing so proposes an insightful analytical framework applicable to the comparative analysis of other nations.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        The new politics of Russia

        by Andrew Monaghan

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        Northern Ireland and the European Union

        by Mary C. Murphy

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Ireland and the European Union

        by Michael Holmes, Kathryn Simpson

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2023

        Defending Eastern Europe

        by Jacek Lubecki, James W. Peterson

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The EU and its neighbours

        Values versus security in European foreign policy

        by Gergana Noutcheva, Emil Kirchner, Karolina Pomorska, Thomas Christiansen, Giselle Bosse

        Is there a tension between the normative fundamentals and strategic objectives of European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)? Is 'values versus security' an unavoidable choice to be made by the EU and its neighbours or, rather, a false dichotomy? The book argues that what is often considered a fundamental dilemma of EU foreign policy - a choice between the EU's values and its quest for security - misrepresents a much more complex reality in which values and security interplay to shape the EU's external positions. The book proposes an original conceptual framework for examining the complex interaction between values and security and situates the ENP in the broader conceptual debate about European Foreign Policy. In this way, it goes beyond the early scholarship on ENP, mainly inspired by the EU enlargement literature. The book examines the EU's evolving relations with its immediate neighbours in areas such as democracy promotion, Common Foreign and Security Policy, conflict management and resolution and soft security issues such as energy or immigration policy. By covering the whole range of EU external relations policies, the contributions to the volume provide a very unique opportunity to compare the complex interplay between values and security and its impacts across the wide policy spectrum of ENP. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2008

        The politics of EU accession

        Ideology, party strategy and the European question in Hungary

        by Agnes Batory, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen

        How do parties adopt and change positions on the European question? How do they balance the demands placed upon them by ideology, voters and participation in coalition government? What are the sources of Euroscepticism, and how widespread is it among the parties and the public? This book addresses these questions by examining the politics of Hungary's accession to the European Union, from the early 1990s to 2004. The book provides a conceptually grounded yet accessible analysis of the way questions related to EU membership, and European integration in general, are channelled into political life. Starting with a comparative exploration of the impact of European integration on party politics in Western and Eastern Europe, the book goes on to review the Hungarian political parties' history, ideological profiles, electoral competition and coalition-building in government and opposition, as well as the dynamics of public opinion. It will be of interest to academics concerned with the contestation of European integration in EU member states, and specifically with party politics in Central and Eastern European. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2009

        Romania and the European Union

        How the weak vanquished the strong

        by Tom Gallagher

        According to Tom Gallagher, Romania's predatory rulers, the heirs of the sinister communist dictator Ceausescu, have inflicted a humiliating defeat on the European Union. He argues convincingly that Brussels was tricked into offering full membership to this Balkan country in return for substantial reforms which its rulers now refuse to carry out. This book unmasks the failure of the EU to match its visionary promises of transforming Romania with the shabby reality. Benefiting from access to internal reports and leading figures involved in a decade of negotiations, it shows how Eurocrats were outwitted by unscrupulous local politicians who turned the EU's multi-level decision-making processes into a laughing-stock. The EU's famous 'soft power' turned out to be a mirage, as it was unable to summon up the willpower to insist that this key Balkan state embraced its standards of behaviour in the political and economic realms. The book unravels policy failures in the areas of justice, administrative and agricultural reform and shows how Romania moved backwards politically during the years of negotiations. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Turkey facing east

        Islam, modernity and foreign policy

        by Ayla Gol

        Turkey facing east is about the importance of Turkey's relations with its Eastern neighbours - Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Soviet Union - during the emergence of the modern Turkish nation-state from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. The principal strength of this book is that it not only combines historical and theoretical arguments in order to provide a better understanding of the foreign relations of a predominantly Muslim country from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective, but it also applies the new approach to the analysis of Turkish foreign policy towards the South Caucasus between 1918 and 1921. Hence, it stands out with its original interdisciplinary approach to the Turkish transition and foreign policy-making that offers perspectives on the extant possibilities for the particular transitional states resulting from the Arab spring uprisings.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2013

        EU foreign and security policy in Bosnia

        The politics of coherence and effectiveness

        by Ana Juncos, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen

        This book represents the first ever comprehensive study of the EU's foreign and security policy in Bosnia. Drawing on a wealth of fresh empirical material, it demonstrates that institutions are a key variable in explaining levels of common foreign security policy (CFSP) coherence and effectiveness over time. In doing so, it also sheds new light on the role that intergovernmental, bureaucratic and local political contestation have played in the formulation and implementation of a European foreign policy. The study concludes that the EU's involvement in Bosnia has not only had a significant impact on this Balkan country in its path from stabilisation to integration, but has also transformed the EU, its foreign and security policy and shaped the development of the EU's international identity along the way. The book will be of great interest to researchers and students of EU politics, International Relations and Bosnian politics. ;

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